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Resonite Sessions CloudVariable AccessList Manager

Discord bot for managing Resonite sessions access via cloud variable. While its mainly developed for controlling a cloud variable for control a cloud variable it could be also used in other usage too.


pip install .


Fill in the file the following information:

  • RESONITE_PASSWORD: Resonite password
  • RESONITE_VAR_GROUP: Resonite cloud variable group owner
  • RESONITE_VAR_PATH: Resonite cloud variable path/name
  • DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: Discord bot token
  • DISCORD_LOG_OUTPUT_CHANNEL: The Discord channel where to output the logged users



docker-compose usage

If you want to use the docker-compose.yml you must first create manually the files: access_manager.log and accesslist.db.


The scripts is used for migrate user list from an account to the cloud variable orion.userAccess.

Discord Usage

When the bot is registered two slash commands become available. accesslist is the main command and is used to manage the Resonite contact of the cloud variable. usersearch is a utility command that can be used to search for Resonite Username in the objectif to use the Resonite User Id for using afterward in the accesslist command. You can also send messages to users based on a template.

accesslist slash command

This accesslist slash command give the possibility to manage a cloud variable to control access. Here is the sub commands available:

  • add This sub command give you the possibility to add a user to the cloud variable. Two parameters are available and mandatory, resonite_username and discord_username. The discord_username parameter will give you a hint and return all the discord tag of the user available in the discord server. You can also "force" a Discord User Id with @ following of the ID. In the end the Discord User Id will be saved in the database. Each time a user is added the bot will write in the record channel on Discord.

  • remove This sub command give you the possibility to remove an user of the cloud variable. The parameter username support either a Resonite User Id, a Discord User Id or a Discord Username following by his discriminator . There is an hint who will give you a list of all the discord tag of user available either on discord or in the database (as U- in the last case). Only Resonite User Id, U-, you will be able to remove it from the cloud variable while the user is not present in the bot database.

  • search This sub command give you the possibility to search for an user information. Two parameters are available and mandatory, username and type. The first one support either a Resonite User Id, a Discord User Id or a Discord Username following by his discriminator . There is an hint who will give you a list of all the discord tag of user available either on discord or in the database (as U- in the last case). Only Resonite User Id, U-, you will be able to remove it from the cloud variable while the user is not present in the bot database. The second one have tow possible value User or Verifier the first one will give your the information about the user while the second will give you the information about which user have been verified by the researched verifier.

  • resetlogs: This sub command give you the ability to reset the log channel. By default it will delete everthing written by the bot then rewrite everything he have in the database. There is an option log who is default to True for write the content of the database in the channel but it can be set to False for just empty every messages by the bot.

NOTE: An username can start in 2 differents way or having an # in the middle of it:

  • Starting with an U- as a Resonite User Id
  • Starting with an @ as a Discord User Id
  • Containing a # in the middle as a Discord Username following by his discriminator (or tag)
  • The commands add and resetlogs WILL notif every verifier on the record channel. Its a good thing to tell them to mute the channel.

usersearch slash command

This usersearch slash command give the possibility to lookup an Resonite User Id via providing a Resonite Username as a parameter.

smsg slash command

This smsg slash command give the possibility to send a message from a template. For the moment templates can be only modified on a folder next to the bot. By default it's named sendmessage_templates


You can add your own discord command as a module in the commands folder. You need to at least create one Disnake Cog class and add it in the file of the commands folder. By default the database sqlalchemy session and the resonite client are passed as the second and third parameter. Check the class commands.searchuser.SearchUser as an example.

Database migration

When creating a new database migration the following command should be used: alembic revision --autogenerate -m "message".

When updating the database to the last version the following command should be used alembic upgrade head.

Note: The migration should be automatic.