Our build instructions assume you have a C++ development environment complete with Git, Python, Conan, CMake, and a C++ compiler. This document exists to help readers set one up on any of the Big Three platforms: Linux, macOS, or Windows.
Package ecosystems vary across Linux distributions, so there is no one set of instructions that will work for every Linux user. These instructions are written for Ubuntu 22.04. They are largely copied from the script used to configure our Docker container for continuous integration. That script handles many more responsibilities. These instructions are just the bare minimum to build one configuration of rippled. You can check that codebase for other Linux distributions and versions. If you cannot find yours there, then we hope that these instructions can at least guide you in the right direction.
apt update
apt install --yes curl git libssl-dev python3.10-dev python3-pip make g++-11 libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
curl --location --remote-name \
tar -xzf cmake-3.25.1.tar.gz
rm cmake-3.25.1.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.25.1
./bootstrap --parallel=$(nproc)
make --jobs $(nproc)
make install
cd ..
pip3 install 'conan<2'
Open a Terminal and enter the below command to bring up a dialog to install the command line developer tools. Once it is finished, this command should return a version greater than the minimum required (see BUILD.md).
clang --version
The command line developer tools should include Git too:
git --version
Install Homebrew, use it to install pyenv, use it to install Python, and use it to install Conan:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
brew update
brew install xz
brew install pyenv
pyenv install 3.10-dev
pyenv global 3.10-dev
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
pip install 'conan<2'
Install CMake with Homebrew too:
brew install cmake