, DataS>, StmtMultiAction>(
+ { it.toString() },
+ { it.toString() }
+ )
+ checker = CegarChecker.create(abstractor, refiner, logger, visualizer)
+ }
+ override fun check(
+ input: MultiPrec, DataP>
+ ): SafetyResult, DataS>, StmtMultiAction>, LDGTrace, DataS>, StmtMultiAction>> {
+ return checker.check(input)
+ }
+ fun check(prec: P, dataPrec: DataP): SafetyResult, DataS>, StmtMultiAction>, LDGTrace, DataS>, StmtMultiAction>> {
+ return check(MultiPrec(prec, GlobalCfaPrec.create(dataPrec), dataPrec))
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/kotlin/hu/bme/mit/theta/common/ltl/LtlCheckTestWithCfa.kt b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/kotlin/hu/bme/mit/theta/common/ltl/LtlCheckTestWithCfa.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1fca597b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/kotlin/hu/bme/mit/theta/common/ltl/LtlCheckTestWithCfa.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+package hu.bme.mit.theta.common.ltl
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.algorithm.loopchecker.RefinerStrategy
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.algorithm.loopchecker.SearchStrategy
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.expl.ExplAnalysis
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.expl.ExplPrec
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.expl.ExplState
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.expl.ItpRefToExplPrec
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.unit.UnitState
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.CFA
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.CfaAnalysis
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.CfaPrec
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.CfaState
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.lts.CfaLts
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.lts.CfaSbeLts
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.prec.GlobalCfaPrec
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.prec.RefutationToGlobalCfaPrec
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.dsl.CfaDslManager
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.common.logging.ConsoleLogger
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.common.logging.Logger
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.core.type.booltype.BoolExprs.True
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.solver.ItpSolver
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.solver.Solver
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.solver.z3.Z3SolverFactory
+//import junit.framework.TestCase.fail
+//import org.junit.Assert
+//import org.junit.Test
+//import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+//import org.junit.runners.Parameterized
+//import java.io.FileInputStream
+//class LtlCheckTestWithCfa(
+// private val cfaName: String,
+// private val ltlExpr: String,
+// private val result: Boolean
+//) {
+// private val itpSolver: ItpSolver = Z3SolverFactory.getInstance().createItpSolver()
+// private val abstractionSolver: Solver = Z3SolverFactory.getInstance().createSolver()
+// private val logger: Logger = ConsoleLogger(Logger.Level.VERBOSE)
+// companion object {
+// @JvmStatic
+// @Parameterized.Parameters
+// fun data() = listOf(
+// arrayOf("counter2inf", "G(x=1)", false),
+// arrayOf("counter2inf", "G(x=2)", false),
+// arrayOf("counter2inf", "F G(x=2)", true),
+// arrayOf("counter2inf", "F(x=1)", true),
+// arrayOf("counter2inf", "F(x=3)", false),
+// )
+// }
+// @Test
+// fun test() {
+// itpSolver.reset()
+// abstractionSolver.reset()
+// var cfaI: CFA?
+// FileInputStream(String.format("src/test/resources/cfa/%s.cfa", cfaName)).use { inputStream ->
+// cfaI = CfaDslManager.createCfa(inputStream)
+// }
+// if (cfaI == null)
+// fail("Couldn't read cfa $cfaName")
+// val cfa = cfaI!!
+// val dataAnalysis = ExplAnalysis.create(
+// abstractionSolver,
+// True()
+// )
+// val analysis = CfaAnalysis.create(cfa.initLoc, dataAnalysis)
+// val lts: CfaLts = CfaSbeLts.getInstance()
+// val refToPrec = RefutationToGlobalCfaPrec(ItpRefToExplPrec(), cfa.initLoc)
+// val initFunc = { _: CfaPrec -> listOf>(CfaState.of(cfa.initLoc, UnitState.getInstance())) }
+// val variables = cfa.vars
+// val dataInitPrec = ExplPrec.of(variables)
+// val initPrec:CfaPrec = GlobalCfaPrec.create(dataInitPrec)
+// val combineStates = { c: CfaState, d: ExplState -> CfaState.of(c.loc, d) }
+// val stripState = { c: CfaState -> CfaState.of(c.loc, UnitState.getInstance()) }
+// val extractFromState = { c: CfaState -> c.state }
+// val stripPrec = { p: CfaPrec -> p }
+// val checkResult = LtlCheck.check(
+// analysis,
+// lts,
+// refToPrec,
+// dataAnalysis,
+// ItpRefToExplPrec(),
+// initFunc,
+// initPrec,
+// True(),
+// dataInitPrec,
+// variables,
+// combineStates,
+// stripState,
+// extractFromState,
+// stripPrec,
+// ltlExpr,
+// itpSolver,
+// logger,
+// SearchStrategy.DFS,
+// RefinerStrategy.MILANO
+// )
+// Assert.assertEquals(result, checkResult.isSafe)
+// }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/kotlin/hu/bme/mit/theta/common/ltl/LtlCheckTestWithCfaPred.kt b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/kotlin/hu/bme/mit/theta/common/ltl/LtlCheckTestWithCfaPred.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4541ccc79b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/kotlin/hu/bme/mit/theta/common/ltl/LtlCheckTestWithCfaPred.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+package hu.bme.mit.theta.common.ltl
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.algorithm.loopchecker.RefinerStrategy
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.algorithm.loopchecker.SearchStrategy
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.expr.ExprAction
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.pred.*
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.unit.UnitState
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.CFA
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.CfaAnalysis
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.CfaPrec
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.CfaState
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.lts.CfaLts
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.lts.CfaSbeLts
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.prec.GlobalCfaPrec
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.prec.RefutationToGlobalCfaPrec
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.dsl.CfaDslManager
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.common.logging.ConsoleLogger
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.common.logging.Logger
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.core.type.booltype.BoolExprs.True
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.solver.ItpSolver
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.solver.Solver
+//import hu.bme.mit.theta.solver.z3.Z3SolverFactory
+//import junit.framework.TestCase.fail
+//import org.junit.Assert
+//import org.junit.Test
+//import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+//import org.junit.runners.Parameterized
+//import java.io.FileInputStream
+//class LtlCheckTestWithCfaPred(
+// private val cfaName: String,
+// private val ltlExpr: String,
+// private val result: Boolean
+//) {
+// private val itpSolver: ItpSolver = Z3SolverFactory.getInstance().createItpSolver()
+// private val abstractionSolver: Solver = Z3SolverFactory.getInstance().createSolver()
+// private val logger: Logger = ConsoleLogger(Logger.Level.INFO)
+// companion object {
+// @JvmStatic
+// @Parameterized.Parameters
+// fun data() = listOf(
+// arrayOf("wave_flags", "F G(x)", false),
+// arrayOf("wave_flags", "F G(x and y)", false),
+// arrayOf("wave_flag", "G F(x)", true),
+// arrayOf("wave_flag", "G(x)", false),
+// arrayOf("wave_flag", "F G(x)", false),
+// arrayOf("counter5inf", "G(not(x=6))", true),
+// arrayOf("counter5inf", "G(x=1)", false),
+// arrayOf("counter5inf", "G(x=5)", false),
+// arrayOf("counter5inf", "F G(x=5)", true),
+// arrayOf("counter5inf", "F(x=1)", true),
+// arrayOf("counter5inf", "F(x=5)", true),
+// arrayOf("wave_flags", "G F(y)", true),
+// arrayOf("wave_flags", "F G(x)", false),
+// arrayOf("indicator", "G (x -> y)", true),
+//// arrayOf("indicator_multiassign", "G (x -> y)", true),
+// arrayOf("indicator", "G (x -> X (not x))", true),
+// arrayOf("indicator", "G (y -> X (not y))", false),
+// )
+// }
+// @Test
+// fun test() {
+// itpSolver.reset()
+// abstractionSolver.reset()
+// var cfaI: CFA?
+// FileInputStream(String.format("src/test/resources/cfa/%s.cfa", cfaName)).use { inputStream ->
+// cfaI = CfaDslManager.createCfa(inputStream)
+// }
+// if (cfaI == null)
+// fail("Couldn't read cfa $cfaName")
+// val cfa = cfaI!!
+// val dataAnalysis = PredAnalysis.create(
+// abstractionSolver,
+// PredAbstractors.booleanSplitAbstractor(abstractionSolver),
+// True()
+// )
+// val analysis = CfaAnalysis.create(cfa.initLoc, dataAnalysis)
+// val lts: CfaLts = CfaSbeLts.getInstance()
+//// val lts: CfaLts = CfaLbeLts.of(cfa.initLoc)
+// val refToPrec = RefutationToGlobalCfaPrec(ItpRefToPredPrec(ExprSplitters.atoms()), cfa.initLoc)
+// val initFunc = { _: CfaPrec -> listOf>(CfaState.of(cfa.initLoc, UnitState.getInstance())) }
+// val variables = cfa.vars
+// val dataInitPrec = PredPrec.of()
+// val initPrec:CfaPrec = GlobalCfaPrec.create(dataInitPrec)
+// val combineStates = { c: CfaState, d: PredState -> CfaState.of(c.loc, d) }
+// val stripState = { c: CfaState -> CfaState.of(c.loc, UnitState.getInstance()) }
+// val extractFromState = { c: CfaState -> c.state }
+// val stripPrec = { p: CfaPrec -> p }
+// val checkResult = LtlCheck.check(
+// analysis,
+// lts,
+// refToPrec,
+// dataAnalysis,
+// ItpRefToPredPrec(ExprSplitters.atoms()),
+// initFunc,
+// initPrec,
+// True(),
+// dataInitPrec,
+// variables,
+// combineStates,
+// stripState,
+// extractFromState,
+// stripPrec,
+// ltlExpr,
+// itpSolver,
+// logger,
+// SearchStrategy.DFS,
+// RefinerStrategy.MILANO
+// )
+// Assert.assertEquals(result, checkResult.isSafe)
+// }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/kotlin/hu/bme/mit/theta/common/ltl/LtlCheckTestWithXsts.kt b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/kotlin/hu/bme/mit/theta/common/ltl/LtlCheckTestWithXsts.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba79e4ef07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/kotlin/hu/bme/mit/theta/common/ltl/LtlCheckTestWithXsts.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+package hu.bme.mit.theta.common.ltl
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.algorithm.loopchecker.abstraction.LoopcheckerSearchStrategy
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.algorithm.loopchecker.refinement.LDGTraceCheckerStrategy
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.expl.ExplAnalysis
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.expl.ExplPrec
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.expl.ExplState
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.expl.ItpRefToExplPrec
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.multi.MultiAnalysisSide
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.multi.MultiPrec
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.stmtoptimizer.DefaultStmtOptimizer
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.unit.UnitState
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.CfaPrec
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.cfa.analysis.prec.GlobalCfaPrec
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.common.logging.ConsoleLogger
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.common.logging.Logger
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.solver.Solver
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.solver.z3legacy.Z3LegacySolverFactory
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.xsts.XSTS
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.xsts.analysis.*
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.xsts.analysis.config.XstsConfigBuilder
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.xsts.dsl.XstsDslManager
+import junit.framework.TestCase.fail
+import org.junit.Assert
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.Parameterized
+import java.io.FileInputStream
+class LtlCheckTestWithXsts(
+ private val xstsName: String,
+ private val ltlExpr: String,
+ private val result: Boolean
+) {
+ private val logger: Logger = ConsoleLogger(Logger.Level.VERBOSE)
+ companion object {
+ @JvmStatic
+ @Parameterized.Parameters
+ fun data() = listOf(
+ arrayOf("counter3inf", "F G(x=3)", true),
+ arrayOf("counter3inf", "F(x=2)", true),
+ arrayOf("counter3inf", "G(x<4)", true),
+ arrayOf("counter3inf", "G(x=1)", false),
+ arrayOf("counter6to7", "G(x=1)", false),
+ arrayOf("counter6to7", "G(x=7)", false),
+ arrayOf("counter6to7", "G F(x=7)", true),
+ )
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun test() {
+ var xstsI: XSTS?
+ FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xsts/$xstsName.xsts")
+ .use { inputStream ->
+ xstsI = XstsDslManager.createXsts(inputStream)
+ }
+ if (xstsI == null)
+ fail("Couldn't read xsts $xstsName")
+ val xsts = xstsI!!
+ val solverFactory = Z3LegacySolverFactory.getInstance()
+ val configBuilder = XstsConfigBuilder(XstsConfigBuilder.Domain.EXPL, XstsConfigBuilder.Refinement.SEQ_ITP, solverFactory, solverFactory).initPrec(XstsConfigBuilder.InitPrec.EMPTY).ExplStrategy(xsts)
+ val initPrec = configBuilder.initPrec
+ val checker = LtlChecker(
+ configBuilder.multiSide,
+ configBuilder.lts,
+ configBuilder.itpRefToPrec,
+ configBuilder.itpRefToPrec,
+ configBuilder.dataAnalysis,
+ xsts.vars,
+ ltlExpr,
+ solverFactory,
+ logger,
+ LoopcheckerSearchStrategy.GDFS,
+ LDGTraceCheckerStrategy.MILANO
+ )
+ val checkResult = checker.check(initPrec, initPrec)
+ Assert.assertEquals(result, checkResult.isSafe)
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/kotlin/hu/bme/mit/theta/common/ltl/LtlCheckTestWithXstsPred.kt b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/kotlin/hu/bme/mit/theta/common/ltl/LtlCheckTestWithXstsPred.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91077760f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/kotlin/hu/bme/mit/theta/common/ltl/LtlCheckTestWithXstsPred.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+package hu.bme.mit.theta.common.ltl
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.algorithm.loopchecker.abstraction.LoopcheckerSearchStrategy
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.analysis.algorithm.loopchecker.refinement.LDGTraceCheckerStrategy
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.common.logging.ConsoleLogger
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.common.logging.Logger
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.solver.z3legacy.Z3LegacySolverFactory
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.xsts.XSTS
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.xsts.analysis.config.XstsConfigBuilder
+import hu.bme.mit.theta.xsts.dsl.XstsDslManager
+import junit.framework.TestCase.fail
+import org.junit.Assert
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.Parameterized
+import java.io.FileInputStream
+class LtlCheckTestWithXstsPred(
+ private val xstsName: String,
+ private val ltlExpr: String,
+ private val result: Boolean,
+ private val searchStrategy: LoopcheckerSearchStrategy,
+ private val refinerStrategy: LDGTraceCheckerStrategy,
+) {
+ private val logger: Logger = ConsoleLogger(Logger.Level.INFO)
+ companion object {
+ private fun data() = listOf(
+ arrayOf("simple_types", "F G(color = Colors.Red)", false),
+ arrayOf("counter3inf", "F G(x=3)", true),
+ arrayOf("counter3inf", "F(x=2)", true),
+ arrayOf("counter3inf", "G(x<4)", true),
+ arrayOf("counter3inf", "G(x=1)", false),
+ arrayOf("counter6to7", "G(x=1)", false),
+ arrayOf("counter6to7", "G(x=7)", false),
+ arrayOf("counter6to7", "G F(x=7)", true),
+// arrayOf("counter50", "G(x<49)", false),
+ arrayOf("trafficlight_v2", "G(LightCommands_displayRed -> X(not LightCommands_displayGreen))", true),
+ arrayOf("trafficlight_v2", "G((normal = Normal.Red and (not PoliceInterrupt_police) and Control_toggle) -> X(normal = Normal.Green))", true),
+ arrayOf("trafficlight_v2", "G(PoliceInterrupt_police -> F(LightCommands_displayYellow))", true),
+ arrayOf("forever5", "G(x=5)", true),
+ arrayOf("forever5", "F(x=6)", false),
+ arrayOf("randomincreasingeven", "not F(x=1)", true),
+ arrayOf("randomincreasingeven", "F(x>10)", true),
+ arrayOf("randomincreasingeven", "G(x>=0)", true),
+ arrayOf("simple_color", "G(envColor = Colors.Green -> X(modelColor = Colors.Blue))", true),
+ arrayOf("simple_color", "G(envColor = Colors.Green -> X(modelColor = Colors.Green))", false),
+ arrayOf("simple_color", "F G(envColor = modelColor)", false),
+ arrayOf("weather", "G F(isClever and isWet)", false),
+ arrayOf("weather", "F G(not isWet)", true),
+ arrayOf("weather", "G(time = TimeOfDay.Noon -> X(time = TimeOfDay.Noon or time = TimeOfDay.Afternoon))", true),
+// arrayOf("weather", "F G(weather = Weather.Foggy -> (clothing = Clothing.Nothing or clothing = Clothing.Warm))", true),
+// arrayOf("weather_noinit", "G F(isClever and isWet)", false),
+// arrayOf("weather_noinit", "F G(not isWet)", true),
+// arrayOf("weather_noinit", "G(time = TimeOfDay.Noon -> X(time = TimeOfDay.Noon or time = TimeOfDay.Afternoon))", true),
+// arrayOf("weather_noinit", "F G(weather = Weather.Foggy -> (clothing = Clothing.Nothing or clothing = Clothing.Warm))", true),
+ )
+ @JvmStatic
+ @Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{3}-{4}: {0}")
+ fun params() =
+ listOf(LoopcheckerSearchStrategy.GDFS, /*LoopcheckerSearchStrategy.NDFS*/).flatMap { search ->
+ LDGTraceCheckerStrategy.entries.flatMap { ref ->
+ data().map {
+ arrayOf(*it, search, ref)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun test() {
+ var xstsI: XSTS?
+ FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xsts/$xstsName.xsts")
+ .use { inputStream ->
+ xstsI = XstsDslManager.createXsts(inputStream)
+ }
+ if (xstsI == null)
+ fail("Couldn't read xsts $xstsName")
+ val xsts = xstsI!!
+ val solverFactory = Z3LegacySolverFactory.getInstance()
+ val configBuilder = XstsConfigBuilder(XstsConfigBuilder.Domain.PRED_SPLIT, XstsConfigBuilder.Refinement.SEQ_ITP, solverFactory, solverFactory).initPrec(
+ XstsConfigBuilder.InitPrec.EMPTY).predSplit(XstsConfigBuilder.PredSplit.ATOMS).PredStrategy(xsts)
+ val initPrec = configBuilder.initPrec
+ val checker = LtlChecker(
+ configBuilder.multiSide,
+ configBuilder.lts,
+ configBuilder.itpRefToPrec,
+ configBuilder.itpRefToPrec,
+ configBuilder.dataAnalysis,
+ xsts.vars,
+ ltlExpr,
+ solverFactory,
+ logger,
+ searchStrategy,
+ refinerStrategy,
+ )
+ val checkResult = checker.check(initPrec, initPrec)
+ Assert.assertEquals(result, checkResult.isSafe)
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/counter2inf.cfa b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/counter2inf.cfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81e578cc5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/counter2inf.cfa
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+main process cfa {
+ var x : int
+ init loc I
+ loc L0
+ loc L1
+ I -> L0 { x := 0 }
+ L0 -> L1 { assume x < 2 }
+ L1 -> L0 { x := x + 1 }
+ L0 -> L0 { assume x = 2 }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/counter5inf.cfa b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/counter5inf.cfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fb102aaf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/counter5inf.cfa
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+main process cfa {
+ var x : int
+ init loc I
+ loc L0
+ loc L1
+ I -> L0 { x := 0 }
+ L0 -> L1 { assume x < 5 }
+ L1 -> L0 { x := x + 1 }
+ L0 -> L0 { assume x = 5 }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/indicator.cfa b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/indicator.cfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8a7062768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/indicator.cfa
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+main process cfa {
+ var x : bool
+ var y : bool
+ loc L0
+ loc L1
+ init loc L2
+ loc L3
+ L0 -> L1 { y := true }
+ L1 -> L2 { x := true }
+ L2 -> L3 { x := false }
+ L3 -> L0 { y := false }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/indicator_multiassign.cfa b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/indicator_multiassign.cfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8330500158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/indicator_multiassign.cfa
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+main process cfa {
+ var x : bool
+ var y : bool
+ loc L0
+ loc L1
+ init loc L2
+ L0 -> L1 { y := true }
+ L1 -> L2 { x := true }
+ L2 -> L0 { y := false x := false }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/wave_flag.cfa b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/wave_flag.cfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77322ac49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/wave_flag.cfa
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+main process cfa {
+ var x : bool
+ init loc L0
+ loc L1
+ L0 -> L1 { x := true }
+ L1 -> L0 { x := false }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/wave_flags.cfa b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/wave_flags.cfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc192bb7e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/cfa/wave_flags.cfa
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+main process cfa {
+ var x : bool
+ var y : bool
+ init loc I0
+ loc I1
+ loc L0
+ loc L1
+ loc L2
+ loc L3
+ I0 -> I1 { x := false }
+ I1 -> L0 { y := false }
+ L0 -> L1 { y := true }
+ L1 -> L2 { y := false x := true }
+ L2 -> L3 { y := true }
+ L3 -> L0 { y := false x := false }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/counter3inf.xsts b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/counter3inf.xsts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af2080f290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/counter3inf.xsts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+var x: integer = 0
+trans {
+ assume x<3;
+ x:=x+1;
+} or {
+ assume x>=3;
+init {}
+env {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/counter50.xsts b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/counter50.xsts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffed019bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/counter50.xsts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ctrl var x: integer = 0
+trans {
+ choice {
+ assume x<50;
+ x:=x+1;
+ } or {
+ assume x == 50;
+ }
+init {}
+env {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/counter6to7.xsts b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/counter6to7.xsts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f331be2ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/counter6to7.xsts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+var x: integer = 0
+trans {
+ assume x<=6;
+ x:=x+1;
+} or {
+ assume x==7;
+ x:=x-1;
+init {}
+env {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/forever5.xsts b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/forever5.xsts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..975cfc8f93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/forever5.xsts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+var x: integer = 5
+trans {
+ x:=x;
+init {}
+env {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/randomincreasingeven.xsts b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/randomincreasingeven.xsts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6f9c53796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/randomincreasingeven.xsts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+var x: integer = 0
+var y: integer = 0
+trans {
+ if (y < 0) y := -y;
+ if (y == 0) y := 1;
+ if (y % 2 == 1) y := y + 1;
+ x:= x + y;
+init {}
+env {
+ havoc y;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/simple_color.xsts b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/simple_color.xsts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6443992dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/simple_color.xsts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+type Colors : { Red, Green, Blue}
+var envColor : Colors = Red
+var modelColor : Colors = Red
+trans {
+ choice {
+ assume envColor == Red;
+ modelColor := Green;
+ } or {
+ assume envColor == Green;
+ modelColor := Blue;
+ } or {
+ assume envColor == Blue;
+ modelColor := Red;
+ }
+env {
+ havoc envColor;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/simple_types.xsts b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/simple_types.xsts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f1dda287f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/simple_types.xsts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+type Abc : { A, B, C, D}
+type Colors : { Red, Green, Blue}
+var letter : Abc = A
+var color : Colors = Red
+trans {
+ havoc letter;
+env {
+ havoc color;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/trafficlight_v2.xsts b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/trafficlight_v2.xsts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2f50cef51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/trafficlight_v2.xsts
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+type Main_region : { __Inactive__, Interrupted, Normal}
+type Normal : { __Inactive__, Green, Red, Yellow}
+type Interrupted : { __Inactive__, Black, BlinkingYellow}
+var PoliceInterrupt_police : boolean = false
+var LightCommands_displayRed : boolean = false
+var Control_toggle : boolean = false
+var LightCommands_displayYellow : boolean = false
+var LightCommands_displayNone : boolean = false
+var LightCommands_displayGreen : boolean = false
+ctrl var main_region : Main_region = __Inactive__
+ctrl var normal : Normal = __Inactive__
+ctrl var interrupted : Interrupted = __Inactive__
+ctrl var BlackTimeout3 : integer = 500
+ctrl var BlinkingYellowTimeout4 : integer = 500
+var c : boolean = true
+var b : integer = 0
+var asd : integer = 0
+var a : boolean = false
+trans {
+ choice {
+ assume ((!(((main_region == Interrupted) && (PoliceInterrupt_police == true)))) && (((main_region == Interrupted) && (interrupted == BlinkingYellow)) && (500 <= BlinkingYellowTimeout4)));
+ assume (interrupted == BlinkingYellow);
+ interrupted := Black;
+ assume (interrupted == Black);
+ BlackTimeout3 := 0;
+ LightCommands_displayNone := true;
+ } or {
+ assume ((!(((main_region == Interrupted) && (PoliceInterrupt_police == true)))) && (((main_region == Interrupted) && (interrupted == Black)) && (500 <= BlackTimeout3)));
+ assume (interrupted == Black);
+ interrupted := BlinkingYellow;
+ assume (interrupted == BlinkingYellow);
+ BlinkingYellowTimeout4 := 0;
+ LightCommands_displayYellow := true;
+ } or {
+ assume ((!(((main_region == Normal) && (PoliceInterrupt_police == true)))) && (((main_region == Normal) && (normal == Green)) && (Control_toggle == true)));
+ assume (normal == Green);
+ b := 4;
+ normal := Yellow;
+ assume (normal == Yellow);
+ LightCommands_displayYellow := true;
+ } or {
+ assume ((!(((main_region == Normal) && (PoliceInterrupt_police == true)))) && (((main_region == Normal) && (normal == Red)) && (Control_toggle == true)));
+ assume (normal == Red);
+ a := true;
+ normal := Green;
+ assume (normal == Green);
+ LightCommands_displayGreen := true;
+ } or {
+ assume ((!(((main_region == Normal) && (PoliceInterrupt_police == true)))) && (((main_region == Normal) && (normal == Yellow)) && (Control_toggle == true)));
+ assume (normal == Yellow);
+ normal := Red;
+ assume (normal == Red);
+ LightCommands_displayRed := true;
+ } or {
+ assume (((main_region == Interrupted) && (PoliceInterrupt_police == true)));
+ assume (main_region == Interrupted);
+ interrupted := __Inactive__;
+ main_region := Normal;
+ choice {
+ assume (normal == __Inactive__);
+ normal := Red;
+ } or {
+ assume !((normal == __Inactive__));
+ }
+ assume (main_region == Normal);
+ choice {
+ assume (normal == Green);
+ LightCommands_displayGreen := true;
+ } or {
+ assume (normal == Red);
+ LightCommands_displayRed := true;
+ } or {
+ assume (normal == Yellow);
+ LightCommands_displayYellow := true;
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume (((main_region == Normal) && (PoliceInterrupt_police == true)));
+ assume (main_region == Normal);
+ choice {
+ assume (normal == Green);
+ } or {
+ assume (normal == Red);
+ a := true;
+ } or {
+ assume (normal == Yellow);
+ }
+ asd := 321;
+ main_region := Interrupted;
+ interrupted := BlinkingYellow;
+ assume (main_region == Interrupted);
+ choice {
+ assume (interrupted == Black);
+ BlackTimeout3 := 0;
+ LightCommands_displayNone := true;
+ } or {
+ assume (interrupted == BlinkingYellow);
+ BlinkingYellowTimeout4 := 0;
+ LightCommands_displayYellow := true;
+ }
+ }
+init {
+ c := true;
+ b := 0;
+ a := false;
+ asd := 0;
+ BlackTimeout3 := 500;
+ BlinkingYellowTimeout4 := 500;
+ normal := __Inactive__;
+ interrupted := __Inactive__;
+ PoliceInterrupt_police := false;
+ Control_toggle := false;
+ LightCommands_displayRed := false;
+ LightCommands_displayYellow := false;
+ LightCommands_displayNone := false;
+ LightCommands_displayGreen := false;
+ main_region := Normal;
+ choice {
+ assume (normal == __Inactive__);
+ normal := Red;
+ } or {
+ assume !((normal == __Inactive__));
+ }
+ choice {
+ assume (main_region == Interrupted);
+ choice {
+ assume (interrupted == Black);
+ BlackTimeout3 := 0;
+ LightCommands_displayNone := true;
+ } or {
+ assume (interrupted == BlinkingYellow);
+ BlinkingYellowTimeout4 := 0;
+ LightCommands_displayYellow := true;
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume (main_region == Normal);
+ choice {
+ assume (normal == Green);
+ LightCommands_displayGreen := true;
+ } or {
+ assume (normal == Red);
+ LightCommands_displayRed := true;
+ } or {
+ assume (normal == Yellow);
+ LightCommands_displayYellow := true;
+ }
+ }
+env {
+ choice {
+ PoliceInterrupt_police := true;
+ } or {
+ PoliceInterrupt_police := false;
+ }
+ choice {
+ Control_toggle := true;
+ } or {
+ Control_toggle := false;
+ }
+ LightCommands_displayYellow := false;
+ LightCommands_displayRed := false;
+ LightCommands_displayNone := false;
+ LightCommands_displayGreen := false;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/weather.xsts b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/weather.xsts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5d9da75dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/weather.xsts
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+type Weather : { Sunny , Cloudy , Rainy, Foggy }
+type TimeOfDay : { Morning , Noon, Afternoon, Night }
+type Clothing : { Nothing, Shorts, Warm, Waterproof }
+var isWet : boolean = false
+var looksOut : boolean = false
+var isClever : boolean = false
+var weather : Weather = Sunny
+var time : TimeOfDay
+var clothing : Clothing = Nothing
+trans {
+ choice {
+ assume time == Morning;
+ choice {
+ assume (looksOut == false && isClever == false);
+ havoc clothing;
+ } or {
+ assume (looksOut == true && isClever == false);
+ choice {
+ assume weather == Sunny;
+ clothing := Shorts;
+ } or {
+ assume (weather == Cloudy || weather == Foggy);
+ clothing := Warm;
+ } or {
+ assume weather == Rainy;
+ clothing := Waterproof;
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume (isClever == true);
+ choice {
+ assume weather == Sunny;
+ clothing := Shorts;
+ } or {
+ assume (weather == Cloudy || weather == Rainy);
+ clothing := Waterproof;
+ } or {
+ assume weather == Foggy;
+ clothing := Warm;
+ }
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume time == Noon;
+ if (isWet == true) looksOut := true;
+ } or {
+ assume time == Afternoon;
+ } or {
+ assume time == Night;
+ if (isWet == true) isClever := true;
+ clothing := Nothing;
+ }
+init {
+ havoc weather;
+ time := Morning;
+env {
+ if (clothing != Waterproof && weather == Rainy) isWet := true;
+ if (time == Noon || time == Night) isWet := false;
+ choice {
+ assume time == Morning;
+ time := Noon;
+ } or {
+ assume time == Noon;
+ time := Afternoon;
+ } or {
+ assume time == Afternoon;
+ time := Night;
+ } or {
+ assume time == Night;
+ time := Morning;
+ }
+ choice {
+ assume time != Noon;
+ choice {
+ assume (weather == Sunny || weather == Cloudy || weather == Foggy);
+ choice {
+ weather := Cloudy;
+ } or {
+ weather := Sunny;
+ } or {
+ assume weather == Cloudy;
+ weather := Rainy;
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume (weather == Rainy);
+ choice {
+ weather := Rainy;
+ } or {
+ weather := Sunny;
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume time == Morning;
+ weather := Foggy;
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume time == Noon;
+ }
+prop {true}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/weather_noinit.xsts b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/weather_noinit.xsts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78f5efe332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/weather_noinit.xsts
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+type Weather : { Sunny , Cloudy , Rainy, Foggy }
+type TimeOfDay : { __init__, Morning , Noon, Afternoon, Night }
+type Clothing : { Nothing, Shorts, Warm, Waterproof }
+var isWet : boolean = false
+var looksOut : boolean = false
+var isClever : boolean = false
+var weather : Weather = Sunny
+var time : TimeOfDay = __init__
+var clothing : Clothing = Nothing
+trans {
+ choice {
+ assume time == Morning;
+ choice {
+ assume (looksOut == false && isClever == false);
+ havoc clothing;
+ } or {
+ assume (looksOut == true && isClever == false);
+ choice {
+ assume weather == Sunny;
+ clothing := Shorts;
+ } or {
+ assume (weather == Cloudy || weather == Foggy);
+ clothing := Warm;
+ } or {
+ assume weather == Rainy;
+ clothing := Waterproof;
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume (isClever == true);
+ choice {
+ assume weather == Sunny;
+ clothing := Shorts;
+ } or {
+ assume (weather == Cloudy || weather == Rainy);
+ clothing := Waterproof;
+ } or {
+ assume weather == Foggy;
+ clothing := Warm;
+ }
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume time == Noon;
+ if (isWet == true) looksOut := true;
+ } or {
+ assume time == Afternoon;
+ } or {
+ assume time == Night;
+ if (isWet == true) isClever := true;
+ clothing := Nothing;
+ }
+init { }
+env {
+ choice {
+ assume time == __init__;
+ time := Morning;
+ } or {
+ assume time != __init__;
+ if (clothing != Waterproof && weather == Rainy) isWet := true;
+ if (time == Noon || time == Night) isWet := false;
+ choice {
+ assume time == Morning;
+ time := Noon;
+ } or {
+ assume time == Noon;
+ time := Afternoon;
+ } or {
+ assume time == Afternoon;
+ time := Night;
+ } or {
+ assume time == Night;
+ time := Morning;
+ }
+ choice {
+ assume time != Noon;
+ choice {
+ assume (weather == Sunny || weather == Cloudy || weather == Foggy);
+ choice {
+ weather := Cloudy;
+ } or {
+ weather := Sunny;
+ } or {
+ assume weather == Cloudy;
+ weather := Rainy;
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume (weather == Rainy);
+ choice {
+ weather := Rainy;
+ } or {
+ weather := Sunny;
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume time == Morning;
+ weather := Foggy;
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume time == Noon;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/weather_withprops.xsts b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/weather_withprops.xsts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cdde5291a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/common/ltl/src/test/resources/xsts/weather_withprops.xsts
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+type Weather : { Sunny , Cloudy , Rainy, Foggy }
+type TimeOfDay : { Morning , Noon, Afternoon, Night }
+type Clothing : { Nothing, Shorts, Warm, Waterproof }
+var isWet : boolean = false
+var looksOut : boolean = false
+var isClever : boolean = false
+var weather : Weather = Sunny
+var time : TimeOfDay
+var clothing : Clothing = Nothing
+trans {
+ choice {
+ assume time == Morning;
+ choice {
+ assume (looksOut == false && isClever == false);
+ havoc clothing;
+ } or {
+ assume (looksOut == true && isClever == false);
+ choice {
+ assume weather == Sunny;
+ clothing := Shorts;
+ } or {
+ assume (weather == Cloudy || weather == Foggy);
+ clothing := Warm;
+ } or {
+ assume weather == Rainy;
+ clothing := Waterproof;
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume (isClever == true);
+ choice {
+ assume weather == Sunny;
+ clothing := Shorts;
+ } or {
+ assume (weather == Cloudy || weather == Rainy);
+ clothing := Waterproof;
+ } or {
+ assume weather == Foggy;
+ clothing := Warm;
+ }
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume time == Noon;
+ if (isWet == true) looksOut := true;
+ } or {
+ assume time == Afternoon;
+ } or {
+ assume time == Night;
+ if (isWet == true) isClever := true;
+ clothing := Nothing;
+ }
+init {
+ havoc weather;
+ time := Morning;
+env {
+ if (clothing != Waterproof && weather == Rainy) isWet := true;
+ if (time == Noon || time == Night) isWet := false;
+ choice {
+ assume time == Morning;
+ time := Noon;
+ } or {
+ assume time == Noon;
+ time := Afternoon;
+ } or {
+ assume time == Afternoon;
+ time := Night;
+ } or {
+ assume time == Night;
+ time := Morning;
+ }
+ choice {
+ assume time != Noon;
+ choice {
+ assume (weather == Sunny || weather == Cloudy || weather == Foggy);
+ choice {
+ weather := Cloudy;
+ } or {
+ weather := Sunny;
+ } or {
+ assume weather == Cloudy;
+ weather := Rainy;
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume (weather == Rainy);
+ choice {
+ weather := Rainy;
+ } or {
+ weather := Sunny;
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume time == Morning;
+ weather := Foggy;
+ }
+ } or {
+ assume time == Noon;
+ }
+ltl{G(time = TimeOfDay.Noon -> X(time = TimeOfDay.Noon or time = TimeOfDay.Afternoon))}
\ No newline at end of file