- Python 2 support dropped
- RosePlot added
- Ortensor has from_pairs method for Lisle tensor for orthogonal data
- Python 2/3 compatibility fix
- few minor bugs fixed
- Stereogrid apply_func passes Vec3 instead numpy array
- Pair H method to get mutual rotation implemented
- velgrad method of DefGrad accepts steps kwarg to generate list of DefGrad tensors
- Added Tensor class to work with deformation tensors
- Stereogrid always use Euclidean norms as weights
- DefGrad properties e1, e2, e3 (natural principal strains) added
- DefGrad properties eoct, goct (octahedral strains) added
- DefGrad from_ratios class method added
- DefGrad properties k, d, K, D (strain symmetries and intesities) added
- New class Ellipsoid added to work with ellipsoids
- FabricPLot renamed to VollmerPlot for consistency
- RamsayPlot, FlinnPlot and HsuPlot implemented
- All fabric plots have new path method accepting list of tensors
- Stress always gives eigenvalues sorted
- Stress I1, I2, I3 properties for invariants implemented
- Stress mean_stress property implemented
- Stress hydrostatic and deviatoric properties implemented
- precision added to settings to control numerical comparisms
- figsize added to settings to control figure size across APSG
- Animation examples fixed
- rand class method implemented for Fol, Lin, Vec3 and Pair to generate random instance
- Group to_csv and from_csv improved
- SDB tags method works properly for multiple tags
- SDB can modify database metadata
- QGIS 3 plugin ReadSDB compatibility
- StereoNet has cbpad keyword for colorbar padding
- FabricPlot bug introduced in 0.5.2 fixed.
- Bugfix release
- Fischer distribution sampling added
- transform method has norm kwarg to normalize tranformed vectors
- axisangle property to calculate axis and angle from rotation matrix
- StereoNet arc method added
- Vec3 and Group upper and flip properties implemented
- DefGrad, VelGrad and Stress rotate method accepts also rotation matrix
- velgrad method added to DefGrad to calculate matrix logarithm
- StereoGrid has new methods max, min, max_at, min_at
- Kent distribution sampling added
- Automatic kernel density estimate for contouring
- UserWarnings fix
- bux fix minor release
- Group method centered improved
- Group method halfspace added to reorient all vectors towards resultant halfspace
- Stress tensor with few basic methods implemented
- StereoGrid keyword argument 'weighted' to control weighting
- StereoNet kwargs are passed to underlying methods for immediate plots
- StereoNet tensor method implemented (draw eigenlins or fols based on fol_plot settings)
- Group totvar property and dot and proj methods implemented
- Fol and Lin dot method returns absolute value of dot product
- Vec3 H method to get mutual rotation implemented
- StereoNet.contourf method draw contour lines as well by default. Option clines controls it.
- centered bug fixed
- StereoNet allows simple animations. Add
kwarg to plotting method and finally call StereoNet animate method.
- bugfix
- Density class renamed to StereoGrid
- Fault sense under rotation fixed
- FaultSet example provided
- Angelier-Mechler dihedra method implemented for FaultSet
- StereoNet accepts StereoGrid and Ortensor as quick plot arguments
- StereoNet instance has axtitle method to put text below stereonet
- conda build for all platforms
- numpy, matplotlib and other helpres imported by default
- ortensor is normed by default
- ortensor MADp, MADo, MAD and kind properties added
- shell script iapsg opens interactive console
- Simple settings interface implemented in in apsg.core.seetings dictionary.
To change settings use:
from apsg.core import settings setting['name']=value
setting with valuesdd
control how azimuth argument of Fol is represented.vec2dd
setting with valuesTrue
control howVec3
is represented.- Vec3 could be instantiated by one arument (vector like), 2 arguments (azimuth, inclination) or 3 arguments (azimuth, inclination, magnitude).
- Group and FaultSet can return array or list of user-defined attributes of all elements
- RTD fix
- Added E1,E2,E3 properties and polar decomposition method to DefGrad object
- StereoNet has vector method to mimics lower and upper hemisphere plotting of Lin and Vec3 objects as used in paleomagnetic plots
- StereoNet could be initialized with subplots
- rake method of Fol added to return vector defined by rake
- Density could be initialized without data for user-defined calculations New method apply_func could be used to calculate density
- Contour(f) methods accept Density object as argument
- Added Group class methods to generate Spherical Fibonacci and Golden Section based uniform distributions of Vec3, Lin and Fol
- FabricPlot - triangular fabric plot added
- .asvec3 property has .V alias
- Resultant of Fol and Lin is calculated as vectorial in centered position
- dv property of Fol added to return dip slip vector
- SDB class improved. Support basic filtering including tags
- StereoNet has close method to close figure and new method to re-initialize figure when closed in interactive mode
- iapsg shell script added to invoke apsg ipython shell
- Group fancy indexing implemented. Group could be indexed by sequences of indexes like list, tuple or array as well as sliced.
- Cluster class with hierarchical clustering implemented
- Group to_file and from_file methods implemented to store data in file
- Group copy method for shallow copy implemented
- StereoNet now accept Vec3 and Fault object as well for instant plotting.
- Ortensor updated with new properties E1,E2,E3 and Vollmer(1989) indexes P,G,R and C. Bug in Woodcocks's shape and strength values fixed.
- uniform_lin and uniform_fol improved.
- asvec3 method implemented for Fol and Lin
- fol_plot property of StereoNet allows choose poles or great circles for immediate plotting
- bootstrap method of Group provide generator of random resampling with replacements.
- Group examples method provide few well-known datasets.
- Matplotlib deprecation warnings are ignored by default
- New Docstrings format
- StereoNet.getfols method bug fixed.
- Shell scripts to run interactive session improved.
- FaultSet class added. Fault and Hoeppner methods of StereoNet implemented
- VelGrad and DefGrad classes used for transformations added
- G class to quickly create groups from strings added.
- Quick plotting of groups fixed.
- new StereoNet class for Schmidt projection
- Quick plot when data are passed as argument
class instantiation - mplstereonet dependency depreceated
- new
classes to manipulate paired data (full support in future) - new
methods - abs for
implemented to calculate euclidean norms - new
method normalized - new
properties and methods to calculate spherical statistics
- First release of APSG