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"Endo": "// Endo :: (a -> a) -> Endo a\nconst Endo = f =>\n // An endofunction lifted into an Endo object.\n // A wrapper around an (a -> a) function, used as\n // the monoid of endomorphisms under composition.\n ({\n type: \"Endo\",\n appEndo: f\n });",
"Just": "// Just :: a -> Maybe a\nconst Just = x => ({\n type: \"Maybe\",\n Just: x\n});",
"Left": "// Left :: a -> Either a b\nconst Left = x => ({\n type: \"Either\",\n Left: x\n});",
"Node": "// Node :: a -> [Tree a] -> Tree a\nconst Node = v =>\n // Constructor for a Tree node which connects a\n // value of some kind to a list of zero or\n // more child trees.\n xs => ({\n type: \"Node\",\n root: v,\n nest: xs || []\n });",
"Nothing": "// Nothing :: Maybe a\nconst Nothing = () => ({\n type: \"Maybe\",\n Nothing: true\n});",
"Ratio": "// Ratio :: Integral a => a -> a -> Ratio a\nconst Ratio = a => b => {\n const go = (x, y) =>\n 0 !== y\n ? (() => {\n const d = gcd(x)(y);\n\n return {\n type: \"Ratio\",\n // numerator\n \"n\": Math.trunc(x / d),\n // denominator\n \"d\": Math.trunc(y / d)\n };\n })()\n : undefined;\n\n return go(a * signum(b), abs(b));\n};",
"Right": "// Right :: b -> Either a b\nconst Right = x => ({\n type: \"Either\",\n Right: x\n});",
"Tuple": "// Tuple (,) :: a -> b -> (a, b)\nconst Tuple = a =>\n // A pair of values, possibly of\n // different types.\n b => ({\n type: \"Tuple\",\n \"0\": a,\n \"1\": b,\n length: 2,\n *[Symbol.iterator]() {\n for (const k in this) {\n if (!isNaN(k)) {\n yield this[k];\n }\n }\n }\n });",
"Tuple3": "// Tuple3 (,,) :: a -> b -> c -> (a, b, c)\nconst Tuple3 = a => b => c => ({\n type: \"Tuple3\",\n \"0\": a,\n \"1\": b,\n \"2\": c,\n length: 3,\n *[Symbol.iterator]() {\n for (const k in this) {\n if (!isNaN(k)) {\n yield this[k];\n }\n }\n }\n});",
"TupleN": "// TupleN :: a -> b ... -> (a, b ... )\nconst TupleN = (...args) => {\n // A Tuple of an arbitrary number of items.\n const n = args.length;\n\n return {\n ...args.reduce(\n (a, x, i) => ({\n ...a,\n [i]: x\n }),\n {\n type: 2 !== n\n ? `Tuple${n}`\n : \"Tuple\",\n length: n,\n *[Symbol.iterator]() {\n for (const k in this) {\n if (!isNaN(k)) {\n yield this[k];\n }\n }\n }\n })\n };\n};",
"ZipList": "// ZipList :: a -> {getZipList :: [a]}\nconst ZipList = x => ({\n // Constructor for an applicative ZipList\n type: \"ZipList\",\n getZipList: x\n});",
"abs": "// abs :: Num -> Num\nconst abs = x =>\n // Absolute value of a given number\n // without the sign.\n 0 > x\n ? -x\n : x;",
"add": "// add (+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a\nconst add = a =>\n // Curried addition.\n b => a + b;",
"adjust": "// adjust :: (a -> a) -> Key ->\n// Dict Key a -> Dict Key a\nconst adjust = f =>\n // The orginal dictionary, unmodified, if k is\n // not an existing key.\n // Otherwise, a new copy in which the existing\n // value of k is updated by application of f.\n k => dict => k in dict\n ? {\n ...dict,\n [k]: f(dict[k])\n }\n : dict;",
"alert": "// alert :: String => String -> IO String\nconst alert = title =>\n // Display of a given title and message.\n s => {\n const sa = Object.assign(\n Application(\"System Events\"), {\n includeStandardAdditions: true\n });\n\n return (\n sa.activate(),\n sa.displayDialog(s, {\n withTitle: title,\n buttons: [\"OK\"],\n defaultButton: \"OK\"\n }),\n s\n );\n };",
"all": "// all :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool\nconst all = p =>\n // True if p(x) holds for every x in xs.\n xs => [...xs].every(p);",
"allSame": "// allSame :: [a] -> Bool\nconst allSame = xs =>\n // True if xs has less than 2 items, or every item\n // in the tail of the list is identical to the head.\n 2 > xs.length || (() => {\n const [h, ...t] = xs;\n\n return t.every(x => h === x);\n })();",
"allTree": "// allTree :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Bool\nconst allTree = p =>\n // True if p holds for all nodes of the\n // tree to which allTree(p) is applied.\n foldTree(\n x => xs => p(x) && xs.every(Boolean)\n );",
"and": "// and :: [Bool] -> Bool\nconst and = xs =>\n // True unless any value in xs is false.\n [...xs].every(Boolean);",
"any": "// any :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool\nconst any = p =>\n // True if p(x) holds for at least\n // one item in xs.\n xs => [...xs].some(p);",
"anyTree": "// anyTree :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Bool\nconst anyTree = p =>\n // True if p holds for any node of the\n // tree to which anyTree(p) is applied.\n foldTree(\n x => xs =>\n p(x) || xs.some(Boolean)\n );",
"ap": "// ap (<*>) :: Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b\nconst ap = mf =>\n // Applies wrapped functions to wrapped values,\n // for example applying a list of functions to a list\n // of values or applying:\n // Just(f) to Just(x), Right(f) to Right(x),\n // f(x) to g(x) etc.\n mx => ({\n \"Either\": () => apLR,\n \"Maybe\": () => apMay,\n \"Node\": () => apTree,\n \"Tuple\": () => apTuple,\n \"List\": () => apList,\n \"(a -> b)\": () => apFn\n })[typeName(mx) || \"List\"]()(mf)(mx);",
"apFn": "// apFn :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)\nconst apFn = f =>\n // Applicative instance for functions.\n // f(x) applied to g(x).\n g => x => f(x)(\n g(x)\n );",
"apLR": "// apLR (<*>) :: Either e (a -> b) -> Either e a -> Either e b\nconst apLR = flr =>\n // Either a Left value, or the application of a\n // function in Either to a value in Either.\n liftA2LR(x => x)(flr);",
"apList": "// apList (<*>) :: [(a -> b)] -> [a] -> [b]\nconst apList = fs =>\n // The sequential application of each of a list\n // of functions to each of a list of values.\n // apList([x => 2 * x, x => 20 + x])([1, 2, 3])\n // -> [2, 4, 6, 21, 22, 23]\n xs => fs.flatMap(f => xs.map(f));",
"apMay": "// apMay (<*>) :: Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b\nconst apMay = mf =>\n // Just an application of Maybe a function to\n // to Maybe a value, or Nothing.\n liftA2May(x => x)(mf);",
"apTree": "// apTree (<*>) :: Tree (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b\nconst apTree = tf =>\n // A new tree derived by applying each of a tree\n // of functions to each node value in another tree.\n liftA2Tree(\n x => x\n )(tf);",
"apTuple": "// apTuple (<*>) :: Monoid m => (m, (a -> b)) -> (m, a) -> (m, b)\nconst apTuple = ab =>\n // A tuple obtained by applying the function in the second\n // value of ab to the second value in an existing tuple,\n // and concatenating the first values of each tuple.\n liftA2Tuple(x => x)(ab);",
"apZL": "// apZL (<*>) :: ZipList (a -> b) -> ZipList a -> ZipList b\n// The application of a function in one ZipList\n// to each value in another ZipList.\nconst apZL = zf =>\n liftA2ZL(x => x)(zf);",
"apZip": "// apZip :: [(a -> b)] -> [a] -> [b]\nconst apZip = fs =>\n // Zip applicative.\n // Each function in fs applied to the value\n // in the corresponding position in xs.\n xs => fs.slice(\n 0, Math.min(fs.length, xs.length)\n )\n .map((f, i) => f(xs[i]));",
"appEndo": "// appEndo :: Endo a -> (a -> a)\nconst appEndo = endo =>\n // Accessor for the function in an Endo type.\n endo.appEndo;",
"append": "// append (<>) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]\nconst append = xs =>\n // Two lists joined into one.\n ys => xs.concat(ys);",
"appendFile": "// appendFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO Bool\nconst appendFile = fp =>\n // The file at fp updated with a new string\n // appended to its existing contents.\n txt => {\n const fpFull = filePath(fp);\n\n return doesFileExist(fpFull)\n ? (() => {\n const\n h = $.NSFileHandle\n .fileHandleForWritingAtPath(\n $(fpFull)\n );\n\n return (\n h.seekToEndOfFile,\n h.writeData(\n $(txt)\n .dataUsingEncoding(\n $.NSUTF8StringEncoding\n )\n ),\n h.closeFile,\n true\n );\n })()\n : doesDirectoryExist(takeDirectory(fpFull))\n ? (writeFile(fpFull)(txt), true)\n : false;\n };",
"appendFileMay": "// appendFileMay :: FilePath -> String -> Maybe IO FilePath\nconst appendFileMay = fp =>\n // Just the fully-expanded file path of\n // any file at found strPath, after it has been\n // updated by appending the given string, or\n // Nothing if no file is found at that path,\n // or the file is found but can not be updated.\n txt => {\n const fpFull = filePath(fp);\n\n return doesFileExist(fpFull)\n ? (() => {\n const\n h = $.NSFileHandle\n .fileHandleForWritingAtPath(\n $(fpFull)\n );\n\n return (\n h.seekToEndOfFile,\n h.writeData(\n $(txt)\n .dataUsingEncoding(\n $.NSUTF8StringEncoding\n )\n ),\n h.closeFile,\n Just(fpFull)\n );\n })()\n : doesDirectoryExist(takeDirectory(fpFull))\n ? (\n writeFile(fpFull)(txt),\n Just(fpFull)\n )\n : Nothing();\n };",
"appendGen": "// appendGen (++) :: Gen [a] -> Gen [a] -> Gen [a]\nconst appendGen = xs =>\n // A new generator composed from the\n // concatenation of two existing generators.\n function *(ys) {\n for (const vs of [xs, ys]) {\n let nxt = vs.next();\n\n while (!nxt.done) {\n yield nxt.value;\n nxt = vs.next();\n }\n }\n };",
"apply": "// apply ($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b\nconst apply = f =>\n // Application operator.\n x => f(x);",
"applyN": "// applyN :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a\nconst applyN = n =>\n // The value of n applications of f to x.\n // (Church numeral n)\n f => x => Array.from({\n length: n\n }, () => f)\n .reduce((a, g) => g(a), x);",
"approxRatio": "// approxRatio :: Real -> Real -> Ratio\nconst approxRatio = epsilon =>\n n => {\n const\n c = gcdApprox(\n Boolean(epsilon)\n ? epsilon\n : (1 / 10000)\n )(1, n);\n\n return Ratio(\n Math.floor(n / c)\n )(\n Math.floor(1 / c)\n );\n };",
"argvLength": "// argvLength :: Function -> Int\nconst argvLength = f =>\n // The number of arguments defined for the given function.\n f.length;",
"assocs": "// assocs :: Map k a -> [(k, a)]\nconst assocs = m =>\n // A list of (key, value) tuples derived from\n // the given dictionary.\n Object.entries(m).map(\n ([k, v]) => Tuple(k)(v)\n );",
"base64decode": "// base64decode :: String -> String\nconst base64decode = s =>\n // Base64 decoding of the given string.\n ObjC.unwrap(\n $.NSString.alloc.initWithDataEncoding(\n $.NSData.alloc.initWithBase64EncodedStringOptions(\n s, $.NSDataBase64DecodingIgnoreUnknownCharacters\n ),\n $.NSUTF8StringEncoding\n )\n );",
"base64encode": "// base64encode :: String -> String\nconst base64encode = s =>\n // Base64 encoding of the given string.\n ObjC.unwrap(\n $.NSString.stringWithString(s)\n .dataUsingEncoding(\n $.NSUTF8StringEncoding\n )\n .base64EncodedStringWithOptions(0)\n );",
"biList": "// biList :: (a, a) -> [a]\nconst biList = ab =>\n // A list of two items derived from a tuple.\n [...ab];",
"bimap": "// bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (a, c) -> (b, d)\nconst bimap = f =>\n // Tuple instance of bimap.\n // A tuple of the application of f and g to the\n // first and second values respectively.\n g => tpl => Tuple(f(tpl[0]))(\n g(tpl[1])\n );",
"bimapLR": "// bimapLR :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> ֵEither ֵֵa c -> Either b d\nconst bimapLR = f =>\n // Instance of bimap for Either values.\n // Either the application of f to a Left value,\n // or the application of g to a Right value.\n g => lr => lr.Left\n ? Left(f(lr.Left))\n : Right(g(lr.Right));",
"bimapN": "// bimapN :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> TupleN -> TupleN\nconst bimapN = f =>\n // An n-tuple instance of bimap.\n // An n-tuple of unchanged dimension in which\n // the final value is an application of g\n // and the penultimate value is an application of f.\n g => nTuple => {\n const n = nTuple.length;\n\n return 1 < n\n ? TupleN(\n ...Array.from(nTuple).slice(0, n - 2),\n f(nTuple[n - 2]), g(nTuple[n - 1])\n )\n : null;\n };",
"bind": "// bind (>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b\nconst bind = m =>\n // Two computations sequentially composed,\n // with any value produced by the first\n // passed as an argument to the second.\n mf => Array.isArray(m)\n ? bindList(m)(mf)\n : ({\n \"Either\": () => bindLR,\n \"Maybe\": () => bindMay,\n \"Tuple\": () => bindTuple,\n \"function\": () => bindFn\n })[m.type || typeof m]()(m)(mf);",
"bindFn": "// bindFn (>>=) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a -> c) -> a -> c\nconst bindFn = f =>\n // Binary operator applied over f x and x.\n op => x => op(f(x))(x);",
"bindLR": "// bindLR (>>=) :: Either a ->\n// (a -> Either b) -> Either b\nconst bindLR = lr =>\n // Bind operator for the Either option type.\n // If lr has a Left value then lr unchanged,\n // otherwise the function mf applied to the\n // Right value in lr.\n mf => \"Left\" in lr\n ? lr\n : mf(lr.Right);",
"bindList": "// bindList (>>=) :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]\nconst bindList = xs =>\n // The bind operator for Arrays.\n mf => [...xs].flatMap(mf);",
"bindMay": "// bindMay (>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b\nconst bindMay = mb =>\n // Nothing if mb is Nothing, or the application of the\n // (a -> Maybe b) function mf to the contents of mb.\n mf => mb.Nothing\n ? mb\n : mf(mb.Just);",
"bindTuple": "// bindTuple (>>=) :: Monoid a => (a, a) -> (a -> (a, b)) -> (a, b)\nconst bindTuple = ([a, b]) =>\n // The bind operator for Tuples\n f => first(mappend(a))(\n f(b)\n );",
"bool": "// bool :: a -> a -> Bool -> a\nconst bool = f =>\n // t if p(x) else f.\n t => p => p ? t : f;",
"both": "// both :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)\nconst both = f =>\n // A tuple obtained by separately\n // applying f to each of the two\n // values in the given tuple.\n ([a, b]) => Tuple(\n f(a)\n )(\n f(b)\n );",
"breakOn": "// breakOn :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> ([a], [a])\n// breakOn :: String -> String -> ([Char], [Char])\nconst breakOn = needle =>\n // A tuple of the prefix before the first match\n // and the whole remainder (including the match).\n haystack => {\n const ns = [...needle];\n\n const go = hs =>\n isPrefixOf(ns)(hs)\n ? Tuple([])(hs)\n : 0 === hs.length\n ? Tuple([])([])\n : first(\n v => [hs[0]].concat(v)\n )(\n go(hs.slice(1))\n );\n\n return go([...haystack]);\n };",
"breakOnAll": "// breakOnAll :: String -> String -> [(String, String)]\nconst breakOnAll = needle =>\n // Tuples breaking the string at\n // all non-overlapping instances\n // of the needle in the haystack.\n haystack => Boolean(needle)\n ? haystack.split(needle)\n .reduce((a, _, i, xs) =>\n 0 < i\n ? a.concat([\n Tuple(\n xs.slice(0, i).join(needle)\n )(\n needle + xs.slice(i)\n .join(needle)\n )\n ])\n : a, [])\n : null;",
"breakOnMay": "// breakOnMay :: String -> String -> Maybe (String, String)\nconst breakOnMay = needle =>\n // Maybe (prefix before match, match + rest)\n haystack => Boolean(needle)\n ? (() => {\n const xs = haystack.split(needle);\n\n return Just(Boolean(xs.length)\n ? Tuple(\n xs[0]\n )(\n haystack.slice(xs[0].length)\n )\n : Tuple(haystack)(\"\"));\n })()\n : Nothing();",
"break_": "// break_ :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])\nconst break_ = p =>\n // The longest prefix of xs in which\n // all values return false for p,\n // tupled with the rest.\n xs => {\n const i = xs.findIndex(p);\n\n return -1 !== i\n ? Tuple(xs.slice(0, i))(\n xs.slice(i)\n )\n : Tuple(xs)([]);\n };",
"bulleted": "// bulleted :: String -> String -> String\nconst bulleted = strTab =>\n // A copy of s in which each line is\n // preceded by a whitespace indent,\n // followed by a hyphen and space.\n s => s.split(/[\\n\\r]+/u).map(\n x => \"\" !== x\n ? `${strTab}- ${x}`\n : x\n )\n .join(\"\\n\");",
"cartesianProduct": "// cartesianProduct :: [a] -> [b] -> [[a, b]]\nconst cartesianProduct = xs =>\n // Every tuple in the cartesian product\n // of xs and ys.\n ys => [...xs].flatMap(\n x => [...ys].flatMap(\n y => [Tuple(x)(y)]\n )\n );",
"caseOf": "// caseOf :: [(a -> Bool, b)] -> b -> a -> b\nconst caseOf = pvs =>\n // List of (Predicate, value) tuples ->\n // Default value -> Value to test -> Output value\n otherwise => x => {\n const mb = pvs.reduce(\n (a, pv) => a.Nothing\n ? pv[0](x)\n ? Just(pv[1])\n : a\n : a,\n Nothing()\n );\n\n return mb.Nothing\n ? otherwise\n : mb.Just;\n };",
"catMaybes": "// catMaybes :: [Maybe a] -> [a]\nconst catMaybes = mbs =>\n mbs.flatMap(\n m => m.Nothing\n ? []\n : [m.Just]\n );",
"ceiling": "// ceiling :: Num -> Int\nconst ceiling = x => {\n // The least integer not less than x.\n const\n nr = properFraction(x),\n n = nr[0];\n\n return 0 < nr[1]\n ? 1 + n\n : n;\n};",
"center": "// center :: Int -> Char -> String -> String\nconst center = n =>\n // Size of space -> filler Char ->\n // String -> Centered String\n c => s => {\n const gap = n - s.length;\n\n return 0 < gap\n ? (() => {\n const\n margin = c.repeat(Math.floor(gap / 2)),\n dust = c.repeat(gap % 2);\n\n return `${margin}${s}${margin}${dust}`;\n })()\n : s;\n };",
"chars": "// chars :: String -> [Char]\nconst chars = s =>\n [...s];",
"chop": "// chop :: ([a] -> (b, [a])) -> [a] -> [b]\nconst chop = f =>\n // A segmentation of xs by tail recursion with a\n // function which returns a (prefix, residue) tuple.\n xs => {\n const go = ys =>\n 0 < ys.length\n ? (() => {\n const [b, bs] = f(ys);\n\n return [b].concat(go(bs));\n })()\n : [];\n\n return go([...xs]);\n };",
"chr": "// chr :: Int -> Char\nconst chr = x =>\n // The character at unix code-point x.\n String.fromCodePoint(x);",
"chunksOf": "// chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]\nconst chunksOf = n => {\n // xs split into sublists of length n.\n // The last sublist will be short if n\n // does not evenly divide the length of xs .\n const go = xs => {\n const chunk = xs.slice(0, n);\n\n return 0 < chunk.length\n ? [chunk, ...go(xs.slice(n))]\n : [];\n };\n\n return go;\n};",
"combinations": "// combinations :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]\nconst combinations = n =>\n // All combinations, without repetition,\n // of n items drawn from xs.\n xs => {\n const go = (m, ys) =>\n 1 > m\n ? [[]]\n : 0 === ys.length\n ? []\n : (\n (h, rest) => [\n ...go(m - 1, rest)\n .map(t => [h, ...t]),\n ...go(m, rest)\n ]\n )(\n ys[0], ys.slice(1)\n );\n\n return (go)(n, xs);\n };",
"combine": "// combine (</>) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath\nconst combine = fp =>\n // The concatenation of two filePath segments,\n // without omission or duplication of \"/\".\n fp1 => Boolean(fp) && Boolean(fp1)\n ? \"/\" === fp1.slice(0, 1)\n ? fp1\n : \"/\" === fp.slice(-1)\n ? fp + fp1\n : `${fp}/${fp1}`\n : (fp + fp1);",
"compare": "// compare :: a -> a -> Ordering\nconst compare = a =>\n b => a < b\n ? -1\n : a > b\n ? 1\n : 0;",
"compareList": "// compareList :: [a] -> [a] -> Ordering\nconst compareList = xs =>\n // 0 if two lists are identical.\n // -1 if xs is empty, or has a lower leftward value.\n // 1 if ys is empty, or has a lower leftward value.\n ys => compare(0 === xs.length)(0 === ys.length) || (\n compare(xs[0])(ys[0]) || (\n compareList(xs.slice(1))(ys.slice(1))\n )\n );",
"comparing": "// comparing :: Ord a => (b -> a) -> b -> b -> Ordering\nconst comparing = f =>\n // The ordering of f(x) and f(y) as a value\n // drawn from {-1, 0, 1}, representing {LT, EQ, GT}.\n x => y => {\n const\n a = f(x),\n b = f(y);\n\n return a < b\n ? -1\n : a > b\n ? 1\n : 0;\n };",
"compose": "// compose (<<<) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c\nconst compose = (...fs) =>\n // A function defined by the right-to-left\n // composition of all the functions in fs.\n fs.reduce(\n (f, g) => x => f(g(x)),\n x => x\n );",
"composeList": "// composeList :: [(a -> a)] -> (a -> a)\nconst composeList = fs =>\n fs.reduce(\n (f, g) => x => f(g(x)),\n x => x\n );",
"composeListR": "// composeListR :: [(a -> a)] -> (a -> a)\nconst composeListR = fs =>\n x => fs.reduce((a, f) => f(a), x);",
"composeR": "// composeR (>>>) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c\nconst composeR = f =>\n g => x => f(g(x));",
"concat": "// concat :: [[a]] -> [a]\nconst concat = xs =>\n // The concatenation of all the lists\n // in a list of lists.\n xs.flat(1);",
"concatGen": "// concatGen :: Gen [[a]] -> Gen [a]\nconst concatGen = gen =>\n // A flattened stream of generator values;\n (function* (g) {\n let m = g.next();\n\n while (!m.done) {\n const xs = lazyList(m.value);\n let x = xs.next();\n\n while (!x.done) {\n yield x.value;\n x = xs.next();\n }\n m = g.next();\n }\n }(gen));",
"concatMap": "// concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]\nconst concatMap = f =>\n // Concatenated results of a map of f over xs.\n // f is any function which returns a list value.\n // Any empty lists returned are filtered out by\n // the concatenation.\n xs => xs.flatMap(f);",
"concats": "// concats :: [String] -> String\nconst concats = xs =>\n xs.join(\"\");",
"cons": "// cons :: a -> [a] -> [a]\nconst cons = x =>\n // A list constructed from the item x,\n // followed by the existing list xs.\n xs => Array.isArray(xs)\n ? [x].concat(xs)\n : \"GeneratorFunction\" !== (\n xs.constructor.constructor.name\n )\n ? x + xs\n : (function *() {\n yield x;\n let nxt = xs.next();\n\n while (!nxt.done) {\n yield nxt.value;\n nxt = xs.next();\n }\n }());",
"constant": "// constant :: a -> b -> a\nconst constant = k =>\n () => k;",
"copyFileLR": "// copyFileLR :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Either String IO ()\nconst copyFileLR = fpFrom =>\n fpTo => {\n const fpTargetFolder = takeDirectory(fpTo);\n\n return doesFileExist(fpFrom)\n ? doesDirectoryExist(fpTargetFolder)\n ? (() => {\n const\n e = $(),\n fpTarget = $(fpTo).stringByStandardizingPath;\n\n return (\n $.NSFileManager.defaultManager\n .copyItemAtPathToPathError(\n $(fpFrom).stringByStandardizingPath,\n fpTarget,\n e\n )\n ? Right(ObjC.unwrap(fpTarget))\n : Left(ObjC.unwrap(e.localizedDescription))\n );\n })()\n : Left(`Target folder not found: ${fpTargetFolder}`)\n : Left(`Source file not found: ${fpFrom}`);\n };",
"createDirectoryIfMissingLR": "// createDirectoryIfMissingLR :: Bool -> FilePath\n// -> Either String FilePath\nconst createDirectoryIfMissingLR = blnParents =>\n dirPath => {\n const fp = filePath(dirPath);\n\n return doesPathExist(fp)\n ? Right(fp)\n : (() => {\n const\n e = $(),\n blnOK = $.NSFileManager\n .defaultManager[\n \"createDirectoryAtPath\" + (\n \"WithIntermediateDirectories\"\n ) + \"AttributesError\"\n ](fp, blnParents, void 0, e);\n\n return blnOK\n ? Right(fp)\n : Left(e.localizedDescription);\n })();\n };",
"curry": "// curry :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c\nconst curry = f =>\n a => b => 1 < f.length\n ? f(a, b)\n : f(Tuple(a)(b));",
"curryN": "// curryN :: Curry a b => a -> b\nconst curryN = f =>\n // A curried function derived from a\n // function over a tuple of any order.\n (...args) => {\n const\n go = xs => f.length <= xs.length\n ? f(...xs)\n : (...ys) => go(xs.concat(ys));\n\n return go(args);\n };",
"cycle": "// cycle :: [a] -> Generator [a]\nconst cycle = function* (xs) {\n // An infinite repetition of xs,\n // from which a prefix of arbitrary\n // length may be drawn.\n const n = xs.length;\n let i = 0;\n\n while (true) {\n yield xs[i];\n i = (1 + i) % n;\n }\n};",
"decodedPath": "// decodedPath :: Percent Encoded String -> FilePath\nconst decodedPath = decodeURI;",
"degrees": "// degrees :: Float x => Radians x -> Degrees x\nconst degrees = r =>\n (180 / Math.PI) * r;",
"delete": "// delete :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]\nconst delete_ = x =>\n // xs with first instance of x (if any) removed.\n xs => {\n const i = xs.findIndex(v => x === v);\n\n return -1 === i\n ? xs.slice(0)\n : xs.slice(0, i).concat(\n xs.slice(1 + i)\n );\n };",
"deleteAt": "// deleteAt :: Int -> [a] -> [a]\nconst deleteAt = i =>\n // A copy of xs without any element at i, \n // if i is a valid index.\n xs => xs.slice(0, i).concat(\n xs.slice(1 + i)\n );",
"deleteBy": "// deleteBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> [a]\nconst deleteBy = fEq =>\n // A copy of the given list excluding the first\n // item which matches x in terms of the supplied\n // fEq equality operator.\n x => xs => {\n const i = xs.findIndex(fEq(x));\n\n return -1 === i\n ? xs.slice(0)\n : xs.slice(0, i).concat(\n xs.slice(1 + i)\n );\n };",
"deleteFirst": "// deleteFirst :: a -> [a] -> [a]\nconst deleteFirst = x => {\n const go = xs => 0 < xs.length\n ? x === xs[0]\n ? xs.slice(1)\n : [...xs[0], ...go(xs.slice(1))]\n : [];\n\n return go;\n};",
"deleteFirstsBy": "// deleteFirstsBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]\nconst deleteFirstsBy = fEq =>\n // The first list purged of the first instance of\n // each predicate-matching element in the second list.\n xs => targets => {\n const d = deleteBy(fEq);\n\n return targets.reduce(\n (a, t) => d(t)(a),\n xs\n );\n };",
"deleteKey": "// deleteKey :: String -> Dict -> Dict\nconst deleteKey = k =>\n // A new dictionary, without the key k.\n dict => {\n const d = { ...dict };\n\n return (delete d[k], d);\n };",
"dictFromList": "// dictFromList :: [(k, v)] -> Dict\nconst dictFromList = kvs =>\n Object.fromEntries(kvs);",
"difference": "// difference :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]\nconst difference = xs =>\n ys => {\n const s = new Set(ys);\n\n return xs.filter(x => !s.has(x));\n };",
"differenceGen": "// differenceGen :: Gen [a] -> Gen [a] -> Gen [a]\nconst differenceGen = ga =>\n function *(gb) {\n // All values of generator stream ga except any\n // already seen in generator stream gb.\n const\n stream = zipGen(ga)(gb),\n sb = new Set([]);\n\n let xy = take(1)(stream);\n\n while (Boolean(xy.length)) {\n const [x, y] = Array.from(xy[0]);\n\n sb.add(y);\n if (!sb.has(x)) {\n yield x;\n }\n xy = take(1)(stream);\n }\n };",
"digitToInt": "// digitToInt :: Char -> Int\nconst digitToInt = c => {\n const\n ord = x => x.codePointAt(0),\n oc = ord(c);\n\n return 48 > oc || 102 < oc\n ? null\n : (() => {\n const\n dec = oc - ord(\"0\"),\n hexu = oc - ord(\"A\"),\n hexl = oc - ord(\"a\");\n\n return 9 >= dec\n ? dec\n : 0 <= hexu && 5 >= hexu\n ? 10 + hexu\n : 0 <= hexl && 5 >= hexl\n ? 10 + hexl\n : null;\n })();\n};",
"div": "// div :: Int -> Int -> Int\nconst div = x =>\n y => Math.floor(x / y);",
"divMod": "// divMod :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)\nconst divMod = n => d => {\n // Integer division, truncated toward negative infinity,\n // and integer modulus such that:\n // (x `div` y)*y + (x `mod` y) == x\n const [q, r] = [Math.trunc(n / d), n % d];\n\n return signum(n) === signum(-d)\n ? Tuple(q - 1)(r + d)\n : Tuple(q)(r);\n};",
"doesDirectoryExist": "// doesDirectoryExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool\nconst doesDirectoryExist = fp => {\n const ref = Ref();\n\n return $.NSFileManager.defaultManager\n .fileExistsAtPathIsDirectory(\n $(fp)\n .stringByStandardizingPath, ref\n ) && ref[0];\n};",
"doesFileExist": "// doesFileExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool\nconst doesFileExist = fp => {\n const ref = Ref();\n\n return $.NSFileManager\n .defaultManager\n .fileExistsAtPathIsDirectory(\n $(fp).stringByStandardizingPath,\n ref\n ) && !ref[0];\n};",
"doesPathExist": "// doesPathExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool\nconst doesPathExist = fp =>\n $.NSFileManager.defaultManager\n .fileExistsAtPath(\n $(fp).stringByStandardizingPath\n );",
"dot": "// dot (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c\nconst dot = f =>\n // The composition of two functions.\n g => x => f(g(x));",
"draw": "// draw :: Tree String -> [String]\nconst draw = node => {\n // shifted :: String -> String -> [String] -> [String]\n const shifted = (first, other, xs) =>\n xs.map((x, i) =>\n (0 < i ? other : first) + x\n );\n\n // drawSubTrees :: [Tree String] -> [String]\n const drawSubTrees = xs => {\n const n = xs.length;\n\n return 0 < n\n ? [\"│\"].concat(\n 1 < n\n ? shifted(\"├─ \", \"│ \", draw(xs[0]))\n .concat(\n drawSubTrees(xs.slice(1))\n )\n : shifted(\"└─ \", \" \", draw(xs[0]))\n )\n : [];\n };\n\n return node.root.split(\"\\n\").concat(\n drawSubTrees(node.nest)\n );\n};",
"drawForest": "// drawForest :: [Tree String] -> String\nconst drawForest = trees =>\n trees.map(drawTree).join(\"\\n\");",
"drawTree": "// drawTree :: Tree String -> String\nconst drawTree = tree =>\n draw(tree).join(\"\\n\");",
"drawTree2": "// drawTree2 :: Bool -> Bool -> Tree String -> String\n// eslint-disable-next-line max-lines-per-function\nconst drawTree2 = blnCompact => blnPruned => tree => {\n // Tree design and algorithm inspired by the Haskell snippet at:\n // https://doisinkidney.com/snippets/drawing-trees.html\n const\n // Lefts, Middle, Rights\n lmrFromStrings = xs => {\n const [ls, rs] = Array.from(splitAt(\n Math.floor(xs.length / 2)\n )(xs));\n\n return TupleN(ls, rs[0], rs.slice(1));\n },\n stringsFromLMR = lmr =>\n Array.from(lmr).reduce((a, x) => a.concat(x), []),\n fghOverLMR = (f, g, h) => lmr => {\n const [ls, m, rs] = Array.from(lmr);\n\n return TupleN(ls.map(f), g(m), rs.map(h));\n };\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line max-lines-per-function\n const lmrBuild = (f, w) => wsTree => {\n const\n leftPad = n => s => \" \".repeat(n) + s,\n xs = wsTree.nest,\n lng = xs.length,\n [nChars, x] = Array.from(wsTree.root);\n\n // ------------------ LEAF NODE ------------------\n return 0 === lng\n ? TupleN([], \"─\".repeat(w - nChars) + x, [])\n\n // --------- NODE WITH SINGLE CHILD ----------\n : 1 === lng\n ? (() => {\n const indented = leftPad(1 + w);\n\n return fghOverLMR(\n indented,\n z => `${\"─\".repeat(w - nChars)}${x}-${z}`,\n indented\n )(f(xs[0]));\n\n // ----------- NODE WITH CHILDREN ------------\n })()\n : (() => {\n const\n cFix = y => ys => y + ys,\n treeFix = (l, m, r) => compose(\n stringsFromLMR,\n fghOverLMR(cFix(l), cFix(m), cFix(r))\n ),\n _x = \"─\".repeat(w - nChars) + x,\n indented = leftPad(w),\n lmrs = xs.map(f);\n\n return fghOverLMR(\n indented,\n s => _x + ({\n \"┌\": \"┬\",\n \"├\": \"┼\",\n \"│\": \"┤\",\n \"└\": \"┴\"\n })[s[0]] + s.slice(1),\n indented\n )(lmrFromStrings(\n intercalate(\n blnCompact\n ? []\n : [\"│\"]\n )(\n [treeFix(\" \", \"┌\", \"│\")(lmrs[0])]\n .concat(init(lmrs.slice(1)).map(\n treeFix(\"│\", \"├\", \"│\")\n ))\n .concat([treeFix(\"│\", \"└\", \" \")(\n lmrs[lmrs.length - 1]\n )])\n )\n ));\n })();\n };\n\n const\n measuredTree = fmapTree(\n v => {\n const s = ` ${v} `;\n\n return Tuple(s.length)(s);\n })(tree),\n levelWidths = levels(measuredTree)\n .reduce(\n (a, level) => a.concat(maximum(level.map(fst))),\n []\n ),\n treeLines = stringsFromLMR(\n levelWidths.reduceRight(\n lmrBuild, x => x\n )(measuredTree)\n );\n\n return unlines(\n blnPruned\n ? treeLines.filter(\n s => s.split(\"\")\n .some(c => !\" │\".includes(c))\n )\n : treeLines\n );\n};",
"drop": "// drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]\n// drop :: Int -> Generator [a] -> Generator [a]\n// drop :: Int -> String -> String\nconst drop = n =>\n xs => Infinity > length(xs)\n ? xs.slice(n)\n : (take(n)(xs), xs);",
"dropAround": "// dropAround :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]\n// dropAround :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> String\nconst dropAround = p =>\n xs => dropWhile(p)(\n dropWhileEnd(p)(xs)\n );",
"dropFileName": "// dropFileName :: FilePath -> FilePath\nconst dropFileName = fp =>\n \"\" !== fp\n ? (() => {\n const\n xs = (fp.split(\"/\"))\n .slice(0, -1);\n\n return Boolean(xs.length)\n ? `${xs.join(\"/\")}/`\n : \"./\";\n })()\n : \"./\";",
"dropLength": "// dropLength :: [a] -> [b] -> [b]\nconst dropLength = xs =>\n ys => {\n const go = (x, y) =>\n 0 < x.length\n ? 0 < y.length\n ? go(x.slice(1), y.slice(1))\n : []\n : y;\n\n return go(xs, ys);\n };",
"dropLengthMaybe": "// dropLengthMaybe :: [a] -> [b] -> Maybe [b]\nconst dropLengthMaybe = xs =>\n ys => {\n const go = (x, y) =>\n Boolean(x.length) ? (\n Boolean(y.length) ? (\n go(x.slice(1), y.slice(1))\n ) : Nothing()\n ) : Just(y);\n\n return go(xs, ys);\n };",
"dropWhile": "// dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]\nconst dropWhile = p =>\n // The suffix remaining after takeWhile p xs.\n xs => {\n const i = xs.findIndex(x => !p(x));\n\n return -1 !== i\n ? xs.slice(i)\n : [];\n };",
"dropWhileEnd": "// dropWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]\nconst dropWhileEnd = p =>\n // xs without the largest suffix in which p holds\n // for every element.\n xs => xs.slice(\n 0, 1 + xs.findLastIndex(\n x => !p(x)\n )\n );",
"dropWhileGen": "// dropWhileGen :: (a -> Bool) -> Gen [a] -> [a]\nconst dropWhileGen = p =>\n xs => {\n let\n nxt = xs.next(),\n v = nxt.value;\n\n while (!nxt.done && p(v)) {\n nxt = xs.next();\n v = nxt.value;\n }\n\n return cons(v)(xs);\n };",
"either": "// either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c\nconst either = fl =>\n // Application of the function fl to the\n // contents of any Left value in e, or\n // the application of fr to its Right value.\n fr => e => \"Left\" in e\n ? fl(e.Left)\n : fr(e.Right);",
"elem": "// elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool\nconst elem = x =>\n // True if xs contains an instance of x.\n xs => {\n const t = xs.constructor.name;\n\n return \"Array\" !== t\n ? xs[\"Set\" !== t\n ? \"includes\"\n : \"has\"](x)\n : xs.some(eq(x));\n };",
"elemAtMay": "// elemAtMay :: Int -> Dict -> Maybe (String, a)\n// elemAtMay :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe a\nconst elemAtMay = i =>\n // Just the item at the indexed position in an array,\n // or in the lexically sorted key-values of a dict,\n // or Nothing, if the index is out of range.\n obj => {\n const\n vs = Array.isArray(obj)\n ? obj\n : Object.entries(obj).sort(\n (a, b) => b[0].localeCompare(a[0])\n );\n\n return (0 <= i) && (i < vs.length)\n ? Just(vs[i])\n : Nothing();\n };",
"elemIndex": "// elemIndex :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe Int\nconst elemIndex = x =>\n // Just the index of x in xs, if it is found,\n // or Nothing, if xs does not contain x.\n xs => {\n const i = xs.indexOf(x);\n\n return -1 === i\n ? Nothing()\n : Just(i);\n };",
"elemIndices": "// elemIndices :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]\nconst elemIndices = x =>\n // The indices at which x occurs in xs.\n xs => [...xs].flatMap(\n (y, i) => y === x\n ? [i]\n : []\n );",
"elemTree": "// elemTree :: a -> Tree a -> Bool\nconst elemTree = x =>\n // True if the root of any node in the tree\n // has the value x.\n tree => {\n const go = t =>\n x === t.root || t.nest.some(go);\n\n return go(tree);\n };",
"elems": "// elems :: Map k a -> [a]\n// elems :: Set a -> [a]\nconst elems = x =>\n \"Set\" !== x.constructor.name\n ? Object.values(x)\n : Array.from(x.values());",
"encodedPath": "// encodedPath :: FilePath -> Percent Encoded String\nconst encodedPath = encodeURI;",
"enumFrom": "// enumFrom :: Enum a => a -> [a]\nconst enumFrom = function* (x) {\n // A non-finite succession of enumerable\n // values, starting with the value x.\n let v = x;\n\n while (true) {\n yield v;\n v = succ(v);\n }\n};",
"enumFromPairs": "// enumFromPairs :: String -> [(String, Int)] -> Dict\nconst enumFromPairs = enumName =>\n kvs => {\n const\n iMax = kvs[kvs.length - 1][1],\n iMin = kvs[0][1];\n\n return kvs.reduce(\n (a, kv) => ({\n ...a,\n [kv[0]]: {\n \"type\": \"enum\",\n \"name\": enumName,\n \"key\": kv[0],\n \"max\": iMax,\n \"min\": iMin,\n \"value\": kv[1]\n },\n [kv[1]]: kv[0]\n }), {}\n );\n };",
"enumFromThen": "// enumFromThen :: Int -> Int -> Gen [Int]\nconst enumFromThen = x =>\n // A non-finite stream of integers,\n // starting with x and y, and continuing\n // with the same interval.\n function* (y) {\n const d = y - x;\n let v = y + d;\n\n yield x;\n yield y;\n while (true) {\n yield v;\n v = d + v;\n }\n };",
"enumFromThenTo": "// enumFromThenTo :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]\nconst enumFromThenTo = m =>\n // Integer values enumerated from m to n\n // with a step defined by (nxt - m).\n nxt => n => {\n const d = nxt - m;\n\n return Array.from({\n length: (Math.floor(n - nxt) / d) + 2\n }, (_, i) => m + (d * i));\n };",
"enumFromThenToChar": "// enumFromThenToChar :: Char -> Char -> Char -> [Char]\nconst enumFromThenToChar = x1 =>\n x2 => y => {\n const\n [i1, i2, iY] = [x1, x2, y].map(\n x => x.codePointAt(0)\n ),\n d = i2 - i1;\n\n return Array.from({\n length: (Math.floor(iY - i2) / d) + 2\n },\n (_, i) => String.fromCodePoint(\n i1 + (d * i)\n ));\n };",
"enumFromTo": "// enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]\nconst enumFromTo = m =>\n // Enumeration of the integers from m to n.\n n => Array.from(\n {length: 1 + n - m},\n (_, i) => m + i\n );",
"enumFromToChar": "// enumFromToChar :: Char -> Char -> [Char]\nconst enumFromToChar = m => n => {\n const\n [intM, intN] = [m, n].map(\n x => x.codePointAt(0)\n );\n\n return Array.from({\n length: Math.floor(intN - intM) + 1\n }, (_, i) => String.fromCodePoint(intM + i));\n};",
"enumFromTo_": "// enumFromTo_ :: Enum a => a -> a -> [a]\nconst enumFromTo_ = m => n => {\n const\n [x, y] = [m, n].map(fromEnum),\n b = x + (\n isNaN(m)\n ? 0\n : m - x\n );\n\n return Array.from({\n length: 1 + (y - x)\n }, (_, i) => toEnum(m)(b + i));\n};",
"eq": "// eq (==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool\nconst eq = a =>\n // True when a and b are equivalent in the terms\n // defined below for their shared data type.\n b => {\n const t = typeof a;\n\n return t === typeof b && (\n \"object\" !== t\n ? \"function\" !== t\n ? a === b\n : a.toString() === b.toString()\n : (() => {\n const kvs = Object.entries(a);\n\n return kvs.length !== Object.keys(b).length\n ? false\n : kvs.every(([k, v]) => eq(v)(b[k]));\n })()\n );\n };",
"eqDate": "// eqDate :: Date -> Date -> Bool\nconst eqDate = dte =>\n // True if the date parts of two date-time objects\n // (ignoring the time parts) are the same.\n dte1 => {\n const dayOnly = dateTime =>\n new Date(dateTime).setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\n\n return dayOnly(dte) === dayOnly(dte1);\n };",
"eqDateTime": "// eqDateTime :: Int -> Date -> Date -> Bool\nconst eqDateTime = n =>\n // Equivalence of two JS Date values\n // at a granularity of n minutes.\n // e.g.\n // Same minute: eqDateTime(1)(a)(b)\n // Same hour: eqDateTime(60)(a)(b)\n on(a => b => a === b)(\n flip(div)(6E4 * n)\n );",
"eqSet": "// eqSet :: Set a -> Set a -> Bool\nconst eqSet = a =>\n // True if the two sets have\n // the same size and members.\n b => a.size === b.size && (\n Array.from(a).every(x => b.has(x))\n );",
"evalJSLR": "// evalJSLR :: String -> Either String a\nconst evalJSLR = s => {\n try {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-eval\n return Right(eval(`(${s})`));\n } catch (e) {\n return Left(e.message);\n }\n};",
"evalJSMay": "// evalJSMay :: String -> Maybe a\nconst evalJSMay = s => {\n try {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-eval\n return Just(eval(`(${s})`));\n } catch (e) {\n return Nothing();\n }\n};",
"even": "// even :: Int -> Bool\nconst even = n =>\n // True if 2 is a factor of n.\n 0 === n % 2;",
"exp": "// exp :: Float -> Float\nconst exp = Math.exp;",
"fTable": "// fTable :: String -> (a -> String) ->\n// (b -> String) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> String\nconst fTable = s =>\n // Heading -> x display function ->\n // fx display function ->\n // f -> values -> tabular string\n xShow => fxShow => f => xs => {\n const\n ys = xs.map(xShow),\n w = Math.max(...ys.map(y => [...y].length)),\n table = zipWith(\n a => b => `${a.padStart(w, \" \")} -> ${b}`\n )(ys)(\n xs.map(x => fxShow(f(x)))\n ).join(\"\\n\");\n\n return `${s}\\n${table}`;\n };",
"fType": "// fType :: (a -> f b) -> f\nconst fType = g => {\n const s = g.toString();\n\n return s.includes(\"Right\")\n ? Right\n : s.includes(\"Left\")\n ? Left\n : s.includes(\"Nothing\")\n ? Just\n : s.includes(\"Node\")\n ? flip(Node)([])\n : x => [x];\n};",
"fanArrow": "// fanArrow (&&&) ::\n// (a -> b) -> (a -> c) -> (a -> (b, c))\nconst fanArrow = f =>\n // A combined function, given f and g,\n // from x to a tuple of (f(x), g(x))\n // ((,) . f <*> g)\n g => x => Tuple(f(x))(\n g(x)\n );",
"filePath": "// filePath :: String -> FilePath\nconst filePath = s =>\n // The given file path with any tilde expanded\n // to the full user directory path.\n ObjC.unwrap(\n $(s).stringByStandardizingPath\n );",
"filePathTree": "// filePathTree :: filePath -> [Tree String] -> Tree FilePath\nconst filePathTree = fpAnchor =>\n trees => {\n const go = fp => tree => {\n const path = `${fp}/${tree.root.text}`;\n\n return Node(path)(\n tree.nest.map(go(path))\n );\n };\n\n return Node(fpAnchor)(\n trees.map(go(fpAnchor))\n );\n };",
"fileSize": "// fileSize :: FilePath -> Either String Int\nconst fileSize = fp =>\n bindLR(fileStatus(fp))(\n dct => Right(ObjC.unwrap(dct.NSFileSize))\n );",
"fileStatus": "// fileStatus :: FilePath -> Either String Dict\nconst fileStatus = fp => {\n const\n e = $(),\n dct = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager\n .attributesOfItemAtPathError(\n $(fp).stringByStandardizingPath,\n e\n );\n\n return dct.isNil()\n ? Left(ObjC.unwrap(e.localizedDescription))\n : Right(ObjC.deepUnwrap(dct));\n};",
"fileUTI": "// fileUTI :: FilePath -> Either String String\nconst fileUTI = fp => {\n // ObjC.import(\"AppKit\")\n const\n e = $(),\n uti = $.NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace\n .typeOfFileError(fp, e);\n\n return uti.isNil()\n ? Left(ObjC.unwrap(e.localizedDescription))\n : Right(ObjC.unwrap(uti));\n};",
"filesCopiedLR": "// filesCopiedLR :: FilePath -> [FilePath] ->\n// FilePath -> IO Either String [FilePath]\nconst filesCopiedLR = fpSourceFolder =>\n // Either a message, or a list of the files\n // successfully copied from the source folder\n // to the target folder, or already found in place.\n fileNames => fpTargetFolder => {\n const\n lrs = fileNames.map(k => {\n const tgt = combine(fpTargetFolder)(k);\n\n return doesFileExist(tgt)\n ? Right(tgt)\n : copyFileLR(\n combine(fpSourceFolder)(k)\n )(tgt);\n }),\n ls = lefts(lrs);\n\n return 0 < ls.length\n ? Left(ls[0])\n : Right(rights(lrs));\n };",
"filter": "// filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]\nconst filter = p =>\n // The elements of xs which match\n // the predicate p.\n xs => [...xs].filter(p);",
"filterGen": "// filterGen :: (a -> Bool) -> Gen [a] -> Gen [a]\nconst filterGen = p =>\n // A stream of values which are drawn\n // from a generator, and satisfy p.\n xs => {\n const go = function* () {\n let x = xs.next();\n\n while (!x.done) {\n const v = x.value;\n\n if (p(v)) {\n yield v;\n }\n x = xs.next();\n }\n };\n\n return go(xs);\n };",
"filterTree": "// filterTree (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> [a]\nconst filterTree = p =>\n // List of all values in the tree\n // which match the predicate p.\n foldTree(x => xs =>\n p(x)\n ? [x, ...xs.flat()]\n : xs.flat()\n );",
"filteredForest": "// filteredForest :: (a -> Bool) -> [Tree a] -> [Tree a]\nconst filteredForest = p =>\n // A forest of trees which all subtrees match the predicate.\n trees => {\n const go = t => {\n const v = root(t);\n\n return p(v)\n ? [\n Node(v)(\n nest(t).flatMap(go)\n )\n ]\n : [];\n };\n\n return trees.flatMap(go);\n };",
"filteredSubTrees": "// filteredSubTrees :: (Tree a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> [Tree a]\nconst filteredSubTrees = p => {\n // SubTrees (within the given tree) which match p.\n const go = tree => (\n p(root(tree))\n ? [tree]\n : []\n )\n .concat(nest(tree).flatMap(go));\n\n return go;\n};",
"find": "// find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a\nconst find = p =>\n // Just the first element in xs which\n // matches the predicate p, or\n // Nothing if no match is found.\n xs => \"GeneratorFunction\" !== (\n xs.constructor.constructor.name\n )\n ? (() => {\n const i = xs.findIndex(p);\n\n return -1 !== i\n ? Just(xs[i])\n : Nothing();\n })()\n : findGen(p)(xs);",
"findGen": "// findGen :: (a -> Bool) -> Gen [a] -> Maybe a\nconst findGen = p =>\n // Just the first match for the predicate p\n // in the generator stream xs, or Nothing\n // if no match is found.\n xs => {\n const\n mb = until(\n ([nxt]) => nxt.done || p(nxt.value)\n )(\n ([, b]) => Tuple(b.next())(\n b\n )\n )(\n Tuple(xs.next())(xs)\n )[0];\n\n return mb.done\n ? Nothing()\n : Just(mb.value);\n };",
"findIndex": "// findIndex :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int\nconst findIndex = p =>\n // Just the index of the first element in\n // xs for which p(x) is true, or\n // Nothing if there is no such element.\n xs => {\n const i = [...xs].findIndex(p);\n\n return -1 !== i\n ? Just(i)\n : Nothing();\n };",
"findIndexR": "// findIndexR :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int\nconst findIndexR = p =>\n // Just the index of the last element in\n // xs for which p(x) is true, or\n // Nothing if there is no such element.\n xs => {\n const i = reverse([...xs]).findIndex(p);\n\n return -1 !== i\n ? Just(xs.length - (1 + i))\n : Nothing();\n };",
"findIndices": "// findIndices :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [Int]\n// findIndices :: (String -> Bool) -> String -> [Int]\nconst findIndices = p =>\n xs => {\n const ys = [...xs];\n\n return ys.flatMap(\n (y, i) => p(y, i, ys)\n ? [i]\n : []\n );\n };",
"findTree": "// findTree :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Maybe a\nconst findTree = p => {\n // The first of any node values in the tree which match\n // the predicate p.\n // (For all matches, see treeMatches)\n const go = tree => {\n const x = tree.root;\n\n return p(x)\n ? Just(x)\n : (() => {\n const\n xs = tree.nest,\n n = xs.length;\n\n return 0 < n\n ? until(\n ([i, mb]) => n <= i || (\"Just\" in mb)\n )(\n ([i]) => [1 + i, go(xs[i])]\n )(\n [0, Nothing()]\n )[1]\n : Nothing();\n })();\n };\n\n return go;\n};",
"first": "// first :: (a -> b) -> ((a, c) -> (b, c))\nconst first = f =>\n // A simple function lifted to one which applies\n // to a tuple, transforming only its first item.\n ([x, y]) => Tuple(f(x))(y);",
"flatten": "// flatten :: NestedList a -> [a]\nconst flatten = nest =>\n nest.flat(Infinity);",
"flattenTree": "// flattenTree :: Tree a -> [a]\nconst flattenTree = tree => {\n const\n go = (xs, node) => [node.root].concat(\n node.nest.reduceRight(go, xs)\n );\n\n return go([], tree);\n};",
"flip": "// flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c\nconst flip = op =>\n // The binary function op with\n // its arguments reversed.\n 1 !== op.length\n ? (a, b) => op(b, a)\n : (a => b => op(b)(a));",
"floor": "// floor :: Num -> Int\nconst floor = x => {\n const\n nr = (\n \"Ratio\" !== x.type\n ? properFraction\n : properFracRatio\n )(x),\n n = nr[0];\n\n return 0 > nr[1]\n ? n - 1\n : n;\n};",
"fmap": "// fmap (<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b\nconst fmap = f =>\n // f mapped over the given functor.\n x => ({\n \"Either\": () => fmapLR,\n \"(a -> b)\": () => dot,\n \"List\": () => map,\n \"Maybe\": () => fmapMay,\n \"Node\": () => fmapTree,\n \"String\": () => map,\n \"Tuple\": () => fmapTuple\n })[typeName(x)]()(f)(x);",
"fmapDict": "// fmapDict :: (a -> b) ->\n// {String :: a} -> {String :: b}\nconst fmapDict = f =>\n // A map of f over every value\n // in the given dictionary.\n dict => Object.entries(dict)\n .reduceRight(\n (a, [k, v]) => ({\n ...a,\n [k]: f(v)\n }),\n {}\n );",
"fmapGen": "// fmapGen <$> :: (a -> b) -> Gen [a] -> Gen [b]\nconst fmapGen = f =>\n // The map of f over a stream of generator values.\n function* (gen) {\n let v = gen.next();\n\n while (!v.done) {\n yield f(v.value);\n v = gen.next();\n }\n };",
"fmapLR": "// fmapLR (<$>) :: (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Either a c\nconst fmapLR = f =>\n // Either f mapped into the contents of any Right\n // value in e, or e unchanged if it is a Left value.\n e => \"Left\" in e\n ? e\n : Right(f(e.Right));",
"fmapMay": "// fmapMay (<$>) :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b\nconst fmapMay = f =>\n mb => mb.Nothing\n ? mb\n : Just(f(mb.Just));",
"fmapTree": "// fmapTree :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b\nconst fmapTree = f => {\n // A new tree. The result of a\n // structure-preserving application of f\n // to each root in the existing tree.\n const go = t => Node(\n f(root(t))\n )(\n nest(t).map(go)\n );\n\n return go;\n};",
"fmapTuple": "// fmapTuple (<$>) :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (a, b)\nconst fmapTuple = f =>\n second(f);",
"fmapZL": "// fmapZL (<$>) :: (a -> b) -> ZipList a -> ZipList b\nconst fmapZL = f =>\n // f mapped over the contents of a ZipList\n // of finite or infinite length.\n zl => ZipList(\n (() => {\n const xs = zl.getZipList;\n\n return Infinity > xs.length\n ? xs.map(f)\n : fmapGen(f)(xs);\n })()\n );",
"foldList": "// foldList :: Monoid m => [m] -> m\nconst foldList = xs =>\n // The elements of xs combined.\n foldMapList(x => x)(xs);",
"foldMap": "// foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m\nconst foldMap = f => t =>\n // Each element of the structure mapped to a monoid,\n // with the results combined by (<>)\n ({\n Node: () => foldMapTree(f),\n List: () => foldMapList(f)\n })[typeName(t)]()(t);",
"foldMapGen": "// foldMapGen :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> Gen [b]\nconst foldMapGen = f =>\n // A lazy list of concatenated values\n // obtained by mapping f over xs\n xs => concatGen(\n function* () {\n const ys = [...xs];\n\n while (0 < ys.length) {\n yield f(ys.shift());\n }\n }(xs)\n );",
"foldMapList": "// foldMapList :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m\nconst foldMapList = f =>\n // f mapped over the combined values of a structure.\n xs => 1 < xs.length\n ? xs.slice(1).reduce(\n (a, x) => mappend(a)(f(x)),\n xs[0]\n )\n : xs.map(f);",
"foldMapTree": "// foldMapTree :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Tree a -> m\nconst foldMapTree = f => {\n // Result of mapping each element of the tree to\n // a monoid, and combining with mappend.\n const go = tree =>\n nest(tree).map(go)\n .reduce(\n uncurry(mappend),\n f(root(tree))\n );\n\n return go;\n};",
"foldTree": "// foldTree :: (a -> [b] -> b) -> Tree a -> b\nconst foldTree = f => {\n // The catamorphism on trees. A summary\n // value obtained by a depth-first fold.\n const go = tree => f(\n root(tree)\n )(\n nest(tree).map(go)\n );\n\n return go;\n};",
"foldl": "// foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a\nconst foldl = f =>\n // Note that that the signature of foldl differs\n // from that of foldr - the positions of\n // accumulator and current value in f are reversed.\n a => xs => [...xs].reduce(\n (x, y) => f(x)(y),\n a\n );",
"foldl1": "// foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a\nconst foldl1 = f =>\n // Left to right reduction of the non-empty list xs,\n // using the binary operator f, with the head of xs\n // as the initial acccumulator value.\n xs => 1 < xs.length\n ? xs.slice(1).reduce(\n uncurry(f),\n xs[0]\n )\n : xs[0];",
"foldl1May": "// foldl1May :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> Maybe a\nconst foldl1May = f =>\n xs => 0 < xs.length\n ? Just(\n xs.slice(1)\n .reduce(uncurry(f), xs[0])\n )\n : Nothing();",
"foldlTree": "// foldlTree :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b\nconst foldlTree = f =>\n // A top-down left-right\n // accumulating traversal.\n acc => node => {\n const go = (a, x) =>\n x.nest.reduce(go, f(a)(x.root));\n\n return go(acc, node);\n };",
"foldr": "// foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b\nconst foldr = f =>\n // Note that that the signature of foldr differs\n // from that of foldl - the positions of\n // current value and accumulator in f are reversed\n acc => xs => [...xs].reduceRight(\n (a, x) => f(x)(a),\n acc\n );",
"foldr1": "// foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a\nconst foldr1 = f =>\n xs => 0 < xs.length\n ? xs.slice(0, -1).reduceRight(\n uncurry(f),\n xs.slice(-1)[0]\n )\n : [];",
"foldr1May": "// foldr1May :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> Maybe a\nconst foldr1May = f =>\n // Nothing if xs is empty, or Just a right\n // fold of f over the list using the last\n // item of xs as the initial accumulator value.\n xs => Boolean(xs.length)\n ? Just(\n xs.slice(0, -1).reduceRight(\n uncurry(f),\n xs.slice(-1)[0])\n )\n : Nothing();",
"foldrTree": "// foldrTree :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b\nconst foldrTree = f =>\n acc => node => {\n const go = (a, x) =>\n f(x.root)(\n x.nest.reduceRight(go, a)\n );\n\n return go(acc, node);\n };",
"foldrTree2": "// foldrTree2 :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b\nconst foldrTree2 = f =>\n // A derivation of foldrTree\n // from foldMapTree\n z => t => foldMapTree(\n compose(Endo, f)\n )(t).appEndo(z);",
"foldr_": "// foldr_ :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b\nconst foldr_ = f =>\n // Reduction of a structure, in terms of a binary\n // operator, from right to left.\n // A generic foldr, applicable to trees as well\n // as to lists.\n z => t => appEndo(\n foldMap(\n compose(Endo, f)\n )(t)\n )(z);",
"forestFromJSONLR": "// forestFromJSONLR ::\n// JSON String -> Either String Forest a\nconst forestFromJSONLR = json => {\n // Either a message string or a Forest.\n // Assumes a recursive [root, nest] JSON format,\n // in which `root` is a parseable value string,\n // and `nest` is a possibly empty list of\n // [`root`, `nest`] pairs.\n const go = vxs =>\n Node(vxs[0])(\n vxs[1].map(go)\n );\n\n return fmapLR(\n xs => xs.map(go)\n )(\n jsonParseLR(json)\n );\n};",
"fromEnum": "// fromEnum :: Enum a => a -> Int\nconst fromEnum = x =>\n typeof x !== \"string\"\n ? x.constructor === Object\n ? x.value\n : parseInt(Number(x), 10)\n : x.codePointAt(0);",
"fromLeft": "// fromLeft :: a -> Either a b -> a\nconst fromLeft = def =>\n // The contents of a 'Left' value,\n // or otherwise a default value.\n lr => isLeft(lr)\n ? lr.Left\n : def;",
"fromMaybe": "// fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a\nconst fromMaybe = v =>\n mb => \"Nothing\" in mb\n ? v\n : mb.Just;",
"fromRight": "// fromRight :: b -> Either a b -> b\nconst fromRight = def =>\n // The contents of a 'Right' value or otherwise a default value.\n lr => isRight(lr) ? (\n lr.Right\n ) : def;",
"fst": "// fst :: (a, b) -> a\nconst fst = tpl =>\n // First member of a pair.\n tpl[0];",
"ft": "// ft :: Int -> Int -> [Int]\nconst ft = m =>\n // From To.\n // An abbreviation of enumFromTo.\n n => Array.from({\n length: 1 + n - m\n }, (_, i) => m + i);",
"gcd": "// gcd :: Integral a => a -> a -> a\nconst gcd = x =>\n y => {\n const zero = x.constructor(0);\n const go = (a, b) =>\n zero === b\n ? a\n : go(b, a % b);\n\n return go(abs(x), abs(y));\n };",
"gcdApprox": "// gcdApprox :: Real -> (Real, Real) -> Real\nconst gcdApprox = epsilon =>\n (x, y) => {\n const _gcd = (a, b) => (\n b < epsilon\n ? a\n : _gcd(b, a % b)\n );\n\n return _gcd(Math.abs(x), Math.abs(y));\n };",
"genericIndexMay": "// genericIndexMay :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe a\nconst genericIndexMay = xs =>\n i => (i < xs.length && 0 <= i)\n ? Just(xs[i])\n : Nothing();",
"getCurrentDirectory": "// getCurrentDirectory :: IO FilePath\nconst getCurrentDirectory = () =>\n ObjC.unwrap(\n $.NSFileManager.defaultManager\n .currentDirectoryPath\n );",
"getDirectoryContentsLR": "// getDirectoryContentsLR :: FilePath ->\n// Either String IO [FilePath]\nconst getDirectoryContentsLR = fp => {\n const\n error = $(),\n xs = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager\n .contentsOfDirectoryAtPathError(\n $(fp).stringByStandardizingPath,\n error\n );\n\n return xs.isNil()\n ? Left(ObjC.unwrap(error.localizedDescription))\n : Right(ObjC.deepUnwrap(xs));\n};",
"getHomeDirectory": "// getHomeDirectory :: IO FilePath\nconst getHomeDirectory = () =>\n ObjC.unwrap($.NSHomeDirectory());",
"getTemporaryDirectory": "// getTemporaryDirectory :: IO FilePath\nconst getTemporaryDirectory = () =>\n ObjC.unwrap($.NSTemporaryDirectory());",
"group": "// group :: [a] -> [[a]]\nconst group = xs =>\n // A list of lists, each containing only\n // elements equal under (===), such that the\n // concatenation of these lists is xs.\n groupBy(a => b => a === b)(xs);",
"groupBy": "// groupBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]\nconst groupBy = eqOp =>\n // A list of lists, each containing only elements\n // equal under the given equality operator, such\n // that the concatenation of these lists is xs.\n xs => 0 < xs.length\n ? (() => {\n const [h, ...t] = xs;\n const [groups, g] = t.reduce(\n ([gs, a], x) => eqOp(a[0])(x)\n ? [gs, [...a, x]]\n : [[...gs, a], [x]],\n [[], [h]]\n );\n\n return [...groups, g];\n })()\n : [];",
"groupOn": "// groupOn :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]]\nconst groupOn = f =>\n // A list of lists, each containing only elements\n // which return equal values for f,\n // such that the concatenation of these lists is xs.\n xs => 0 < xs.length\n ? groupBy(\n a => b => eq(a[0])(b[0])\n )(\n xs.map(x => [f(x), x])\n )\n .map(gp => gp.map(ab => ab[1]))\n : [];",
"groupOnKey": "// groupOnKey :: Eq k => (a -> k) -> [a] -> [(k, [a])]\nconst groupOnKey = f =>\n // A list of (k, [a]) tuples, in which each [a]\n // contains only elements for which f returns the\n // same value, and in which k is that value.\n // The concatenation of the [a] in each tuple === xs.\n xs => 0 < xs.length\n ? groupBy(a => b => a[0] === b[0])(\n xs.map(x => [f(x), x])\n )\n .map(gp => [\n gp[0][0],\n gp.map(ab => ab[1])\n ])\n : [];",
"groupSortBy": "// groupSortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [[a]]\nconst groupSortBy = f =>\n // e.g. groupSortBy(comparing(length))\n compose(\n groupBy(a => b => 0 === f(a)(b)),\n sortBy(f)\n );",
"groupSortOn": "// groupSortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]]\nconst groupSortOn = f =>\n compose(\n map(map(snd)),\n groupBy(on(eq)(fst)),\n sortBy(comparing(fst)),\n map(fanArrow(f)(identity))\n );",
"gt": "// gt :: Ord a => a -> a -> Bool\nconst gt = x => y =>\n \"Tuple\" === x.type\n ? x[0] > y[0]\n : (x > y);",
"head": "// head :: [a] -> a\nconst head = xs =>\n // The first item (if any) in a list.\n 0 < xs.length\n ? xs[0]\n : undefined;",
"headDef": "// headDef :: a -> [a] -> a\nconst headDef = v =>\n // The first item of a non-empty list,\n // or a default value if the list is empty.\n xs => Boolean(xs.length) ? (\n xs[0]\n ) : v;",
"headMay": "// headMay :: [a] -> Maybe a\nconst headMay = xs =>\n // Just the first item of xs, or\n // Nothing if xs is an empty list.\n 0 < xs.length\n ? Just(xs[0])\n : Nothing();",
"identity": "// identity :: a -> a\nconst identity = x =>\n // The identity function.\n x;",
"if_": "// if_ :: Bool -> a -> a -> a\nconst if_ = bln =>\n x => y => bln\n ? x\n : y;",
"indented": "// indented :: String -> String -> String\nconst indented = indent =>\n s => lines(s).map(\n x => 0 < x.length\n ? indent + x\n : x\n )\n .join(\"\\n\");",
"index": "// index (!!) :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe a\n// index (!!) :: Generator (Int, a) -> Int -> Maybe a\n// index (!!) :: String -> Int -> Maybe Char\nconst index = xs =>\n i => {\n const s = xs.constructor.constructor.name;\n\n return \"GeneratorFunction\" !== s\n ? (() => {\n const v = xs[i];\n\n return undefined !== v\n ? Just(v)\n : Nothing();\n })()\n : (take(i)(xs), xs.next().value);\n };",
"indexForest": "// indexForest :: [Tree (a, { nodeSum :: Int })] -> Int ->\n// Maybe Tree (a, { nodeSum :: Int })\nconst indexForest = trees =>\n // Index into a forest of measured trees.\n // (see measuredTree)\n i => 0 < trees.length\n ? (() => {\n const\n headNode = trees[0],\n headSize = headNode.root[1].nodeSum;\n\n return i > (headSize - 1)\n ? indexForest(trees.slice(1))(i - headSize)\n : indexTree(headNode)(i);\n })()\n : Nothing();",
"indexOf": "// indexOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe Int\n// indexOf :: String -> String -> Maybe Int\nconst indexOf = needle =>\n haystack => \"string\" !== typeof haystack\n ? findIndex(xs => isPrefixOf(needle)(xs))(\n tails(haystack)\n )\n : (() => {\n const i = haystack.indexOf(needle);\n\n return -1 !== i\n ? Just(i)\n : Nothing();\n })();",
"indexTree": "// indexTree :: Tree (a, { nodeSum :: Int }) -> Int ->\n// Maybe Tree (a, { nodeSum :: Int })\nconst indexTree = tree =>\n // Index into a measured tree. (see measuredTree)\n i => 0 !== i\n ? i > (tree.root[1].nodeSum - 1)\n ? Nothing()\n : indexForest(tree.nest)(i - 1)\n : Just(tree);",
"indexedTree": "// indexedTree :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)\nconst indexedTree = rootIndex =>\n // A tree in which each root value\n // is paired with a top-down\n // left-right index, where the root node\n // starts at the supplied rootIndex;\n tree => mapAccumLTree(\n i => x => Tuple(1 + i)(\n Tuple(x)({\n index: i\n })\n )\n )(rootIndex)(tree)[1];",
"init": "// init :: [a] -> [a]\nconst init = xs =>\n // All elements of a list except the last.\n 0 < xs.length\n ? xs.slice(0, -1)\n : null;",
"initMay": "// initMay :: [a] -> Maybe [a]\nconst initMay = xs =>\n 0 < xs.length\n ? Just(xs.slice(0, -1))\n : Nothing();",
"inits": "// inits :: [a] -> [[a]]\n// inits :: String -> [String]\nconst inits = xs =>\n // All prefixes of the argument,\n // shortest first.\n [[], ...xs].map(\n (_, i, ys) => ys.slice(0, 1 + i)\n );",
"insert": "// insert :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]\nconst insert = x =>\n xs => {\n const i = xs.findIndex(y => y >= x);\n\n return [\n ...xs.slice(0, i),\n x,\n ...xs.slice(i)\n ];\n };",
"insertBy": "// insertBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> [a] -> [a]\nconst insertBy = cmp =>\n // A new list in in which x is inserted into the\n // values of the given list at the first position\n // at which a supplied comparison function, applied\n // to x and the following value, returns LT or EQ.\n x => xs => {\n const go = (y, ys) =>\n 0 < ys.length\n ? 0 < cmp(y)(ys[0])\n ? [ys[0], ...go(y, ys.slice(1))]\n : [y, ...ys]\n : [y];\n\n return go(x, xs);\n };",
"insertDict": "// insertDict :: String -> a -> Dict -> Dict\nconst insertDict = k =>\n v => dict => ({\n ...dict,\n [k]: v\n });",
"insertWith": "// insertWith :: Ord k => (a -> a -> a) ->\n// k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a\nconst insertWith = f =>\n // A new dictionary updated with a (k, f(v)(x)) pair.\n // Where there is no existing v for k, the supplied\n // x is used directly.\n k => x => dict => ({\n ...dict,\n [k]: k in dict\n ? f(dict[k])(x)\n : x\n });",
"intToDigit": "// intToDigit :: Int -> Char\nconst intToDigit = n =>\n n >= 0 && n < 16\n ? \"0123456789ABCDEF\".charAt(n)\n : \"?\";",
"intercalate": "// intercalate :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [a]\nconst intercalate = sep =>\n // Flattened interspersal of a list between\n // the elements of a list of lists.\n xs => intersperse(sep)(xs).flat();",
"intercalateS": "// intercalateS :: String -> [String] -> String\nconst intercalateS = s =>\n // The concatenation of xs\n // interspersed with copies of s.\n xs => xs.join(s);",
"intersect": "// intersect :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]\nconst intersect = xs =>\n // The intersection of lists xs and ys.\n ys => xs.filter(x => ys.includes(x));",
"intersectBy": "// intersectBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]\nconst intersectBy = eqFn =>\n // The intersection of the lists xs and ys\n // in terms of the equality defined by eq.\n xs => ys => xs.filter(\n x => ys.some(eqFn(x))\n );",
"intersectListsBy": "// intersectListsBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [[a]] -> [a]\nconst intersectListsBy = eqFn =>\n foldr1(intersectBy(eqFn));",
"intersectSet": "// intersectSet :: Set -> Set -> Set\nconst intersectSet = a =>\n // The intersection of two sets.\n b => new Set([...a].filter(i => b.has(i)));",
"intersection": "// intersection :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a\nconst intersection = s => s1 =>\n new Set([...s].filter(x => s1.has(x)));",
"intersperse": "// intersperse :: a -> [a] -> [a]\nconst intersperse = sep =>\n // intersperse(0)([1,2,3]) -> [1, 0, 2, 0, 3]\n xs => 0 < xs.length\n ? [xs[0]].concat(\n xs.slice(1).flatMap(x => [sep, x])\n )\n : [];",
"isAlpha": "// isAlpha :: Char -> Bool\nconst isAlpha = c =>\n (/[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u00FF]/u).test(c);",
"isAlphaNum": "// isAlphaNum :: Char -> Bool\nconst isAlphaNum = c => {\n const n = c.codePointAt(0);\n\n return (48 <= n && 57 >= n) || (\n (/[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u00FF]/u).test(c)\n );\n};",
"isBigInt": "// isBigInt :: Num -> Bool\nconst isBigInt = n =>\n (\"undefined\" !== typeof BigInt) && (\n \"bigint\" === typeof n\n );",
"isChar": "// isChar :: a -> Bool\nconst isChar = x =>\n (\"string\" === typeof x) && (1 === x.length);",
"isDigit": "// isDigit :: Char -> Bool\nconst isDigit = c => {\n const n = c.codePointAt(0);\n\n return 48 <= n && 57 >= n;\n};",
"isInfixOf": "// isInfixOf :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool\n// isInfixOf :: String -> String -> Bool\nconst isInfixOf = needle => haystack =>\n \"string\" !== typeof haystack\n ? (() => {\n const\n lng = needle.length,\n go = xs => lng <= xs.length\n ? isPrefixOf(needle)(xs) || go(xs.slice(1))\n : false;\n\n return go(haystack);\n })()\n : haystack.includes(needle);",
"isLeft": "// isLeft :: Either a b -> Bool\nconst isLeft = lr =>\n (\"Either\" === lr.type) && (undefined !== lr.Left);",
"isLower": "// isLower :: Char -> Bool\nconst isLower = c =>\n // True if c is a lower case character.\n (/\\p{Ll}/u).test(c);",
"isMaybe": "// isMaybe :: a -> Bool\nconst isMaybe = x =>\n \"Maybe\" === x.type;",
"isNull": "// isNull :: [a] -> Bool\n// isNull :: String -> Bool\nconst isNull = xs =>\n// True if xs is empty.\n 1 > xs.length;",
"isPrefixOf": "// isPrefixOf :: [a] -> [a] -> Bool\n// isPrefixOf :: String -> String -> Bool\nconst isPrefixOf = xs =>\n// True if and only if xs is a prefix of ys.\n ys => {\n const go = (vs, ws) => {\n const intX = vs.length;\n\n return 0 < intX\n ? ws.length >= intX\n ? vs[0] === ws[0] && go(\n vs.slice(1), ws.slice(1)\n )\n : false\n : true;\n };\n\n return \"string\" !== typeof xs\n ? go(xs, ys)\n : ys.startsWith(xs);\n };",
"isRight": "// isRight :: Either a b -> Bool\nconst isRight = lr =>\n (\"undefined\" !== typeof lr) && (\n \"Either\" === lr.type\n ) && (undefined !== lr.Right);",
"isSortedBy": "// isSortedBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool\nconst isSortedBy = p =>\n // True if all adjacent pairs of elements in\n // the list return True under the predicate p.\n xs => xs.length < 2 || all(x => x < 1)(\n zipWith_(p)(\n xs\n )(tail(xs))\n );",
"isSpace": "// isSpace :: Char -> Bool\nconst isSpace = c =>\n // True if c is a white space character.\n (/\\s/u).test(c);",
"isSubsequenceOf": "// isSubsequenceOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool\n// isSubsequenceOf :: String -> String -> Bool\nconst isSubsequenceOf = xs =>\n // True if xs is a sub-sequence of ys.\n ys => {\n const go = (a, b) =>\n 0 < a.length\n ? 0 < b.length\n ? go(\n a[0] === b[0]\n ? a.slice(1)\n : a,\n b.slice(1)\n )\n : false\n : true;\n\n return go(xs, ys);\n };",
"isSubsetOf": "// isSubsetOf :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Bool\nconst isSubsetOf = a => b => {\n for (const x of a) {\n if (!b.has(x)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n};",
"isSuffixOf": "// isSuffixOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool\n// isSuffixOf :: String -> String -> Bool\nconst isSuffixOf = needle =>\n haystack => \"string\" !== typeof haystack\n ? bindMay(\n dropLengthMaybe(needle)(haystack)\n )(\n delta => eq(needle)(\n dropLength(delta)(haystack)\n )\n )\n : haystack.endsWith(needle);",
"isUpper": "// isUpper :: Char -> Bool\nconst isUpper = c =>\n // True if c is an upper case character.\n (/\\p{Lu}/u).test(c);",
"iso8601Local": "// iso8601Local :: Date -> String\nconst iso8601Local = dte =>\n new Date(dte - (6E4 * dte.getTimezoneOffset()))\n .toISOString();",
"iterate": "// iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> Gen [a]\nconst iterate = f =>\n // An infinite list of repeated applications\n // of f, starting with the seed value x.\n function* (x) {\n let v = x;\n\n while (true) {\n yield v;\n v = f(v);\n }\n };",
"iterateUntil": "// iterateUntil :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> [a]\nconst iterateUntil = p =>\n // Like `until`, but returns a list of\n // intermediate values, where until\n // returns only a final value.\n // iterateUntil(x => 5 < x)(x => 2 * x)(1)\n // -> [1, 2, 4, 8]\n f => x => {\n const\n go = v => p(v)\n ? [v]\n : [v, ...go(f(v))];\n\n return go(x);\n };",
"iterateUntilGen": "// iterateUntilGen :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) ->\n// a -> Generator [a]\nconst iterateUntilGen = p =>\n f => function* (x) {\n let v = x;\n\n while (!p(v)) {\n yield v;\n v = f(v);\n }\n };",
"join": "// join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a\nconst join = x =>\n bind(x)(identity);",
"jsonFromTree": "// jsonFromTree :: Tree a -> String\nconst jsonFromTree = tree => {\n // A recursive [root, nest] JSON format,\n // in which `root` is a value string, and `nest`\n // is a possibly empty list of [`root`, `nest`] pairs.\n const go = node => [node.root, node.nest.map(go)];\n\n return JSON.stringify(go(tree));\n};",
"jsonLog": "// jsonLog :: a -> IO ()\nconst jsonLog = (...args) =>\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n console.log(\n args\n .map(JSON.stringify)\n .join(\" -> \")\n );",
"jsonParseLR": "// jsonParseLR :: String -> Either String a\nconst jsonParseLR = s => {\n try {\n return Right(JSON.parse(s));\n } catch (e) {\n return Left(\n unlines([\n e.message,\n `(line:${e.line} col:${e.column})`\n ])\n );\n }\n};",
"justifyLeft": "// justifyLeft :: Int -> Char -> String -> String\nconst justifyLeft = n =>\n // The string s, followed by enough padding (with\n // the character c) to reach the string length n.\n c => s => n > s.length\n ? s.padEnd(n, c)\n : s;",
"justifyRight": "// justifyRight :: Int -> Char -> String -> String\nconst justifyRight = n =>\n // The string s, preceded by enough padding (with\n // the character c) to reach the string length n.\n c => s => n > s.length\n ? s.padStart(n, c)\n : s;",
"kCompose": "// kCompose (>=>) :: Monad m =>\n// [(a -> m a)] -> (a -> m a)\nconst kCompose = (...fs) =>\n // Left Right composition of a sequence\n // of functions which lift a raw value\n // of the same type into the same monad.\n x => Boolean(fs.length)\n ? fs.slice(1).reduce(\n (m, f) => bind(m)(f),\n fs[0](x)\n )\n : x;",
"keys": "// keys :: Dict -> [String]\nconst keys = Object.keys;",
"kleisliCompose": "// kleisliCompose (>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) ->\n// (b -> m c) -> (a -> m c)\nconst kleisliCompose = f =>\n // Kleisli composition of two functions which\n // each lift their values into the same monad.\n g => x => bind(f(x))(g);",
"last": "// last :: [a] -> a\nconst last = xs => {\n // The last item of a list.\n const n = xs.length;\n\n return 0 < n\n ? xs[n - 1]\n : null;\n};",
"lastMay": "// lastMay :: [a] -> Maybe a\nconst lastMay = xs =>\n // Nothing if xs is empty, otherwise\n // Just the last item of xs.\n 0 < xs.length\n ? Just(xs.slice(-1)[0])\n : Nothing();",
"lazyList": "// lazyList :: [a] -> Gen [a]\nconst lazyList = xs => {\n // The values of a given array\n // lazily yielded one by one.\n const go = function* () {\n const vs = Array.from(xs);\n\n while (0 < vs.length) {\n yield vs.shift();\n }\n };\n\n return go();\n};",
"lcm": "// lcm :: Int -> Int -> Int\nconst lcm = x =>\n // The smallest positive integer divisible\n // without remainder by both x and y.\n y => (x === 0 || y === 0)\n ? 0\n : Math.abs(Math.floor(x / gcd(x)(y)) * y);",
"le": "// le :: Ord a => a -> a -> a\nconst le = x =>\n // True if x <= y;\n y => x <= y;",
"lefts": "// lefts :: [Either a b] -> [a]\nconst lefts = xs =>\n xs.flatMap(\n x => (\"Left\" in x)\n ? [x.Left]\n : []\n );",
"length": "// length :: [a] -> Int\nconst length = xs =>\n // Returns Infinity over objects without finite\n // length. This enables zip and zipWith to choose\n // the shorter argument when one is non-finite,\n // like cycle, repeat etc\n \"Node\" !== xs.type\n ? \"GeneratorFunction\" !== (\n xs.constructor.constructor.name\n )\n ? xs.length\n : Infinity\n : lengthTree(xs);",
"lengthTree": "// lengthTree :: Tree a -> Int\nconst lengthTree = tree => {\n // The number of nodes in the tree.\n const go = (n, t) =>\n n + nest(t).reduce(go, 1);\n\n return go(0, tree);\n};",
"levelNodes": "// levelNodes :: Tree a -> [[Tree a]]\nconst levelNodes = tree =>\n iterateUntil(xs => 1 > xs.length)(\n xs => xs.flatMap(x => x.nest)\n )([tree]);",
"levels": "// levels :: Tree a -> [[a]]\nconst levels = tree => {\n // A list of lists, grouping the root\n // values of each level of the tree.\n const go = (layers, t) => {\n const\n [x, ...xs] = (\n 0 < layers.length\n )\n ? layers\n : [[]];\n\n return [\n x.concat(root(t)),\n ...nest(t).reduce(go, xs)\n ];\n };\n\n return go([], tree);\n};",
"liftA2": "// liftA2 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c\nconst liftA2 = f =>\n // Lift a binary function to actions.\n // liftA2 f a b = fmap f a <*> b\n a => b => ({\n \"(a -> b)\": () => liftA2Fn,\n \"Either\": () => liftA2LR,\n \"Maybe\": () => liftA2May,\n \"Tuple\": () => liftA2Tuple,\n \"Node\": () => liftA2Tree,\n \"List\": () => liftA2List,\n \"Bottom\": () => liftA2List\n }[typeName(a) || \"List\"]())(f)(a)(b);",
"liftA2Fn": "// liftA2Fn :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> (a -> a0) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c\nconst liftA2Fn = op =>\n // Lift a binary function to a composition\n // over two other functions.\n // liftA2 (*) (+ 2) (+ 3) 7 == 90\n f => g => x => op(f(x))(\n g(x)\n );",
"liftA2LR": "// liftA2LR :: (a -> b -> c) -> Either d a -> Either d b -> Either d c\nconst liftA2LR = f =>\n // The binary function f lifted to a\n // function over two Either values.\n a => b => bindLR(a)(\n x => bindLR(b)(\n compose(Right, f(x))\n )\n );",
"liftA2List": "// liftA2List :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]\nconst liftA2List = op =>\n // The binary operator op applied to each pair of\n // arguments in the cartesian product of xs and ys.\n // A binary operator lifed to a function over two lists.\n xs => ys => xs.flatMap(\n x => ys.map(op(x))\n );",
"liftA2May": "// liftA2May :: (a -> b -> c) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe c\nconst liftA2May = f =>\n a => b => a.Nothing\n ? a\n : b.Nothing\n ? b\n : Just(f(a.Just)(b.Just));",
"liftA2Tree": "// liftA2Tree :: (a -> b -> c) -> Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree c\nconst liftA2Tree = f =>\n tx => ty => {\n const go = t =>\n Node(f(t.root)(ty.root))(\n Boolean(ty.nest)\n ? ty.nest.map(\n fmapTree(f(t.root))\n )\n .concat(t.nest.map(go))\n : []\n );\n\n return go(tx);\n };",
"liftA2Tuple": "// liftA2Tuple :: Monoid m =>\n// (a -> b -> c) -> (m, a) -> (m, b) -> (m, c)\nconst liftA2Tuple = f =>\n ([a, b]) => ([c, d]) => Tuple(\n mappend(a)(c)\n )(\n f(b)(d)\n );",
"liftA2ZL": "// liftA2ZL :: (a -> b -> c) -> ZipList a ->\n// ZipList b -> ZipList c\nconst liftA2ZL = op =>\n // A ZipList formed by the pairwise application of a\n // binary op over the values of two existing ZipLists\n // up to the length of the shorter of these.\n zxs => zys => ZipList(\n zipWith(op)(\n zxs.getZipList\n )(\n zys.getZipList\n )\n );",
"lines": "// lines :: String -> [String]\nconst lines = s =>\n // A list of strings derived from a single string\n // which is delimited by \\n or by \\r\\n or \\r.\n 0 < s.length\n ? s.split(/\\r\\n|\\n|\\r/u)\n : [];",
"list": "// list :: StringOrArrayLike b => b -> [a]\nconst list = xs =>\n// xs itself, if it is an Array,\n// or an Array derived from xs.\n Array.isArray(xs)\n ? xs\n : Array.from(xs || []);",
"listDirectory": "// listDirectory :: FilePath -> [FilePath]\nconst listDirectory = fp =>\n ObjC.deepUnwrap(\n $.NSFileManager.defaultManager\n .contentsOfDirectoryAtPathError(\n $(fp).stringByStandardizingPath,\n null\n )\n );",
"listFromMaybe": "// listFromMaybe :: Maybe a -> [a]\nconst listFromMaybe = mb =>\n // A singleton list derived from a Just value,\n // or an empty list derived from Nothing.\n mb.Nothing\n ? []\n : [mb.Just];",
"listFromTree": "// listFromTree :: Tree a -> [a]\nconst listFromTree = tree => {\n const go = x => [\n root(x),\n ...[].concat(...nest(x).map(go))\n ];\n\n return go(tree);\n};",
"listToMaybe": "// listToMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a\nconst listToMaybe = xs =>\n // Nothing if xs is empty, or Just the head of xs.\n 0 < xs.length\n ? Just(xs[0])\n : Nothing();",
"log": "// log :: Float -> Float\nconst log = Math.log;",
"lookup": "// lookup :: Eq a => a -> Container -> Maybe b\nconst lookup = k =>\n // Just of value of the key k in m,\n // or Nothing if m does not contain k.\n m => (Array.isArray(m)\n ? lookupTuples\n : lookupDict)(k)(m);",
"lookupDict": "// lookupDict :: a -> Dict -> Maybe b\nconst lookupDict = k =>\n dct => {\n const v = dct[k];\n\n return undefined !== v\n ? Just(v)\n : Nothing();\n };",
"lookupTuples": "// lookupTuples :: Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b\nconst lookupTuples = k =>\n kvs => {\n const i = kvs.findIndex(kv => k === kv[0]);\n\n return -1 !== i\n ? Just(kvs[i][1])\n : Nothing();\n };",
"lt": "// lt (<) :: Ord a => a -> a -> Bool\nconst lt = a =>\n b => a < b;",
"mReturn": "// mReturn :: First-class m => (a -> b) -> m (a -> b)\nconst mReturn = x =>\n // Not required in JS, which has first functions by default.\n // Included only for comparison with AS, which has to derive\n // first class functions by lifting 'handlers' into 'scripts'\n // as anonymous |λ|() functions.\n // In JS, mReturn is just an alias of identity.\n identity(x);",
"map": "// map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]\nconst map = f =>\n // The list obtained by applying f\n // to each element of xs.\n // (The image of xs under f).\n xs => [...xs].map(f);",
"mapAccumL": "// mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -> acc ->\n// [x] -> (acc, [y])\nconst mapAccumL = f =>\n // A tuple of an accumulation and a list\n // obtained by a combined map and fold,\n // with accumulation from left to right.\n acc => xs => [...xs].reduce(\n ([a, bs], x) => second(\n v => [...bs, v]\n )(\n f(a)(x)\n ),\n [acc, []]\n );",
"mapAccumLTree": "// mapAccumLTree :: (s -> a -> (s, b)) -> s ->\n// Tree a -> (s, Tree b)\nconst mapAccumLTree = f => {\n // A tuple of an accumulation and a tree\n // obtained by a combined map and fold,\n // with accumulation from left to right over\n // the subForest.\n const go = a => x => {\n const [acc, v] = f(a)(root(x));\n\n return second(Node(v))(\n mapAccumL(go)(acc)(nest(x))\n );\n };\n\n return go;\n};",
"mapAccumR": "// mapAccumR :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -> acc ->\n// [x] -> (acc, [y])\nconst mapAccumR = f =>\n // A tuple of an accumulation and a list\n // obtained by a combined map and fold,\n // with accumulation from right to left.\n acc => xs => [...xs].reduceRight(\n ([a, b], x) => second(\n v => [v].concat(b)\n )(\n f(a)(x)\n ),\n Tuple(acc)([])\n );",
"mapFromList": "// mapFromList :: [(String, a)] -> Dict\nconst mapFromList = kvs =>\n Object.fromEntries(kvs);",
"mapKeys": "// mapKeys :: (Key -> Key) -> IntMap a -> IntMap a\nconst mapKeys = f =>\n // A function mapped over the keys of a record,\n // defining a new record.\n dct => Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(dct)\n .map(kv => [f(kv[0]), kv[1]])\n );",
"mapMaybe": "// mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]\nconst mapMaybe = mf =>\n // A filtered map, retaining only the contents\n // of Just values. (Nothing values discarded).\n xs => xs.flatMap(x => {\n const mb = mf(x);\n\n return \"Just\" in mb\n ? [mb.Just]\n : [];\n });",
"mapMaybeGen": "// mapMaybeGen :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Gen [a] -> Gen [b]\nconst mapMaybeGen = mf =>\n // A filtered map over a generator, returning only the\n // contents of Just values. (Nothing values discarded).\n function*(gen) {\n let v = take(1)(gen);\n\n while (Boolean(v.length)) {\n const mb = mf(v[0]);\n\n if (!(\"Nothing\" in mb)) {\n yield mb.Just;\n }\n v = take(1)(gen);\n }\n };",
"mappEndo": "// mappEndo (<>) :: Endo a -> Endo a -> Endo a\nconst mappEndo = a =>\n // mappend is defined as composition\n // for the Endo type.\n b => Endo(x => a.appEndo(b.appEndo(x)));",
"mappend": "// mappend (<>) :: Monoid a => a -> a -> a\nconst mappend = a =>\n // Associative operation\n // defined for various monoids.\n ({\n \"(a -> b)\": () => mappendFn,\n \"Endo\": () => mappEndo,\n \"List\": () => append,\n \"Maybe\": () => mappendMaybe,\n \"Num\": () => mappendOrd,\n \"String\": () => append,\n \"Tuple\": () => mappendTupleN,\n \"TupleN\": () => mappendTupleN\n })[typeName(a)]()(a);",
"mappendComparing": "// mappendComparing (<>) :: (a -> a -> Bool)\n// (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool)\nconst mappendComparing = cmp =>\n cmp1 => a => b => {\n const x = cmp(a)(b);\n\n return 0 !== x\n ? x\n : cmp1(a)(b);\n };",
"mappendFn": "// mappendFn (<>) :: Monoid b => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b)\nconst mappendFn = f =>\n g => x => mappend(f(x))(\n g(x)\n );",
"mappendMaybe": "// mappendMaybe (<>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a\nconst mappendMaybe = a =>\n b => a.Nothing\n ? b\n : b.Nothing\n ? a\n : Just(\n mappend(a.Just)(b.Just)\n );",
"mappendOrd": "// mappendOrd (<>) :: Ordering -> Ordering -> Ordering\nconst mappendOrd = x =>\n y => 0 !== x\n ? x\n : y;",
"mappendTuple": "// mappendTuple (<>) :: (a, b) -> (a, b) -> (a, b)\nconst mappendTuple = ([a, b]) =>\n ([c, d]) => Tuple(\n mappend(a)(c)\n )(\n mappend(b)(d)\n );",
"mappendTupleN": "// mappendTupleN (<>) ::\n// (a, b, ...) -> (a, b, ...) -> (a, b, ...)\nconst mappendTupleN = t => t1 => {\n const n = t.length;\n\n return n === t1.length\n ? TupleN(\n [...t].map(\n (x, i) => mappend(x)(t1[i])\n )\n )\n : undefined;\n};",
"matching": "// matching :: [a] -> (a -> Int -> [a] -> Bool)\nconst matching = pat => {\n // A sequence-matching function for findIndices etc\n // findIndices(matching([2, 3]), [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3])\n // -> [1, 4]\n const\n n = pat.length,\n bln = 0 < n,\n h = bln\n ? pat[0]\n : undefined;\n\n return x => i => src =>\n bln && h === x && eq(pat)(\n src.slice(i, n + i)\n );\n};",
"matrix": "// matrix Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> a) -> [[a]]\nconst matrix = nRows =>\n // A matrix of a given number of columns and rows,\n // in which each value is a given function of its\n // (zero-based) column and row indices.\n nCols => f => Array.from(\n {length: nRows}, (_, iRow) =>\n Array.from(\n {length: nCols},\n (__, iCol) => f(iRow)(iCol)\n )\n );",
"max": "// max :: Ord a => a -> a -> a\nconst max = a =>\n // b if greater than a,\n // otherwise a.\n b => gt(b)(a)\n ? b\n : a;",
"maxBound": "// maxBound :: a -> a\nconst maxBound = x => {\n const e = x.enum;\n\n return Boolean(e)\n ? e[e[x.max]]\n : {\n \"number\": Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,\n \"string\": String.fromCodePoint(0x10FFFF),\n \"boolean\": true\n }[typeof x];\n};",
"maximum": "// maximum :: Ord a => [a] -> a\nconst maximum = xs =>\n // The largest value in a non-empty list.\n 0 < xs.length\n ? xs.slice(1).reduce(\n (a, x) => x > a\n ? x\n : a,\n xs[0]\n )\n : undefined;",
"maximumBy": "// maximumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a\nconst maximumBy = f =>\n xs => 0 < xs.length\n ? xs.slice(1).reduce(\n (a, x) => 0 < f(x)(a)\n ? x\n : a,\n xs[0]\n )\n : undefined;",
"maximumByMay": "// maximumByMay :: (a -> a -> Ordering) ->\n// [a] -> Maybe a\nconst maximumByMay = f =>\n // Nothing, if the list is empty,\n // or just the maximum value when compared\n // in terms of f.\n xs => 0 < xs.length\n ? Just(xs.slice(1).reduce(\n (a, x) => 0 < f(a)(x)\n ? a\n : x,\n xs[0]\n ))\n : Nothing();",
"maximumMay": "// maximumMay :: Ord a => [a] -> Maybe a\nconst maximumMay = xs =>\n 0 < xs.length\n ? Just(xs.slice(1).reduce(\n (a, x) => x > a\n ? x\n : a,\n xs[0]\n ))\n : Nothing();",
"maximumOn": "// maximumOn :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> a\nconst maximumOn = f =>\n // The item in xs for which f\n // returns the highest value.\n xs => 0 < xs.length\n ? xs.slice(1).reduce(\n (tpl, x) => {\n const v = f(x);\n\n return v > tpl[1]\n ? Tuple(x)(v)\n : tpl;\n },\n (h => Tuple(h)(f(h)))(xs[0])\n )[0]\n : undefined;",
"maybe": "// maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b\nconst maybe = v =>\n // Default value (v) if m is Nothing, or f(m.Just)\n f => m => \"Just\" in m\n ? f(m.Just)\n : v;",
"mconcatOrd": "// mconcatOrd :: [Ordering] -> Ordering\nconst mconcatOrd = cmps =>\n // A sort compare function derived from\n // a list of such functions, providing\n // for composition of n-ary sorts.\n 0 < cmps.length\n ? foldl(\n mappendOrd\n )(cmps[0])(cmps.slice(1))\n : compare;",
"mean": "// mean :: [Num] -> Num\nconst mean = xs =>\n xs.reduce(\n (a, x) => a + x,\n 0\n ) / xs.length;",
"measuredTree": "// measuredTree :: Tree a ->\n// Tree (a, {leafSum::Int, layerSum::Int,\n// nodeSum::Int, index::Int})\n// eslint-disable-next-line max-lines-per-function\nconst measuredTree = tree => {\n // A tree in which each node is tupled with\n // a (leafSum, layerSum, nodeSum) measure of its sub-tree,\n // where leafSum is the number of descendant leaves,\n // and layerSum is the number of descendant levels,\n // and nodeSum counts all nodes, including the root.\n // Index is a position in a zero-based top-down\n // left to right series.\n // For additional parent indices, see parentIndexedTree.\n const whni = (leafSum, layerSum, nodeSum, ndx) => ({\n leafSum,\n layerSum,\n nodeSum,\n index : ndx\n });\n let i = 0;\n\n return foldTree(\n x => {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus\n const topDown = i++;\n\n return xs => Node(\n Tuple(x)(\n 0 < xs.length\n ? (() => {\n const dct = xs.reduce(\n (a, node) => {\n const dimns = node.root[1];\n\n return whni(\n a.leafSum + dimns.leafSum,\n Math.max(a.layerSum)(\n dimns.layerSum\n ),\n a.nodeSum + dimns.nodeSum,\n topDown\n );\n }, whni(0, 0, 0, topDown)\n );\n\n return whni(\n dct.leafSum,\n 1 + dct.layerSum,\n 1 + dct.nodeSum,\n topDown\n );\n })()\n : whni(1, 0, 1, topDown)\n )\n )(xs);\n }\n )(tree);\n};",
"member": "// member :: Key -> Dict -> Bool\nconst member = k =>\n // True if dict contains the key k.\n dict => k in dict;",
"mempty": "// mempty :: a -> a\nconst mempty = v => {\n const t = typeName(v);\n\n return ({\n \"List\": () => [],\n \"Maybe\": () => Nothing(),\n \"Num\": () => 0,\n \"String\": () => \"\",\n \"Tuple\": () => Tuple(\n mempty(v[0])\n )(\n mempty(v[1])\n ),\n \"Node\": () => Node(mempty(root(v)))([])\n })[t]();\n};",
"merge": "// merge :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]\nconst merge = xs =>\n // An ordered list derived by merging\n // two other ordered lists.\n mergeBy(compare)(xs);",
"mergeBy": "// mergeBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]\nconst mergeBy = f =>\n// A single list defined by the ordered\n// merging of xs and ys in terms of the\n// given comparator function.\n xs => ys => {\n const go = (as, bs) =>\n 0 < bs.length\n ? 0 < as.length\n ? 1 !== f(as[0])(bs[0])\n ? [as[0]].concat(\n go(as.slice(1), bs)\n )\n : [bs[0]].concat(\n go(as, bs.slice(1))\n )\n : bs\n : as;\n\n return [].concat(...go(xs, ys));\n };",
"min": "// min :: Ord a => a -> a -> a\nconst min = a =>\n b => b < a\n ? b\n : a;",
"minBound": "// minBound :: a -> a\nconst minBound = x => {\n const e = x.enum;\n\n return Boolean(e)\n ? e[e[0]]\n : {\n \"number\": Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,\n \"string\": String.fromCodePoint(0),\n \"boolean\": false\n }[typeof x];\n};",
"minimum": "// minimum :: Ord a => [a] -> a\nconst minimum = xs =>\n // The least value of xs.\n 0 < xs.length\n ? xs.slice(1).reduce(\n (a, x) => x < a\n ? x\n : a,\n xs[0]\n )\n : null;",
"minimumBy": "// minimumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a\nconst minimumBy = f =>\n xs => 0 < xs.length\n ? xs.slice(1).reduce(\n (a, x) => 0 > f(x)(a)\n ? x\n : a,\n xs[0]\n )\n : undefined;",
"minimumByMay": "// minimumByMay :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Maybe a\nconst minimumByMay = f =>\n xs => xs.reduce(\n (a, x) => a.Nothing\n ? Just(x)\n : f(x)(a.Just) < 0\n ? Just(x)\n : a,\n Nothing()\n );",
"minimumMay": "// minimumMay :: [a] -> Maybe a\nconst minimumMay = xs =>\n 0 < xs.length\n ? Just(xs.slice(1).reduce(\n (a, x) => x < a\n ? x\n : a,\n xs[0]\n ))\n : Nothing();",
"minimumOn": "// minimumOn :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> a\nconst minimumOn = f =>\n // The item in xs for which f\n // returns the highest value.\n xs => 0 < xs.length\n ? xs.slice(1).reduce(\n (tpl, x) => {\n const v = f(x);\n\n return v < tpl[1]\n ? Tuple(x)(v)\n : tpl;\n },\n (h => Tuple(h)(f(h)))(xs[0])\n )[0]\n : undefined;",
"mod": "// mod :: Int -> Int -> Int\nconst mod = n =>\n // Inherits the sign of the *divisor* for non zero\n // results. Compare with `rem`, which inherits\n // the sign of the *dividend*.\n d => (n % d) + (\n signum(n) === signum(-d)\n ? d\n : 0\n );",
"modificationTime": "// modificationTime :: FilePath -> Either String Date\nconst modificationTime = fp =>\n bindLR(fileStatus(fp))(\n dct => Right(ObjC.unwrap(dct.NSFileModificationDate))\n );",
"mul": "// mul (*) :: Num a => a -> a -> a\nconst mul = a =>\n b => a * b;",
"ne": "// ne :: a -> a -> Bool\nconst ne = a =>\n b => a !== b;",
"negate": "// negate :: Num -> Num\nconst negate = n =>\n -n;",
"nest": "// nest :: Tree a -> [a]\nconst nest = tree => {\n // Allowing for lazy (on-demand) evaluation.\n // If the nest turns out to be a function –\n // rather than a list – that function is applied\n // here to the root, and returns a list.\n const xs = tree.nest;\n\n return \"function\" !== typeof xs\n ? xs\n : xs(root(tree));\n};",
"newUUID": "// newUUID :: () -> IO UUID String\nconst newUUID = () =>\n ObjC.unwrap($.NSUUID.UUID.UUIDString);",
"not": "// not :: Bool -> Bool\nconst not = b =>\n !b;",
"notElem": "// notElem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool\nconst notElem = x =>\n xs => !xs.includes(x);",
"nub": "// nub :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]\nconst nub = xs =>\n [...new Set(xs)];",
"nubBy": "// nubBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]\nconst nubBy = pEq =>\n // A sublist of xs from which all duplicates,\n // (as defined by the equality predicate pEq)\n // are excluded.\n xs => xs.reduce(\n (seen, x) => seen.some(pEq(x))\n ? seen\n : seen.concat([x]),\n []\n );",
"odd": "// odd :: Int -> Bool\nconst odd = n =>\n !even(n);",
"on": "// on :: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c\nconst on = f =>\n // e.g. groupBy(on(eq)(length))\n g => a => b => f(g(a))(g(b));",
"or": "// or :: [Bool] -> Bool\nconst or = xs =>\n xs.some(Boolean);",
"ord": "// ord :: Char -> Int\nconst ord = c =>\n // Unicode ordinal value of the character.\n c.codePointAt(0);",
"outdented": "// outdented :: String -> String\nconst outdented = s => {\n // All lines in the string outdented by the same amount\n // (just enough to ensure that the least indented lines\n // have no remaining indent)\n // All relative indents are left unchanged\n const\n // Leading indentation characters.\n rgx = /^\\s*/u,\n xs = lines(s),\n n = Math.min(\n ...xs.map(txt => rgx.exec(txt)[0].length)\n );\n\n return 0 < n ? (\n xs.map(x => x.slice(n)).join(\"\\n\")\n ) : s.slice(0);\n};",
"parentIndexedTree": "// parentIndexedTree :: Tree (a, {...index :: Int}) ->\n// Tree (a, {...index :: Int, parent :: Maybe Int})\nconst parentIndexedTree = tree => {\n // A tree additionally decorated with parent indices,\n // derived from a measured tree already decorated with\n // node indices. (See measuredTree).\n const go = mb => node => {\n const\n x = root(node),\n measures = x[1];\n\n return Node(\n Tuple(x[0])({\n ...measures,\n parent: mb\n })\n )(nest(node).map(go(Just(measures.index))));\n };\n\n return go(Nothing())(tree);\n};",
"partition": "// partition :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])\nconst partition = p =>\n // A tuple of two lists - those elements in\n // xs which match p, and those which do not.\n xs => [...xs].reduce(\n (a, x) => (\n p(x)\n ? first\n : second\n )(ys => [...ys, x])(a),\n Tuple([])([])\n );",
"partitionEithers": "// partitionEithers :: [Either a b] -> ([a],[b])\nconst partitionEithers = xs =>\n // A tuple of two lists:\n // first all the Left values in xs,\n // and then all the Right values in xs.\n xs.reduce(\n (a, x) => (\n \"Left\" in x\n ? first(ys => [...ys, x.Left])\n : second(ys => [...ys, x.Right])\n )(a),\n Tuple([])([])\n );",
"partitionTree": "// partitionTree :: (a -> Bool) -> \n// Tree a -> ([Tree a], [Tree a])\nconst partitionTree = p =>\n // A list of matching subtrees, tupled with a list \n // which contains the unmatched residue, if any, \n // of the input tree.\n foldTree(x => vs => {\n const\n [matches, residues] = [...unzip(vs)].map(\n v => v.flat()\n ),\n subTree = Node(x)(residues);\n\n return p(x)\n ? Tuple([subTree, ...matches])([])\n : Tuple(matches)([subTree]);\n });",
"pathAccessor": "// pathAccessor :: String -> Dict -> a\nconst pathAccessor = path =>\n // Value if any, at supplied dot path in object.\n // Null if no such path is found.\n obj => path.split(\".\").reduce(\n (v, k) => v instanceof Object\n ? k in v\n ? v[k]\n : undefined\n : v,\n obj\n );",
"permutations": "// permutations :: [a] -> [[a]]\nconst permutations = xs =>\n // All possible orderings of the items in xs.\n // N factorial permutations, where N === length(xs).\n xs.reduceRight(\n (orderings, x) => orderings.flatMap(\n ordering => Array.from({\n length: 1 + ordering.length\n }, (_, i) => i)\n // One additional permutation for each\n // possible position of x in each\n // existing permutation.\n .map(position => [\n ...ordering.slice(0, position),\n x,\n ...ordering.slice(position)\n ])\n ), [\n []\n ]\n );",
"pi": "// pi :: Float\nconst pi = Math.PI;",
"plural": "// plural :: Int -> String -> String\nconst plural = n =>\n // Singular or plural EN inflection\n // of a given word, preceded by digits.\n k => 1 === n\n ? `${k}`\n : `${k}s`;",
"plus": "// plus :: Num -> Num -> Num\nconst plus = a =>\n // The sum of a and b.\n b => a + b;",
"postorder": "// postorder :: Tree a -> [a]\nconst postorder = t => {\n // List of root elements of tree flattened\n // bottom-up into a postorder list.\n const go = (xs, x) =>\n nest(x).reduce(go, xs)\n .concat(root(x));\n\n return go([], t);\n};",
"pred": "// pred :: Enum a => a -> a\nconst pred = x => {\n const t = typeof x;\n\n return \"number\" !== t ? (() => {\n const [i, mn] = [x, minBound(x)].map(fromEnum);\n\n return i > mn ? (\n toEnum(x)(i - 1)\n ) : Error(\"succ :: enum out of range.\");\n })() : x > Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER ? (\n x - 1\n ) : Error(\"succ :: Num out of range.\");\n};",
"predMay": "// predMay :: Enum a => a -> Maybe a\nconst predMay = x => {\n const t = typeof x;\n\n return \"number\" !== t ? (() => {\n const [i, mn] = [x, minBound(x)].map(fromEnum);\n\n return i > mn ? (\n Just(toEnum(x)(i - 1))\n ) : Nothing();\n })() : x > Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER ? (\n Just(x - 1)\n ) : Nothing();\n};",
"prependToAll": "// prependToAll :: a -> [a] -> [a]\nconst prependToAll = sep =>\n // prependToAll(0)([1,2,3]) -> [0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3]\n xs => 0 < xs.length ? [\n sep, xs[0],\n ...prependToAll(sep)(xs.slice(1))\n ] : [];",
"product": "// product :: [Num] -> Num\nconst product = xs =>\n xs.reduce((a, x) => a * x, 1);",
"properFracRatio": "// properFracRatio :: Ratio -> (Int, Ratio)\nconst properFracRatio = nd => {\n const [q, r] = quotRem(nd.n)(nd.d);\n\n return Tuple(q)(Ratio(r)(nd.d));\n};",
"properFraction": "// properFraction :: Real -> (Int, Real)\nconst properFraction = n => {\n const i = Math.floor(n) + (n < 0 ? 1 : 0);\n\n return Tuple(i)(n - i);\n};",
"prunedForest": "// prunedForest (a -> Bool) -> Forest a -> Forest a\nconst prunedForest = p => {\n // A forest of trees in which every node matches p.\n // That is, a forest including only nodes which:\n // 1. match the predicate p, AND\n // 2. descend from ancestors which all match p.\n const\n go = trees => trees.flatMap(tree => {\n const x = root(tree);\n\n return p(x)\n ? [\n Node(x)(\n go(nest(tree))\n )\n ]\n : [];\n });\n\n return go;\n};",
"pureLR": "// pureLR :: a -> Either e a\nconst pureLR = x =>\n // The value x lifted into the Either monad.\n Right(x);",
"pureList": "// pureList :: a -> [a]\nconst pureList = x =>\n [x];",
"pureMay": "// pureMay :: a -> Maybe a\nconst pureMay = x =>\n Just(x);",
"pureT": "// pureT :: String -> (a -> f a)\nconst pureT = t =>\n // Given a type name string, returns a\n // specialised \"pure\", where\n // \"pure\" lifts a value into a particular functor.\n ({\n \"Either\": () => pureLR,\n \"(a -> b)\": () => constant,\n \"Maybe\": () => pureMay,\n \"Node\": () => pureTree,\n \"Tuple\": () => pureTuple,\n \"List\": () => pureList\n })[t || \"List\"]();",
"pureTree": "// pureTree :: a -> Tree a\nconst pureTree = x =>\n Node(x)([]);",
"pureTuple": "// pureTuple :: a -> (a, a)\nconst pureTuple = x =>\n Tuple(\"\")(x);",
"pureZL": "// pureZL :: a -> ZipList a\nconst pureZL = x =>\n // A value lifted into a ZipList\n ZipList(repeat(x));",
"quickSort": "// quickSort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]\nconst quickSort = xs =>\n // Included only for comparison with AppleScript\n // sort and sortBy are faster and more flexible\n xs.length > 1 ? (() => {\n const\n h = xs[0],\n lessMore = partition(x => x <= h)(\n xs.slice(1)\n );\n\n return [].concat(...[\n quickSort(lessMore[0]),\n h,\n quickSort(lessMore[1])\n ]);\n })() : xs;",
"quickSortBy": "// quickSortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]\nconst quickSortBy = cmp => {\n // Included only for comparison with AppleScript.\n // sort and sortBy are faster and more flexible.\n const go = xs => xs.length > 1 ? (() => {\n const\n h = xs[0],\n lessMore = partition(\n x => 1 !== cmp(x)(h)\n )(xs.slice(1));\n\n return [].concat(...[\n go(lessMore[0]),\n h,\n go(lessMore[1])\n ]);\n })() : xs;\n\n return go;\n};",
"quot": "// quot :: Integral a => a -> a -> a\nconst quot = n =>\n m => [n, m].some(isBigInt) ? (\n BigInt(n) / BigInt(m)\n ) : Math.trunc(n / m);",
"quotRem": "// quotRem :: Integral a => a -> a -> (a, a)\nconst quotRem = m =>\n // The quotient, tupled with the remainder.\n n => Tuple(\n Math.trunc(m / n)\n )(\n m % n\n );",
"quoted": "// quoted :: Char -> String -> String\nconst quoted = c =>\n // A string flanked on both sides\n // by a specified quote character.\n s => c + s + c;",
"radians": "// radians :: Float x => Degrees x -> Radians x\nconst radians = x =>\n (Math.PI / 180) * x;",
"raise": "// raise :: Num -> Int -> Num\nconst raise = x =>\n // X to the power of n.\n n => x ** n;",
"randomRInt": "// randomRInt :: Int -> Int -> (() -> IO Int)\nconst randomRInt = low =>\n // The return value of randomRInt is itself\n // a function, which, whenever evaluated,\n // yields a a new pseudo-random integer\n // in the range [low..high].\n high => () => low + Math.floor(\n Math.random() * (1 + (high - low))\n );",
"range": "// range :: Ix a => (a, a) -> [a]\nconst range = (...args) => {\n // The list of values in the subrange defined by a bounding pair.\n // range([0, 2]) -> [0,1,2]\n // range([[0,0], [2,2]])\n // -> [[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[2,0],[2,1],[2,2]]\n // range([[0,0,0],[1,1,1]])\n // -> [[0,0,0],[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[0,1,1],[1,0,0],[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[1,1,1]]\n const\n ab = 1 !== args.length\n ? args\n : args[0],\n [as, bs] = [ab[0], ab[1]].map(\n x => Array.isArray(x)\n ? x\n : (undefined !== x.type) && (\n x.type.startsWith(\"Tuple\")\n )\n ? listFromTuple(x)\n : [x]\n ),\n an = as.length;\n\n return (an === bs.length)\n ? 1 < an\n ? traverseList(x => x)(\n as.map(\n (_, i) => enumFromTo(as[i])(bs[i])\n )\n )\n : enumFromTo(as[0])(bs[0])\n : [];\n};",
"ratioDiv": "// ratioDiv :: Rational -> Rational -> Rational\nconst ratioDiv = n1 => n2 => {\n const [r1, r2] = [n1, n2].map(rational);\n\n return Ratio(r1.n * r2.d)(\n r1.d * r2.n\n );\n};",
"ratioMinus": "// ratioMinus :: Rational -> Rational -> Rational\nconst ratioMinus = n1 => n2 => {\n const [r1, r2] = [n1, n2].map(rational);\n const d = lcm(r1.d)(r2.d);\n\n return Ratio(\n (r1.n * (d / r1.d)) - (r2.n * (d / r2.d))\n )(d);\n};",
"ratioMult": "// ratioMult :: Rational -> Rational -> Rational\nconst ratioMult = n1 => n2 => {\n const [r1, r2] = map(rational)(\n [n1, n2]\n );\n\n return ratio(r1.n * r2.n)(\n r1.d * r2.d\n );\n};",
"ratioPlus": "// ratioPlus :: Rational -> Rational -> Rational\nconst ratioPlus = n1 =>\n n2 => {\n const [r1, r2] = [n1, n2].map(rational);\n const d = lcm(r1.d)(r2.d);\n\n return ratio(\n (r1.n * (d / r1.d)) + (\n r2.n * (d / r2.d)\n )\n )(d);\n };",
"rational": "// rational :: Num a => a -> Rational\nconst rational = x =>\n isNaN(x)\n ? x\n : Number.isInteger(x)\n ? Ratio(x)(1)\n : approxRatio(undefined)(x);",
"read": "// read :: Read a => String -> a\nconst read = JSON.parse;",
"readFile": "// readFile :: FilePath -> IO String\nconst readFile = fp => {\n // The contents of a text file at the\n // given file path.\n const\n e = $(),\n ns = $.NSString\n .stringWithContentsOfFileEncodingError(\n $(fp).stringByStandardizingPath,\n $.NSUTF8StringEncoding,\n e\n );\n\n return ObjC.unwrap(\n ns.isNil()\n ? e.localizedDescription\n : ns\n );\n};",
"readFileLR": "// readFileLR :: FilePath -> Either String IO String\nconst readFileLR = fp => {\n // Either a message or the contents of any\n // text file at the given filepath.\n const\n uw = ObjC.unwrap,\n e = $(),\n ns = $.NSString\n .stringWithContentsOfFileEncodingError(\n $(fp).stringByStandardizingPath,\n $.NSUTF8StringEncoding,\n e\n );\n\n return ns.isNil()\n ? Left(uw(e.localizedDescription))\n : Right(uw(ns));\n};",
"readHex": "// readHex :: String -> Int\nconst readHex = s =>\n // Integer value of hexadecimal expression.\n parseInt(s, 16);",
"readLR": "// readLR :: Read a => String -> Either String a\nconst readLR = s => {\n try {\n return Right(JSON.parse(s));\n } catch (e) {\n return Left(e.message);\n }\n};",
"readPlistFileLR": "// readPlistFileLR :: FilePath -> Either String Dict\nconst readPlistFileLR = fp =>\n // Either a message or a dictionary of key-value\n // pairs read from the given file path.\n bindLR(\n doesFileExist(fp)\n ? Right(filePath(fp))\n : Left(`No file found at path:\\n\\t${fp}`)\n )(\n fpFull => {\n const\n e = $(),\n maybeDict = $.NSDictionary\n .dictionaryWithContentsOfURLError(\n $.NSURL.fileURLWithPath(fpFull),\n e\n );\n\n return maybeDict.isNil()\n ? (() => {\n const\n msg = ObjC.unwrap(\n e.localizedDescription\n );\n\n return Left(`readPlistFileLR:\\n\\t${msg}`);\n })()\n : Right(ObjC.deepUnwrap(maybeDict));\n }\n );",
"recip": "// recip :: Num -> Num\nconst recip = n =>\n 0 !== n\n ? (1 / n)\n : undefined;",
"recipMay": "// recipMay :: Num -> Maybe Num\nconst recipMay = n =>\n 0 === n ? (\n Nothing()\n ) : Just(1 / n);",
"regexIndexedMatches": "// regexIndexedMatches :: Regex -> String -> [(Int, String)]\nconst regexIndexedMatches = rgx =>\n // (Index, String) tuples for all matches of a\n // regular expression in a given string.\n s => Array.from(\n s.matchAll(rgx),\n m => [m.index, m[0]]\n );",
"regexMatches": "// regexMatches :: Regex String -> String -> [[String]]\nconst regexMatches = rgx =>\n // All matches for the given regular expression\n // in the supplied string s.\n s => [...s.matchAll(new RegExp(rgx, \"gu\"))];",
"rem": "// rem :: Integral a => a -> a -> a\nconst rem = n =>\n // Inherits the sign of the *dividend* for non-zero\n // results. Compare with `mod`, which inherits\n // the sign of the *divisor*.\n m => [n, m].some(isBigInt) ? (\n BigInt(n) % BigInt(m)\n ) : n % m;",
"remQuot": "// remQuot :: Integral a => a -> a -> (a, a)\nconst remQuot = m =>\n // The remainder, tupled with the quotient.\n n => Tuple(\n m % n\n )(\n Math.trunc(m / n)\n );",
"removeFileLR": "// removeFileLR :: FilePath -> Either String String\nconst removeFileLR = fp => {\n const error = $();\n\n return $.NSFileManager.defaultManager\n .removeItemAtPathError(fp, error)\n ? Right(`Removed: ${fp}`)\n : Left(ObjC.unwrap(error.localizedDescription));\n};",
"renamedFile": "// renamedFile :: FilePath -> FilePath ->\n// Either IO String IO String\nconst renamedFile = fp =>\n // Either a message detailing a problem, or\n // confirmation of a filename change in the OS.\n fp1 => {\n const error = $();\n\n return $.NSFileManager.defaultManager\n .moveItemAtPathToPathError(fp, fp1, error)\n ? Right(fp1)\n : Left(\n ObjC.unwrap(error.localizedDescription)\n );\n };",
"repeat": "// repeat :: a -> Generator [a]\nconst repeat = function* (x) {\n while (true) {\n yield x;\n }\n};",
"replace": "// replace :: String -> String -> String -> String\n// replace :: Regex -> String -> String -> String\nconst replace = needle =>\n strNew => strHaystack => strHaystack.replace(\n \"string\" !== typeof needle ? (\n needle\n ) : new RegExp(needle, \"gu\"),\n strNew\n );",
"replicate": "// replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]\nconst replicate = n =>\n // A list of n copies of x.\n x => Array.from({\n length: n\n }, () => x);",
"replicateM": "// replicateM :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]\nconst replicateM = n =>\n // Instance for lists (arrays) only here.\n xs => {\n const go = x => 0 >= x ? [\n []\n ] : liftA2List(cons)(xs)(\n go(x - 1)\n );\n\n return go(n);\n };",
"replicateString": "// replicateString :: Int -> String -> String\nconst replicateString = n =>\n s => s.repeat(n);",
"require": "// importedFrom :: FilePath -> IO Dict\nconst require = fp =>\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func\n Function(\n readFile(fp)\n )();",
"reverse": "// reverse :: [a] -> [a]\nconst reverse = xs =>\n \"string\" === typeof xs\n ? xs.split(\"\").reverse()\n .join(\"\")\n : xs.slice(0).reverse();",
"rights": "// rights :: [Either a b] -> [b]\nconst rights = xs =>\n xs.flatMap(\n x => (\"Right\" in x) ? [\n x.Right\n ] : []\n );",
"root": "// root :: Tree a -> a\nconst root = tree =>\n // The value attached to a tree node.\n tree.root;",
"rotate": "// rotate :: Int -> [a] -> [a]\nconst rotate = n => xs => {\n // Rightward rotation of xs by n positions.\n const lng = xs.length;\n\n return Infinity > lng ? (\n take(lng)(\n drop(lng - n)(\n cycle(xs)\n )\n )\n ) : undefined;\n};",
"round": "// round :: a -> Int\nconst round = x => {\n const\n nr = properFraction(x),\n [n, r] = [nr[0], nr[1]],\n m = n + (r < 0 ? -1 : 1),\n sign = signum(abs(r) - 0.5);\n\n return (-1 === sign) ? n : (\n 0 === sign ? (even(n) ? n : m) : (\n 1 === sign ? m : undefined\n )\n );\n};",
"roundTo": "// roundTo :: Int -> Float -> Float\nconst roundTo = n => x => {\n const d = 10 ** n;\n\n return Math.round(x * d) / d;\n};",
"runAction": "// runAction :: Action a -> a\nconst runAction = act =>\n // Evaluation of an action.\n act.act(act.arg);",
"safeMay": "// safeMay :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> Maybe b\nconst safeMay = p => f => x =>\n p(x) ? Just(f(x)) : Nothing();",
"scanl": "// scanl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]\nconst scanl = f =>\n // The series of interim values arising\n // from a catamorphism. Parallel to foldl.\n startValue => xs =>\n \"GeneratorFunction\" !== (\n xs.constructor.constructor.name\n )\n ? xs.reduce(\n (a, x) => {\n const v = f(a[0])(x);\n\n return [v, a[1].concat(v)];\n }, [startValue, [startValue]]\n )[1]\n : scanlGen(f)(startValue)(xs);",
"scanl1": "// scanl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]\nconst scanl1 = f =>\n // scanl1 is a variant of scanl that has no\n // starting value argument.\n xs => xs.length > 0 ? (\n scanl(f)(\n xs[0]\n )(xs.slice(1))\n ) : [];",
"scanlGen": "// scanlGen :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Gen [a] -> [b]\nconst scanlGen = f =>\n // The series of interim values arising\n // from a catamorphism over an infinite list.\n startValue => function* (gen) {\n let\n a = startValue,\n x = gen.next();\n\n yield a;\n while (!x.done) {\n a = f(a)(x.value);\n yield a;\n x = gen.next();\n }\n };",
"scanr": "// scanr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]\nconst scanr = f =>\n startValue => xs => xs.reduceRight(\n (a, x) => {\n const v = f(x)(a[0]);\n\n return Tuple(v)([v].concat(a[1]));\n }, Tuple(startValue)([startValue])\n )[1];",
"scanr1": "// scanr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]\nconst scanr1 = f =>\n // scanr1 is a variant of scanr that has no\n // seed-value argument, and assumes that\n // xs is not empty.\n xs => xs.length > 0 ? (\n scanr(f)(\n xs.slice(-1)[0]\n )(xs.slice(0, -1))\n ) : [];",
"second": "// second :: (a -> b) -> ((c, a) -> (c, b))\nconst second = f =>\n // A function over a simple value lifted\n // to a function over a tuple.\n // f (a, b) -> (a, f(b))\n xy => Tuple(\n xy[0]\n )(\n f(xy[1])\n );",
"sequenceA": "// sequenceA :: (Applicative f, Traversable t) => t (f a) -> f (t a)\nconst sequenceA = tfa =>\n traverse(x => x)(\n tfa\n );",
"setCurrentDirectory": "// setCurrentDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()\nconst setCurrentDirectory = fp =>\n $.NSFileManager.defaultManager\n .changeCurrentDirectoryPath(\n $(fp).stringByStandardizingPath\n );",
"setFromList": "// setFromList :: Ord a => [a] -> Set a\nconst setFromList = xs =>\n new Set(xs);",
"setInsert": "// setInsert :: Ord a => a -> Set a -> Set a\nconst setInsert = x => oSet =>\n oSet.add(x);",
"setMember": "// setMember :: Ord a => a -> Set a -> Bool\nconst setMember = x => oSet =>\n oSet.has(x);",
"setSize": "// setSize :: Set a -> Int\nconst setSize = oSet =>\n oSet.size;",
"shift": "// shift :: Int -> [a] -> [a]\nconst shift = n => xs => {\n const lng = length(xs);\n\n return Infinity > lng ? (\n take(lng)(\n drop(n)(cycle(xs))\n )\n ) : (drop(n)(xs), xs);\n};",
"show": "// show :: a -> String\n// show :: a -> Int -> Indented String\nconst show = x => {\n const\n instances = {\n \"(a -> b)\": () => showFn,\n \"Bool\": () => str,\n \"Bottom\": () => showUndefined,\n \"Date\": () => a => a,\n \"Dict\": () => a => a,\n \"Either\": () => showLR,\n \"List\": () => showList,\n \"Maybe\": () => showMaybe,\n \"Node\": () => a => a,\n \"Num\": () => str,\n \"Ratio\": () => showRatio,\n \"String\": () => str,\n \"Tuple\": () => showTuple\n },\n str = y => y.toString(),\n t = typeName(x);\n\n const instance = instances[\n (/^Tuple/u).test(t) ? (\n \"Tuple\"\n ) : t\n ];\n\n return Boolean(instance) ? (\n JSON.stringify(\n x,\n (_, v) => instance()(v)\n )\n ) : `No Show instance has been defined for ${t}.`;\n};",
"showBinary": "// showBinary :: Int -> String\nconst showBinary = n => {\n const\n binaryChar = m => 0 !== m ? (\n \"1\"\n ) : \"0\";\n\n return showIntAtBase(2)(\n binaryChar\n )(n)(\"\");\n};",
"showDate": "// showDate :: Date -> String\nconst showDate = dte =>\n dte.toJSON;",
"showDict": "// showDict :: Dict -> String\nconst showDict = x =>\n show(x);",
"showFn": "// showFn :: (a -> b) -> String\nconst showFn = f =>\n `λ${f}`;",
"showForest": "// showForest :: [Tree a] -> String\nconst showForest = xs =>\n unlines(xs.map(x => drawTree2(false)(true)(\n fmapTree(show)(\n x\n )\n )));",
"showHex": "// showHex :: Int -> String\nconst showHex = n =>\n // Hexadecimal string for a given integer.\n `0x${n.toString(16)}`;",
"showIntAtBase": "// showIntAtBase :: Int -> (Int -> Char) ->\n// Int -> String -> String\nconst showIntAtBase = base =>\n // A string representation of n, in the given base,\n // using a supplied (Int -> Char) function for\n // digits, and a supplied suffix string.\n toChr => n => rs => {\n const go = ([x, d], r) => {\n const r_ = toChr(d) + r;\n\n return 0 !== x ? (\n go(quotRem(x)(base), r_)\n ) : r_;\n };\n\n const e = \"error: showIntAtBase applied to\";\n\n return 1 >= base ? (\n `${e} unsupported base`\n ) : 0 > n ? (\n `${e} negative number`\n ) : go(quotRem(n)(base), rs);\n };",
"showJSON": "// showJSON :: a -> String\nconst showJSON = x =>\n // Indented JSON representation of the value x.\n JSON.stringify(x, null, 2);",
"showLR": "// showLR :: Either a b -> String\nconst showLR = lr => {\n const k = undefined !== lr.Left ? (\n \"Left\"\n ) : \"Right\";\n\n return `${k}(${unQuoted(show(lr[k]))})`;\n};",
"showList": "// showList :: [a] -> String\nconst showList = xs => {\n const\n s = xs.map(show)\n .join(\", \")\n .replace(/[\\\\\"]/gu, \"\");\n\n return `[${s}]`;\n};",
"showLog": "// showLog :: a -> IO ()\nconst showLog = (...args) =>\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n console.log(\n args\n .map(JSON.stringify)\n .join(\" -> \")\n );",
"showMatrix": "// showMatrix :: (a -> String) -> [[a]] -> String\nconst showMatrix = fShow =>\n rows => Boolean(rows.length) ? (() => {\n const w = fShow(Math.max(...rows.flat())).length;\n\n return rows.map(\n cells => cells.map(\n x => fShow(x).padStart(w, \" \")\n ).join(\" \")\n ).join(\"\\n\");\n })() : \"\";",
"showMaybe": "// showMaybe :: Maybe a -> String\nconst showMaybe = mb =>\n mb.Nothing ? (\n \"Nothing\"\n ) : `Just(${unQuoted(show(mb.Just))})`;",
"showMenuLR": "// showMenuLR :: Bool -> String -> String ->\n// [String] -> String -> Either String [String]\nconst showMenuLR = blnMult =>\n // An optionally multi-choice menu, with\n // a given title and prompt string.\n // Listing the strings in xs, with\n // the string `selected` pre-selected\n // if found in xs.\n menuTitle => prompt => selected => xs =>\n Boolean(xs.length) ? (() => {\n const sa = Object.assign(\n Application(\"System Events\"), {\n includeStandardAdditions: true\n });\n\n sa.activate();\n\n const v = sa.chooseFromList(xs, {\n withTitle: menuTitle,\n withPrompt: prompt,\n defaultItems: xs.includes(selected) ? (\n [selected]\n ) : [xs[0]],\n okButtonName: \"OK\",\n cancelButtonName: \"Cancel\",\n multipleSelectionsAllowed: blnMult,\n emptySelectionAllowed: false\n });\n\n return Array.isArray(v) ? (\n Right(v)\n ) : Left(`User cancelled ${menuTitle} menu.`);\n })() : Left(`${menuTitle}: No items to choose from.`);",
"showOrdering": "// showOrdering :: Ordering -> String\nconst showOrdering = e =>\n 0 < e.value ? (\n \"GT\"\n ) : 0 > e.value ? (\n \"LT\"\n ) : \"EQ\";",
"showOutline": "// showOutline :: Tree String -> String\nconst showOutline = tree => {\n const go = indent => x =>\n unlines(\n [indent + x.root].concat(\n x.nest.flatMap(go(` ${indent}`))\n )\n );\n\n return go(\"\")(tree);\n};",
"showPrecision": "// showPrecision :: Int -> Float -> String\nconst showPrecision = n => x => {\n // A string showing a floating point number\n // at a given degree of precision.\n const d = 10 ** n;\n\n return str(Math.round(d * x) / d);\n};",
"showRatio": "// showRatio :: Ratio -> String\nconst showRatio = r =>\n \"Ratio\" !== r.type\n ? r.toString()\n : r.n.toString() + (\n 1 !== r.d\n ? `/${r.d}`\n : \"\"\n );",
"showSet": "// showSet :: Set a -> String\nconst showSet = oSet => {\n const\n s = Array.from(oSet)\n .map(x => x.toString())\n .join(\",\");\n\n return `{${s}}`;\n};",
"showTree": "// showTree :: Tree a -> String\nconst showTree = x =>\n drawTree(\n fmapTree(show)(x)\n );",
"showTuple": "// showTuple :: Tuple -> String\nconst showTuple = tpl => {\n const\n s = enumFromTo(0)(tpl.length - 1)\n .map(x => unQuoted(show(tpl[x])))\n .join(\",\");\n\n return `(${s})`;\n};",
"showUndefined": "// showUndefined :: () -> String\nconst showUndefined = () =>\n \"(⊥)\";",
"signum": "// signum :: Num -> Num\nconst signum = n =>\n // Sign of a number.\n n.constructor(\n 0 > n\n ? -1\n : 0 < n\n ? 1\n : 0\n );",
"sj": "// sj :: a -> String\nconst sj = (...args) =>\n // Abbreviation of showJSON for quick testing.\n // Default indent size is two, which can be\n // overriden by any integer supplied as the\n // first argument of more than one.\n JSON.stringify.apply(\n null,\n 1 < args.length && !isNaN(args[0])\n ? [args[1], null, args[0]]\n : [args[0], null, 2]\n );",
"snd": "// snd :: (a, b) -> b\nconst snd = tpl =>\n // Second member of a pair.\n tpl[1];",
"snoc": "// snoc :: [a] -> a -> [a]\nconst snoc = xs =>\n // The mirror image of cons\n // A new copy of the given list,\n // with an atom appended at the end.\n x => xs.concat(x);",
"sort": "// sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]\nconst sort = xs =>\n // An A-Z sorted copy of xs.\n xs.slice().sort(\n (a, b) => a < b ? (\n -1\n ) : (\n a > b ? (\n 1\n ) : 0\n )\n );",
"sortBy": "// sortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]\nconst sortBy = f =>\n // A copy of xs sorted by the comparator function f.\n xs => [...xs].sort(\n (a, b) => f(a)(b)\n );",
"sortOn": "// sortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]\nconst sortOn = f =>\n // Equivalent to sortBy(comparing(f)), but with f(x)\n // evaluated only once for each x in xs.\n // ('Schwartzian' decorate-sort-undecorate).\n xs => sortBy(\n comparing(x => x[0])\n )(\n xs.map(x => [f(x), x])\n )\n .map(x => x[1]);",
"span": "// span :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])\nconst span = p =>\n // Longest prefix of xs consisting of elements which\n // all satisfy p, tupled with the remainder of xs.\n xs => {\n const i = xs.findIndex(x => !p(x));\n\n return -1 !== i\n ? Tuple(\n xs.slice(0, i)\n )(\n xs.slice(i)\n ) : Tuple(xs)([]);\n };",
"splitArrow": "// splitArrow (***) :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> ((a, c) -> (b, d))\nconst splitArrow = f =>\n // The functions f and g combined in a single function\n // from a tuple (x, y) to a tuple of (f(x), g(y))\n // (see bimap)\n g => ([a, b]) => Tuple(\n f(a)\n )(\n g(b)\n );",
"splitAt": "// splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])\nconst splitAt = n =>\n xs => Tuple(xs.slice(0, n))(\n xs.slice(n)\n );",
"splitBy": "// splitBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]\n// splitBy :: (String -> String -> Bool) ->\n// String -> [String]\nconst splitBy = p =>\n // Splitting not on a delimiter, but wherever the\n // relationship between consecutive terms matches\n // a binary predicate.\n xs => 2 > xs.length\n ? [xs]\n : (() => {\n const\n [h, ...t] = xs,\n ab = t.reduce(\n ([acc, active, prev], x) =>\n p(prev)(x)\n ? [acc.concat([active]), [x], x]\n : [acc, active.concat(x), x],\n [[], [h], h]\n );\n\n return ab[0].concat([ab[1]]);\n })();",
"splitExtension": "// splitExtension :: FilePath -> (String, String)\nconst splitExtension = fp => {\n // The file path split before any extension,\n // or tupled with the empty string, if\n // no extension is seen.\n const\n lastIndex = [...fp].findLastIndex(\n c => \"./\".includes(c)\n );\n\n return (-1 !== lastIndex) && (\".\" === fp[lastIndex])\n ? Tuple(fp.slice(0, lastIndex))(\n fp.slice(lastIndex)\n )\n : Tuple(fp)(\"\");\n};",
"splitFileName": "// splitFileName :: FilePath -> (String, String)\nconst splitFileName = strPath =>\n // Tuple of directory and file name,\n // derived from file path. (Inverse of combine).\n (\"\" !== strPath) ? (\n (\"/\" !== strPath[strPath.length - 1]) ? (() => {\n const\n xs = strPath.split(\"/\"),\n stem = xs.slice(0, -1);\n\n return stem.length > 0 ? (\n Tuple(\n `${stem.join(\"/\")}/`\n )(xs.slice(-1)[0])\n ) : Tuple(\"./\")(xs.slice(-1)[0]);\n })() : Tuple(strPath)(\"\")\n ) : Tuple(\"./\")(\"\");",
"splitOn": "// splitOn :: [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]\n// splitOn :: String -> String -> [String]\nconst splitOn = pat => src =>\n // A list of the strings delimited by\n // instances of a given pattern in s.\n (\"string\" === typeof src) ? (\n src.split(pat)\n ) : (() => {\n const\n lng = pat.length,\n [a, b] = findIndices(matching(pat))(src).reduce(\n ([x, y], i) => Tuple(\n x.concat([src.slice(y, i)])\n )(lng + i),\n Tuple([])(0)\n );\n\n return a.concat([src.slice(b)]);\n })();",
"splitRegex": "// splitRegex :: Regex -> String -> [String]\nconst splitRegex = needle =>\n haystack => haystack.split(needle);",
"sqrt": "// sqrt :: Num -> Num\nconst sqrt = n =>\n 0 <= n\n ? Math.sqrt(n)\n : undefined;",
"sqrtLR": "// sqrtLR :: Num -> Either String Num\nconst sqrtLR = n =>\n 0 > n ? (\n Left(`Square root of negative number: ${n}`)\n ) : Right(Math.sqrt(n));",
"sqrtMay": "// sqrtMay :: Num -> Maybe Num\nconst sqrtMay = n =>\n 0 > n ? (\n Nothing()\n ) : Just(Math.sqrt(n));",
"str": "// str :: a -> String\nconst str = x =>\n Array.isArray(x) && x.every(\n v => (\"string\" === typeof v) && (1 === v.length)\n )\n ? x.join(\"\")\n : null === x\n ? \"null\"\n : x.toString();",
"strip": "// strip :: String -> String\nconst strip = s =>\n s.trim();",
"stripEnd": "// stripEnd :: String -> String\nconst stripEnd = s =>\n s.trimEnd();",
"stripPrefix": "// stripPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]\nconst stripPrefix = pfx =>\n s => {\n const\n blnString = \"string\" === typeof pfx,\n [vs, ws] = blnString ? (\n [pfx.split(\"\"), s.split(\"\")]\n ) : [pfx, s];\n\n const\n sp_ = (xs, ys) => 0 === xs.length ? (\n Just(blnString ? ys.join(\"\") : ys)\n ) : (0 === ys.length || xs[0] !== ys[0]) ? (\n Nothing()\n ) : sp_(xs.slice(1), ys.slice(1));\n\n return sp_(vs, ws);\n };",
"stripStart": "// stripStart :: String -> String\nconst stripStart = s =>\n s.trimStart();",
"subTreeAtPath": "// subTreeAtPath :: Tree String -> [String] -> Maybe Tree String\nconst subTreeAtPath = tree => path => {\n const go = (subNest, xs) =>\n Boolean(subNest.length) && Boolean(xs.length)\n ? (() => {\n const h = xs[0];\n\n return bindMay(\n find(t => h === t.root)(subNest)\n )(\n t => 1 < xs.length\n ? go(t.nest, xs.slice(1))\n : Just(t)\n );\n })()\n : Nothing();\n\n return go([tree], path);\n};",
"subsequences": "// subsequences :: [a] -> [[a]]\n// subsequences :: String -> [String]\nconst subsequences = qs => {\n // subsequences([1,2,3]) -> [[],[1],[2],[1,2],[3],[1,3],[2,3],[1,2,3]]\n // subsequences('abc') -> [\"\",\"a\",\"b\",\"ab\",\"c\",\"ac\",\"bc\",\"abc\"]\n const\n // nonEmptySubsequences :: [a] -> [[a]]\n nonEmptySubsequences = xxs => {\n if (xxs.length < 1) {\n return [];\n }\n const [x, xs] = [xxs[0], xxs.slice(1)];\n const f = (r, ys) => cons(ys)(cons(cons(x)(ys))(r));\n\n return cons([x])(nonEmptySubsequences(xs)\n .reduceRight(f, []));\n };\n\n return (\"string\" === typeof qs) ? (\n cons(\"\")(nonEmptySubsequences(qs.split(\"\"))\n .map(q => \"\".concat(...q)))\n ) : cons([])(nonEmptySubsequences(qs));\n};",
"subsets": "// subsets :: [a] -> [[a]]\nconst subsets = xs => {\n // The list of sublists of xs,\n // including the empty list.\n const go = ys =>\n 0 < ys.length\n ? (() => {\n const\n h = ys[0],\n zs = go(ys.slice(1));\n\n return [\n ...zs.map(z => [h, ...z]),\n ...zs\n ];\n })()\n : [[]];\n\n return go(xs);\n};",
"subtract": "// subtract :: Num -> Num -> Num\nconst subtract = x =>\n y => y - x;",
"succ": "// succ :: Enum a => a -> a\nconst succ = x => {\n const t = typeof x;\n\n return \"number\" !== t ? (\n \"bigint\" !== t ? (\n (() => {\n const [i, mx] = [x, maxBound(x)].map(fromEnum);\n\n return i < mx ? (\n toEnum(x)(1 + i)\n ) : Error(\"succ :: enum out of range.\");\n })()\n ) : BigInt(1) + x\n ) : x < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ? (\n 1 + x\n ) : Error(\"succ :: Num out of range.\");\n};",
"succMay": "// succMay :: Enum a => a -> Maybe a\nconst succMay = x => {\n const t = typeof x;\n\n return \"number\" !== t ? (() => {\n const [i, mx] = [x, maxBound(x)].map(fromEnum);\n\n return i < mx ? (\n Just(toEnum(x)(1 + i))\n ) : Nothing();\n })() : x < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ? (\n Just(1 + x)\n ) : Nothing();\n};",
"sum": "// sum :: [Num] -> Num\nconst sum = xs =>\n // The numeric sum of all values in xs.\n xs.reduce((a, x) => a + x, 0);",
"swap": "// swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)\nconst swap = ab =>\n // The pair ab with its order reversed.\n Tuple(ab[1])(\n ab[0]\n );",
"tail": "// tail :: [a] -> [a]\nconst tail = xs =>\n // A new list consisting of all\n // items of xs except the first.\n \"GeneratorFunction\" !== xs.constructor\n .constructor.name\n ? 0 < xs.length\n ? xs.slice(1)\n : undefined\n : (take(1)(xs), xs);",
"tailMay": "// tailMay :: [a] -> Maybe [a]\nconst tailMay = xs =>\n Boolean(xs.length)\n ? Just(xs.slice(1))\n : Nothing();",
"tails": "// tails :: [a] -> [[a]]\nconst tails = xs =>\n xs.map((_, i) => xs.slice(i))\n .concat([\n []\n ]);",
"take": "// take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]\n// take :: Int -> String -> String\nconst take = n =>\n // The first n elements of a list,\n // string of characters, or stream.\n xs => \"GeneratorFunction\" !== xs\n .constructor.constructor.name\n ? xs.slice(0, n)\n : Array.from({length: n},\n () => {\n const x = xs.next();\n\n return x.done\n ? []\n : [x.value];\n })\n .flat();",
"takeAround": "// takeAround :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]\nconst takeAround = p => xs => {\n const ys = takeWhile(p)(xs);\n\n return ys.length < xs.length\n ? ys.concat(takeWhileR(p)(xs))\n : ys;\n};",
"takeBaseName": "// takeBaseName :: FilePath -> String\nconst takeBaseName = fp =>\n // The filename without any extension.\n (\"\" !== fp)\n ? (\"/\" !== fp[fp.length - 1])\n ? (() => {\n const fn = fp.split(\"/\").slice(-1)[0];\n\n return fn.includes(\".\")\n ? fn.split(\".\").slice(0, -1)\n .join(\".\")\n : fn;\n })()\n : \"\"\n : \"\";",
"takeCycle": "// takeCycle :: Int -> [a] -> [a]\nconst takeCycle = n =>\n // First n elements of a non-finite cycle of xs.\n xs => {\n const lng = xs.length;\n\n return (\n n <= lng\n ? xs\n : Array.from(\n {length: n},\n () => xs\n )\n .flat(1)\n )\n .slice(0, n);\n };",
"takeDirectory": "// takeDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath\nconst takeDirectory = fp =>\n // The directory component of a filepath.\n \"\" !== fp\n ? (() => {\n const xs = fp.split(\"/\").slice(0, -1);\n\n return 0 < xs.length\n ? xs.join(\"/\")\n : \".\";\n })()\n : \".\";",
"takeDropCycle": "// takeDropCycle :: Int -> [a] -> [a]\nconst takeDropCycle = n =>\n // N Members of an infinite cycle of xs, starting from index I\n i => xs => drop(i)(\n take(n + i)(cycle(xs))\n );",
"takeExtension": "// takeExtension :: FilePath -> String\nconst takeExtension = fp => {\n const fn = last(fp.split(\"/\"));\n\n return fn.includes(\".\")\n ? `.${last(fn.split(\".\"))}`\n : \"\";\n};",
"takeFileName": "// takeFileName :: FilePath -> FilePath\nconst takeFileName = fp =>\n // The file name component of a filepath.\n 0 < fp.length\n ? \"/\" !== fp[fp.length - 1]\n ? fp.split(\"/\").slice(-1)[0]\n : \"\"\n : \"\";",
"takeFromThenTo": "// takeFromThenTo :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a]\nconst takeFromThenTo = a =>\n b => z => xs => {\n const ixs = enumFromThenTo(a)(b)(z);\n\n return \"GeneratorFunction\" !== xs.constructor\n .constructor.name\n ? ixs.map(i => xs[i])\n : (() => {\n const g = zipGen(enumFrom(0))(\n take(z)(xs)\n );\n\n return ixs.flatMap(i => {\n const mb = index(g)(i);\n\n return mb.Nothing\n ? []\n : [mb.Just];\n });\n })();\n };",
"takeIterate": "// takeIterate n f x == [x, f x, f (f x), ...]\n// takeIterate :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> [a]\nconst takeIterate = n =>\n f => x => Array.from({\n length: n - 1\n }).reduce(\n ([a, vs]) => {\n const v = f(a);\n\n return Tuple(v)(vs.concat(v));\n },\n Tuple(x)([x])\n )[1];",
"takeWhile": "// takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]\nconst takeWhile = p =>\n // The longest prefix of xs in which\n // all elements satisfy p.\n xs => {\n const i = xs.findIndex(x => !p(x));\n\n return -1 !== i\n ? xs.slice(0, i)\n : xs;\n };",
"takeWhileEnd": "// takeWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) [a] -> [a]\nconst takeWhileEnd = p =>\n // The longest suffix of xs in which\n // all elements satisfy p.\n xs => xs.slice(\n 1 + xs.findLastIndex(x => !p(x))\n );",
"takeWhileGen": "// takeWhileGen :: (a -> Bool) -> Gen [a] -> [a]\nconst takeWhileGen = p =>\n xs => {\n const ys = [];\n let\n nxt = xs.next(),\n v = nxt.value;\n\n while (!nxt.done && p(v)) {\n ys.push(v);\n nxt = xs.next();\n v = nxt.value;\n }\n\n return ys;\n };",
"takeWhileR": "// takeWhileR :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]\nconst takeWhileR = p =>\n // The longest suffix of xs in which\n // all elements satisfy p.\n xs => {\n const i = xs.findLastIndex(x => !p(x));\n\n return -1 !== i\n ? xs.slice(1 + i)\n : [];\n };",
"taskPaperDateString": "// taskPaperDateString :: Date -> String\nconst taskPaperDateString = dte =>\n [...second(t => t.slice(0, 5))(\n iso8601Local(dte).split(\"T\")\n )].join(\" \");",
"taskPaperDayString": "// taskPaperDayString :: Date -> String\nconst taskPaperDayString = dte =>\n taskPaperDateString(dte).slice(0, 10);",
"tempFilePath": "// tempFilePath :: String -> IO FilePath\nconst tempFilePath = template => {\n // File name template to temporary path\n // Random digit sequence inserted between\n // template base and extension\n const\n fldr = ObjC.unwrap($.NSTemporaryDirectory()),\n name = takeBaseName(template),\n xtn = takeExtension(template),\n rnd = Math.random().toString()\n .substring(3);\n\n return `${fldr}${name}${rnd}${xtn}`;\n};",
"toEnum": "// toEnum :: a -> Int -> a\nconst toEnum = e =>\n // The first argument is a sample of the type\n // allowing the function to make the right mapping\n x => ({\n \"number\": Number,\n \"string\": String.fromCodePoint,\n \"boolean\": Boolean,\n \"object\": v => e.min + v\n } [typeof e])(x);",
"toLower": "// toLower :: String -> String\nconst toLower = s =>\n // Lower-case version of string.\n s.toLocaleLowerCase();",
"toRatio": "// toRatio :: Real -> Ratio\nconst toRatio = n =>\n approxRatio(1e-12)(n);",
"toSentence": "// toSentence :: String -> String\nconst toSentence = s =>\n // Sentence case - first character\n // capitalized, and rest lowercase.\n 0 < s.length\n ? s[0].toLocaleUpperCase() + s.slice(1)\n .toLocaleLowerCase()\n : s;",
"toTitle": "// toTitle :: String -> String\nconst toTitle = s =>\n 0 < s.length\n ? `${toUpper(s[0])}${toLower(s.slice(1))}`\n : \"\";",
"toUpper": "// toUpper :: String -> String\nconst toUpper = s =>\n s.toLocaleUpperCase();",
"transpose": "// transpose :: [[a]] -> [[a]]\nconst transpose = rows =>\n // Maximal transpose – the longest row determines\n // the number of columns.\n // If any rows are shorter than those that follow,\n // their elements are skipped:\n // transpose [[10,11],[20],[],[30,31,32]]\n // == [[10,20,30],[11,31],[32]]\n rows.reduce(\n (cols, row) => cols.map((col, i) => {\n const v = row[i];\n\n return undefined !== v\n ? col.concat(v)\n : col;\n }),\n Array.from({\n length: 0 < rows.length\n ? Math.max(...rows.map(x => x.length))\n : 0\n }, () => [])\n );",
"transpose_": "// transpose_ :: [[a]] -> [[a]]\nconst transpose_ = rows =>\n // Minimal transpose – the shortest row\n // limits the number of ouput columns.\n // transpose_([[10, 11], [30, 31, 32]])\n // == [[10, 30], [11, 31]]\n rows.reduce(\n (cols, row) => cols.map(\n (col, i) => col.concat(row[i])\n ),\n Array.from({\n length: 0 < rows.length\n ? Math.min(...rows.map(x => x.length))\n : 0\n }, () => [])\n );",
"traverse": "// traverse :: (Applicative f, Traversable t) ->\n// (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)\nconst traverse = f =>\n // Each element of a structure mapped to an\n // a functor-wrapped value, with evaluation from\n // from left to right, and the results collected\n // in a single instance of the target functor.\n tx => ({\n \"Either\": () => traverseLR,\n \"Maybe\": () => traverseMay,\n \"Node\": () => traverseTree,\n \"Tuple\": () => traverseTuple,\n \"List\": () => traverseList\n })[tx.type || \"List\"]()(f)(tx);",
"traverseLR": "// traverseLR :: Applicative f =>\n// (t -> f b) -> Either a t -> f (Either a b)\nconst traverseLR = f =>\n // instance of Traversable (Either a) where\n // traverse _ (Left x) = pure (Left x)\n // traverse f (Right y) = Right <$> f y\n lr => \"Left\" in lr\n ? [lr]\n : fmap(Right)(\n f(lr.Right)\n );",
"traverseList": "// traverseList :: (Applicative f) => (a -> f b) ->\n// [a] -> f [b]\nconst traverseList = f =>\n // Collected results of mapping each element\n // of a structure to an action, and evaluating\n // these actions from left to right.\n xs => 0 < xs.length\n ? (() => {\n const\n vLast = f(xs.slice(-1)[0]),\n t = typeName(vLast);\n\n return xs.slice(0, -1).reduceRight(\n (ys, x) => liftA2(cons)(f(x))(ys),\n liftA2(cons)(vLast)(pureT(t)([]))\n );\n })() \n : fType(f)([]);",
"traverseListLR": "// traverseListLR (a -> Either b c) ->\n// [a] -> Either b [c]\nconst traverseListLR = flr =>\n // Traverse over [a] with (a -> Either b c)\n // Either Left b or Right [c]\n xs => {\n const n = xs.length;\n\n return 0 < n\n ? until(\n ([i, lr]) => (n === i) || (\"Left\" in lr)\n )(\n ([i, lr]) => {\n // Passing an optional index argument\n // which flr can ignore or use.\n const lrx = flr(xs[i], i);\n\n return [\n 1 + i,\n \"Right\" in lrx\n ? Right(\n lr.Right.concat([\n lrx.Right\n ])\n )\n : lrx\n ];\n }\n )(\n Tuple(0)(Right([]))\n )[1]\n : Right([]);\n };",
"traverseMay": "// traverseMay :: Applicative f => (t -> f a) -> Maybe t -> f (Maybe a)\nconst traverseMay = f => mb =>\n \"Nothing\" in mb ? (\n [mb]\n ) : fmap(Just)(\n f(mb.Just)\n );",
"traverseTree": "// traverseTree :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) ->\n// Tree a -> f (Tree b)\nconst traverseTree = f => {\n // traverse f (Node x ts) =\n // liftA2 Node (f x) (traverse (traverse f) ts)\n const go = tree =>\n liftA2(Node)(f(tree.root))(\n traverseList(go)(\n tree.nest\n )\n );\n\n return go;\n};",
"traverseTuple": "// traverseTuple :: Functor f => (t -> f b) -> (a, t) -> f (a, b)\nconst traverseTuple = f => ([a, b]) =>\n fmap(Tuple(a))(\n f(b)\n );",
"treeFromDict": "// treeFromDict :: String -> Dict -> Tree String\nconst treeFromDict = rootLabel =>\n dict => {\n const go = x =>\n \"object\" !== typeof x\n ? []\n : Array.isArray(x)\n ? x.flatMap(go)\n : keys(x).map(\n k => Node(k)(\n go(x[k])\n )\n );\n\n return Node(rootLabel)(\n go(dict)\n );\n };",
"treeFromJSON": "// treeFromJSON :: JSON String -> Tree a\nconst treeFromJSON = json => {\n // Assumes a recursive [root, nest] JSON format,\n // in which `root` is a parseable value string, and `nest`\n // is a possibly empty list of [`root`, `nest`] pairs.\n const go = ([rootValue, subNest]) =>\n Node(rootValue)(subNest.map(go));\n\n return go(JSON.parse(json));\n};",
"treeFromNestedDict": "// treeFromNestedDict -> Dict -> Either String Tree Dict\nconst treeFromNestedDict = dict => {\n // A generic Tree structure from a dict\n // with keys assumed to include no more than\n // one key to a *list* value,\n // with this pattern applied recursively\n // to each child dictionary in such a list.\n const go = dct => {\n const\n kvs = Object.entries(dct),\n lists = kvs.filter(\n ([_, v]) => Array.isArray(v)\n ),\n lng = lists.length;\n\n return 0 < lng ? (\n 1 < lng ? (() => {\n const\n listing = bulleted(\" \")(\n unlines(lists.map(fst))\n ),\n msg = `Ambiguous structure :: ${lng}` + (\n ` multiple sublists in:\\n${dct.name}`\n );\n\n return Left(`${msg}:\\n${listing}`);\n })() : (() => {\n const [nestName, xs] = lists[0];\n\n return bindLR(traverseList(go)(xs))(\n vs => Right(\n Node({\n ...deleteKey(nestName)(dct),\n \"List title\": nestName\n })(vs)\n )\n );\n })()\n ) : Right(Node(dct)([]));\n };\n\n return go(dict);\n};",
"treeLeaves": "// treeLeaves :: Tree a -> [Tree a]\nconst treeLeaves = tree => {\n const go = t => {\n const xs = nest(t);\n\n return 0 < xs.length\n ? xs.flatMap(go)\n : [t];\n };\n\n return go(tree);\n};",
"treeMatch": "// treeMatch :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> [Tree a]\nconst treeMatch = p => {\n // Either a list containing the the first node\n // in the tree which matches the predicate p,\n // or an empty list if no match is found.\n const go = tree =>\n p(tree.root)\n ? [tree]\n : f(tree.nest);\n\n const f = xs => {\n const n = xs.length;\n\n return until(\n ([i, ms]) => (n === i) || (0 < ms.length)\n )(\n ([i]) => [1 + i, go(xs[i])]\n )(\n [0, []]\n )[1];\n };\n\n return go;\n};",
"treeMatches": "// treeMatches :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> [Tree a]\nconst treeMatches = p => {\n // A list of all nodes in the tree which match\n // a predicate p.\n // For the first matching value only, see findTree.\n // To ignore descendants where an ancestor already matches\n // write just [tree] in lieu of [tree, ...tree.nest.flatMap(go)]\n const go = tree =>\n p(tree.root)\n ? [tree, ...tree.nest.flatMap(go)]\n : tree.nest.flatMap(go);\n\n return go;\n};",
"treeMenu": "// treeMenu :: Tree String -> IO [String]\nconst treeMenu = tree => {\n const go = t => {\n const\n strTitle = t.root,\n subs = t.nest,\n menu = subs.map(root),\n blnMore = 0 < subs.flatMap(nest).length;\n\n return until(tpl => !fst(tpl) || !isNull(snd(tpl)))(\n tpl => either(\n x => Tuple(false)([])\n )(\n Tuple(true)\n )(\n bindLR(\n showMenuLR(!blnMore)(strTitle)(menu)\n )(ks => {\n const\n k = ks[0],\n msg = `${k}: not found in ${ks}`;\n\n return maybe(\n Left(msg)\n )(Right)(\n bindMay(\n find(x => k === x.root)(\n subs\n )\n )(\n chosen => Just(\n isNull(chosen.nest) ? (\n ks\n ) : go(chosen)\n )\n )\n );\n })\n )\n )(Tuple(true)([]))[1];\n };\n\n return go(tree);\n};",
"treeMenuBy": "// treeMenuBy :: (a -> String) Tree a -> IO [a]\nconst treeMenuBy = fNodeKey => {\n const go = tree => {\n const\n strTitle = fNodeKey(tree.root),\n subTrees = nest(tree),\n menu = subTrees.map(\n compose(fNodeKey, root)\n ).sort();\n\n return until(\n ([a, b]) => !a || !isNull(b)\n )(\n () => either(\n x => Tuple(false)([])\n )(\n Tuple(true)\n )(\n bindLR(\n showMenuLR(true)(strTitle)(menu)\n )(\n ks => {\n const\n k0 = ks[0],\n msg = `${k0}: not found in ${ks}`;\n\n return maybe(\n Left(msg)\n )(Right)(\n bindMay(\n find(\n x => k0 === fNodeKey(\n x.root\n )\n )(subTrees)\n )(\n firstChosen => Just(\n isNull(\n nest(firstChosen)\n )\n ? ks.map(\n k => find(\n x => k === fNodeKey(\n x.root\n )\n )(subTrees).Just\n )\n : go(firstChosen)\n )\n )\n );\n }\n )\n )\n )(Tuple(true)([]))[1];\n };\n\n return go;\n};",
"truncate": "// truncate :: Num -> Int\nconst truncate = x =>\n \"Ratio\" === x.type ? (\n properFracRatio(x)[0]\n ) : properFraction(x)[0];",
"tupleFromList": "// tupleFromList :: [a] -> (a, a ...)\nconst tupleFromList = xs =>\n TupleN(...xs);",
"typeName": "// typeName :: a -> String\nconst typeName = v => {\n const t = typeof v;\n\n return \"object\" === t\n ? null !== v\n ? Array.isArray(v)\n ? \"List\"\n : \"Date\" === v.constructor.name\n ? \"Date\"\n : null !== v\n ? (() => {\n const ct = v.type;\n\n return Boolean(ct)\n ? (/Tuple\\d+/u).test(ct)\n ? \"TupleN\"\n : ct\n : \"Dict\";\n })()\n : \"Bottom\"\n : \"Bottom\"\n\n : {\n \"boolean\": \"Bool\",\n \"date\": \"Date\",\n \"number\": \"Num\",\n \"string\": \"String\",\n \"function\": \"(a -> b)\"\n } [t] || \"Bottom\";\n};",
"unDigits": "// unDigits :: [Int] -> Int\nconst unDigits = ds =>\n // The integer with the given digits.\n ds.reduce((a, x) => (10 * a) + x, 0);",
"unQuoted": "// unQuoted :: String -> String\nconst unQuoted = s =>\n 1 < s.length ? (\n q => s.slice(\n q !== s[0] ? 0 : 1,\n q !== s.slice(-1) ? undefined : -1\n )\n )(\n String.fromCodePoint(34)\n ) : s;",
"uncons": "// uncons :: [a] -> Maybe (a, [a])\nconst uncons = xs => {\n // Just a tuple of the head of xs and its tail,\n // Or Nothing if xs is an empty list.\n const n = length(xs);\n\n return 0 < n\n ? Infinity > n\n // Finite list\n ? Just(Tuple(xs[0])(xs.slice(1)))\n\n // Lazy generator\n : (() => {\n const nxt = take(1)(xs);\n\n return 0 < nxt.length\n ? Just(Tuple(nxt[0])(xs))\n : Nothing();\n })()\n : Nothing();\n};",
"uncurry": "// uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> ((a, b) -> c)\nconst uncurry = f =>\n // A function over a Tuple or argument pair, \n // derived from a curried function.\n (...args) => {\n const [x, y] = 2 === args.length\n ? args\n : args[0]\n\n return f(x)(y);\n };",
"uncurryN": "// uncurryN :: (a -> b ... -> e) -> (a, b ...) -> e\nconst uncurryN = f =>\n // A function over a tuple of values, \n // derived from a curried function absorbing \n // any number of arguments.\n (...args) => args.reduce(\n (g, x) => g(x),\n f\n );",
"unfoldForest": "// unfoldForest :: (b -> (a, [b])) -> [b] -> [Tree]\nconst unfoldForest = f =>\n // A forest built from a list of seed values.\n xs => xs.map(unfoldTree(f));",
"unfoldTree": "// unfoldTree :: (b -> (a, [b])) -> b -> Tree a\nconst unfoldTree = f =>\n // A tree unfolded in breadth-first order\n // from a seed value.\n // Given a seed value, f defines a tuple:\n // (Node root value, [seed])\n // Empty seed lists conclude recursion.\n b => uncurry(Node)(\n second(unfoldForest(f))(\n f(b)\n )\n );",
"unfoldl": "// unfoldl :: (b -> Maybe (b, a)) -> b -> [a]\nconst unfoldl = f => v => {\n // Dual to reduce or foldl.\n // Where these reduce a list to a summary value, unfoldl\n // builds a list from a seed value.\n // Where f returns Just(a, b), a is appended to the list,\n // and the residual b is used as the argument for the next\n // application of f.\n // Where f returns Nothing, the completed list is returned.\n // unfoldl(x => 0 !== x ? Just([x - 1, x]) : Nothing(), 10);\n // --> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]\n let\n xr = [v, v],\n xs = [];\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition\n while (true) {\n const mb = f(xr[0]);\n\n if (mb.Nothing) {\n return xs;\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-else-return\n } else {\n xr = mb.Just;\n xs = [xr[1]].concat(xs);\n }\n }\n};",
"unfoldr": "// unfoldr :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> Gen [a]\nconst unfoldr = f =>\n // A lazy (generator) list unfolded from a seed value\n // by repeated application of f to a value until no\n // residue remains. Dual to fold/reduce.\n // f returns either Nothing or Just (value, residue).\n // For a strict output list,\n // wrap with `list` or Array.from\n x => (\n function* () {\n let maybePair = f(x);\n\n while (!maybePair.Nothing) {\n const valueResidue = maybePair.Just;\n\n yield valueResidue[0];\n maybePair = f(valueResidue[1]);\n }\n }()\n );",
"union": "// union :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]\nconst union = xs => ys =>\n unionBy(a => b => a === b)(xs)(ys);",
"unionBy": "// unionBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]\nconst unionBy = fnEq =>\n // The union of xs and ys in terms of the\n // equality function given in fnEq\n xs => ys => {\n const sx = nubBy(fnEq)(xs);\n\n return sx.concat(\n sx.reduce(\n (a, x) => deleteBy(fnEq)(\n x\n )(a),\n nubBy(fnEq)(ys)\n )\n );\n };",
"unionSet": "// unionSet :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a\nconst unionSet = s => s1 =>\n Array.from(s1.values())\n .reduce(\n (a, x) => (a.add(x), a),\n new Set(s)\n );",
"unlines": "// unlines :: [String] -> String\nconst unlines = xs =>\n // A single string formed by the intercalation\n // of a list of strings with the newline character.\n xs.join(\"\\n\");",
"unsnoc": "// unsnoc :: [a] -> Maybe ([a], a)\nconst unsnoc = xs =>\n // Nothing if the list is empty, otherwise\n // Just the init and the last.\n Boolean(xs.length) ? (\n Just(Tuple(xs.slice(0, -1))(xs.slice(-1)[0]))\n ) : Nothing();",
"until": "// until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a\nconst until = p =>\n // The value resulting from successive applications\n // of f to f(x), starting with a seed value x,\n // and terminating when the result returns true\n // for the predicate p.\n f => x => {\n let v = x;\n\n while (!p(v)) {\n v = f(v);\n }\n\n return v;\n };",
"unwords": "// unwords :: [String] -> String\nconst unwords = xs =>\n // A space-separated string derived\n // from a list of words.\n xs.join(\" \");",
"unwrap": "// unwrap :: NSObject -> a\nconst unwrap = ObjC.unwrap;",
"unzip": "// unzip :: [(a,b)] -> ([a],[b])\nconst unzip = xys =>\n // A list of the first items in each pair\n // of the zip, tupled with a list of all\n // the second items.\n Tuple(\n xys.map(xy => xy[0])\n )(\n xys.map(xy => xy[1])\n );\n",
"unzip3": "// unzip3 :: [(a,b,c)] -> ([a],[b],[c])\nconst unzip3 = xyzs =>\n xyzs.reduce(\n (a, x) => TupleN(...[0, 1, 2].map(\n i => a[i].concat(x[i])\n )),\n TupleN([], [], [])\n );",
"unzip4": "// unzip4 :: [(a,b,c,d)] -> ([a],[b],[c],[d])\nconst unzip4 = wxyzs =>\n wxyzs.reduce(\n (a, x) => TupleN(...[0, 1, 2, 3].map(\n i => a[i].concat(x[i])\n )),\n TupleN([], [], [], [])\n );",
"unzipN": "// unzipN :: [(a,b,...)] -> ([a],[b],...)\nconst unzipN = tpls =>\n TupleN(\n ...tpls.reduce(\n (a, tpl) => a.map(\n (x, i) => x.concat(tpl[i])\n ),\n replicate(\n 0 < tpls.length\n ? tpls[0].length\n : 0, []\n )\n )\n );",
"variance": "// variance :: [Num] -> Num\nconst variance = xs => {\n const\n lng = xs.length,\n avg = xs.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / lng;\n\n return xs.reduce(\n (a, b) => a + ((b - avg) ** 2),\n 0\n ) / (lng - 1);\n};",
"words": "// words :: String -> [String]\nconst words = s =>\n // List of space-delimited sub-strings.\n // Leading and trailling space ignored.\n s.split(/\\s+/u).filter(Boolean);",
"wrap": "// wrap :: a -> NSObject\nconst wrap = ObjC.wrap;",
"writeFile": "// writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()\nconst writeFile = fp => s =>\n $.NSString.alloc.initWithUTF8String(s)\n .writeToFileAtomicallyEncodingError(\n $(fp)\n .stringByStandardizingPath, false,\n $.NSUTF8StringEncoding, null\n );",
"writeFileLR": "// writeFileLR :: FilePath ->\n// String -> Either String IO FilePath\nconst writeFileLR = fp =>\n // Either a message or the filepath\n // to which the string has been written.\n s => {\n const\n e = $(),\n efp = $(fp).stringByStandardizingPath;\n\n return $.NSString.alloc\n .initWithUTF8String(s)\n .writeToFileAtomicallyEncodingError(\n efp, false,\n $.NSUTF8StringEncoding, e\n )\n ? Right(ObjC.unwrap(efp))\n : Left(ObjC.unwrap(e.localizedDescription));\n };",
"writeTempFile": "// writeTempFile :: String -> String -> IO FilePath\nconst writeTempFile = template =>\n // File name template -> string data -> IO temporary path\n txt => {\n const\n fp = ObjC.unwrap($.NSTemporaryDirectory()) +\n takeBaseName(template) + Math.random()\n .toString()\n .substring(3) + takeExtension(template);\n\n return (writeFile(fp)(txt), fp);\n };",
"zeroPadded": "// zeroPadded :: Int -> Int -> String\nconst zeroPadded = w =>\n // A string representation of the integer n,\n // zero padded at left to width w.\n n => `${n}`.padStart(w, \"0\");",
"zip": "// zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]\nconst zip = xs =>\n // The paired members of xs and ys, up to\n // the length of the shorter of the two lists.\n ys => Array.from({\n length: Math.min(xs.length, ys.length)\n }, (_, i) => [xs[i], ys[i]]);",
"zip3": "// zip3 :: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [(a, b, c)]\nconst zip3 = xs =>\n // Triples of the values at each position of\n // xs,ys,zs up to the length of the shortest.\n ys => zs => Array.from(\n {\n length: Math.min(\n ...[xs, ys, zs].map(x => x.length)\n )\n },\n (_, i) => [xs[i], ys[i], zs[i]]\n );",
"zip4": "// zip4 :: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> [(a, b, c, d)]\nconst zip4 = ws =>\n // List of triples of the values at each position\n // of xs,ys,zs up to the length of the shortest.\n xs => ys => zs => Array.from(\n {\n length: Math.min(\n ...[ws, xs, ys, zs].map(x => x.length)\n )\n },\n (_, i) => [ws[i], xs[i], ys[i], zs[i]]\n );",
"zipGen": "// zipGen :: (a -> b -> c) ->\n// Gen [a] -> Gen [b] -> Gen [c]\nconst zipGen = ga =>\n // A composite generator formed by the application\n // of f to each pair of values in a zip of two\n // generators.\n gb => {\n const go = function* (ma, mb) {\n let\n a = ma,\n b = mb;\n\n while (!a.Nothing && !b.Nothing) {\n const [ax, axs] = a.Just;\n const [bx, bxs] = b.Just;\n\n yield [ax, bx];\n a = uncons(axs);\n b = uncons(bxs);\n }\n };\n\n return go(uncons(ga), uncons(gb));\n };",
"zipList": "// zipList :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]\nconst zipList = xs => ys => {\n const\n n = Math.min(length(xs), length(ys)),\n vs = take(n)(ys);\n\n return take(n)(xs)\n .map((x, i) => Tuple(x)(vs[i]));\n};",
"zipN": "// zipN :: [a] -> [b] -> ... -> [(a, b ...)]\nconst zipN = (...xss) =>\n 0 < xss.length\n ? Array.from(\n { length: Math.min(...xss.map(xs => xs.length)) },\n (_, i) => TupleN(...xss.map(xs => xs[i]))\n )\n : [];",
"zipWith": "// zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]\nconst zipWith = f =>\n // A list with the length of the shorter of\n // xs and ys, defined by zipping with a\n // custom function, rather than with the\n // default tuple constructor.\n xs => ys => {\n const n = Math.min(...[xs, ys].map(length));\n\n return Infinity > n\n ? (([as, bs]) => Array.from({\n length: n\n }, (_, i) => f(as[i])(\n bs[i]\n )))([xs, ys].map(\n take(n)\n ))\n : zipWithGen(f)(xs)(ys);\n };",
"zipWith3": "// zipWith3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) ->\n// [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d]\nconst zipWith3 = f =>\n xs => ys => zs => Array.from({\n length: Math.min(\n ...[xs, ys, zs].map(x => x.length)\n )\n }, (_, i) => f(xs[i])(ys[i])(zs[i]));",
"zipWith4": "// zipWith4 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) ->\n// [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> [e]\nconst zipWith4 = f =>\n ws => xs => ys => zs => Array.from({\n length: Math.min(\n ...[ws, xs, ys, zs].map(x => x.length)\n )\n }, (_, i) => f(ws[i])(xs[i])(ys[i])(zs[i]));",
"zipWithGen": "// zipWithGen :: (a -> b -> c) ->\n// Gen [a] -> Gen [b] -> Gen [c]\nconst zipWithGen = f =>\n // A composite generator formed by the application\n // of f to each pair of values in a zip of two\n // generators.\n ga => gb => {\n const go = function* (ma, mb) {\n let\n a = ma,\n b = mb;\n\n while (!a.Nothing && !b.Nothing) {\n const [ax, axs] = a.Just;\n const [bx, bxs] = b.Just;\n\n yield f(ax)(bx);\n a = uncons(axs);\n b = uncons(bxs);\n }\n };\n\n return go(uncons(ga), uncons(gb));\n };",
"zipWithList": "// zipWithList :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]\nconst zipWithList = f =>\n // A list constructed by zipping with a\n // custom function, rather than with the\n // default tuple constructor.\n xs => ys => ((xs_, ys_) => {\n const lng = Math.min(length(xs_), length(ys_));\n\n return take(lng)(xs_).map(\n (x, i) => f(x)(ys_[i])\n );\n })([...xs], [...ys]);",
"zipWithList_": "// zipWithList_ :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]\nconst zipWithList_ = f =>\n // A list constructed by zipping with a\n // custom function, rather than with the\n // default tuple constructor.\n xs => ys => Array.from(\n { length: Math.min(xs.length, ys.length) },\n (_, i) => f(xs[i])(ys[i])\n );",
"zipWithLong": "// zipWithLong :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]\nconst zipWithLong = f => {\n // A list with the length of the *longer* of\n // xs and ys, defined by zipping with a\n // custom function, rather than with the\n // default tuple constructor.\n // Any unpaired values, where list lengths differ,\n // are simply appended.\n const go = xs =>\n ys => 0 < xs.length\n ? 0 < ys.length\n ? [f(xs[0])(ys[0])].concat(\n go(\n xs.slice(1)\n )(\n ys.slice(1)\n )\n )\n : xs\n : ys;\n\n return go;\n};",
"zipWithM": "// zipWithM :: Applicative m => (a -> b -> m c) ->\n// [a] -> [b] -> m [c]\nconst zipWithM = f =>\n xs => ys =>\n sequenceA(\n zipWith(f)(\n [...xs]\n )([...ys])\n );",
"zipWithN": "// zipWithN :: (a -> b -> ... -> d) -> [a], [b] ... -> [d]\nconst zipWithN = (f, ...xss) => {\n // Generalisation of ZipWith, ZipWith3 etc.\n // f is a curried function absorbing at least \n // N arguments, where N is the length of xss.\n const m = 0 < xss.length\n ? Math.min(...xss.map(x => x.length))\n : 0;\n\n return xss.reduce(\n (gs, vs) => gs.map((g, i) => g(vs[i])),\n Array.from({ length: m }, () => f)\n );\n};",
"zipWithN_": "// zipWithN_ :: ((a, b ...) -> d) -> [a], [b] ... -> [d]\nconst zipWithN_ = (f, ...xss) =>\n // Generalisation of ZipWith, ZipWith3 etc.\n // f is an uncurried function with arity\n // equal to the length of xss.\n Array.from(\n {\n length: 0 < xss.length\n ? Math.min(...xss.map(x => x.length))\n : 0\n },\n (_, i) => f(\n ...xss.map(xs => xs[i])\n )\n );",
"zipWith_": "// zipWith_ :: (a -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]\nconst zipWith_ = f =>\n // A list with the length of the shorter of\n // xs and ys, defined by zipping with a\n // custom function, rather than with the\n // default tuple constructor.\n xs => ys => xs.slice(\n 0, Math.min(xs.length, ys.length)\n )\n .map((x, i) => f(x)(ys[i]));"