diff --git a/elm/Main.elm b/elm/Main.elm index 0cb307d..07309e9 100644 --- a/elm/Main.elm +++ b/elm/Main.elm @@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ view model = , label [ for "order_physical_card", class "form-check-label" ] [ text "Order a physical card" ] , div [ class "form-text", class "mb-3" ] - [ text "We recommend a physical card for everyone. You will only be able to use it once you activate it ", strong [] [ text " and " ], text " are added to a budget. If you choose not to order one now, you can do so within BILL Spend & Expense later." ] + [ text "You will only be able to use your physical card once you activate it ", strong [] [ text " and " ], text " are added to a budget. If you choose not to order one now, you can do so within BILL Spend & Expense later." ] ] ] , div [ class "col-12", classList [ ( "d-none", not model.orderPhysicalCard ) ] ]