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Alejandro Escontrela edited this page Oct 27, 2018 · 14 revisions

IGVC Software Documentation

Table of Contents

Package Documentation

The files found in this directory document the functionality and implementation of all nodes in the IGVC-software repository.

Current packages in the repository are:

  1. igvc_description
    • This package contains the URDF and the models that are spawned into Gazebo.
  2. igvc_gazebo *
  3. igvc_msgs
    • Defines custom message used throughout IGVC-software packages.
  4. igvc_navigation
  5. igvc_perception *
  6. igvc_platform
  7. igvc_rviz_plugins
  8. igvc_utils

Documentation Formatting

For consistency and ease of use, Documentation added to this repository should adhere to the ROS StyleGuide

Running the Simulation

You can get started with the IGVC code base right away by launching our simulator!

Load up Jessii: The following command will load our platform into a simulated IGVC course:

roslaunch igvc_gazebo gazebo.launch

Map the surrounding environment: Then, the following command will start our mapper

roslaunch igvc_navigation mapper.launch

To obtain a visualization of the robot's sensor readings, the occupancy grid, and its planned path, set the plot_rviz flag to true:

roslaunch igvc_navigation mapper.launch plot_rviz:=true

Navigate the course: Next, run the following command to start our pathing node and navigate around the course autonomously

roslaunch igvc_navigation pather.launch

Alternatively, you can control the car manually with a USB gamepad with this command:

roslaunch igvc joystick_driver.launch