Web demo app for ROS Conference 2018
- Intel Up-board Squared
- TurtleBot3 Burger
- USB Wi-Fi adpater
- An available wireless network
- Node.js 8.11.4 installed
- Ubuntu Linux 16.04 installed on Up-board Squared
- ROS2 release package available
$ git clone https://github.com/eProsima/micro-RTPS-agent.git
$ cd micro-RTPS-agent
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DTHIRDPARTY=ON ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ source <path/to/ros2-linux>/local_setup.bash
$ git clone https://github.com/RobotWebTools/ros2-web-bridge.git
$ cd ros2-web-bridge
$ npm install
$ npm install -g http-server
New a terminal session, run
$ cd /usr/local/bin
$ ./MicroRTPSAgent serial /dev/ttyACM0
New a terminal session, run
$ source <path/to/ros2-linux>/local_setup.bash
$ cd ros2-web-bridge
$ export DEBUG=ros2-web-bridge:*
$ node bin/rosbridge.js
New a terminal session and run
$ cd ros2-web-bridge/demo
$ http-server -c-1
Now you can put the TurtleBot3 robot on the ground. Let another PC be in the same wireless network, then launch the browser and enter: http://<up-board ip>:8080
. After the page loaded, you can press the Up/Left/Right/Down
buttons to control the robot remotely.
If you shutdown the MicroRTPSAgent utility, you have to reset the OpenCR before you launch it again.