The Rocket.Chat Emails, Notifications, Email verification, and Mailer features depend on this Email configuration.
This page guides you through configuring SMTP settings for your Rocket.Chat workspace.
{% hint style="info" %} This configuration is only available for Self-managed workspaces. SaaS workspaces already have this pre-configured. {% endhint %}
- Go to Administration > Workspace > Settings > Email > SMTP.
- Protocol: Select the mailing protocol to use. SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) or SMTPS (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Secure) protocol.
- Host: Your SMTP server hostname (e.g.
) - Port: The SMTP port (usually 587 for modern secured SMTP servers).
- IgnoreTLS: Enable to ignore TLS(Transport Layer Security).
- Pool: Enable this option to use pooled connections, otherwise a new connection is created for every mail.
- Username: Your SMPT username.
- Password: Your SMPT password.
- From Email: The email to be shown as the sender.
- Save changes
- Send a test mail to my user - Use this option to send a test mail to yourself.