This guide is designed to help you get started with deploying a greenfield Azure Virtual Desktop using the provided Terraform template(s) within this repository. Before you deploy, it is recommended to review the template(s) to understand the resources that will be deployed and the associated costs.
This accelerator is to be used as starter kit and you can expand its functionality by developing your own deployments. This scenario deploys a new Azure Virtual Desktop workload with Azure AD joined session host using a custom image, so it cannot be used to maintain, modify or add resources to an existing or already deployed Azure Virtual Desktop workload from this accelerator.
Note This terraform accelerator requires the Custom Image Build before deploying the Baseline. If you prefer to use the marketplace image with no customization see
This scenario is a greenfield Azure Virtual Desktop deployment using Azure AD joined session host and a pre-existing custom image. The solution implements a new:
- Azure Virtual Desktop resources:
- 1 Host Pools – pooled
- 1 Desktop application group
- 1 Workspaces – 1 pooled
- AVD Monitoring, log analytics workspace and diagnostic logs enabled
- AVD Scaling plan
- Azure Files Storage with FSLogix share, RBAC role assignment and private endpoint
- Key Vault and private endpoint
- Azure Virtual Desktop spoke resources:
- Virtual Network
- Subnet
- DNS Zone
- Route table
- 2 Session host VMs Azure AD join using custom image
- Application Security Group
AVD Landing Zone concepts can be explored in more detail via the official documentation page.
The Azure Virtual Desktop Baseline Terraform files are all written as individual files each having a specific function. Variables have been created in all files for consistency, all changes to defaults are to be changed from the terraform.tfvars.sample file. In addition, modules for network and log analytics resources are in there folders respectively.
Azure Virtual Desktop resources and dependent services for establishing the Azure Virtual Desktop spoke network:
- Network Security group
- New VNet and subnet
- Baseline NSG
- Route table
- Meet the prerequisites listed here
- Current version of the Azure CLI
- Current version of the Terraform CLI
- An Azure Subscription(s) where you or an identity you manage has
RBAC permissions - Ensure Encrption at Host feature is already enabled on the subscription. To enable: az feature register --name EncryptionAtHost --namespace Microsoft.Compute. To validate: az feature show --name EncryptionAtHost --namespace Microsoft.Compute
Resource naming is configured by using local variables and each name is configured to use a prefix value.
A "Prefix" which will be included in all the deployed resources name. Resource Groups and resource names are derived from the Prefix
parameter. Pick a unique resource prefix that is 1-4 alphanumeric characters in length without white spaces.
Azure platform landing zone has already been deployed in accordance with the CAF
- Clone your repo with the following git command:
git clone <>
- Change your terminal into that new subdirectory:
cd workload/terraform/greenfield/AADscenario
az account list --output table
az account set --subscription 'Your subscription ID'
- Rename terraform.tfvars.example and to remove the .copy TFVAR File
- Set configuration variables:
- avdLocation = "Your region"
- prefix = "your prefix"
- local_admin_username = "your local admin name" # Your AVD VM login id to manage username
- local_admin_password = "your local admin password" # Your AVD VM login id to manage password
- vm_size = "Standard_D8s_v5"
- vnet_range = ["your.ip.address.range/16"]
- subnet_range = ["your.ip.address.range/24"]
- allow_list_ip = ["your.ip.address.range/23"]
- aad_group_name = "Desktop Virtualization User" #user group must pre-created in Azure AD
- rdsh_count = 2
- image_name = "yourimagename-microsoftwindowsdesktop-office-365-win11-21h2-avd-m365"
- image_rg = "yourimageresourcegroup-WestEurope-avd-AIBdemo-shared-resources"
- gallery_name = "yourimagegalleryname_WestEurope"
- spoke_subscription_id = "Your spoke subscription ID"
- hub_subscription_id = "Your hub subscription ID
- Modify the
file to define the desired names, location, networking, and other variables - Before deploying, confirm the correct subscription
- Change directory to the Terraform folder
- Run
terraform init
to initialize this directory - Run
terraform plan
to view the planned deployment - Run
terraform apply
to confirm the deployment
A breakdown of estimated cost for this deployment. Adjust to sku will change the estimates.
58 were free:
- 20 x azurerm_log_analytics_datasource_windows_performance_counter
- 9 x azurerm_log_analytics_datasource_windows_event
- 5 x azurerm_resource_group
- 4 x azurerm_role_assignment
- 2 x azurerm_network_interface
- 2 x azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link
- 2 x azurerm_subnet
- 1 x azurerm_application_security_group
- 1 x azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group
- 1 x azurerm_key_vault
- 1 x azurerm_key_vault_access_policy
- 1 x azurerm_key_vault_secret
- 1 x azurerm_network_security_group
- 1 x azurerm_storage_account_network_rules
- 1 x azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association
- 1 x azurerm_user_assigned_identity
- 1 x azurerm_virtual_desktop_application_group
- 1 x azurerm_virtual_desktop_host_pool
- 1 x azurerm_virtual_desktop_workspace
- 1 x azurerm_virtual_desktop_workspace_application_group_association
- 1 x azurerm_virtual_network
Generated by: Infracost
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