- ND-5000C Panel
The panel controller controls the LCD display in the panel, and handles button presses and sends that to the CPU board.
Sheet 40 of the CPU Board has the MC68705 connectins
Binary PROM dump from MC68705-U3 on ND-120 CPU Board
PROM dump reverse engineered with Ghidra
Reverse engineered C code (draft) 68705-U3 as C code
The panel uses an MC68705P3 (Which is not the same as the U3 used on the ND-120 CPU board.) The 68705P3 is 28 pins with 3 ports (PORT A,B and C)
- 323165 - PCB 1844 - Panel Operator including display, ND-5000C
- 324494 - PCB 1834 - Panel Control
- xxxxxx - PCB xxxx - LCDs
- 324147 - PCB 1844 - Telefix/Driver Comson
- CY7C401 - FIFO
Binary PROM dump from MC68705-R3
PROM dump reverse engineered with Ghidra
Reverse engineered C code (draft) 68705-P3 as C code
- MC68705P3, 18 page PDF - MC68705PR 8-BIT EPROM Microcomputer Unit
- 6805P_Oct84, 15 page PDF - MC68(7)05P SERIES 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTERS
- 6805_Users_Manual_2ed_1983, 263 page PDF - M6805 HMOS/M146805 CMOS FAMILY USERS MANUAL
- Motorola DL139, 995 page PDF (U3 from Page 3-684) - Microprocessor, Microcontroller and Peripheral - Volume I