From 1a73dafe186b9d86bd68643745c4e68b54d8232f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Yasar=20K=C3=BCc=C3=BCkkaya?= Meta Title: Why Daenerys Targaryen will win the Game of Thrones Meta Description: Daenerys is playing to win and there’s no one in the Seven Kingdoms who can stop
+ her now. Learn all about her on got show!
+ > Daenerys Targaryen. Game of Thrones‘ mother of dragons. Daenerys. Khaleesi. Mother of Dragons. Mhysa. There’s quite a few names for this woman – and even more reasons to be
+ afraid of her. Ever since her father King Aerys II Targaryen was ousted from the Iron Throne during Robert
+ Baratheon’s rebellion, she’s been desperate to take it back – and with it the control over the seven kingdoms. Let’s
+ face it: The moment Daenerys gave her OK for Khal Drogo to kill her (admittedly annoying) brother, we knew that girl
+ played to win. Here’s why we’ll see here sitting on the Iron Throne soon. > Alt text: Men in black:
+ The Unsullied in Game of Thrones In case you want to take a city back, it is always a good idea to bring a private army. Daenerys’ has apparently done
+ her homework on warmonger best practices and bought her very own battalion, the Unsullied, by burning their former
+ owner alive (#justdaenerysthings). Even with significantly less testicles or nipples compared to your average Essos
+ man, those guys are anything and everything you could wish for when you absolutely need some people dead. Still in
+ doubt? See them in action. > Alt
+ text: Always watching out for the little man: Daenerys Targaryen With the US presidential elections approaching, maybe it’s time for a small thought experiment. Imagine you could
+ vote for… > Please display the images in a row next to each other here Alt text: The High Sparrow in Game of Thrones
+ > Alt text: Tommen Baratheon in Game of Thrones
+ > Alt text: The people’s woman: Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones A religious fanatic in charge of what is basically the Game of Thrones equivalent of ISIS A wimpy teenager with no experience whatsoever who should have stayed a minor character anyway A young, dynamic civil rights activist, running around Essos freeing slaves in the thousands, who’s known for
+ her zero-tolerance policy regarding the establishment … Who would you choose? Heh? Not so hard, right? Daenerys Targaryen is pretty much our Game of Thrones Bernie
+ Sanders. Only in slightly more attractive. Sorry Bern. Placeholder: Twitter Sentiment Analysis Graph for Daenerys Targaryen Alt text: See what Twitter thinks about Daenerys Targaryen with GoT show's sentiment analysis tool As you can see, she’s even among the most popular characters (rank 4, 10th of
+ April) in the real world! Feel the Daern, people! > Daenery’s pet
+ dragon. Makes your dog look like a hamster in comparison. … Is there a reason we’re still debating this? Seriously? Even though her lathery scaled friends started out as cute
+ little hatchlings in season 1, those things are terrifying now. We all saw them eat the leaders of the great
+ families in the season 5 episode “Kill the boy” (S05E05) – and as countless fantasy franchises suggest, if you have
+ dragons by your side, chances are you’re going to bring home a victory. Well, almost. In Game of Thrones, there’s always a hint of uncertainty – and you have to admit that a lot of people
+ want to see her dead. Take this assassination attempt on
+ youtube for example. We in the editorial department are confident that she’ll end up being
+ victorious, even though our machine learning algorithm is a lot less optimistic. The algorithm mostly takes family
+ history into account, and since her’s was cleared off the map, her calculated likelihood of death is pretty high.
+ See our latest prediction here: > Placeholder, Daenerys Targaryen PLOD Alt text: Daenery’s calculated percentage likelihood of death No reason to be worried, though. Valar morghulis, remember? Placeholder: our awesome GoT Map about Daenerys Alt Text: Daenerys Targaryen put on the map – Game of Thrones character movements Meta Title: What’s next for Bran, Arya & Sansa? House Stark in Game of Thrones Meta Description: House Stark has been struggling season after season. Will they make it through the
+ next? Find out at GoT show! > Alt text: House
+ Stark of Winterfell: Coat of arms ### H1: Will Bran, Arya & Sansa be the last of their kind in Game of Thrones?
+ House Stark of Winterfell has been having kind of a rough patch lately, don’t you think so? Although “rough patch” is
+ quite the understatement when you’re talking about multiple fatalities in the family. And “lately” refers to the
+ very first season of Game of Thrones, where we all taught an impressive lesson on how little George RR. Martin cares
+ about his main characters. It seems like winter’s been coming and staying for Bran, Arya and Sansa. But what exactly have they been up to lately
+ – and where are they headed?
+ > Alt text: Bran Stark, Game of Thrones It’s been awfully quiet around Bran this year, since HBO decided to keep him from us during Season 5. While we can
+ only hope someone got fired for that, we sure as hell are excited for his appearance in april! Remember season 4’s
+ epic finale, where the young stark boy was promised the
+ ability to fly after meeting the three-eyed raven? Seems like his buddy Hodor didn’t carry him around all
+ this time for nothing after all. Or, how he likes to put it:
+ > Alt text: Hodor, hodor hodor. From Game of Thrones. Hodor. Hodor hodor, hodor. Hodor. Did you know that Hodor is actually the second most popular Game of Thrones character on Twitter? See for
+ yourself! Placeholder: Twitter Tool Hodor Alt text: What people think about Hodor on Twitter. Game of Thrones Sentiment Analysis.
+ > Alt text: Sansa Stark, Game of Thrones Oh boy. Where do I start? Sansa’s been having a troubled family life ever since her dad passed away. After two
+ unhappy marriages she has fled her husband yet again – with Theon Greyjoy by her side. Quite an unusual combination,
+ after all they’ve been through, but I guess nothing unites people quite as well as a mutual disgust for Ramsay
+ Bolton. … That is of course, if they are still alive. Which is hard to say at this point – unless you calculate the
+ likelihood with a machine learning algorithm, like the fancy one we’ve implemented right here on this page! Always
+ looking out for fellow Game of Thrones fans here. Currently, we estimate Sansa’s survival chances to be: Placeholder: PLOD Sansa Stark Alt text: Sansa Stark’s survival chances in Game of Thrones season 6 We’re not the only ones who’ve been kept dark when it comes to the Game of Thrones universe for the past few months.
+ For Arya Stark, season 6 is going to look a lot like 50 Shades of Grey since she got punished with blindness by the
+ Many-Faced-God for taking a life that wasn’t hers to take. I guess those things happen when you surround yourself
+ with that kind of people. No reason to give us that look Arya, it’s certainly not our fault!
+ > Alt text: Arya Stark, Game of Thrones … didn’t we forget somebody here? Yes, we did! Jon Snow, the other children’s half-brother! Placeholder: GoT Map with Arya, Bran & Sansa Alt text: Arya, Bran & Sansa Stark put on the Game of Thrones map. [Meta Title] Why Jon Snow is not dead - Game of Thrones [Meta Description] We at
+ set up our own machine learning algorithm to predict Jon Snow's fate and came to surprising conclusions!
+ Optimized for Keywords: Jon Snow, Game of Thrones, got “The past is already written, the ink is dry” – so says the
+ teaser for the sixth season of the popular TV show Game of Thrones. And until recently, that’s what we at
+ believed too. 9 long months after we saw our favourite character Jon Snow join his father up in GoT
+ heaven in the season 5 finale “Mother’s Mercy” however, we have reason to believe that he’s going to stick around on
+ earth with the rest of us for a little longer. You don’t think so? Well, then you know nothing, Jon
+ Snow. We at are firm believers that artificial intelligence & machine learning can have a
+ more beneficiary impact on humanity than embarrassing us at our
+ own games – that’s why we created an algorithm that calculates Game of Thrones characters’
+ likeliness of death! Luckily, Jon is only at 11.6%, which is overall pretty low.
+ You’ll be glad to know that Ramsay Bolton for example is
+ at over 60%! Furthermore, being Lord Commander of the Night's Watch makes him one of the safest guys in all of
+ Westeros, since it is the title with the lowest death rate in the series. Read more about our awesome Life & Death Predictions
+ here! > Placeholder 1) Infographic Image @togiberlin > Culture, title
+ & gender play a huge role in terms of survival chances on Games of Thrones. I know, I know – being popular couldn’t save a lot of our other favourite Game of Thrones characters, but with Jon
+ it’s different. Just see what an outrage the season 5 finale caused on Twitter with our Twitter Sentiment Analysis
+ App – and then think about the gigantic plot twist of bringing him back to the living! > Placeholder 2) Twitter
+ graph. > How does Twitter feel about Jon Snow? See for yourself with our Game of Thrones Sentiment analysis.
+ Read
+ about it in the independent.. And if that’s still not enough for you, what do you think about this official
+ HBO poster? > Alt
+ Text: Official Announcement poster for the sixth season Game of Thrones, featuring Jon Snow. I can’t even. Who’s going to care for Sam & Gilly? Who will handle the wildlings? Let me tell you one thing: If
+ Leonardo di Caprio can drag himself through the freezing cold for weeks after fighting with a goddamn grizzly bear,
+ why shouldn’t Kit Harington survive a minor stabbing, heh? Still not convinced? Then you’ll be glad to hear that the season 6 premiere of Game of Thrones is
+ going to air on the 24th April 2016 already - soon we will know.
+ Placeholder 3) GOT Map Alt Text: Follow Jon Snow’s footsteps with our Game of Thrones map! Shortly after leading
+ the wildlings to Castle Black to save them from the nearing White Walkers, Jon had to learn about Stannis
+ Baratheon’s fate from Melisandre. Then the unthinkable happened. Where will we see him next? Stay tuned at
+ @togiberlin Please make an infographic referencing the stats from this ProjectB issue. I’d
+ only focus on Culture, Title & Gender info. Maybe emphasize Jon Snow’s survival change explicitly again when it
+ comes to the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Project F will be able to give you some guidelines on size &
+ formatting while they’re arranging the template page. Here we’ll just serve a view from ProjectD_Group4’s Twitter graph (my group). I’ve added startDate & endDate
+ parameters to the function that creates the graph, so you can specify the default date Range when loading the tool.
+ I’d go for something around May 20 – June 20 2015 (season finale aired on June 14th) Just our amazing Map with Jon Snow added as a character. I’d show all the available data. Meta Title: Why Daenerys Targaryen will win the Game of Thrones Meta Description: Daenerys is playing to win and there’s no one in the Seven Kingdoms who can stop
- her now. Learn all about her on got show!
- > Daenerys Targaryen. Game of Thrones‘ mother of dragons. Daenerys. Khaleesi. Mother of Dragons. Mhysa. There’s quite a few names for this woman – and even more reasons to be
- afraid of her. Ever since her father King Aerys II Targaryen was ousted from the Iron Throne during Robert
- Baratheon’s rebellion, she’s been desperate to take it back – and with it the control over the seven kingdoms. Let’s
- face it: The moment Daenerys gave her OK for Khal Drogo to kill her (admittedly annoying) brother, we knew that girl
- played to win. Here’s why we’ll see here sitting on the Iron Throne soon. > Alt text: Men in black:
- The Unsullied in Game of Thrones In case you want to take a city back, it is always a good idea to bring a private army. Daenerys’ has apparently done
- her homework on warmonger best practices and bought her very own battalion, the Unsullied, by burning their former
- owner alive (#justdaenerysthings). Even with significantly less testicles or nipples compared to your average Essos
- man, those guys are anything and everything you could wish for when you absolutely need some people dead. Still in
- doubt? See them in action. > Alt
- text: Always watching out for the little man: Daenerys Targaryen With the US presidential elections approaching, maybe it’s time for a small thought experiment. Imagine you could
- vote for… > Please display the images in a row next to each other here Alt text: The High Sparrow in Game of Thrones
- > Alt text: Tommen Baratheon in Game of Thrones
- > Alt text: The people’s woman: Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones A religious fanatic in charge of what is basically the Game of Thrones equivalent of ISIS A wimpy teenager with no experience whatsoever who should have stayed a minor character anyway A young, dynamic civil rights activist, running around Essos freeing slaves in the thousands, who’s known for
- her zero-tolerance policy regarding the establishment … Who would you choose? Heh? Not so hard, right? Daenerys Targaryen is pretty much our Game of Thrones Bernie
- Sanders. Only in slightly more attractive. Sorry Bern. Placeholder: Twitter Sentiment Analysis Graph for Daenerys Targaryen Alt text: See what Twitter thinks about Daenerys Targaryen with GoT show's sentiment analysis tool As you can see, she’s even among the most popular characters (rank 4, 10th of
- April) in the real world! Feel the Daern, people! > Daenery’s pet
- dragon. Makes your dog look like a hamster in comparison. … Is there a reason we’re still debating this? Seriously? Even though her lathery scaled friends started out as cute
- little hatchlings in season 1, those things are terrifying now. We all saw them eat the leaders of the great
- families in the season 5 episode “Kill the boy” (S05E05) – and as countless fantasy franchises suggest, if you have
- dragons by your side, chances are you’re going to bring home a victory. Well, almost. In Game of Thrones, there’s always a hint of uncertainty – and you have to admit that a lot of people
- want to see her dead. Take this assassination attempt on
- youtube for example. We in the editorial department are confident that she’ll end up being
- victorious, even though our machine learning algorithm is a lot less optimistic. The algorithm mostly takes family
- history into account, and since her’s was cleared off the map, her calculated likelihood of death is pretty high.
- See our latest prediction here: > Placeholder, Daenerys Targaryen PLOD Alt text: Daenery’s calculated percentage likelihood of death No reason to be worried, though. Valar morghulis, remember? Placeholder: our awesome GoT Map about Daenerys Alt Text: Daenerys Targaryen put on the map – Game of Thrones character movements
+ > Daenerys Targaryen. Game of Thrones‘ mother of dragons.
+ Daenerys. Khaleesi. Mother of Dragons. Mhysa. There’s quite a few names for this woman – and even more reasons to be
+ afraid of her. Ever since her father King Aerys II Targaryen was ousted from the Iron Throne during Robert
+ Baratheon’s rebellion, she’s been desperate to take it back – and with it the control over the seven kingdoms. Let’s
+ face it: The moment Daenerys gave her OK for Khal Drogo to kill her (admittedly annoying) brother, we knew that girl
+ played to win. Here’s why we’ll see here sitting on the Iron Throne soon. > Alt text: Men in black:
+ The Unsullied in Game of Thrones In case you want to take a city back, it is always a good idea to bring a private army. Daenerys’ has apparently done
+ her homework on warmonger best practices and bought her very own battalion, the Unsullied, by burning their former
+ owner alive (#justdaenerysthings). Even with significantly less testicles or nipples compared to your average Essos
+ man, those guys are anything and everything you could wish for when you absolutely need some people dead. Still in
+ doubt? See them in action. > Alt
+ text: Always watching out for the little man: Daenerys Targaryen With the US presidential elections approaching, maybe it’s time for a small thought experiment. Imagine you could
+ vote for… > Please display the images in a row next to each other here Alt text: The High Sparrow in Game of Thrones
+ > Alt text: Tommen Baratheon in Game of Thrones
+ > Alt text: The people’s woman: Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones A religious fanatic in charge of what is basically the Game of Thrones equivalent of ISIS A wimpy teenager with no experience whatsoever who should have stayed a minor character anyway A young, dynamic civil rights activist, running around Essos freeing slaves in the thousands, who’s known for
+ her zero-tolerance policy regarding the establishment … Who would you choose? Heh? Not so hard, right? Daenerys Targaryen is pretty much our Game of Thrones Bernie
+ Sanders. Only in slightly more attractive. Sorry Bern. Placeholder: Twitter Sentiment Analysis Graph for Daenerys Targaryen Alt text: See what Twitter thinks about Daenerys Targaryen with GoT show's sentiment analysis tool As you can see, she’s even among the most popular characters (rank 4, 10th of
+ April) in the real world! Feel the Daern, people! > Daenery’s pet
+ dragon. Makes your dog look like a hamster in comparison. … Is there a reason we’re still debating this? Seriously? Even though her lathery scaled friends started out as cute
+ little hatchlings in season 1, those things are terrifying now. We all saw them eat the leaders of the great
+ families in the season 5 episode “Kill the boy” (S05E05) – and as countless fantasy franchises suggest, if you have
+ dragons by your side, chances are you’re going to bring home a victory. Well, almost. In Game of Thrones, there’s always a hint of uncertainty – and you have to admit that a lot of people
+ want to see her dead. Take this assassination attempt on
+ youtube for example. We in the editorial department are confident that she’ll end up being
+ victorious, even though our machine learning algorithm is a lot less optimistic. The algorithm mostly takes family
+ history into account, and since her’s was cleared off the map, her calculated likelihood of death is pretty high.
+ See our latest prediction here: > Placeholder, Daenerys Targaryen PLOD Alt text: Daenery’s calculated percentage likelihood of death No reason to be worried, though. Valar morghulis, remember? Placeholder: our awesome GoT Map about Daenerys Alt Text: Daenerys Targaryen put on the map – Game of Thrones character movements [Meta Title] Why Jon Snow is not dead - Game of Thrones [Meta Description] We at
- set up our own machine learning algorithm to predict Jon Snow's fate and came to surprising conclusions!
- Optimized for Keywords: Jon Snow, Game of Thrones, got “The past is already written, the ink is dry” – so says the
- teaser for the sixth season of the popular TV show Game of Thrones. And until recently, that’s what we at
- believed too. 9 long months after we saw our favourite character Jon Snow join his father up in GoT
- heaven in the season 5 finale “Mother’s Mercy” however, we have reason to believe that he’s going to stick around on
- earth with the rest of us for a little longer. You don’t think so? Well, then you know nothing, Jon
- Snow. We at are firm believers that artificial intelligence & machine learning can have a
- more beneficiary impact on humanity than embarrassing us at our
- own games – that’s why we created an algorithm that calculates Game of Thrones characters’
- likeliness of death! Luckily, Jon is only at 11.6%, which is overall pretty low.
- You’ll be glad to know that Ramsay Bolton for example is
- at over 60%! Furthermore, being Lord Commander of the Night's Watch makes him one of the safest guys in all of
- Westeros, since it is the title with the lowest death rate in the series. Read more about our awesome Life & Death Predictions
- here! > Placeholder 1) Infographic Image @togiberlin > Culture, title
- & gender play a huge role in terms of survival chances on Games of Thrones. I know, I know – being popular couldn’t save a lot of our other favourite Game of Thrones characters, but with Jon
- it’s different. Just see what an outrage the season 5 finale caused on Twitter with our Twitter Sentiment Analysis
- App – and then think about the gigantic plot twist of bringing him back to the living! > Placeholder 2) Twitter
- graph. > How does Twitter feel about Jon Snow? See for yourself with our Game of Thrones Sentiment analysis.
- Read
- about it in the independent.. And if that’s still not enough for you, what do you think about this official
- HBO poster? > Alt
- Text: Official Announcement poster for the sixth season Game of Thrones, featuring Jon Snow. I can’t even. Who’s going to care for Sam & Gilly? Who will handle the wildlings? Let me tell you one thing: If
- Leonardo di Caprio can drag himself through the freezing cold for weeks after fighting with a goddamn grizzly bear,
- why shouldn’t Kit Harington survive a minor stabbing, heh? Still not convinced? Then you’ll be glad to hear that the season 6 premiere of Game of Thrones is
- going to air on the 24th April 2016 already - soon we will know.
- Placeholder 3) GOT Map Alt Text: Follow Jon Snow’s footsteps with our Game of Thrones map! Shortly after leading
- the wildlings to Castle Black to save them from the nearing White Walkers, Jon had to learn about Stannis
- Baratheon’s fate from Melisandre. Then the unthinkable happened. Where will we see him next? Stay tuned at
- @togiberlin Please make an infographic referencing the stats from this ProjectB issue. I’d
- only focus on Culture, Title & Gender info. Maybe emphasize Jon Snow’s survival change explicitly again when it
- comes to the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Project F will be able to give you some guidelines on size &
- formatting while they’re arranging the template page. Here we’ll just serve a view from ProjectD_Group4’s Twitter graph (my group). I’ve added startDate & endDate
- parameters to the function that creates the graph, so you can specify the default date Range when loading the tool.
- I’d go for something around May 20 – June 20 2015 (season finale aired on June 14th) Just our amazing Map with Jon Snow added as a character. I’d show all the available data. “The past is already written, the ink is dry” – so says the
+ teaser for the sixth season of the popular TV show Game of Thrones. And until recently, that’s what we at
+ believed too. 9 long months after we saw our favourite character Jon Snow join his father up in GoT
+ heaven in the season 5 finale “Mother’s Mercy” however, we have reason to believe that he’s going to stick around on
+ earth with the rest of us for a little longer. You don’t think so? Well, then you know nothing, Jon
+ Snow. We at are firm believers that artificial intelligence & machine learning can have a
+ more beneficiary impact on humanity than embarrassing us at our
+ own games – that’s why we created an algorithm that calculates Game of Thrones characters’
+ likeliness of death! Luckily, Jon is only at 11.6%, which is overall pretty low.
+ You’ll be glad to know that Ramsay Bolton for example is
+ at over 60%! Furthermore, being Lord Commander of the Night's Watch makes him one of the safest guys in all of
+ Westeros, since it is the title with the lowest death rate in the series. Read more about our awesome Life & Death Predictions
+ here! > Placeholder 1) Infographic Image @togiberlin > Culture, title
+ & gender play a huge role in terms of survival chances on Games of Thrones. I know, I know – being popular couldn’t save a lot of our other favourite Game of Thrones characters, but with Jon
+ it’s different. Just see what an outrage the season 5 finale caused on Twitter with our Twitter Sentiment Analysis
+ App – and then think about the gigantic plot twist of bringing him back to the living! > Placeholder 2) Twitter
+ graph. > How does Twitter feel about Jon Snow? See for yourself with our Game of Thrones Sentiment analysis.
+ Read
+ about it in the independent.. And if that’s still not enough for you, what do you think about this official
+ HBO poster? > Alt
+ Text: Official Announcement poster for the sixth season Game of Thrones, featuring Jon Snow. I can’t even. Who’s going to care for Sam & Gilly? Who will handle the wildlings? Let me tell you one thing: If
+ Leonardo di Caprio can drag himself through the freezing cold for weeks after fighting with a goddamn grizzly bear,
+ why shouldn’t Kit Harington survive a minor stabbing, heh? Still not convinced? Then you’ll be glad to hear that the season 6 premiere of Game of Thrones is
+ going to air on the 24th April 2016 already - soon we will know.
+ Placeholder 3) GOT Map Alt Text: Follow Jon Snow’s footsteps with our Game of Thrones map! Shortly after leading
+ the wildlings to Castle Black to save them from the nearing White Walkers, Jon had to learn about Stannis
+ Baratheon’s fate from Melisandre. Then the unthinkable happened. Where will we see him next? Stay tuned at
+ @togiberlin Please make an infographic referencing the stats from this ProjectB issue. I’d
+ only focus on Culture, Title & Gender info. Maybe emphasize Jon Snow’s survival change explicitly again when it
+ comes to the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Project F will be able to give you some guidelines on size &
+ formatting while they’re arranging the template page. Here we’ll just serve a view from ProjectD_Group4’s Twitter graph (my group). I’ve added startDate & endDate
+ parameters to the function that creates the graph, so you can specify the default date Range when loading the tool.
+ I’d go for something around May 20 – June 20 2015 (season finale aired on June 14th) Just our amazing Map with Jon Snow added as a character. I’d show all the available data. Meta Title: What’s next for Bran, Arya & Sansa? House Stark in Game of Thrones Meta Description: House Stark has been struggling season after season. Will they make it through the
- next? Find out at GoT show! > Alt text: House
- Stark of Winterfell: Coat of arms ### H1: Will Bran, Arya & Sansa be the last of their kind in Game of Thrones?
- House Stark of Winterfell has been having kind of a rough patch lately, don’t you think so? Although “rough patch” is
- quite the understatement when you’re talking about multiple fatalities in the family. And “lately” refers to the
- very first season of Game of Thrones, where we all taught an impressive lesson on how little George RR. Martin cares
- about his main characters. It seems like winter’s been coming and staying for Bran, Arya and Sansa. But what exactly have they been up to lately
- – and where are they headed?
- > Alt text: Bran Stark, Game of Thrones It’s been awfully quiet around Bran this year, since HBO decided to keep him from us during Season 5. While we can
- only hope someone got fired for that, we sure as hell are excited for his appearance in april! Remember season 4’s
- epic finale, where the young stark boy was promised the
- ability to fly after meeting the three-eyed raven? Seems like his buddy Hodor didn’t carry him around all
- this time for nothing after all. Or, how he likes to put it:
- > Alt text: Hodor, hodor hodor. From Game of Thrones. Hodor. Hodor hodor, hodor. Hodor. Did you know that Hodor is actually the second most popular Game of Thrones character on Twitter? See for
- yourself! Placeholder: Twitter Tool Hodor Alt text: What people think about Hodor on Twitter. Game of Thrones Sentiment Analysis.
- > Alt text: Sansa Stark, Game of Thrones Oh boy. Where do I start? Sansa’s been having a troubled family life ever since her dad passed away. After two
- unhappy marriages she has fled her husband yet again – with Theon Greyjoy by her side. Quite an unusual combination,
- after all they’ve been through, but I guess nothing unites people quite as well as a mutual disgust for Ramsay
- Bolton. … That is of course, if they are still alive. Which is hard to say at this point – unless you calculate the
- likelihood with a machine learning algorithm, like the fancy one we’ve implemented right here on this page! Always
- looking out for fellow Game of Thrones fans here. Currently, we estimate Sansa’s survival chances to be: Placeholder: PLOD Sansa Stark Alt text: Sansa Stark’s survival chances in Game of Thrones season 6 We’re not the only ones who’ve been kept dark when it comes to the Game of Thrones universe for the past few months.
- For Arya Stark, season 6 is going to look a lot like 50 Shades of Grey since she got punished with blindness by the
- Many-Faced-God for taking a life that wasn’t hers to take. I guess those things happen when you surround yourself
- with that kind of people. No reason to give us that look Arya, it’s certainly not our fault!
- > Alt text: Arya Stark, Game of Thrones … didn’t we forget somebody here? Yes, we did! Jon Snow, the other children’s half-brother! Placeholder: GoT Map with Arya, Bran & Sansa Alt text: Arya, Bran & Sansa Stark put on the Game of Thrones map.
+H1: Why Daenerys Targaryen will win the Game of
+ Thrones
+H2: She’s commanding the Unsullied
+H2: Daenerys is the people’s woman
+H2: She has a bunch of dragons
+H3: … Sooo, things are set, right?
+H3: Follow Daenerys long journey through Essos
diff --git a/static/house-stark.html b/static/house-stark.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f36dc1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/house-stark.html
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+H2: Bran Stark
+H2: Sansa Stark
+H2: Arya Stark
+H3: Wait a minute…
+Oh, but he’s dead
+ anyway Wrong! He’s as fresh as a daisy. How we know? Machine learning. See for
+ yourself!H3: Follow the Stark’s around their journey through
+ Westereos
diff --git a/static/jon-snow-is-not-dead.html b/static/jon-snow-is-not-dead.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5363c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/jon-snow-is-not-dead.html
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+H1: Why Jon Snow is not dead
+H2: 4 reason Jon Snow is still alive
+H3: Our very own machine learning algorithm suggests
+ it.
+H3: He is way too popular to be killed off.
+H3: Kit Harington (Jon
+ Snow’s actor) has been on set for the sixth season Game of Thrones!
+H3: He just can’t be dead.
+H2: Follow Jon’s
+last latest steps here!
+About the Placeholders
+Placeholder 1) Infographic about PLOD contributing
+ features
+Placeholder 2) Twitter sentiment
+Placeholder 3) GOT Map
-H1: Why Daenerys Targaryen will win the Game of
- Thrones
-H2: She’s commanding the Unsullied
-H2: Daenerys is the people’s woman
-H2: She has a bunch of dragons
-H3: … Sooo, things are set, right?
-H3: Follow Daenerys long journey through Essos
+ H1: Why Daenerys Targaryen will win the Game of
+ Thrones
+ H2: She’s commanding the Unsullied
+ H2: Daenerys is the people’s woman
+ H2: She has a bunch of dragons
+ H3: … Sooo, things are set, right?
+ H3: Follow Daenerys long journey through Essos
-H1: Why Jon Snow is not dead
-H2: 4 reason Jon Snow is still alive
-H3: Our very own machine learning algorithm suggests
- it.
-H3: He is way too popular to be killed off.
-H3: Kit Harington (Jon
- Snow’s actor) has been on set for the sixth season Game of Thrones!
-H3: He just can’t be dead.
-H2: Follow Jon’s
-last latest steps here!
-About the Placeholders
-Placeholder 1) Infographic about PLOD contributing
- features
-Placeholder 2) Twitter sentiment
-Placeholder 3) GOT Map
-H1: Why Jon Snow is not dead
+ H2: 4 reason Jon Snow is still alive
+ H3: Our very own machine learning algorithm suggests
+ it.
+ H3: He is way too popular to be killed off.
+ H3: Kit Harington (Jon
+ Snow’s actor) has been on set for the sixth season Game of Thrones!
+ H3: He just can’t be dead.
+ H2: Follow Jon’s
+ last latest steps here!
+ About the Placeholders
+ Placeholder 1) Infographic about PLOD contributing
+ features
+ Placeholder 2) Twitter sentiment
+ Placeholder 3) GOT Map
-H2: Bran Stark
-H2: Sansa Stark
-H2: Arya Stark
-H3: Wait a minute…
-Oh, but he’s dead
- anyway Wrong! He’s as fresh as a daisy. How we know? Machine learning. See for
- yourself!H3: Follow the Stark’s around their journey through
- Westereos
+ Will Bran, Arya & Sansa be the last of their kind in Game of Thrones?
House Stark of Winterfell has been having kind of a rough patch lately, don’t you think so? Although “rough patch” is + quite the understatement when you’re talking about multiple fatalities in the family. And “lately” refers to the + very first season of Game of Thrones, where we all taught an impressive lesson on how little George RR. Martin cares + about his main characters.
+It seems like winter’s been coming and staying for Bran, Arya and Sansa. But what exactly have they been up to lately + – and where are they headed?
++ + > Alt text: Bran Stark, Game of Thrones
+It’s been awfully quiet around Bran this year, since HBO decided to keep him from us during Season 5. While we can + only hope someone got fired for that, we sure as hell are excited for his appearance in april! Remember season 4’s + epic finale, where the young stark boy was promised the + ability to fly after meeting the three-eyed raven? Seems like his buddy Hodor didn’t carry him around all + this time for nothing after all. Or, how he likes to put it:
++ + > Alt text: Hodor, hodor hodor. From Game of Thrones. Hodor.
+Hodor hodor, hodor. Hodor.
+Did you know that Hodor is actually the second most popular Game of Thrones character on Twitter? See for + yourself!
+++Placeholder: Twitter Tool Hodor
++ +Alt text: What people think about Hodor on Twitter. Game of Thrones Sentiment Analysis.
+ + > Alt text: Sansa Stark, Game of Thrones
+Oh boy. Where do I start? Sansa’s been having a troubled family life ever since her dad passed away. After two + unhappy marriages she has fled her husband yet again – with Theon Greyjoy by her side. Quite an unusual combination, + after all they’ve been through, but I guess nothing unites people quite as well as a mutual disgust for Ramsay + Bolton. … That is of course, if they are still alive. Which is hard to say at this point – unless you calculate the + likelihood with a machine learning algorithm, like the fancy one we’ve implemented right here on this page! Always + looking out for fellow Game of Thrones fans here. Currently, we estimate Sansa’s survival chances to be:
+++Placeholder: PLOD Sansa Stark
++Alt text: Sansa Stark’s survival chances in Game of Thrones season 6
We’re not the only ones who’ve been kept dark when it comes to the Game of Thrones universe for the past few months. + For Arya Stark, season 6 is going to look a lot like 50 Shades of Grey since she got punished with blindness by the + Many-Faced-God for taking a life that wasn’t hers to take. I guess those things happen when you surround yourself + with that kind of people. No reason to give us that look Arya, it’s certainly not our fault!
++ + > Alt text: Arya Stark, Game of Thrones
+… didn’t we forget somebody here? Yes, we did! Jon Snow, the other children’s half-brother! Oh, but he’s dead
+ anyway Wrong! He’s as fresh as a daisy. How we know? Machine learning. See for
+ yourself!
++Placeholder: GoT Map with Arya, Bran & Sansa
++Alt text: Arya, Bran & Sansa Stark put on the Game of Thrones map.
- - > Daenerys Targaryen. Game of Thrones‘ mother of dragons. +
-> Alt text: Men in black: - The Unsullied in Game of Thrones
In case you want to take a city back, it is always a good idea to bring a private army. Daenerys’ has apparently done her homework on warmonger best practices and bought her very own battalion, the Unsullied, by burning their former owner alive (#justdaenerysthings). Even with significantly less testicles or nipples compared to your average Essos man, those guys are anything and everything you could wish for when you absolutely need some people dead. Still in doubt? See them in action.
-> Alt - text: Always watching out for the little man: Daenerys Targaryen
++ +
With the US presidential elections approaching, maybe it’s time for a small thought experiment. Imagine you could vote for… > Please display the images in a row next to each other here
-Alt text: The High Sparrow in Game of Thrones
- - > Alt text: Tommen Baratheon in Game of Thrones
+ +- - > Alt text: The people’s woman: Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones
+ +A religious fanatic in charge of what is basically the Game of Thrones equivalent of ISIS
A wimpy teenager with no experience whatsoever who should have stayed a minor character anyway
As you can see, she’s even among the most popular characters (rank 4, 10th of April) in the real world! Feel the Daern, people!
-> Daenery’s pet - dragon. Makes your dog look like a hamster in comparison.
… Is there a reason we’re still debating this? Seriously? Even though her lathery scaled friends started out as cute little hatchlings in season 1, those things are terrifying now. We all saw them eat the leaders of the great families in the season 5 episode “Kill the boy” (S05E05) – and as countless fantasy franchises suggest, if you have dragons by your side, chances are you’re going to bring home a victory.
-Well, almost. In Game of Thrones, there’s always a hint of uncertainty – and you have to admit that a lot of people want to see her dead. Take this assassination attempt on youtube for example. We in the editorial department are confident that she’ll end up being @@ -107,7 +106,7 @@
Alt text: Daenery’s calculated percentage likelihood of death
No reason to be worried, though. Valar morghulis, remember?
-diff --git a/static/house-stark.html b/static/house-stark.html index bdb3d10..62bbbcf 100644 --- a/static/house-stark.html +++ b/static/house-stark.html @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ +Placeholder: our awesome GoT Map about Daenerys
It seems like winter’s been coming and staying for Bran, Arya and Sansa. But what exactly have they been up to lately – and where are they headed?
-> Alt text: Bran Stark, Game of Thrones
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@Alt text: What people think about Hodor on Twitter. Game of Thrones Sentiment Analysis.
-> Alt text: Sansa Stark, Game of Thrones
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@-Alt text: Sansa Stark’s survival chances in Game of Thrones season 6
> Alt text: Arya Stark, Game of Thrones
-… didn’t we forget somebody here? Yes, we did! Jon Snow, the other children’s half-brother! Oh, but he’s dead
anyway Wrong! He’s as fresh as a daisy. How we know? Machine learning. See for
Placeholder: GoT Map with Arya, Bran & Sansa
diff --git a/static/jon-snow-is-not-dead.html b/static/jon-snow-is-not-dead.html index 11a14ce..d86acf2 100644 --- a/static/jon-snow-is-not-dead.html +++ b/static/jon-snow-is-not-dead.html @@ -31,11 +31,12 @@ +Why Jon Snow is not dead - Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Data - H1: Why Jon Snow is not dead
+Why Jon Snow is not dead
“The past is already written, the ink is dry” – so says the @@ -44,8 +45,8 @@
H1: Why Jon Snow is not dead
heaven in the season 5 finale “Mother’s Mercy” however, we have reason to believe that he’s going to stick around on earth with the rest of us for a little longer. You don’t think so? Well, then you know nothing, Jon Snow. -H2: 4 reason Jon Snow is still alive
-H3: Our very own machine learning algorithm suggests +
4 reason Jon Snow is still alive
+Our very own machine learning algorithm suggests it.
We at are firm believers that artificial intelligence & machine learning can have a more beneficiary impact on humanity than H3: Our very ow href="">Read more about our awesome Life & Death Predictions here! > Placeholder 1) Infographic Image @togiberlin > Culture, title & gender play a huge role in terms of survival chances on Games of Thrones.
-H3: He is way too popular to be killed off.
+He is way too popular to be killed off.
I know, I know – being popular couldn’t save a lot of our other favourite Game of Thrones characters, but with Jon it’s different. Just see what an outrage the season 5 finale caused on Twitter with our Twitter Sentiment Analysis App – and then think about the gigantic plot twist of bringing him back to the living! > Placeholder 2) Twitter graph. > How does Twitter feel about Jon Snow? See for yourself with our Game of Thrones Sentiment analysis.
-H3: Kit Harington (Jon +
Kit Harington (Jon Snow’s actor) has been on set for the sixth season Game of Thrones!
- Read - about it in the independent.. And if that’s still not enough for you, what do you think about this official - HBO poster? > Alt - Text: Official Announcement poster for the sixth season Game of Thrones, featuring Jon Snow.
-H3: He just can’t be dead.
+ + Read about it in the independent. + . + And if that’s still not enough for you, what do you think about this official HBO poster? + + +He just can’t be dead.
I can’t even. Who’s going to care for Sam & Gilly? Who will handle the wildlings? Let me tell you one thing: If Leonardo di Caprio can drag himself through the freezing cold for weeks after fighting with a goddamn grizzly bear, @@ -78,7 +81,7 @@
H3: He just can’t be dead.
Still not convinced? Then you’ll be glad to hear that the season 6 premiere of Game of Thrones is going to air on the 24th April 2016 already - soon we will know.
-H2: Follow Jon’s
+lastlatest steps here!Follow Jon’s
lastlatest steps here!Placeholder 3) GOT Map Alt Text: Follow Jon Snow’s footsteps with our Game of Thrones map! Shortly after leading the wildlings to Castle Black to save them from the nearing White Walkers, Jon had to learn about Stannis From 7bc444a609893fe7b5e8d56afbbb9ae8fd45bd78 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Yasar=20K=C3=BCc=C3=BCkkaya?=
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 02:38:40 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 06/20] Added bootstap to landingpages ;D --- static/daenerys-targaryen.html | 228 ++++++++++++++++--------------- static/house-stark.html | 3 + static/jon-snow-is-not-dead.html | 1 + 3 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-) diff --git a/static/daenerys-targaryen.html b/static/daenerys-targaryen.html index 86db633..6f9a4fc 100644 --- a/static/daenerys-targaryen.html +++ b/static/daenerys-targaryen.html @@ -1,119 +1,121 @@ - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + - - - - - - - + + + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - Why Daenerys Targaryen will win the Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Data - - -- -- -
-Why Daenerys Targaryen will win the Game of - Thrones
-- - - + + + + + + +Daenerys. Khaleesi. Mother of Dragons. Mhysa. There’s quite a few names for this woman – and even more reasons to be - afraid of her. Ever since her father King Aerys II Targaryen was ousted from the Iron Throne during Robert - Baratheon’s rebellion, she’s been desperate to take it back – and with it the control over the seven kingdoms. Let’s - face it: The moment Daenerys gave her OK for Khal Drogo to kill her (admittedly annoying) brother, we knew that girl - played to win. Here’s why we’ll see here sitting on the Iron Throne soon.
-She’s commanding the Unsullied
-In case you want to take a city back, it is always a good idea to bring a private army. Daenerys’ has apparently done - her homework on warmonger best practices and bought her very own battalion, the Unsullied, by burning their former - owner alive (#justdaenerysthings). Even with significantly less testicles or nipples compared to your average Essos - man, those guys are anything and everything you could wish for when you absolutely need some people dead. Still in - doubt? See them in action.
-Daenerys is the people’s woman
-- -
-With the US presidential elections approaching, maybe it’s time for a small thought experiment. Imagine you could - vote for… > Please display the images in a row next to each other here
-- --- -
-- -
-- -
A religious fanatic in charge of what is basically the Game of Thrones equivalent of ISIS
- -
A wimpy teenager with no experience whatsoever who should have stayed a minor character anyway
- -
A young, dynamic civil rights activist, running around Essos freeing slaves in the thousands, who’s known for - her zero-tolerance policy regarding the establishment
… Who would you choose? Heh? Not so hard, right? Daenerys Targaryen is pretty much our Game of Thrones Bernie - Sanders. Only in slightly more attractive. Sorry Bern.
---Placeholder: Twitter Sentiment Analysis Graph for Daenerys Targaryen
---Alt text: See what Twitter thinks about Daenerys Targaryen with GoT show's sentiment analysis tool
-As you can see, she’s even among the most popular characters (rank 4, 10th of - April) in the real world! Feel the Daern, people!
-She has a bunch of dragons
-… Is there a reason we’re still debating this? Seriously? Even though her lathery scaled friends started out as cute - little hatchlings in season 1, those things are terrifying now. We all saw them eat the leaders of the great - families in the season 5 episode “Kill the boy” (S05E05) – and as countless fantasy franchises suggest, if you have - dragons by your side, chances are you’re going to bring home a victory.
-… Sooo, things are set, right?
-Well, almost. In Game of Thrones, there’s always a hint of uncertainty – and you have to admit that a lot of people - want to see her dead. Take this assassination attempt on - youtube for example. We in the editorial department are confident that she’ll end up being - victorious, even though our machine learning algorithm is a lot less optimistic. The algorithm mostly takes family - history into account, and since her’s was cleared off the map, her calculated likelihood of death is pretty high. - See our latest prediction here: > Placeholder, Daenerys Targaryen PLOD
---Alt text: Daenery’s calculated percentage likelihood of death
-No reason to be worried, though. Valar morghulis, remember?
-Follow Daenerys long journey through Essos
---Placeholder: our awesome GoT Map about Daenerys
---Alt Text: Daenerys Targaryen put on the map – Game of Thrones character movements
-Why Daenerys Targaryen will win the Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Data + + ++ ++ +
+Why Daenerys Targaryen will win the Game of + Thrones
++ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/house-stark.html b/static/house-stark.html index 62bbbcf..be2540f 100644 --- a/static/house-stark.html +++ b/static/house-stark.html @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ +Daenerys. Khaleesi. Mother of Dragons. Mhysa. There’s quite a few names for this woman – and even more reasons to be + afraid of her. Ever since her father King Aerys II Targaryen was ousted from the Iron Throne during Robert + Baratheon’s rebellion, she’s been desperate to take it back – and with it the control over the seven kingdoms. Let’s + face it: The moment Daenerys gave her OK for Khal Drogo to kill her (admittedly annoying) brother, we knew that girl + played to win. Here’s why we’ll see here sitting on the Iron Throne soon.
+She’s commanding the Unsullied
+In case you want to take a city back, it is always a good idea to bring a private army. Daenerys’ has apparently done + her homework on warmonger best practices and bought her very own battalion, the Unsullied, by burning their former + owner alive (#justdaenerysthings). Even with significantly less testicles or nipples compared to your average Essos + man, those guys are anything and everything you could wish for when you absolutely need some people dead. Still in + doubt? See them in action.
+Daenerys is the people’s woman
++ +
+With the US presidential elections approaching, maybe it’s time for a small thought experiment. Imagine you could + vote for… > Please display the images in a row next to each other here
++ +++ +
++ +
+- +
A religious fanatic in charge of what is basically the Game of Thrones equivalent of ISIS
- +
A wimpy teenager with no experience whatsoever who should have stayed a minor character anyway
- +
A young, dynamic civil rights activist, running around Essos freeing slaves in the thousands, who’s known for + her zero-tolerance policy regarding the establishment
… Who would you choose? Heh? Not so hard, right? Daenerys Targaryen is pretty much our Game of Thrones Bernie + Sanders. Only in slightly more attractive. Sorry Bern.
+++Placeholder: Twitter Sentiment Analysis Graph for Daenerys Targaryen
+++Alt text: See what Twitter thinks about Daenerys Targaryen with GoT show's sentiment analysis tool
+As you can see, she’s even among the most popular characters (rank 4, 10th of + April) in the real world! Feel the Daern, people!
+She has a bunch of dragons
+… Is there a reason we’re still debating this? Seriously? Even though her lathery scaled friends started out as cute + little hatchlings in season 1, those things are terrifying now. We all saw them eat the leaders of the great + families in the season 5 episode “Kill the boy” (S05E05) – and as countless fantasy franchises suggest, if you have + dragons by your side, chances are you’re going to bring home a victory.
+… Sooo, things are set, right?
+Well, almost. In Game of Thrones, there’s always a hint of uncertainty – and you have to admit that a lot of people + want to see her dead. Take this assassination attempt on + youtube for example. We in the editorial department are confident that she’ll end up being + victorious, even though our machine learning algorithm is a lot less optimistic. The algorithm mostly takes family + history into account, and since her’s was cleared off the map, her calculated likelihood of death is pretty high. + See our latest prediction here: > Placeholder, Daenerys Targaryen PLOD
+++Alt text: Daenery’s calculated percentage likelihood of death
+No reason to be worried, though. Valar morghulis, remember?
+Follow Daenerys long journey through Essos
+++Placeholder: our awesome GoT Map about Daenerys
+++Alt Text: Daenerys Targaryen put on the map – Game of Thrones character movements
+What’s next for Bran, Arya & Sansa? House Stark in Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Data @@ -110,5 +111,7 @@Follow the
Alt text: Arya, Bran & Sansa Stark put on the Game of Thrones map.