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General configuration concepts

The Lightweight CMP RA and also partially the CMP Client CLI application behavior is specified in configuration files. On startup the configuration files are loaded and parsed. URIs given in configuration files are loaded once at first use.

Configuration file syntax

A configuration file must be written in YAML. Embedding JSON in YAML is also supported. A configuration file is structured in hierarchical sections holding

  • key/value pairs. This scalar value is a numeric, string, Boolean or binary constant.
  • key/array pairs. The value, also called list, tuple, vector, sequence holds multiple values.
  • Key/object pairs. The subordinate objects may have scalar, array or object values.

So the general structure could looks like this:

  key1: "value 1"
  key2: Value2
      key3: "value 3"
      key4: Value4
      - "value 7"
      - value8

  ... more nested entities

      key5: value5
      key6: "Value 6"
    emptyobject: {}


"toplevelobject": {
    "key1" : "value 1",
    "key2" : "Value2",
	"subobject1" : {
	   "key3" : "value 3",
	   "key4" : "Value4",

	  "___COMMENT___":  "more nested entities"

	"arrayKey" : ["value 7", "value8"],
	"subobject2" : {
	     "key5" : "value5",
	     "key6" : "Value 6"
	"emptyobject" : {}

Keys and string-like values of configuration objects are case insensitive, while Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI), directory names, shared secrets, and passwords are case sensitive.

The format and syntax of an URI is specified in RFC2396.

Matching array entries

Depending on a currently processed certProfile and maybe bodyType different parts of a configuration can be matched and used:

Most top level array entries may have a certProfile included. The value of a certProfile is a string. An absent certProfile matches CMP messages with any (or absent) certProfile header field.

Most top level array entries may have a bodyType included. The value of the bodyType is a number (0..26) or an equivalent string ("ir".."pollRep"), while for UpstreamInterface only the numbers 0, 2, 7, 11, and 21 or the equivalent strings "ir", "cr", "kur", "rr", and "genm" are allowed. An absent bodyType matches CMP messages of any type.

While processing a CMP message (which may be a request or response, including an error message), its bodyType (see RFC4210, section PKI Message Body) and any certProfile optionally given in the message header (see CMP updates, section certProfile) are matched against the array entries until a fully matching entry is found. This entry is then used to control the further processing of this message.

Configuration of the Lightweight CMP RA CLI application

The Lightweight CMP RA behavior is specified in configuration files. The path names of all Lightweight CMP RA configuration files are given as a command line parameter. On startup these configuration files are loaded and parses as already described in Configuration file syntax.

Each configuration file must contain a configuration for exactly one RA. In productive use, configuration files should be integrity protected because they contain critical data such as trust anchors.

Example configuration files can be found in the Test Configuration.

Top-level Structure

The Top-level Structure determines the overall behavior of an RA instance. It may contain declarations of the object types listed below in any order:

mandatory/optional object type has certProfile has bodyType
mandatory DownstreamInterface object
mandatory if messages need to be sent upstream UpstreamInterface object x x
mandatory DownstreamConfiguration object x x
mandatory if incoming IR, CR or KUR shall be processed RaVerifiedAcceptable object x x
mandatory if delayed delivery shall be supported RetryAfterTimeInSeconds object x x
mandatory if transactions should expire DownstreamTimeout object x x
mandatory if messages need to be sent upstream UpstreamConfiguration object x x
mandatory if IR, CR or KUR needs to be sent upstream ForceRaVerifyOnUpstream object x x
mandatory if IP, CP or KUP shall be processed EnrollmentTrust object x x
mandatory if central key generation shall be supported CkgConfiguration object x x
mandatory if GENM shall be processed locally SupportMessageHandlerInterface object x
mandatory if interaction with an inventory is required InventoryInterface object x x

All objects except for DownstreamInterface have array values. If an object type is not mandatory, an empty array may given or the whole key may be absent.

Note: Authorization of clients to request certificate enrollment can be checked via the InventoryInterface.

The UpstreamInterface array controls the routing of upstream messages. The procedure described in Matching array entries is performed not for each message but only for the first (request) message of a transaction. Thus the routing determined for the first message of a transaction is used also for all further upstream messages within the same transaction.

For the SupportMessageHandlerInterface object, each array entry has the implicit bodyType "genm" and may have a certProfile and/or an InfoTypeOid included. The certProfile handling is the same as described above. The value of a InfoTypeOid is a OID string (e.g., ""). This InfoTypeOid is matched against the OID in the first InfoType of a GenMsg. If the InfoTypeOid was not specified, the OIDs defined in CMP updates, section Root CA Certificate Update, Certificate Request Template, and CRL Update Retrieval depending on the specific handler are used for matching. If under some conditions such array is not mandatory, the whole key might be absent or the array might be empty.

The DownstreamInterface object

The DownstreamInterface object describes the transport layer of the downstream interface from which the component receives CMP requests.

It must contain exactly one of the objects described below:

object type
HttpServer object
HttpsServer object
CoapServer object
OfflineFileServer object

The HttpServer object

The HttpServer object describes the instantiation of the downstream interface to an HTTP server. Its used for CMP request reception and response delivery as specified in RFC 6712.

It must contain the key/value pair described below:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory UpstreamURI URI the HTTP path to be served

The hostname or IP part of the UpstreamURI will be ignored.

The HttpsServer object

The HttpsServer object describes the instantiation of the downstream interface to an HTTPS server. Its used for CMP request reception and response delivery as specified in RFC 6712.

It must contain the key/value pairs described below in any order:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory UpstreamURI URI the HTTPS path to be served
optional accept all serverTrust VerificationContext TLS server trust
mandatory serverCredentials SignatureCredentialContext TLS server credentials

The hostname or IP part of the UpstreamURI will be ignored. The serverTrust and serverCredentials describe the TLS server configuration.

The CoapServer object

The CoapServer object describes the instantiation of the downstream interface to a CoAP endpoint as described in RFC 7252. The UDP server binds to the standard CoAP port 5683.

It must contain the key/value pair described below:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory ServerPath string the CoAP path to be served

The OfflineFileServer object

The OfflineFileServer object describes the instantiation of the downstream interface to a file system interface.

It should contain the key/value pairs described below in any order:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory inputDirectory string the relative or absolute path
to a directory to scan repeatedly for files containing a DER-encoded
CMP request messages. Such files are deleted after reading them and the messages
they contained are processed in the same way as other incoming messages.
optional 10s inputDirectoryPollcycle integer
the number of seconds to elapse between scans of the input directory
mandatory outputDirectory string the relative or absolute path
to a directory to write outgoing-DER encoded CMP response messages to

The UpstreamInterface object

The UpstreamInterface object describes the transport layers of the upstream interface to which the component may send/forward CMP requests and receive reponses from. It may be omitted if all CMP messages can be handled locally (e.g., support messages only that are not forwarded to an upstream server).

The value array contains zero or more HttpClient object, HttpsClient object, CoapClient object, or OfflineFileClient object entries in any order. As already described in Matching array entries, always the first matching entry is used.

The HttpClient object

The HttpClient object describes the instantiation of the upstream interface to an HTTP client.

It must contain the key/value pair described below:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory UpstreamURI URI server URL to connect to
optional 30 Timeout integer HTTP connect and read timeout in seconds, 0 or negative value means wait forever

The HttpsClient object

The HttpsClient object describes the instantiation of the upstream interface to an HTTPS/TLS server.

It should contain the key/value pairs described below in any order:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory UpstreamURI URI server URL to connect to
optional 30 Timeout integer HTTPS connect and read timeout in seconds, 0 or negative value means wait forever
optional accept all ClientTrust VerificationContext TLS client trust
optional false DisableHostnameVerification boolean suppress verification of server hostname against server certificate
mandatory ClientCredentials SignatureCredentialContext TLS client credentials

The CoapClient object

The CoapClient object describes the instantiation of the upstream interface to a CoAP server.

It must contain the key/value pair described below:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory UpstreamURI URI server URL to connect to
optional 30 Timeout integer CoAP acknowledge and read timeout in seconds, 0 or negative value means wait forever

The OfflineFileClient object

The OfflineFileClient object describes the instantiation of the upstream interface to a file system interface. If an OfflineFileClient object is configured, this RA instance will initiate delayed delivery (polling) when it needs to send messages upstream.

It should contain the key/value pairs described below in any order:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory outputDirectory string the relative or absolute path to
a directory to write outgoing DER-encoded CMP request messages to
mandatory inputDirectory string the relative or absolute path to a
directory to scan repeatedly for files containing a DER-encoded CMP
response messages. Such files are deleted after reading them and the messages
they contained are processed in the same way as other incoming requests.
optional 10 s inputDirectoryPollcycle integer
the number of seconds to elapse between scans of the input directory

The DownstreamConfiguration object

The DownstreamConfiguration object describes the behavior of a downstream CMP interface.

The value array contains

requested cardinality object type
1..n CmpMessageInterface values.

The RaVerifiedAcceptable object

The RaVerifiedAcceptable object specifies whether for incoming IR, CR, KUR the RaVerified value is acceptable as POPO.

The value array contains

requested cardinality key value type value description
0..n value Boolean true if RaVerified for incoming IR, CR, KUR is acceptable.

The RetryAfterTimeInSeconds object

The RetryAfterTimeInSeconds object specifies the retryAfter time in seconds to return in a POLLREP on the downstream interface in case of delayed delivery.

The value array contains

requested cardinality key value type value description
0..n value integer retryAfter time in seconds

The DownstreamTimeout object

The DownstreamTimeout object optionally specifies the maximum allowed reaction time of the downstream entity apart from any applicable retryAfter period. That is, the RA will keep a transaction open while awaiting a further request form the client side until it receives the expected request or the configured number of seconds, plus any retryAfter time given in its last response, has elapsed. In the latter case the RA cleans up and forgets the transaction.
By default, or if the value 0 is given, no restriction is placed, such that a transaction may idle indefinitely. It is recommended to specify a nonzero timeout value in order to prevent blocking RA resources indefinitely, for instance when an expected subsequent request message by the client is lost or the client terminates during a transaction without the RA knowing.

The value array contains

requested cardinality key value type value description
0..n value integer maximum timeout in seconds

The UpstreamConfiguration object

The UpstreamConfiguration object describes the behavior of an upstream CMP interface.

The value array contains

requested cardinality object type
0..n CmpMessageInterface values.

The ForceRaVerifyOnUpstream object

The ForceRaVerifyOnUpstream object controls if for outgoing upstream IR, CR, KUR the POPO is set to RaVerified.

The value array contains

requested cardinality key value type value description
0..n value Boolean if set to "true", the POPO is set to RaVerified for outgoing upstream IR, CR and KUR.

The CmpMessageInterface value

The CmpMessageInterface value describes the behavior of an CMP interface (upstream or downstream) matching the certProfile and the bodyType.

It may contain the key/value pairs described below in any order:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
optional formerly set recipient Recipient String recipient used in outgoing CMP message header, only used if protection is rebuild or absent
optional accept all VerificationContext VerificationContext object trust for protection validation of incoming messages
optional mandatory for reprotect outputCredentials OutputCredentials object determines protection of outgoing messages
optional no special processing of nested messages NestedEndpointContext NestedEndpointContext object determines processing of nested messages
optional keep ReprotectMode enum { reprotect, strip, keep } protection mode for outgoing message
optional 3600 seconds AllowedMessageTimeDeviation integer value the maximum acceptable age in seconds of an incoming message according to its messageTime
optional false CacheExtraCerts Boolean whether received extra certificates should be cached
optional false SuppressRedundantExtraCerts Boolean whether to prevent repeated inclusion of certificates in the extraCerts field of outgoing messages within a transaction.

On the upstream interface, for certficate update (KUR) requests the reprotection mode is always keep.

The VerificationContext object

The VerificationContext object describes all values needed to authenticate peers or signed messages. If the VerificationContext is optional and not given then no verification or authentication is done.

It contains all of the key/value pairs described below in any order:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory for validation based on a shared secret SharedSecret array of byte a shared secret if validation based on a shared secret should be supported.
mandatory for signature-based validation TrustedCertificates array of URI location of all trusted certificates. This and the following key/value pairs are relevant only if signature-based validation should be supported.
optional absent AdditionalCerts array of URI location of additional intermediate certificates that can be used for certificate chain building
optional absent CRLs array of URI location of additional Certificate Revocation Lists that can be used for cert status checks
optional false CDPsEnabled Boolean whether CRL Distribution Point (CDP) certificate extensions should be used for cert status checks
optional absent OCSPResponder URI location of an OCSP responder that can be used for cert status checks
optional false AIAsEnabled Boolean whether Authority Information Access (AIA) certificate extensions should be used for cert status checks
optional empty PKIXRevocationCheckerOptions set of enum { ONLY_END_ENTITY, PREFER_CRLS, NO_FALLBACK, SOFT_FAIL } options to control the cert status checks. For details see Java RevocationChecker and Options


The current implementation supports only one SharedSecret per VerificationContext. So the only way to specify more than one shared secret per DownstreamConfiguration or UpstreamConfiguration is to use more than one certProfile.

An empty array of certificate URIs or CRL URIs may be given as [].

Whend providing a set of enum, it must be given using [ and ], e.g., [ONLY_END_ENTITY, NO_FALLBACK].

The OutputCredentials object

The OutputCredentials object describes protection for outgoing messages (for the upstream or downstream CMP interface, depending on the context).

It contains exactly one of the key/value pairs described below:

key value type value description
Signature SignatureCredentialContext if protection shall be signature-based
SharedSecret SharedSecretCredentialContext if protection shall be based on a shared secret

Note: The configuration does not support specifying both signature-based and MAC-based protection. Consequently, the RA will always protect as configured, even if the (downstream) client uses a different way of protecting its requests. As the Lightweight CMP profile forbids mixing signature-based and MAC-based protection within the same transaction, care needs to be taken such that the EE and RA configurations are consistent for all types of requests. To this end it can be helpful to differentiate via certificate profiles.

The SignatureCredentialContext object

The SignatureCredentialContext object holds the values needed for authenticating at TLS level, for signature-based CMP message protection, or for signing other data like centrally generated private keys.

It contains all of the key/value pairs described below in any order:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory KeyStore URI location of a key store holding certificate, private key and certificate chain
mandatory Password array of byte password for the KeyStore
optional derived from signing key SignatureAlgorithmName string name or OID of signature algorithm
The SharedSecretCredentialContext object

The SharedSecretCredentialContext object provides all values needed for CMP protection based on a shared secret.

It must contain the key/value pairs described below in any order, as far as needed depending on the chosen MAC algorithm.

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory SharedSecret string shared secret usable for MAC-based protection
optional "PBMAC1" PasswordBasedMacAlgorithm string "PBMAC1", "PASSWORDBASEDMAC"or short "PBM", or an OID as a string
optional 10000 IterationCount integer iteration count to use
optional 4096 KeyLength integer intended key length to be produced, relevant for PBMAC1
optional "1.2.840.113549.2.9" (hmacWithSHA256) MacAlgorithm string MAC algorithm name or OID as string, relevant only for message protection based on a shared secret
optional "HMacSHA256" for PBMAC1 and "SHA256" for PBM Prf string name of pseudo-random function (PRF) or one-way function (OWF) to use
optional randomly generated 20 bytes Salt array of byte input salt
optional absent SenderKID string sender key identifier to be used for the CMP message protection, which can be for instance a user name

The NestedEndpointContext object

The NestedEndpointContext object provides values that determine if and how to unwrap incoming and to wrap outgoing nested messages. It should contain all needed key/value pairs described below in any order:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
optional match all RecipientPattern string if the recipient of an incoming nested message matches this regular expression, the message will be unwrapped
optional accept all VerificationContext VerificationContext object if provided, all elements of incoming nested messages are validated with the given trust.
mandatory outputCredentials OutputCredentials object when a NestedEndpointContext object is given, all outgoing messages are nested and protected using these credentials.

The EnrollmentTrust object

The EnrollmentTrust object provides a VerificationContext used to validate an enrolled certificate and to calculate the additional certificates in the extraCerts field of IP, CP and KUP. Any given SharedSecret key/value is ignored here.

The CkgConfiguration object

The CkgConfiguration object provides the configuration required for handling central key generation in the RA. It should contain all needed key/value pairs described below in any order:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
optional "2.16.840." (AES128-CBC) ContentEncryptionAlg string symmetric content encryption algorithm (Name or OID) to build CMS EnvelopedData
mandatory SignatureCredentials SignatureCredentialContext credentials to sign the centrally generated private key.
optional unsupported KeyAgreementContext CkgKeyAgreementContext required values for for key agreement
optional unsupported KeyTransportContext CkgKeyTransportContext required values for for key transport
optional unsupported PasswordContext CkgPasswordContext required values for for password-based encryption

Note: Authorization of clients to request central key generation (including the option to specifiy a key type) can be checked via the InventoryInterface.

The CkgKeyAgreementContext object

The CkgKeyAgreementContext object provides the values required for performing key agreement in the context of central key generation. It contains all of the key/value pairs described below in any order:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory KeyStore URI location of a key store holding certificate, private key and certificate chain for key agreement
mandatory Password array of byte password for the KeyStore
optional "" (ECDH_SHA224KDF), must be consistent with type of key agreement key KeyAgreementAlg string the algorithm (Name or OID) used for key agreement, see Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) Algorithms, section "Key Agreement Algorithms"
optional "2.16.840." (AES128_wrap) KeyEncryptionAlg string the symmetric algorithm (Name or OID) used for key encryption, see Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) Algorithms , section "Key Management Algorithms"

The CkgKeyTransportContext object

The CkgKeyTransportContext object marks the support for performing key transport in the context of central key generation. It is empty, so must be specified as KeyTransportContext: {}.

The CkgPasswordContext object

The CkgPasswordContext object provides the values required for performing password-based key encryption in the context of central key generation. It contains all of the key/value pairs described below in any order:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory EncryptionCredentials SharedSecretCredentialContext credentials to encrypt the central generated private key
optional "2.16.840." (AES128-CBC) KekAlg string the KEK algorithm (Name or OID) to use

The SupportMessageHandlerInterface object

The SupportMessageHandlerInterface object controls the processing of support messages (using genm/gemp).

The value array contains

requested cardinality key value type
0..n GetCaCertificates GetCaCertificates objects
0..n GetRootCaCertificateUpdate GetRootCaCertificateUpdate objects
0..n GetCertificateRequestTemplate GetCertificateRequestTemplate objects
0..n CrlUpdateRetrieval CrlUpdateRetrieval objects

For each type of support message, multiple array entries may be given in order to differentiate between certificate profiles. If no matching array entry is found, the request is forwared upstream.

The GetCaCertificates object

The GetCaCertificates object controls the handling of a Get CA certificates genm request.

It contains

requested cardinality key value type value description
0..n CaCertificates array of URI locations of the certificates to return

An empty list can be specified as GetCaCertificates: {}.

The GetRootCaCertificateUpdate object

The GetRootCaCertificateUpdate object controls the handling of a Get root CA certificate update genm requests.

It contains all of the key/value pairs described below in any order:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory newWithNew URI location of new root certificate to return
optional absent newWithOld URI location of forward transition certificate to return
optional absent oldWithNew URI location of backward transition certificate to return

So far, the RootCaCertValue value input is ignored. An empty infoValue can be specified as GetRootCaCertificateUpdate: {}.

The CrlUpdateRetrieval object

The CrlUpdateRetrieval object controls the handling of a CRL Update Retrieval genm request.

It contains

requested cardinality key value type value description
0..n crls array of URI locations of the CRLs to return

So far, the source and thisUpdate fields of CRLStatus are ignored. An empty list can be specified as CrlUpdateRetrieval: {}.

The GetCertificateRequestTemplate object

The GetCertificateRequestTemplate object controls the handling of a Get certificate request template genm requests.

It contains

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory Template URI location of the template, which must be ASN.1 DER-encoded

An empty infoValue can be specified as GetCertificateRequestTemplate: {}.

The InventoryInterface object

The InventoryInterface object describes the interface to an external inventory for checking/modifying certificate requests and reporting enrollment results.

The value array contains

requested cardinality key value type value description
0..n ImplementingClass string the qualified name of a Java class.

The string value holds the qualified name of a Java class implementing the com.siemens.pki.cmpracomponent.configuration.InventoryInterface interface. On first match of the InventoryInterface value array entry an instance of the given Java class is created using the parameter-less default constructor. This instance is then used to execute the appropriate methods of com.siemens.pki.cmpracomponent.configuration.InventoryInterface when an IR, CR, P10CR, KUR, IP, CP or KUP message is processed.

Configuration of the CMP Client CLI application

The CMP Client general behavior is specified in a configuration file. Its path name is given as argument to the -c / --configfile CLI option. On startup the configuration file is loaded and parsed. Contents referred to via URIs included there are loaded once at first use.

The Top-level Structure determines the overall behavior of of the CMP Client. It may contain declarations of the object types listed below in any order:

mandatory/optional object type has certProfile has bodyType
mandatory MessageInterface object x x
mandatory MessageConfiguration object x x
mandatory ClientContext object x

For MessageInterface array controls the routing of (request) messages to be sent. The procedure described in Matching array entries is performed not for each message but only for the first (request) message of a transaction. Thus the routing determined for the first message of a transaction is used also for all further upstream messages within the same transaction.

The MessageInterface object

The MessageInterface object describes the transport layer of the interface to which the client sends CMP requests and receives responses from.

The value array contains zero or more HttpClient object, HttpsClient object, CoapClient object, or OfflineFileClient object entries in any order. As already described in Matching array entries, always the first matching entry is used.

The MessageConfiguration object

The MessageConfiguration object describes the behavior of the CMP interface of the client.

The value array contains

requested cardinality object type
0..n CmpMessageInterface values.

The NestedEndpointContext configuration is partially supported just for internal test purposes.

The ClientContext object

The ClientContext object controls the overall behavior of the client.

It contains all of the key/value pairs described below in any order:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
optional absent EnrollmentContext EnrollmentContext object required if enrollment will be invoked

The EnrollmentContext object

The EnrollmentContext object controls the enrollment-specific behavior of the client. It contains all of the key/value pairs described below in any order:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory if EnrollmentType is "ir", "cr", "kur" KeyType String certificate key type, eg. RSA2048, secp192, Ed25519, ...
optional false RequestCentralKeyGeneration boolean whether central key generation requested
optional EnrollmentType cr(2) a number (0, 2, 7, 4) or an equivalent string ("ir", "cr", "kur", "p10cr") request type used in enrollment
optional absent OldCert URI location of old certificate to reference in the id-regCtrl-oldCertID control
optional subject of OldCert or absent Subject String Subject to be used in certificate template
optional extensions of OldCert or absent Extensions array of Extensions object extensions to be used in certificate template
mandatory EnrollmentTrust EnrollmentTrust object trust to validate the enrolled certificate
optional true RequestImplictConfirm boolean shall implicit confirmation be requested?
mandatory if EnrollmentType is "p10cr" absent CertificationRequest URI location of the PKCS#10 CSR, which must be ASN.1 DER-encoded

The Extensions object

The Extensions object specifies one extension to be added to the Extensions array in the certificate template. It contains all of the key/value pairs described below in any order:

mandatory/optional default key value type value description
mandatory Id OID string extension ID
optional null value binary extension value