diff --git a/app/general/templatetags/bs_icons.py b/app/general/templatetags/bs_icons.py
index fe459d98..407a580a 100644
--- a/app/general/templatetags/bs_icons.py
+++ b/app/general/templatetags/bs_icons.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-import re
from django import template
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
@@ -12,20 +10,6 @@
register = template.Library()
-icon_name_re = re.compile(r"[a-z0-9\-]+")
-def _bs_icon(name):
- assert icon_name_re.fullmatch(name)
- return mark_safe(f' ')
- # The trailing space is intentional: Since this is an inline element
- # usually followed by text, the absence/presence of a space is significant,
- # and usually wanted for layout. That's too hard to remember, so we always
- # add it. Multiple spaces are equal to one. That way the exact layout of
- # code in the templates doesn't matter. Beware of using {% spaceless %}
- # which will negate this. A pure CSS solution escaped me thus far, since a
- # space will take additional space in addition to a margin.
# a mapping from project types to Bootstrap icon names:
_icons = {
@@ -44,4 +28,14 @@ def icon(name):
if not (bs_name := _icons.get(name)):
raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(f"'icon' requires a registered icon name (got {name!r})")
- return _bs_icon(bs_name)
+ # This `mark_safe` is okay because we only allow certain, whitelisted strings. This is enforced above by fetching it
+ # from the `_icons` dictionary
+ return mark_safe(f' ') # noqa: S308 - see above
+ # The trailing space is intentional: Since this is an inline element
+ # usually followed by text, the absence/presence of a space is significant,
+ # and usually wanted for layout. That's too hard to remember, so we always
+ # add it. Multiple spaces are equal to one. That way the exact layout of
+ # code in the templates doesn't matter. Beware of using {% spaceless %}
+ # which will negate this. A pure CSS solution escaped me thus far, since a
+ # space will take additional space in addition to a margin.