This topic provides some examples for annotating side effects.
to calculate theGrossPrice
through the function importCalculatePriceIncludingRegionalTax
, when the source propertyUnitPrice
is modified. The side effect is triggered only whenUnitPrice
are successfully validated.XML Annotation
<Annotations Target="STTA_SALES_ORDER_WD_20_SRV.C_STTA_SalesOrder_WD_20Type"> <Annotation Term="" Qualifier="CalculatePrice"> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="SourceProperties"> <Collection> <PropertyPath>UnitPrice</PropertyPath> <PropertyPath>ProductQuantity</PropertyPath> </Collection> </PropertyValue> <PropertyValue Property="TargetProperties"> <Collection> <String>GrossPrice</String> <String>NetPriceIncludingTax</String> </Collection> </PropertyValue> <PropertyValue Property="TriggerAction" String="STTA_SALES_ORDER_WD_20_SRV.STTA_SALES_ORDER_WD_20_SRV_Entities/CalculatePriceIncludingRegionalTax"/> </Record> </Annotation> </Annotations>
You can define side effects either in the *MPC_EXT
class or in the local annotation file.
Annotating side effects in the
class* define Side Effects for Purchase Order: DATA lo_ann_target TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_vocan_ann_target. " Vocabulary Annotation Target "#EC NEEDED DATA lo_annotation TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_vocan_annotation. " Vocabulary Annotation "#EC NEEDED DATA lo_collection TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_vocan_collection. " Vocabulary Annotation Collection "#EC NEEDED DATA lo_function TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_vocan_function. " Vocabulary Annotation Function "#EC NEEDED DATA lo_fun_param TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_vocan_fun_param. " Vocabulary Annotation Function Parameter "#EC NEEDED DATA lo_property TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_vocan_property. " Vocabulary Annotation Property "#EC NEEDED DATA lo_record TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_vocan_record. " Vocabulary Annotation Record "#EC NEEDED DATA lo_reference TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_vocan_reference. " Vocabulary Annotation Reference lo_reference = vocab_anno_model->create_vocabulary_reference( iv_vocab_id = '/IWBEP/VOC_COMMON' iv_vocab_version = '0001'). lo_reference->create_include( iv_namespace = '' ). lo_reference = vocab_anno_model->create_vocabulary_reference( iv_vocab_id = '/IWBEP/VOC_CORE' iv_vocab_version = '0001'). lo_reference->create_include( iv_namespace = 'Org.OData.Core.V1' ). lo_ann_target = vocab_anno_model->create_annotations_target( 'MM_PUR_PO_AI_MAINTAIN.C_PurchaseOrderEnhWDType' ) ##NO_TEXT . "Add annotation term for VIPs introduced lo_annotation = lo_ann_target->create_annotation( iv_term = '' ) ##NO_TEXT . lo_record = lo_annotation->create_record( ) ##NO_TEXT. lo_property = lo_record->create_property( 'SourceProperties' ) ##NO_TEXT. lo_collection = lo_property->create_collection( ). lo_collection->create_simple_value( )->set_property_path( 'Supplier' ) ##NO_TEXT . lo_collection->create_simple_value( )->set_property_path( 'CompanyCode' ) ##NO_TEXT . lo_collection->create_simple_value( )->set_property_path( 'DocumentCurrency' ) ##NO_TEXT . lo_collection->create_simple_value( )->set_property_path( 'PurchasingGroup' ) ##NO_TEXT. lo_collection->create_simple_value( )->set_property_path( 'PurchasingOrganization' ) ##NO_TEXT.
User changes the source properties and the system refreshes the
XML Annotation
<Annotations Target="NAMESPACE.ENTITYTYPE"> <Annotation Term="" Qualifier="PriceChanged"> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="SourceProperties"> <Collection> <PropertyPath>Amount</PropertyPath> <PropertyPath>Discount</PropertyPath> <PropertyPath>ProductDetail/DeliveryLocations</PropertyPath>// Source property pointing to multi input field </Collection> </PropertyValue> <PropertyValue Property="TargetProperties"> <Collection> <String>Price</String> </Collection> </PropertyValue> </Record> </Annotation> </Annotations>
User changes the supplier and the system refreshes the 1:1 navigation
XML Annotation
<Annotations Target="NAMESPACE.ENTITYTYPE"> <Annotation Term="" Qualifier="SupplierChanged"> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="SourceProperties"> <Collection> <PropertyPath>Supplier</PropertyPath> </Collection> </PropertyValue> <PropertyValue Property="TargetEntities"> <Collection> <NavigationPropertyPath>toSupplier</NavigationPropertyPath> </Collection> </PropertyValue> </Record> </Annotation> </Annotations>
User changes a single property, and the system reads the whole entity due to the field control
XML Annotation
<Annotations Target="NAMESPACE.ENTITYTYPE"> <Annotation Term="" Qualifier="PriceChanged"> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="SourceProperties"> <Collection> <PropertyPath>Status</PropertyPath> </Collection> </PropertyValue> <PropertyValue Property="TargetEntities"> <Collection> <NavigationPropertyPath></NavigationPropertyPath> </Collection> </PropertyValue> </Record> </Annotation> </Annotations>
Side effect on structural changes of a 1:n association
If any header information or any other associated entity needs to be refreshed once a subitem has been created or deleted, add side effect annotations as shown in the following example:
XML Annotation
<Annotations Target="NAMESPACE.ENTITYTYPE"> <Annotation Term="" Qualifier="ReactOnItemCreationOrDeletion"> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="SourceEntities"> <Collection> <NavigationPropertyPath>toSalesOrderItems</NavigationPropertyPath> </Collection> </PropertyValue> <PropertyValue Property="TargetProperties"> <Collection> <String>OverallAmount</String> </Collection> </PropertyValue> </Record> </Annotation> </Annotations>
Side effect after executing an action
After executing an action, if the returned entity is different from the entity for which the action was called, then the related list binding is refreshed. Alternatively, you need to define a side effect annotation explicitly if any other entity or an association is changed due to an action call.
XML Annotation
<!-- In the below example, the function import action "Setcurrency" is expected to refresh the "Currency_Code_Text" which is coming from the associated entity "to_Currency" --> <Annotations Target="STTA_SALES_ORDER_WD_20_SRV.STTA_SALES_ORDER_WD_20_SRV_Entities/Setcurrency"> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="TargetProperties"> <Collection> <PropertyPath>to_Currency/Currency_Code_Text</PropertyPath> </Collection> </PropertyValue> <!-- Side Effects for action annotation with an entity as a target. Here, controls associated with "to_Item" will be refreshed--> <PropertyValue Property="TargetEntities"> <Collection> <NavigationPropertyPath>to_Item</NavigationPropertyPath> </Collection> </PropertyValue> </Record> </Annotation> </Annotations>
Refresh the navigation target
In the following example, when the item
is changed, the navigation property leading to the root entity (to_SalesOrder
) is updated.XML Annotation
<Annotations Target="STTA_SALES_ORDER_WD_20_SRV.C_STTA_SalesOrderItem_WD_20Type"> <Annotation Term="" Qualifier="TaxAmountChanged"> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="SourceProperties"> <Collection> <PropertyPath>TaxAmount</PropertyPath> </Collection> </PropertyValue> <PropertyValue Property="TargetEntities"> <Collection> <NavigationPropertyPath>to_SalesOrder</NavigationPropertyPath> </Collection> </PropertyValue> </Record> <Annotation> </Annotations>
In the following example, when the item
is changed, the navigation property leading to the property of the root entity (to_SalesOrder
) is updated. If*
is defined, then all properties of the root entity are updated.XML Annotation
<Annotations Target="STTA_SALES_ORDER_WD_20_SRV.C_STTA_SalesOrderItem_WD_20Type"> <Annotation Term="" Qualifier="TaxAmountChanged"> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="SourceProperties"> <Collection> <PropertyPath>TaxAmount</PropertyPath> </Collection> </PropertyValue> <PropertyValue Property="TargetProperties"> <Collection> <String>to_SalesOrder/*</String> </Collection> </PropertyValue> </Record> </Annotation> </Annotations>
Side effect on 1:1 associated entity set's property
You can add a side effect annotation on a property that has a 1:1 association with the main entity set. In this case, when you change the associated smart field (that is rendered in a smart form), side effect call is triggered.
XML Annotation
<Annotations Target="<Schema Namespace>.<EntityType Name>"> <Annotation Term="" Qualifier="<Qualifier Name (Optional)>"> <PropertyValue Property="SourceProperties"> <Collection> <PropertyPath><1:1 Associated Navigation Property Name.Ex:to_Rating/Rating>/<Property Name></PropertyPath> </Collection> </PropertyValue> <PropertyValue Property="TargetProperties"> <Collection> <String><Target Property Name></String> </Collection> </PropertyValue> </Annotation> </Annotations>
Side Effect to Call
without Refreshing Any Data (No Target)You can configure a side effect to call the
function import without refreshing any data, that is, without any targets (TargetProperties
).XML Annotation
<Annotations Target="STTA_SALES_ORDER_WD_20_SRV.C_STTA_SalesOrder_WD_20Type"> <Annotation Term="" Qualifier="CalculatePrice"> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="SourceProperties"> <Collection> <PropertyPath>UnitPrice</PropertyPath> <PropertyPath>ProductQuantity</PropertyPath> </Collection> </PropertyValue> <PropertyValue Property="TriggerAction" String="STTA_SALES_ORDER_WD_20_SRV.STTA_SALES_ORDER_WD_20_SRV_Entities/CalculatePriceIncludingRegionalTax"/> </Record> </Annotation> </Annotations>
The Guidance section in our live example shows the various uses of side effects along with examples in XML and ABAP CDS annotation. Check out our live example in the flexible programming model explorer at Side Effects.
Side effects are configured according to the modeling such as create, update, delete in RAP BDEF (behavior definition). You can see the ABAP CDS annotation examples in the RAP documentation. For more information, see Side Effects.
The following sample code shows you an example with actions, multiple targets, and messages:
ABAP CDS Annotation
side effects { field IntegerValue affects field ProgressIntegerValue, field RadialIntegerValue; field Timestamp affects field IANATimestamp; field Supplier affects entity toSupplier; action changeCriticality affects field CriticalityCode; action resetTimesChildCreated affects field TimesChildCreated, permissions ( action resetTimesChildCreated ); action overwriteTimezone affects $self; determine action validateDate executed on field ValidTo affects messages; $self affects permissions ( update _Child ); determine action updateTimes executed on entity _Child affects field TotalPieces; }