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File metadata and controls

184 lines (132 loc) · 9.22 KB

The Table Building Block

The Table building block provides an easy way to instantiate a table based on an entitySet or a specific navigation property.

You can instantiate the building block by referencing the building block namespace within a fragment enabled for building block usage.

Sample Code:

<macros:Table xmlns:macro="sap.fe.macros" metaPath="/MyEntitySet"/>
<macros:Table xmlns:macro="sap.fe.macros" metaPath="MyNavProperty"/>
<macros:Table xmlns:macro="sap.fe.macros" metaPath="MyNavProperty/"/>

This instantiates the actual control tree that corresponds to this building block.

You can use the Table building block inside custom sections, custom subsections, and custom pages.

You can use the Table building block to add bound and unbound actions, to group actions as menu buttons, and specify the create options for the table. You have the following options:

  • Define the placement of the action relative to an anchor.

    You can explore and work with the coding yourself. Check out our live example in the flexible programming model explorer at Table Customization.

  • Specify a bound action by using the requiresSelection property.

    By default, the action is unbound.

  • Define menu actions and contained actions using the ActionGroup building block.

  • Specify the create options and the related parameters for the table using the creationMode parameter. For more information about TableCreationOptions, see the API Reference.

    Check out our live example in the flexible programming model explorer at Table - Edit Mode.

Sample Code:

XML annotation

<macros:Table metaPath="" readOnly="true" id="LineItemTablePageCustomActions"> <creationMode name="InlineCreationRows" inlineCreationRowsHiddenInEditMode="true" />  </macros:Table>
               text="My Custom Action"
          <macros:ActionGroup text="Grouped Actions" placement="After" anchor="customAction">
               <macros:Action text="Menu Action 1" press=".onPressMenuAction" />
               <macros:Action text="Menu Action 2" press=".onPressMenuAction" />

You can link the Table building block to a FilterBar that is defined in the same view or to a different one by referencing the ID of the FilterBar. This ID can be a local or a global one.

<Panel headerText="Table in Display Mode with FilterBar">
     <macros:FilterBar metaPath="" id="FilterBar" />
     <macros:Table metaPath="" displayMode="true" id="LineItemTable" filterBar="FilterBar" />

Check out our live example in the flexible programming model explorer at Table - FilterBar and Custom View with BuildingBlock Table.

You can use the getPresentationVariant() and setPresentationVariant() methods to programmatically get and set the presentation variants corresponding to the Table building block. Similarly, the getSelectionVariant() and setSelectionVariant() methods allows to programmatically get and set the selection variants associated with the Table building block. The getSelectionVariant() method considers the variants that are applied directly to the table and excludes the variants that are applied to a bound model.

Check out our live example in the flexible programming model explorer at Table - Interacting via APIs.


The getSelectionVariant() and setSelectionVariant() methods only work if the table personalization is enabled. For more information, see Enabling Table Personalization.

You can use the setCurrentVariantID and getCurrentVariantID methods to programmatically set and get the current variant ID corresponding to the Table building block. Check out our live example in the flexible programming model explorer at Table Extensibility.

You can send and remove messages related to the table by using the sendMessage and removeMessage methods. Check out our live example in the flexible programming model explorer at Table Messages.

If the entity linked to the table is searchable, the Search field is displayed in the toolbar of the table. You can disable the Search field using the isSearchable parameter. Check out our live example in the flexible programming model explorer at Table - Settings.

For information about the Table API, see the API Reference.

Before a table rebind, you can retrieve the sorters and filters applied to the table as well as the complete binding information. You can also add sorters, filters, and additional properties using the methods on the CollectionBindingInfo object.

To do so, first add the beforeRebindTable key to the table definition.

Sample Code:


Then, implement the beforeRebindTable extension point in the controller extension of the page.

Sample Code:

    ["sap/fe/core/PageController", "sap/m/MessageBox", "sap/ui/model/Filter", "sap/ui/model/FilterOperator", "sap/ui/model/Sorter"],
    function (PageController, MessageBox, Filter, FilterOperator, Sorter) {
        "use strict";

        return PageController.extend("sap.fe.core.fpmExplorer.tableCustoms.Page", {
            tableRefreshed(event) {
                var collectionBindingInfoAPI = event.getParameters("collectionBindingInfo");

                //Add a filter
                var filter = new Filter({
                    path: "BooleanProperty",
                    operator: FilterOperator.EQ,
                    value1: false

                //Add a sorter
                var sorter = new Sorter("ID", true);

                //Request an additional property to the request

Check out our live example in the flexible programming model explorer at Table - Custom Columns / Actions.

You can trigger the creation of a document within a table by calling the createDocument function with the table reference within the editFlow controller extension:

Sample Code:

//Get the table API
var table = this.getView().byId("fe::table::_Child::LineItem::Table");

//Create document 
    .createDocument(table, {
        creationMode: coreLibrary.CreationMode.Inline,
        createAtEnd: true,
        data: {
            ChildTitleProperty: "Child Object Custom Title",
            ChildDescriptionProperty: "Child Custom Description"
    .then(function () {"Custom create action successfully invoked");

Check out our live example in the flexible programming model explorer at Controller Extensions - Edit Flow.