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dominicparga edited this page May 27, 2018 · 19 revisions


  • Gradle 4.7
    Note: Gradle doesn't need to be installed if the projects gradle wrapper is used instead.
  • Java 1.8.0_172
    Note: With higher Java version on our systems, the software doesn't run without exceptions. So setting the JAVA_HOME variable accordingly is recommended.

Setup, Demonstration and Examples

Demonstrations and examples can be executed using gradle. This project contains a gradle wrapper file, so you don't need to install it. All OpenStreetMap (OSM) files need to be in the OSM XML format, as, for example, provided by the OpenStreetMap web interface. If your file is too large for OSM, you can use our python-script to download it ( A (somewhat) stable demonstration can be executed from the master-branch (see Main UI).

Main UI

The main UI provides an overview of the simulation. The scenario is currently fixed (random routes), however various simulation parameters, as well as the number of vehicles and the used map, can be adjusted

./gradlew :microtrafficsim-ui:run

Fixed Simulation Example

The fixed simulation example features a fixed scenario and fixed parameters, It represents a former state of development, therefore the simulation parameters can't be changed without changing code. It can be executed using

./gradlew :examples:simulation:run -Dexec.args="<path to OSM-XML file>"

Map-Viewer Example

The map-viewer example can be executed using

./gradlew :examples:mapviewer:run -Dexec.args="<path to OSM-XML file>"


This chapter details the keyboard and mouse-controls for the specific components of this program, as well as the main UI, Map Viewer Example, and the Simulation Example.

Note: As of now, some of the described functionality may only be available in the wip/serialization branch.

Common Controls: Movement

Input Action
Right Mouse Down + Mouse Drag Move map
Middle Mouse Down + Mouse Drag Move map

Components and Overlays: Scenario Area Overlay


Pressing Ctrl in combination with any of the following input options will keep the previously selected elements selected, not doing so will reset the selection. Vertices can only be selected (and modified) after the respective area has been selected.

Input Action
Right Mouse Click Select area or vertex of (selected) area beneath cursor
Left Mouse Down + Mouse Drag + Mouse Release Select multiple areas using a selection-rectangle

Area and Vertex Modification

The Property Window can be used to change specific properties of the selected areas. It will open automatically upon selection.

Input Action
Right Mouse Down + Mouse Drag Move the vertex beneath the cursor (if any) and reset selection
Ctrl + Right Mouse Down + Mouse Drag Move the selected areas (if the cursor is over an area) or the selected vertices (if cursor is over a vertex), keep selection
Shift + Right Mouse Click Create a new vertex, either starting a new area or adding it to an existing area if the cursor is close to the edge of a selected area (indicated)
Delete Remove selected vertices, if any, else remove selected areas (if any). Any area with less than 3 vertices will be removed automatically

Interface Specific Controls: Main UI

Input Action
M Open OpenStreetMap XML file
N Create new scenario
, Update current scenario
Space Run/Pause simulation
Advance simulation one step

Interface Specific Controls: Map Viewer Example

Input Action
Esc or Q Close application
W or Ctrl + S Save map as binary file
E or Ctrl + O Open OpenStreetMap XML or binary file
C Reset (center) view

Interface Specific Controls: Simulation Example

Input Action
Esc or Q Close application
W or Ctrl + S Save map as binary file
E or Ctrl + O Open OpenStreetMap XML or binary file
C Reset (center) view
Space Run/Pause simulation
Advance simulation one step
R Reset simulation