diff --git a/scoap3/articles/api/views.py b/scoap3/articles/api/views.py index 26cf8d436..f52ea6efb 100644 --- a/scoap3/articles/api/views.py +++ b/scoap3/articles/api/views.py @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ FacetedSearchFilterBackend, FilteringFilterBackend, SearchFilterBackend, + OrderingFilterBackend ) from django_elasticsearch_dsl_drf.viewsets import BaseDocumentViewSet from opensearch_dsl import DateHistogramFacet, TermsFacet @@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): SearchFilterBackend, FacetedSearchFilterBackend, FilteringFilterBackend, + OrderingFilterBackend, ] renderer_classes = api_settings.DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES + [ArticleCSVRenderer] @@ -106,7 +108,10 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): "article_identifiers.identifier_value", ) - ordering = ["-updated_at"] + ordering_fields = { + '_updated_at': '_updated_at' + } + ordering = ["-_updated_at"] filter_fields = { "publication_year": { diff --git a/scoap3/fixtures/local.json b/scoap3/fixtures/local.json index bccf16303..45ef8c6f1 100644 --- a/scoap3/fixtures/local.json +++ b/scoap3/fixtures/local.json @@ -1 +1,8453 @@ -[{"model":"users.user","pk":1,"fields":{"password":"argon2$argon2id$v=19$m=102400,t=2,p=8$T0hEbndwekpFR0d1NGRGUG1KZ3BKMQ$7S5TuteLnJNEvjRBO/vrbDkbNzwJwO27AToRcrTDicg","last_login":null,"is_superuser":true,"username":"admin","email":"admin@admin.com","is_staff":true,"is_active":true,"date_joined":"2023-10-02T15:52:28.203Z","name":"","groups":[],"user_permissions":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":634,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2014-01-08","first_online_date":null,"title":"Closed string Ramond–Ramond proposed higher derivative interactions on fermionic amplitudes in IIB","subtitle":"","abstract":"The complete form of the amplitude of one closed string Ramond–Ramond (RR), two fermionic strings and one scalar field in IIB superstring theory has been computed in detail. Deriving 〈VCVψ¯VψVϕ〉 by using suitable gauge fixing, we discover some new vertices and their higher derivative corrections. We investigate both infinite gauge and scalar u -channel poles of this amplitude. In particular, by using the fact that the kinetic term of fermion fields has no correction, employing Born–Infeld action, the Wess–Zumino terms and their higher derivative corrections, we discover all infinite t,s -channel fermion poles. The couplings between one RR and two fermions and all their infinite higher derivative corrections have been explored. In order to look for all infinite (s+t+u) -channel scalar/gauge poles for p+2=n , p=n cases, we obtain the couplings between two fermions–two scalars and two fermions, one scalar and one gauge field as well as all their infinite higher derivative corrections in type IIB. Specifically we make various comments based on arXiv:1205.5079 in favor of universality conjecture for all order higher derivative corrections (with or without low energy expansion) and the relation of open/closed string that is responsible for all superstring scattering amplitudes in IIA, IIB.","_created_at":"2018-04-17T10:45:47.347Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:30.561Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":635,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2014-01-08","first_online_date":null,"title":"Novel non-equilibrium phase transition caused by non-linear hadronic-quark phase structure","subtitle":"","abstract":"We consider how the occurrence of first-order phase transitions in non-constant pressure differs from those at constant pressure. The former has shown the non-linear phase structure of mixed matter, which implies a particle number dependence of the binding energies of the two species. If the mixed matter is mixed hadron–quark phase, nucleon outgoing from hadronic phase and ingoing to quark phase probably reduces the system to a non-equilibrium state, in other words, there exists the imbalance of the two phases when deconfinement takes place. This novel non-equilibrium process is very analogous to the nuclear reactions that nuclei emit neutrons and absorb them under appropriate conditions. We present self-consistent thermodynamics in description for the processes and identify the microphysics responsible for the processes. The microphysics is an inevitable consequence of non-linear phase structure instead of the effect of an additional dissipation force. When applying our findings to the neutron star containing mixed hadron–quark matter, it is found that the newly discovered energy release might strongly change the thermal evolution behavior of the star.","_created_at":"2018-04-17T14:23:43.549Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:30.358Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":636,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2014-01-07","first_online_date":null,"title":"A practical GMSB model for explaining the muon (g−2) with gauge coupling unification","subtitle":"","abstract":"We present a gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking model having weak SU(2) triplet, color SU(3) octet and SU(5) 5-plet messengers, that can simultaneously explain the muon (g−2) data within 1 σ and the observed Higgs boson mass of 125 GeV. Gauge coupling unification is nontrivially maintained. Most of the parameter space satisfying both is accessible to the 14 TeV LHC. The lighter of the two staus weighs around (100–200) GeV, which can be a potential target of the ILC.","_created_at":"2018-04-17T14:23:42.320Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:23.725Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":637,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2014-01-04","first_online_date":null,"title":"Charged lepton mixing via heavy sterile neutrinos","subtitle":"","abstract":"Pseudoscalar meson decay leads to an entangled state of charged leptons ( μ,e ) and massive neutrinos. Tracing out the neutrino degrees of freedom leads to a reduced density matrix for the charged leptons whose off-diagonal elements reveal charged lepton oscillations . Although these decohere on unobservably small time scales ≲10−23 s they indicate charged lepton mixing as a result of common intermediate states. The charged lepton self-energy up to one loop features flavor off-diagonal terms responsible for charged lepton mixing: a dominant “short distance” contribution with W bosons and massive neutrinos in the intermediate state, and a subdominant “large distance” contribution with pseudoscalar mesons and massive neutrinos in the intermediate state. Mixing angle(s) are GIM suppressed, and are momentum and chirality dependent . The difference of negative chirality mixing angles near the muon and electron mass shells is θL(Mμ2)−θL(Me2)∝GF∑Uμjmj2Uje⁎ with mj the mass of the neutrino in the intermediate state. Recent results from TRIUMF, suggest an upper bound θL(p2≃Mμ2)−θL(p2≃Me2)<10−14(MS/100 MeV)2 for one generation of a heavy sterile neutrino with mass MS . We obtain the wavefunctions for the propagating modes, and discuss the relation between the lepton flavor violating process μ→eγ and charged lepton mixing, highlighting that a measurement of such process implies a mixed propagator μ , e . Furthermore writing flavor diagonal vertices in terms of mass eigenstates yields novel interactions suggesting further contributions to lepton flavor violating process as a consequence of momentum and chirality dependent mixing angles.","_created_at":"2018-04-17T10:45:46.022Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:23.166Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":638,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2014-01-04","first_online_date":null,"title":"Charmed tetraquarks Tcc and Tcs from dynamical lattice QCD simulations","subtitle":"","abstract":"Charmed tetraquarks Tcc=(ccu¯d¯) and Tcs=(csu¯d¯) are studied through the S-wave meson–meson interactions, D – D , K¯ – D , D – D⁎ and K¯ – D⁎ , on the basis of the (2+1) -flavor lattice QCD simulations with the pion mass mπ≃410 , 570 and 700 MeV. For the charm quark, the relativistic heavy quark action is employed to treat its dynamics on the lattice. Using the HAL QCD method, we extract the S-wave potentials in lattice QCD simulations, from which the meson–meson scattering phase shifts are calculated. The phase shifts in the isospin triplet ( I=1 ) channels indicate repulsive interactions, while those in the I=0 channels suggest attraction, growing as mπ decreases. This is particularly prominent in the Tcc(JP=1+,I=0) channel, though neither bound state nor resonance are found in the range mπ=410–700 MeV . We make a qualitative comparison of our results with the phenomenological diquark picture.","_created_at":"2018-04-17T14:23:39.742Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:30.875Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":639,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2014-01-04","first_online_date":null,"title":"Phenomenological consequences of residual Z2s and Z¯2s symmetries","subtitle":"","abstract":"The phenomenological consequences of the residual Z2s and Z¯2s symmetries are explored in detail. With a precisely measured value of the reactor angle, these two residual symmetries predict distinct distributions for the Dirac CP phase and the atmospheric angle, which lead to the possibility of identifying them at future neutrino experiments. For both symmetries, it is possible to resolve the neutrino mass hierarchy in most of the parameter space, and they can be distinguished from one another if the true residual symmetry is Z2s and the atmospheric angle is non-maximal. These results are obtained using an equally split schedule: a 1.5-year run of neutrinos and a 1.5-year run of antineutrinos at NO ν A together with a 2.5-year run of neutrinos and a 2.5-year run of antineutrinos at T2K. This schedule can significantly increase and stabilize the sensitivities to the mass hierarchy and the octant of the atmospheric angle with only a moderate compromise to the sensitivity of distinguishing Z2s and Z¯2s .","_created_at":"2018-04-17T14:23:41.073Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:30.191Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":640,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2014-01-03","first_online_date":null,"title":"Supersymmetry breaking by higher dimension operators","subtitle":"","abstract":"We discuss a supersymmetry breaking mechanism for N=1 theories triggered by higher dimensional operators. We consider such operators for real linear and chiral spinor superfields that break supersymmetry and reduce to the Volkov–Akulov action. We also consider supersymmetry breaking induced by a higher dimensional operator of a nonminimal scalar (complex linear) multiplet. The latter differs from the standard chiral multiplet in its auxiliary sector, which contains, in addition to the complex scalar auxiliary of a chiral superfield, a complex vector and two spinors auxiliaries. By adding an appropriate higher dimension operator, the scalar auxiliary may acquire a nonzero vev triggering spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. We find that the spectrum of the theory in the supersymmetry breaking vacuum consists of a free chiral multiplet and a constraint chiral superfield describing the goldstino. Interestingly, the latter turns out to be one of the auxiliary fermions, which becomes dynamical in the supersymmetry breaking vacuum. In all cases we are considering here, there is no sgoldstino mode and thus the goldstino does not have a superpartner. The sgoldstino is decoupled since the goldstino is one of the auxiliaries, which is propagating only in the supersymmetry breaking vacuum. We also point out how higher dimension operators introduce a potential for the propagating scalar of the theory.","_created_at":"2018-04-17T10:47:29.444Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:22.968Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":641,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2014-01-03","first_online_date":null,"title":"D-brane probes in the matrix model","subtitle":"","abstract":"Recently, a new approach to large N gauge theories, based on a generalization of the concept of D-brane probes to any gauge field theory, was proposed. In the present note, we compute the probe action in the one matrix model with a quartic potential. This allows to illustrate several non-trivial aspects of the construction in an exactly solvable set-up. One of our main goal is to test the bare bubble approximation. The approximate free energy found in this approximation, which can be derived from a back-of-an-envelope calculation, matches the exact result for all values of the 't Hooft coupling with a surprising accuracy. Another goal is to illustrate the remarkable properties of the equivariant partial gauge-fixing procedure, which is at the heart of the formalism. For this we use a general ξ -gauge to compute the brane action. The action depends on ξ in a very non-trivial way, yet we show explicitly that its critical value does not and coincides with twice the free energy, as required by general consistency. This is made possible by a phenomenon of ghost condensation and the spontaneous breaking of the equivariant BRST symmetry.","_created_at":"2018-04-17T10:47:28.196Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:23.908Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":642,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2014-01-03","first_online_date":null,"title":"Holographic Brownian motion and time scales in strongly coupled plasmas","subtitle":"","abstract":"We study Brownian motion of a heavy quark in field theory plasma in the AdS/CFT setup and discuss the time scales characterizing the interaction between the Brownian particle and plasma constituents. Based on a simple kinetic theory, we first argue that the mean-free-path time is related to the connected 4-point function of the random force felt by the Brownian particle. Then, by holographically computing the 4-point function and regularizing the IR divergence appearing in the computation, we write down a general formula for the mean-free-path time, and apply it to the STU black hole which corresponds to plasma charged under three U(1) R -charges. The result indicates that the Brownian particle collides with many plasma constituents simultaneously.","_created_at":"2018-04-17T10:47:26.889Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:29.548Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":643,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2014-01-07","first_online_date":null,"title":"Anomalous quark chromomagnetic moment and single-spin asymmetries","subtitle":"","abstract":"We discuss a nonperturbative mechanism for the single-spin asymmetries in the strong interaction. This mechanism is based on the existence of a large anomalous quark chromomagnetic moment induced by the nontrivial topological structure of QCD vacuum. Our estimations within the instanton liquid model for QCD vacuum show that AQCM generates very large SSA on the quark level. Therefore, this mechanism can be responsible for the anomalously large SSA observed in different high energy reactions with hadrons.","_created_at":"2018-04-17T14:28:52.668Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:31.690Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":17160,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2016-09-14","first_online_date":null,"title":"Mixed symmetry Wilson-loop interactions in the worldline formalism","subtitle":"","abstract":"Using the worldline formalism of the Dirac field with a non-Abelian gauge symmetry we show how to describe the matter field transforming in an arbitrary representation of the gauge group. Colour degrees of freedom are carried on the worldline by auxiliary fields, responsible for providing path ordering and the Wilson-loop coupling. The Hilbert space of these fields is reducible but we make use of recent work in order to project onto a single, arbitrary, irreducible representation. By functionally quantising the resulting theory we show that this procedure correctly generates the Wilson-loop interaction between the gauge field and the matter field taken to transform in a chosen representation. This work has direct application to physical observables such as scattering amplitudes in the presence of such a matter multiplet and lifts the restriction on the type of matter that has previously featured in worldline calculations.","_created_at":"2018-05-02T11:49:35.580Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:29.809Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":17161,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2016-09-14","first_online_date":null,"title":"A new look at the theory uncertainty of ϵ K","subtitle":"","abstract":"The observable ϵ K is sensitive to flavor violation at some of the highest scales. While its experimental uncertainty is at the half percent level, the theoretical one is in the ballpark of 15%. We explore the nontrivial dependence of the theory prediction and uncertainty on various conventions, like the phase of the kaon fields. In particular, we show how such a rephasing allows to make the short-distance contribution of the box diagram with two charm quarks, η cc , purely real. Our results allow to slightly reduce the total theoretical uncertainty of ϵ K , while increasing the relative impact of the imaginary part of the long distance contribution, underlining the need to compute it reliably. We also give updated bounds on the new physics operators that contribute to ϵ K .","_created_at":"2018-05-02T11:49:37.226Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:31.581Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":17162,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2016-09-14","first_online_date":null,"title":"Dynamics of an Anisotropic Universe in Theory","subtitle":"","abstract":"Dynamics of an anisotropic universe is studied in f(R,T) gravity using a rescaled functional f(R,T), where R is the Ricci Scalar and T is the trace of energy-momentum tensor. Three models have been constructed assuming a power law expansion of the universe. Physical features of the models are discussed. The model parameters are constrained from a dimensional analysis. It is found from the work that the anisotropic Bianchi type VIh (BVIh) model in the modified gravity generally favours a quintessence phase when the parameter h is either -1 or 0. We may not get viable models in conformity with the present day observation for h=1.","_created_at":"2018-04-12T14:45:09.014Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:22.842Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":17163,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2016-09-15","first_online_date":null,"title":"Holographic Schwinger Effect in a Confining D3-Brane Background with Chemical Potential","subtitle":"","abstract":"Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we investigate the Schwinger effect in a confining D3-brane background with chemical potential. The potential between a test particle pair on the D3-brane in an external electric field is obtained. The critical field Ec in this case is calculated. Also, we apply numerical method to evaluate the production rate for various cases. The results imply that the presence of chemical potential tends to suppress the pair production effect.","_created_at":"2018-04-12T15:05:58.641Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:23.976Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":17164,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2016-09-16","first_online_date":null,"title":"Degeneracy between θ 23 octant and neutrino non-standard interactions at DUNE","subtitle":"","abstract":"We expound in detail the degeneracy between the octant of θ23 and flavor-changing neutral-current non-standard interactions (NSI's) in neutrino propagation, considering the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) as a case study. In the presence of such NSI parameters involving the e−μ ( εeμ ) and e−τ ( εeτ ) flavors, the νμ→νe and ν¯μ→ν¯e appearance probabilities in long-baseline experiments acquire an additional interference term, which depends on one new dynamical CP-phase ϕeμ/eτ . This term sums up with the well-known interference term related to the standard CP-phase δ creating a source of confusion in the determination of the octant of θ23 . We show that for values of the NSI coupling (taken one at-a-time) as small as few% (relative to the Fermi coupling constant GF ), and for unfavorable combinations of the two CP-phases δ and ϕeμ/eτ , the discovery potential of the octant of θ23 gets completely lost.","_created_at":"2018-04-13T16:33:09.543Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:25.327Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":17165,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2016-09-16","first_online_date":null,"title":"A model of the matter–antimatter asymmetry and cold dark matter with U (1) B − L ⊗ U (1) D","subtitle":"","abstract":"I suggest an effective model between the GUT and the electroweak scale. It only introduces the two symmetries of U(1)B−L and U(1)D besides the SM groups. The two symmetries are individually broken at the reheating temperature of the universe of 1012 GeV and the scale of 3∼4 TeV . The model can simultaneously accommodate the tiny neutrino masses, the matter–antimatter asymmetry and the cold dark matter (CDM). In particular, the model gives some interesting results and predictions, for instance, the neutrinos are of Dirac nature and their masses are related to the U(1)D breaking, the size of the matter–antimatter asymmetry is closely related to the mass hierarchy of the quarks and charged leptons, the CDM mass is probably in the range of 250∼350 GeV . Finally, it is feasible to test the model in future collider experiments.","_created_at":"2018-04-13T16:33:10.733Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:25.510Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":17166,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2016-09-16","first_online_date":null,"title":"Cosmology in doubly coupled massive gravity: Constraints from SNIa, BAO and CMB","subtitle":"","abstract":"Massive gravity in the presence of doubly coupled matter field via en effective composite metric yields an accelerated expansion of the universe. It has been recently shown that the model admits stable de Sitter attractor solutions and could be used as a dark energy model. In this work, we perform a first analysis of the constraints imposed by the SNIa, BAO and CMB data on the massive gravity model with the effective composite metric and show that all the background observations are mutually compatible at the one sigma level with the model.","_created_at":"2018-04-13T16:33:11.957Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:27.209Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":17167,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2016-09-16","first_online_date":null,"title":"Multipion correlations induced by isospin conservation of coherent emission","subtitle":"","abstract":"Recent measurements have revealed a significant suppression of multipion Bose–Einstein correlations in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC. The suppression may be explained by postulating coherent pion emission. Typically, the suppression of Bose–Einstein correlations due to coherence is taken into account with the coherent state formalism in quantum optics. However, since charged pion correlations are most often measured, the additional constraint of isospin conservation, which is absent in quantum optics, needs to be taken into account. As a consequence, correlations emerge between pions of opposite charge. A calculation of the correlations induced by isospin conservation of coherent emission is made for two, three- and four-pion correlation functions and compared to the data from the LHC.","_created_at":"2018-04-13T16:33:13.164Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:28.909Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":17168,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2016-09-15","first_online_date":null,"title":"A novel and economical explanation for SM fermion masses and mixings","subtitle":"","abstract":"I propose the first multiscalar singlet extension of the standard model (SM), which generates tree level top quark and exotic fermion masses as well as one and three loop level masses for charged fermions lighter than the top quark and for light active neutrinos, respectively, without invoking electrically charged scalar fields. That model, which is based on the S3×Z8 discrete symmetry, successfully explains the observed SM fermion mass and mixing pattern. The charged exotic fermions induce one loop level masses for charged fermions lighter than the top quark. The Z8 charged scalar singlet χ generates the observed charged fermion mass and quark mixing pattern.","_created_at":"2018-04-12T12:30:20.803Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:24.565Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":17169,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2016-09-14","first_online_date":null,"title":"Stop searches in flavourful supersymmetry","subtitle":"","abstract":"Natural realisations of supersymmetry require light stops t ˜ 1 $$ {\\tilde{t}}_1 $$ , making them a prime target of LHC searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. Depending on the kinematic region, the main search channels are t ˜ 1 → t χ ˜ 1 0 $$ {\\tilde{t}}_1\\to t{\\tilde{\\chi}}_1^0 $$ , t ˜ 1 → W b χ ˜ 1 0 $$ {\\tilde{t}}_1\\to W\\ b{\\tilde{\\chi}}_1^0 $$ and t ˜ 1 → c χ ˜ 1 0 $$ {\\tilde{t}}_1\\to c{\\tilde{\\chi}}_1^0 $$ . We first examine the interplay of these decay modes with c ˜ 1 → c χ ˜ 1 0 $$ {\\tilde{c}}_1\\to c{\\tilde{\\chi}}_1^0 $$ in a model-independent fashion, revealing that a large parameter space region with stop mass values m t ˜ 1 $$ {m_{\\tilde{\\mathrm{t}}}}_{{}_1} $$ up to 530 GeV is excluded for any t ˜ 1 → c χ ˜ 1 0 $$ {\\tilde{t}}_1\\to c{\\tilde{\\chi}}_1^0 $$ branching ratio by LHC Run I data. The impact of c ˜ 1 → c χ ˜ 1 0 $$ {\\tilde{c}}_1\\to c{\\tilde{\\chi}}_1^0 $$ decays is further illustrated for scenarios with stop-scharm mixing in the right-handed sector, where it has previously been observed that the stop mass limits can be significantly weakened for large mixing. Our analysis shows that once the c ˜ 1 → c χ ˜ 1 0 $$ {\\tilde{c}}_1\\to c{\\tilde{\\chi}}_1^0 $$ bounds are taken into account, non-zero stop-scharm mixing can lead to an increase in the allowed parameter space by at most 35%, with large areas excluded for arbitrary mixing.","_created_at":"2018-05-02T11:49:42.041Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:26.497Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":43099,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2018-10-15","first_online_date":null,"title":"Scotogenic dark matter and single-zero textures of the neutrino mass matrix","subtitle":"","abstract":"The scotogenic model can simultaneously account for the presence of dark matter and the origin of neutrino masses. We assume that the flavor neutrino mass matrix has one zero element and Yukawa matrix elements are real in the scotogenic model. It turns out that only one pattern of the flavor neutrino mass matrix in the one-zero-texture scheme within the scotogenic model is viable with the observed neutrino oscillation data, the relic abundance of dark matter, and the upper limit of the branching ratio of the μeγ process.","_created_at":"2018-10-15T15:30:15.762Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:24.391Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":43100,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2018-10-15","first_online_date":null,"title":"Same-sign top pair plus W production in flavor changing vector and scalar models","subtitle":"","abstract":"We investigate the prospect of the LHC for discovering new physics effects via new strategies in the same-sign top pair and same-sign top pair associated with a W boson signatures. Significant enhancement in production of same-sign top quarks (plus a W boson) is a joint property of several models beyond the standard model. We concentrate on the leptonic (electron and muon) decay of the top quarks and study the exclusion reach of the LHC data for a simplified model approach where top quark flavor changing could occur through a Z or a neutral scalar ϕ exchange. Less background contributions and clean signature are the advantages of the leptonic decay mode of the top quarks in the same-sign production processes. A combination is performed on both same-sign top pair and same-sign top pair plus a W boson production modes which enables us to reach a large fraction of the model parameter space. Assuming the couplings of new physics of the order of 102, the mass of a flavor changing Z or a neutral scalar above 1 TeV could be excluded. We propose a momentum dependent charge asymmetry and angular observables in the same-sign top process which provide the possibility of separation of new physics signal from the SM backgrounds as well as discrimination of the flavor changing tuX from tcX, where X=Z, ϕ.","_created_at":"2018-10-15T15:30:29.138Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:31.390Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":43101,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2018-10-15","first_online_date":null,"title":"All Tree Level Scattering Amplitudes in Chern-Simons Theories with Fundamental Matter","subtitle":"","abstract":"We show that Britto-Cachazo-Feng-Witten (BCFW) recursion relations can be used to compute all tree level scattering amplitudes in terms of 22 scattering amplitude in U(N) N=2 Chern-Simons (CS) theory coupled to matter in the fundamental representation. As a by-product, we also obtain a recursion relation for the CS theory coupled to regular fermions, even though in this case standard BCFW deformations do not have a good asymptotic behavior. Moreover, at large N, 22 scattering can be computed exactly to all orders in ’t Hooft coupling as was done in earlier works by some of the authors. In particular, for N=2 theory, it was shown that 22 scattering is tree level exact to all orders except in the anyonic channel [K. Inbasekar et al., J. High Energy Phys. 10 (2015) 176], where it gets renormalized by a simple function of ’t Hooft coupling. This suggests that it may be possible to compute the all loop exact result for arbitrary higher-point scattering amplitudes at large N.","_created_at":"2018-10-15T15:30:50.699Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:29.984Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":43102,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2018-10-15","first_online_date":null,"title":"Sensitivity of neutrino-nucleus interaction measurements to 2p2h excitations","subtitle":"","abstract":"We calculate the charged-current cross sections obtained at the T2K off-axis near detector for νμ-induced events without pions and any number of protons in the final state using transport theory as encoded in the gibuu model. In a comparison with recent T2K data the strength of the 2p2h multinucleon correlations is determined. Linking this to the isospin (T) of the initial nuclear state, it is found that T=0 leads to a significantly better fit of the recent cross sections obtained by T2K, thus achieving consistency of the 2p2h multinucleon correlation contributions between electron-nucleus and neutrino-nucleus reactions.","_created_at":"2018-10-15T15:31:02.688Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:24.163Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":43103,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2018-10-15","first_online_date":null,"title":"Dynamic scaling behavior at thermal first-order transitions in systems with disordered boundary conditions","subtitle":"","abstract":"We investigate the dynamic properties of systems at thermal first-order transitions (FOT), when boundary conditions favor one of the two phases. In particular, we study the dynamic scaling properties arising from a slow heating of systems with disordered boundary conditions, starting in the ordered phase and moving across the FOT. As a theoretical laboratory we consider the two-dimensional Potts model. We show that a power-law dynamic scaling emerges, associated with a mixed regime where the two phases are spatially separated. We argue that these features generally apply to systems at FOTs, when boundary conditions favor one of the two phases. In particular, they should be relevant for the experimental search of FOTs of the quark-gluon plasma in heavy-ion collisions.","_created_at":"2018-10-15T15:31:22.654Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:22.687Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":43104,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2018-10-15","first_online_date":null,"title":"K+π+νν¯ decay amplitude from lattice QCD","subtitle":"","abstract":"In Ref. [1] we have presented the results of an exploratory lattice QCD computation of the long-distance contribution to the K+π+νν¯ decay amplitude. In the present paper we describe the details of this calculation, which includes the implementation of a number of novel techniques. The K+π+νν¯ decay amplitude is dominated by short-distance contributions which can be computed in perturbation theory with the only required nonperturbative input being the relatively well-known form factors of semileptonic kaon decays. The long-distance contributions, which are the target of this work, are expected to be of O(5%) in the branching ratio. Our study demonstrates the feasibility of lattice QCD computations of the K+π+νν¯ decay amplitude, and in particular of the long-distance component. Though this calculation is performed on a small lattice (163×32) and at unphysical pion, kaon and charm quark masses, mπ=420 MeV, mK=563 MeV and mcMS¯(2 GeV)=863 MeV, the techniques presented in this work can readily be applied to a future realistic calculation.","_created_at":"2018-10-15T15:31:38.021Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:25.576Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":43105,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2018-10-15","first_online_date":null,"title":"Generalized instantaneous modes in higher-order scalar-tensor theories","subtitle":"","abstract":"We consider higher-order, scalar-tensor theories which appear degenerate when restricted to the unitary gauge but are not degenerate in an arbitrary gauge. We dub them U-degenerate theories. We provide a full classification of theories that are either DHOST or U-degenerate and that are quadratic in second derivatives of the scalar field and discuss its extension to cubic and higher-order theories. Working with a simple example of U-degenerate theory, we find that, for configurations in which the scalar field gradient is time-like, the apparent extra mode in such a theory can be understood as a generalized instantaneous, or “shadowy” mode, which does not propagate. Appropriate boundary conditions, required by the elliptic nature of part of the equations of motion, lead to the elimination of the apparent instability associated with this extra mode.","_created_at":"2018-10-15T15:32:23.345Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:24.954Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":43106,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2018-10-15","first_online_date":null,"title":"Applying constrained simulations for low temperature lattice QCD at finite baryon chemical potential","subtitle":"","abstract":"We study the density of states method as well as reweighting to explore the low temperature phase diagram of QCD at finite baryon chemical potential. We use four flavors of staggered quarks, a tree-level Symanzik-improved gauge action, and four stout smearing steps on lattices with Ns=4, 6, 8 and Nt=616. We compare our results to that of the phase quenched ensemble and also determine the pion and nucleon masses. In the density of states approach, we apply pion condensate or gauge action density fixing. We find that the density of states method performs similarly to reweighting. At T100 MeV, we find an indication of the onset of the quark number density at around μ/mN0.160.18 on 64 lattices at β=2.9.","_created_at":"2018-10-15T18:32:30.067Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:28.322Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":43107,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2018-09-22","first_online_date":null,"title":"Supersymmetric AdS and AdS Vacua and Their Minimal Consistent Truncations From Exceptional Field Theory","subtitle":"","abstract":"We show how to construct supersymmetric warped AdS$_{7}$ vacua of massive IIA and AdS$_{6}$ vacua of IIB supergravity, using “half-maximal structures” of exceptional field theory. We use this formalism to obtain the minimal consistent truncations around these AdS vacua.","_created_at":"2018-10-15T18:51:26.302Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:27.313Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":43108,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2018-09-17","first_online_date":null,"title":"Electroweak baryogenesis via chiral gravitational waves","subtitle":"","abstract":"We propose a new mechanism for electroweak baryogenesis based on gravitational waves generated by helical magnetic fields that are present during a first order electroweak phase transition. We generate a net lepton number through the gravitational chiral anomaly which appears due to the chiral gravitational waves produced by these magnetic fields. The observed value of baryon asymmetry can be obtained in our mechanism within parameter space of scenarios with an inverse cascade evolution for magnetic fields which can also be candidates for large-scale magnetic fields.","_created_at":"2018-10-15T18:52:08.792Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:26.351Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":53931,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2020-04-20","first_online_date":null,"title":"Solitosynthesis and gravitational waves","subtitle":"","abstract":"We study the gravitational wave phenomenology in models of solitosynthesis. In such models, a first order phase transition is precipitated by a period in which nontopological solitons with a conserved global charge (Q-balls) accumulate charge. As such, the nucleation rate of critical bubbles differs significantly from thermal phase transitions. In general we find that the peak amplitude of the gravitational wave spectrum resulting from solitosynthesis is stronger than that of a thermal phase transition, while the timescale of the onset of nonlinear plasma dynamics may be comparable to Hubble. We demonstrate this explicitly in an asymmetric dark matter model, and discuss current and future constraints in this scenario.","_created_at":"2020-04-20T18:37:29.089Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:30.639Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":53932,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2020-04-20","first_online_date":null,"title":"Particle event generator: a simple-in-use system PEGASUS version 1.0","subtitle":"","abstract":"pegasus is a parton-level Monte-Carlo event generator designed to calculate cross sections for a wide range of hard QCD processes at high energy pp and $$p\\bar{p}$$ pp¯ collisions, which incorporates the dynamics of transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distributions in a proton. Being supplemented with off-shell production amplitudes for a number of partonic subprocesses and provided with necessary TMD gluon density functions, it produces weighted or unweighted event records which can be saved as a plain data file or a file in a commonly used Les Houches Event format. A distinctive feature of the pegasus is an intuitive and extremely user friendly interface, allowing one to easily implement various kinematical cuts into the calculations. Results can be also presented “on the fly” with built-in tool pegasus plotter. A short theoretical basis is presented and detailed program description is given.","_created_at":"2020-04-20T18:37:50.872Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:23.255Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":53933,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2020-07-14","first_online_date":null,"title":"Nested algebraic Bethe ansatz for deformed orthogonal and symplectic spin chains","subtitle":"","abstract":"We construct exact eigenvectors and eigenvalues for Uq(sp2n)- and Uq(so2n)-symmetric closed spin chains by means of a nested algebraic Bethe ansatz method. We use a fusion procedure to construct higher-dimensional Lax operators. Our approach generalises and extends the results obtained by Reshetikhin and De Vega–Karowski. We also present a generalisation of Tarasov–Varchenko trace formula for nested Bethe vectors.","_created_at":"2020-04-20T21:30:42.397Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:23.566Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":53934,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2020-04-20","first_online_date":null,"title":"Bound on Lyapunov exponent in $$c=1$$ c=1 matrix model","subtitle":"","abstract":"Classical particle motions in an inverse harmonic potential show the exponential sensitivity to initial conditions, where the Lyapunov exponent $$\\lambda _L$$ λL is uniquely fixed by the shape of the potential. Hence, if we naively apply the bound on the Lyapunov exponent $$\\lambda _L \\le 2\\pi T/ \\hbar $$ λL2πT/ħ to this system, it predicts the existence of the bound on temperature (the lowest temperature) $$T \\ge \\hbar \\lambda _L/ 2\\pi $$ TħλL/2π and the system cannot be taken to be zero temperature when $$\\hbar \\ne 0$$ ħ0 . This seems a puzzle because particle motions in an inverse harmonic potential should be realized without introducing any temperature but this inequality does not allow it. In this article, we study this problem in N non-relativistic free fermions in an inverse harmonic potential ($$c=1$$ c=1 matrix model). We find that thermal radiation is induced when we consider the system in a semi-classical regime even though the system is not thermal at the classical level. This is analogous to the thermal radiation of black holes, which are classically non-thermal but behave as thermal baths quantum mechanically. We also show that the temperature of the radiation in our model saturates the inequality, and thus, the system saturates the bound on the Lyapunov exponent, although the system is free and integrable. Besides, this radiation is related to acoustic Hawking radiation of the fermi fluid.","_created_at":"2020-04-21T00:37:57.462Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:24.458Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":53935,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2020-04-20","first_online_date":null,"title":"Photon pair production in gluon fusion: top quark effects at NLO with threshold matching","subtitle":"","abstract":"We present a calculation of the NLO QCD corrections to the loop-induced production of a photon pair through gluon fusion, including massive top quarks at two loops, where the two-loop integrals are calculated numerically. Matching the fixed-order NLO results to a threshold expansion, we obtain accurate results around the top quark pair production threshold. We analyse how the top quark threshold corrections affect distributions of the photon pair invariant mass and comment on the possibility of determining the top quark mass from precision measurements of the diphoton invariant mass spectrum.","_created_at":"2020-04-21T03:30:23.832Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:26.648Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":53936,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2020-04-20","first_online_date":null,"title":"Hidden-charm and bottom tetra- and pentaquarks with strangeness in the hadro-quarkonium and compact tetraquark models","subtitle":"","abstract":"In two recent papers, we used the hadro-quarkonium model to study the properties of hidden-charm and bottom tetraquarks and pentaquarks. Here, we extend the previous results and calculate the masses of heavy-quarkonium-kaon/hyperon systems. We also compute the spectrum of hidden-charm and bottom tetraquarks with strangeness in the compact tetraquark (diquark-antidiquark) model. If heavy-light exotic systems with non-null strangeness content were to be observed experimentally, it might be possible to distinguish among the large variety of available theoretical pictures for tetra- and pentaquark states and, possibly, rule out those which are not compatible with the data.","_created_at":"2020-04-21T03:30:34.127Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:26.911Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":53937,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2020-04-20","first_online_date":null,"title":"Conformal two-point correlation functions from the operator product expansion","subtitle":"","abstract":"We compute the most general embedding space two-point function in arbitrary Lorentz representations in the context of the recently introduced formalism in [1, 2]. This work provides a first explicit application of this approach and furnishes a number of checks of the formalism. We project the general embedding space two-point function to position space and find a form consistent with conformal covariance. Several concrete examples are worked out in detail. We also derive constraints on the OPE coefficient matrices appearing in the two-point function, which allow us to impose unitarity conditions on the two-point function coefficients for operators in any Lorentz representations.","_created_at":"2020-04-21T06:30:29.165Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:29.291Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":53938,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2020-04-20","first_online_date":null,"title":"Hypergeometric series representations of Feynman integrals by GKZ hypergeometric systems","subtitle":"","abstract":"We show that almost all Feynman integrals as well as their coefficients in a Laurent series in dimensional regularization can be written in terms of Horn hypergeometric functions. By applying the results of Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky (GKZ) we derive a formula for a class of hypergeometric series representations of Feynman integrals, which can be obtained by triangulations of the Newton polytope ∆ G corresponding to the Lee- Pomeransky polynomial G. Those series can be of higher dimension, but converge fast for convenient kinematics, which also allows numerical applications. Further, we discuss possible difficulties which can arise in a practical usage of this approach and give strategies to solve them.","_created_at":"2020-04-21T06:30:47.248Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:24.702Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":53939,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2020-04-20","first_online_date":null,"title":"Unitary quantization of a scalar charged field and Schwinger effect","subtitle":"","abstract":"Quantum field theory in curved spacetimes suffers in general from an infinite ambiguity in the choice of Fock representation and associated vacuum. In cosmological backgrounds, the requirement of a unitary implementation of the field dynamics in the physical Hilbert space of the theory is a good criterion to ameliorate such ambiguity. In- deed, this criterion, together with a unitary implementation of the symmetries of the equations of motion, leads to an equivalence class of unitarily equivalent quantizations that, even though it is still formed by an infinite number of Fock representations, is unique. In this work, we apply the procedure developed for fields in cosmological settings to analyze the quantization of a scalar field in the presence of an external electromagnetic classical field in a flat background. We find a natural Fock representation that admits a unitary implementation of the quantum field dynamics. It automatically allows to define a particle number density at all times in the evolution with the correct asymptotic behavior, when the electric field vanishes. Moreover we show the unitary equivalence of all the quantizations that fulfill our criteria, so that they form a unique equivalence class. Although we perform the field quantization in a specific gauge, we also show the equivalence between the procedures taken in different gauges.","_created_at":"2020-04-21T06:31:21.529Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:25.947Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":53940,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2020-04-20","first_online_date":null,"title":"Deligne categories in lattice models and quantum field theory, or making sense of O(N) symmetry with non-integer N","subtitle":"","abstract":"When studying quantum field theories and lattice models, it is often useful to analytically continue the number of field or spin components from an integer to a real number. In spite of this, the precise meaning of such analytic continuations has never been fully clarified, and in particular the symmetry of these theories is obscure. We clarify these issues using Deligne categories and their associated Brauer algebras, and show that these provide logically satisfactory answers to these questions. Simple objects of the Deligne category generalize the notion of an irreducible representations, avoiding the need for such mathematically nonsensical notions as vector spaces of non-integer dimension. We develop a systematic theory of categorical symmetries, applying it in both perturbative and non- perturbative contexts. A partial list of our results is: categorical symmetries are preserved under RG flows; continuous categorical symmetries come equipped with conserved currents; CFTs with categorical symmetries are necessarily non-unitary.","_created_at":"2020-04-21T06:31:37.247Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:28.172Z","related_licenses":[2],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":64425,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2022-04-15","first_online_date":null,"title":"Cluster Expansion and Resurgence in the Polyakov Model","subtitle":"","abstract":"In the Polyakov model, a nonperturbative mass gap is formed at leading-order semiclassics by instanton effects. By using the notions of critical points at infinity, cluster expansion, and Lefschetz thimbles, we show that a third-order effect in semiclassics gives an imaginary ambiguous contribution to the mass gap, which is supposed to be real and unambiguous. This is troublesome for the original analysis, and it is difficult to resolve this issue directly in quantum field theory (QFT). However, we find a new compactification of the Polyakov model to quantum mechanics, by using a background ’t Hooft flux. The compactification has the merit of remembering the monopole instantons of the full QFT within Born-Oppenheimer approximation, while the periodic compactification does not. In the quantum mechanical limit, we prove the resurgent cancellation of the ambiguity in three-instanton sector against ambiguity in the Borel resummation of the perturbation theory around one instanton. Assuming that this result holds in QFT, we provide a large-order asymptotics of perturbation theory around perturbative vacuum and instanton.","_created_at":"2022-06-27T10:50:47.820Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:27.907Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":64426,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2022-04-14","first_online_date":null,"title":"Hyperon production in quasielastic ν¯τnucleon scattering","subtitle":"","abstract":"The theoretical results for the total cross sections and polarization components of the τ+ lepton produced in the charged current induced |ΔS|=1 quasielastic ν¯τN scattering leading to hyperons (Λ, Σ) have been presented assuming T invariance. The theoretical uncertainties arising due to the use of different vector, axial-vector, and pseudoscalar form factors as well as the effect of SU(3) symmetry breaking have been studied. We have also presented, for the first time, a comparison of the total cross sections for the production of e, μ, τ leptons to facilitate the implications of lepton flavor universality in the |ΔS|=1 quasielastic reactions induced by the antineutrinos of all flavors i.e., νl; l=e, μ, τ.","_created_at":"2022-06-27T10:50:47.898Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:26.205Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":64427,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2022-04-19","first_online_date":null,"title":"Scanning the landscape of axion dark matter detectors: Applying gradient descent to experimental design","subtitle":"","abstract":"The hunt for dark matter remains one of the principal objectives of modern physics and cosmology. Searches for dark matter in the form of axions are proposed or underway across a range of experimental collaborations. As we look to the next generation of detectors, a natural question to ask is whether there are new experimental designs waiting to be discovered and how we might find them. Here we take a new approach to the experimental design procedure by using gradient descent techniques to search for optimal detector designs. We provide a proof of principle for this technique by searching 1D detectors varying the bulk properties of the detector until the optimal detector design is obtained. Remarkably, we find the detector is capable of outperforming a human designed experiment on which the search was initiated. This opens the door to further gradient descent searches of more complex 2D and 3D designs across a wider variety of materials and boundary geometries of the detector. There is also an opportunity to use more sophisticated gradient descent algorithms to complete a more exhaustive scan of the landscape of designs.","_created_at":"2022-06-27T10:50:48.179Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:24.634Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":64428,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2022-04-19","first_online_date":null,"title":"Geometric phases distinguish entangled states in wormhole quantum mechanics","subtitle":"","abstract":"We establish a relation between entanglement in simple quantum mechanical qubit systems and in wormhole physics as considered in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We show that in both cases, states with the same entanglement structure, indistinguishable by any local measurement, nevertheless are characterized by a different Berry phase. This feature is experimentally accessible in coupled qubit systems where states with different Berry phase are related by unitary transformations. In the wormhole case, these transformations are identified with a time evolution of one of the two throats.","_created_at":"2022-06-27T10:50:48.972Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:28.977Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":64429,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2022-04-18","first_online_date":null,"title":"Schur indices of class S and quasimodular forms","subtitle":"","abstract":"We investigate the unflavored Schur indices of class-S theories of modest rank, and in the case of N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory with a special unitary gauge group of somewhat more general rank, with an eye towards their modular properties. We find closed-form expressions for many of these theories in terms of quasimodular forms of level 1 or 2, with the curious feature that in general they are sums of quasimodular forms of different weights. For type-a1 theories, the index can be fixed by taking a simple Ansatz for the family of quasimodular forms appearing in the expansion of this type and demanding that the result be sufficiently regular as q0. For higher-rank cases, an equally simple construction is lacking, but we nevertheless find that these indices can be expressed in terms of mixed-weight quasimodular forms.","_created_at":"2022-06-27T10:50:50.460Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:27.063Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":64430,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2022-04-20","first_online_date":null,"title":"Axial inverse magnetic catalysis","subtitle":"","abstract":"We find that the inverse magnetic catalysis (IMC) for U(1) axial symmetry can emerge around the chiral crossover regime in the thermomagnetic QCD with 2+1 flavors at physical point. This phenomenon can be correlated with the IMC for the chiral SU(2)L×SU(2)R symmetry. We explicitly observe the axial inverse magnetic catalysis (AIMC) based on a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with 2+1 quark flavors, where introduced anomalous magnetic moments of the quarks play the essential role to drive both the chiral IMC and AIMC. Our finding is shortly testable on lattices. Possible phenomenological and cosmological implications are also briefly addressed.","_created_at":"2022-06-27T10:50:50.714Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:25.840Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":64431,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2022-04-25","first_online_date":null,"title":"Hybrid model of proton structure functions","subtitle":"","abstract":"We develop a “hybrid” model of the proton inelastic structure functions applicable in a wide region of invariant mass of produced states W and invariant momentum transfer Q including deep inelastic scattering (DIS), nucleon resonance production, as well as the region close to inelastic threshold. DIS is described in terms of the parton distributions together with higher-twist corrections from an available global QCD fit. The resonant part is addressed in terms of the Breit-Wiegner contributions from five states including the Δ(1232) resonance, the N(1440) Roper resonance, and three effective resonances describing the second and third resonance regions. The couplings of the nucleon resonances to photon are described in terms of helicity amplitudes. The nonresonant background is addressed in terms of DIS structure functions smoothly extrapolated to low-W and low-Q values with the proper behavior at the real photon limit Q2=0 as well as near the inelastic threshold. We independently treat the transverse FT and the longitudinal FL structure function and fix the model parameters from a global analysis of the world hydrogen electroproduction and photoproduction cross-section data. We demonstrate a very good performance of the model by comparing our predictions with data on differential cross sections and the structure functions F2 and R=FL/FT.","_created_at":"2022-06-27T10:50:51.882Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:24.808Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":64432,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2022-04-19","first_online_date":null,"title":"Exploring strange origin of Dirac neutrino masses at hadron colliders","subtitle":"","abstract":"We consider the possibility that Dirac neutrino masses may be a manifestation of chiral symmetry breaking via nonperturbative QCD dynamics. The key role played by light quarks in this mechanism can naturally lead to signals that are accessible to hadron colliders. Bounds from charged meson decays imply a dominant effect from the strange quark condensate. We propose a model for Dirac neutrino mass generation with an extra Higgs doublet at the TeV scale and significant coupling to strange quarks and leptons. Current data on DD¯ mixing constrain the allowed parameter space of the model, and a 100 TeV pp collider would either discover or largely exclude it. A distinct feature of this scenario is that measurements of the charged Higgs leptonic branching ratios can distinguish between “normal” and “inverted” neutrino mass hierarchies, complementing future determinations at neutrino oscillation experiments.","_created_at":"2022-06-27T10:50:52.228Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:28.024Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":64433,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2022-04-19","first_online_date":null,"title":"b-hadron spectroscopy study based on the similarity of double bottom baryon and bottom meson","subtitle":"","abstract":"The dynamical similarity which exists between the λ-mode excited bbq baryons (q refers to the u, d, and s quarks) and the b¯q mesons inspires us to carry out a combined study of their spectroscopy. In this work, the masses and strong decays of these low-lying bq¯ and bbq states are studied by the same theoretical methods, and the dynamical similarity which is implied in their mass spectra and strong decays are also discussed. The recent discovered b¯q states, including the BJ(5840), BJ(5970), BsJ(6064), and BsJ(6114), are analyzed. According to our result, the BJ(5840) could be assigned as a 2S state, while the BJ(5970) could be regarded as a member of the 1D(2,3)jq=5/2 doublet. The BsJ(6064) and BsJ(6114) are probably the D-wave states. Especially, they could be explained as the members of the 1D(1,2)jq=3/2 and 1D(2,3)jq=5/2 doublets, respectively. The predicted masses and decay properties of other unknown b¯q/bbq states may provide useful clues to the future experiment.","_created_at":"2022-06-27T10:50:52.462Z","_updated_at":"2023-10-02T15:40:27.497Z","related_licenses":[1],"related_materials":[]}},{"model":"articles.article","pk":65752,"fields":{"reception_date":null,"acceptance_date":null,"publication_date":"2023-05-01","first_online_date":null,"title":"Nonextensive effects on QCD chiral phase diagram and baryon-number fluctuations within Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model ","subtitle":"","abstract":"In this paper, a version of the Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model based on nonextensive statistical mechanics is presented. This new statistics summarizes all possible factors that violate the assumptions of the Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) statistics to a dimensionless nonextensivity parameter q. Thus, when q tends to 1, it returns to the BG case. Within the nonextensive PNJL model, we found that as q increases, the location of the critical end point (CEP) exhibits non-monotonic behavior. That is, for $ q<1.15 $ , CEP moves in the direction of lower temperature and larger quark chemical potential. However, for $ q<1.15 $ , CEP turns to move in the direction of lower temperature and lower quark chemical potential. In addition, we studied the moments of the net-baryon number distribution, that is, variance ( $ q<1.15 $ ), skewness (S), and kurtosis (κ). Our results are generally consistent with the latest experimental data reported, especially for $ q<1.15 $ , when q is set to $ q<1.15 $ 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and UKQCD collaborations","article_id":[]}}] +[ + { + "model": "users.user", + "pk": 1, + "fields": { + "password": "argon2$argon2id$v=19$m=102400,t=2,p=8$T0hEbndwekpFR0d1NGRGUG1KZ3BKMQ$7S5TuteLnJNEvjRBO/vrbDkbNzwJwO27AToRcrTDicg", + "last_login": null, + "is_superuser": true, + "username": "admin", + "email": "admin@admin.com", + "is_staff": true, + "is_active": true, + "date_joined": "2023-10-02T15:52:28.203Z", + "name": "", + "groups": [], + "user_permissions": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 634, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2014-01-08", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Closed string Ramond–Ramond proposed higher derivative interactions on fermionic amplitudes in IIB", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "The complete form of the amplitude of one closed string Ramond–Ramond (RR), two fermionic strings and one scalar field in IIB superstring theory has been computed in detail. Deriving 〈VCVψ¯VψVϕ〉 by using suitable gauge fixing, we discover some new vertices and their higher derivative corrections. We investigate both infinite gauge and scalar u -channel poles of this amplitude. In particular, by using the fact that the kinetic term of fermion fields has no correction, employing Born–Infeld action, the Wess–Zumino terms and their higher derivative corrections, we discover all infinite t,s -channel fermion poles. The couplings between one RR and two fermions and all their infinite higher derivative corrections have been explored. In order to look for all infinite (s+t+u) -channel scalar/gauge poles for p+2=n , p=n cases, we obtain the couplings between two fermions–two scalars and two fermions, one scalar and one gauge field as well as all their infinite higher derivative corrections in type IIB. Specifically we make various comments based on arXiv:1205.5079 in favor of universality conjecture for all order higher derivative corrections (with or without low energy expansion) and the relation of open/closed string that is responsible for all superstring scattering amplitudes in IIA, IIB.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-17T10:45:47.347Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:30.561Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 635, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2014-01-08", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Novel non-equilibrium phase transition caused by non-linear hadronic-quark phase structure", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We consider how the occurrence of first-order phase transitions in non-constant pressure differs from those at constant pressure. The former has shown the non-linear phase structure of mixed matter, which implies a particle number dependence of the binding energies of the two species. If the mixed matter is mixed hadron–quark phase, nucleon outgoing from hadronic phase and ingoing to quark phase probably reduces the system to a non-equilibrium state, in other words, there exists the imbalance of the two phases when deconfinement takes place. This novel non-equilibrium process is very analogous to the nuclear reactions that nuclei emit neutrons and absorb them under appropriate conditions. We present self-consistent thermodynamics in description for the processes and identify the microphysics responsible for the processes. The microphysics is an inevitable consequence of non-linear phase structure instead of the effect of an additional dissipation force. When applying our findings to the neutron star containing mixed hadron–quark matter, it is found that the newly discovered energy release might strongly change the thermal evolution behavior of the star.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-17T14:23:43.549Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:30.358Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 636, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2014-01-07", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "A practical GMSB model for explaining the muon (g−2) with gauge coupling unification", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We present a gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking model having weak SU(2) triplet, color SU(3) octet and SU(5) 5-plet messengers, that can simultaneously explain the muon (g−2) data within 1 σ and the observed Higgs boson mass of 125 GeV. Gauge coupling unification is nontrivially maintained. Most of the parameter space satisfying both is accessible to the 14 TeV LHC. The lighter of the two staus weighs around (100–200) GeV, which can be a potential target of the ILC.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-17T14:23:42.320Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:23.725Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 637, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2014-01-04", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Charged lepton mixing via heavy sterile neutrinos", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "Pseudoscalar meson decay leads to an entangled state of charged leptons ( μ,e ) and massive neutrinos. Tracing out the neutrino degrees of freedom leads to a reduced density matrix for the charged leptons whose off-diagonal elements reveal charged lepton oscillations . Although these decohere on unobservably small time scales ≲10−23 s they indicate charged lepton mixing as a result of common intermediate states. The charged lepton self-energy up to one loop features flavor off-diagonal terms responsible for charged lepton mixing: a dominant “short distance” contribution with W bosons and massive neutrinos in the intermediate state, and a subdominant “large distance” contribution with pseudoscalar mesons and massive neutrinos in the intermediate state. Mixing angle(s) are GIM suppressed, and are momentum and chirality dependent . The difference of negative chirality mixing angles near the muon and electron mass shells is θL(Mμ2)−θL(Me2)∝GF∑Uμjmj2Uje⁎ with mj the mass of the neutrino in the intermediate state. Recent results from TRIUMF, suggest an upper bound θL(p2≃Mμ2)−θL(p2≃Me2)<10−14(MS/100 MeV)2 for one generation of a heavy sterile neutrino with mass MS . We obtain the wavefunctions for the propagating modes, and discuss the relation between the lepton flavor violating process μ→eγ and charged lepton mixing, highlighting that a measurement of such process implies a mixed propagator μ , e . Furthermore writing flavor diagonal vertices in terms of mass eigenstates yields novel interactions suggesting further contributions to lepton flavor violating process as a consequence of momentum and chirality dependent mixing angles.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-17T10:45:46.022Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:23.166Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 638, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2014-01-04", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Charmed tetraquarks Tcc and Tcs from dynamical lattice QCD simulations", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "Charmed tetraquarks Tcc=(ccu¯d¯) and Tcs=(csu¯d¯) are studied through the S-wave meson–meson interactions, D – D , K¯ – D , D – D⁎ and K¯ – D⁎ , on the basis of the (2+1) -flavor lattice QCD simulations with the pion mass mπ≃410 , 570 and 700 MeV. For the charm quark, the relativistic heavy quark action is employed to treat its dynamics on the lattice. Using the HAL QCD method, we extract the S-wave potentials in lattice QCD simulations, from which the meson–meson scattering phase shifts are calculated. The phase shifts in the isospin triplet ( I=1 ) channels indicate repulsive interactions, while those in the I=0 channels suggest attraction, growing as mπ decreases. This is particularly prominent in the Tcc(JP=1+,I=0) channel, though neither bound state nor resonance are found in the range mπ=410–700 MeV . We make a qualitative comparison of our results with the phenomenological diquark picture.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-17T14:23:39.742Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:30.875Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 639, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2014-01-04", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Phenomenological consequences of residual Z2s and Z¯2s symmetries", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "The phenomenological consequences of the residual Z2s and Z¯2s symmetries are explored in detail. With a precisely measured value of the reactor angle, these two residual symmetries predict distinct distributions for the Dirac CP phase and the atmospheric angle, which lead to the possibility of identifying them at future neutrino experiments. For both symmetries, it is possible to resolve the neutrino mass hierarchy in most of the parameter space, and they can be distinguished from one another if the true residual symmetry is Z2s and the atmospheric angle is non-maximal. These results are obtained using an equally split schedule: a 1.5-year run of neutrinos and a 1.5-year run of antineutrinos at NO ν A together with a 2.5-year run of neutrinos and a 2.5-year run of antineutrinos at T2K. This schedule can significantly increase and stabilize the sensitivities to the mass hierarchy and the octant of the atmospheric angle with only a moderate compromise to the sensitivity of distinguishing Z2s and Z¯2s .", + "_created_at": "2018-04-17T14:23:41.073Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:30.191Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 640, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2014-01-03", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Supersymmetry breaking by higher dimension operators", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We discuss a supersymmetry breaking mechanism for N=1 theories triggered by higher dimensional operators. We consider such operators for real linear and chiral spinor superfields that break supersymmetry and reduce to the Volkov–Akulov action. We also consider supersymmetry breaking induced by a higher dimensional operator of a nonminimal scalar (complex linear) multiplet. The latter differs from the standard chiral multiplet in its auxiliary sector, which contains, in addition to the complex scalar auxiliary of a chiral superfield, a complex vector and two spinors auxiliaries. By adding an appropriate higher dimension operator, the scalar auxiliary may acquire a nonzero vev triggering spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. We find that the spectrum of the theory in the supersymmetry breaking vacuum consists of a free chiral multiplet and a constraint chiral superfield describing the goldstino. Interestingly, the latter turns out to be one of the auxiliary fermions, which becomes dynamical in the supersymmetry breaking vacuum. In all cases we are considering here, there is no sgoldstino mode and thus the goldstino does not have a superpartner. The sgoldstino is decoupled since the goldstino is one of the auxiliaries, which is propagating only in the supersymmetry breaking vacuum. We also point out how higher dimension operators introduce a potential for the propagating scalar of the theory.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-17T10:47:29.444Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:22.968Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 641, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2014-01-03", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "D-brane probes in the matrix model", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "Recently, a new approach to large N gauge theories, based on a generalization of the concept of D-brane probes to any gauge field theory, was proposed. In the present note, we compute the probe action in the one matrix model with a quartic potential. This allows to illustrate several non-trivial aspects of the construction in an exactly solvable set-up. One of our main goal is to test the bare bubble approximation. The approximate free energy found in this approximation, which can be derived from a back-of-an-envelope calculation, matches the exact result for all values of the 't Hooft coupling with a surprising accuracy. Another goal is to illustrate the remarkable properties of the equivariant partial gauge-fixing procedure, which is at the heart of the formalism. For this we use a general ξ -gauge to compute the brane action. The action depends on ξ in a very non-trivial way, yet we show explicitly that its critical value does not and coincides with twice the free energy, as required by general consistency. This is made possible by a phenomenon of ghost condensation and the spontaneous breaking of the equivariant BRST symmetry.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-17T10:47:28.196Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:23.908Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 642, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2014-01-03", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Holographic Brownian motion and time scales in strongly coupled plasmas", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We study Brownian motion of a heavy quark in field theory plasma in the AdS/CFT setup and discuss the time scales characterizing the interaction between the Brownian particle and plasma constituents. Based on a simple kinetic theory, we first argue that the mean-free-path time is related to the connected 4-point function of the random force felt by the Brownian particle. Then, by holographically computing the 4-point function and regularizing the IR divergence appearing in the computation, we write down a general formula for the mean-free-path time, and apply it to the STU black hole which corresponds to plasma charged under three U(1) R -charges. The result indicates that the Brownian particle collides with many plasma constituents simultaneously.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-17T10:47:26.889Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:29.548Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 643, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2014-01-07", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Anomalous quark chromomagnetic moment and single-spin asymmetries", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We discuss a nonperturbative mechanism for the single-spin asymmetries in the strong interaction. This mechanism is based on the existence of a large anomalous quark chromomagnetic moment induced by the nontrivial topological structure of QCD vacuum. Our estimations within the instanton liquid model for QCD vacuum show that AQCM generates very large SSA on the quark level. Therefore, this mechanism can be responsible for the anomalously large SSA observed in different high energy reactions with hadrons.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-17T14:28:52.668Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:31.690Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 17160, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2016-09-14", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Mixed symmetry Wilson-loop interactions in the worldline formalism", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "Using the worldline formalism of the Dirac field with a non-Abelian gauge symmetry we show how to describe the matter field transforming in an arbitrary representation of the gauge group. Colour degrees of freedom are carried on the worldline by auxiliary fields, responsible for providing path ordering and the Wilson-loop coupling. The Hilbert space of these fields is reducible but we make use of recent work in order to project onto a single, arbitrary, irreducible representation. By functionally quantising the resulting theory we show that this procedure correctly generates the Wilson-loop interaction between the gauge field and the matter field taken to transform in a chosen representation. This work has direct application to physical observables such as scattering amplitudes in the presence of such a matter multiplet and lifts the restriction on the type of matter that has previously featured in worldline calculations.", + "_created_at": "2018-05-02T11:49:35.580Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:29.809Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 17161, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2016-09-14", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "A new look at the theory uncertainty of ϵ K", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "The observable ϵ K is sensitive to flavor violation at some of the highest scales. While its experimental uncertainty is at the half percent level, the theoretical one is in the ballpark of 15%. We explore the nontrivial dependence of the theory prediction and uncertainty on various conventions, like the phase of the kaon fields. In particular, we show how such a rephasing allows to make the short-distance contribution of the box diagram with two charm quarks, η cc , purely real. Our results allow to slightly reduce the total theoretical uncertainty of ϵ K , while increasing the relative impact of the imaginary part of the long distance contribution, underlining the need to compute it reliably. We also give updated bounds on the new physics operators that contribute to ϵ K .", + "_created_at": "2018-05-02T11:49:37.226Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:31.581Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 17162, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2016-09-14", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Dynamics of an Anisotropic Universe in Theory", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "Dynamics of an anisotropic universe is studied in f(R,T) gravity using a rescaled functional f(R,T), where R is the Ricci Scalar and T is the trace of energy-momentum tensor. Three models have been constructed assuming a power law expansion of the universe. Physical features of the models are discussed. The model parameters are constrained from a dimensional analysis. It is found from the work that the anisotropic Bianchi type VIh (BVIh) model in the modified gravity generally favours a quintessence phase when the parameter h is either -1 or 0. We may not get viable models in conformity with the present day observation for h=1.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-12T14:45:09.014Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:22.842Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 17163, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2016-09-15", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Holographic Schwinger Effect in a Confining D3-Brane Background with Chemical Potential", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we investigate the Schwinger effect in a confining D3-brane background with chemical potential. The potential between a test particle pair on the D3-brane in an external electric field is obtained. The critical field Ec in this case is calculated. Also, we apply numerical method to evaluate the production rate for various cases. The results imply that the presence of chemical potential tends to suppress the pair production effect.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-12T15:05:58.641Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:23.976Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 17164, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2016-09-16", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Degeneracy between θ 23 octant and neutrino non-standard interactions at DUNE", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We expound in detail the degeneracy between the octant of θ23 and flavor-changing neutral-current non-standard interactions (NSI's) in neutrino propagation, considering the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) as a case study. In the presence of such NSI parameters involving the e−μ ( εeμ ) and e−τ ( εeτ ) flavors, the νμ→νe and ν¯μ→ν¯e appearance probabilities in long-baseline experiments acquire an additional interference term, which depends on one new dynamical CP-phase ϕeμ/eτ . This term sums up with the well-known interference term related to the standard CP-phase δ creating a source of confusion in the determination of the octant of θ23 . We show that for values of the NSI coupling (taken one at-a-time) as small as few% (relative to the Fermi coupling constant GF ), and for unfavorable combinations of the two CP-phases δ and ϕeμ/eτ , the discovery potential of the octant of θ23 gets completely lost.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-13T16:33:09.543Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:25.327Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 17165, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2016-09-16", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "A model of the matter–antimatter asymmetry and cold dark matter with U (1) B − L ⊗ U (1) D", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "I suggest an effective model between the GUT and the electroweak scale. It only introduces the two symmetries of U(1)B−L and U(1)D besides the SM groups. The two symmetries are individually broken at the reheating temperature of the universe of 1012 GeV and the scale of 3∼4 TeV . The model can simultaneously accommodate the tiny neutrino masses, the matter–antimatter asymmetry and the cold dark matter (CDM). In particular, the model gives some interesting results and predictions, for instance, the neutrinos are of Dirac nature and their masses are related to the U(1)D breaking, the size of the matter–antimatter asymmetry is closely related to the mass hierarchy of the quarks and charged leptons, the CDM mass is probably in the range of 250∼350 GeV . Finally, it is feasible to test the model in future collider experiments.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-13T16:33:10.733Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:25.510Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 17166, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2016-09-16", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Cosmology in doubly coupled massive gravity: Constraints from SNIa, BAO and CMB", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "Massive gravity in the presence of doubly coupled matter field via en effective composite metric yields an accelerated expansion of the universe. It has been recently shown that the model admits stable de Sitter attractor solutions and could be used as a dark energy model. In this work, we perform a first analysis of the constraints imposed by the SNIa, BAO and CMB data on the massive gravity model with the effective composite metric and show that all the background observations are mutually compatible at the one sigma level with the model.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-13T16:33:11.957Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:27.209Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 17167, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2016-09-16", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Multipion correlations induced by isospin conservation of coherent emission", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "Recent measurements have revealed a significant suppression of multipion Bose–Einstein correlations in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC. The suppression may be explained by postulating coherent pion emission. Typically, the suppression of Bose–Einstein correlations due to coherence is taken into account with the coherent state formalism in quantum optics. However, since charged pion correlations are most often measured, the additional constraint of isospin conservation, which is absent in quantum optics, needs to be taken into account. As a consequence, correlations emerge between pions of opposite charge. A calculation of the correlations induced by isospin conservation of coherent emission is made for two, three- and four-pion correlation functions and compared to the data from the LHC.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-13T16:33:13.164Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:28.909Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 17168, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2016-09-15", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "A novel and economical explanation for SM fermion masses and mixings", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "I propose the first multiscalar singlet extension of the standard model (SM), which generates tree level top quark and exotic fermion masses as well as one and three loop level masses for charged fermions lighter than the top quark and for light active neutrinos, respectively, without invoking electrically charged scalar fields. That model, which is based on the S3×Z8 discrete symmetry, successfully explains the observed SM fermion mass and mixing pattern. The charged exotic fermions induce one loop level masses for charged fermions lighter than the top quark. The Z8 charged scalar singlet χ generates the observed charged fermion mass and quark mixing pattern.", + "_created_at": "2018-04-12T12:30:20.803Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:24.565Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 17169, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2016-09-14", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Stop searches in flavourful supersymmetry", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "Natural realisations of supersymmetry require light stops t ˜ 1 $$ {\\tilde{t}}_1 $$ , making them a prime target of LHC searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. Depending on the kinematic region, the main search channels are t ˜ 1 → t χ ˜ 1 0 $$ {\\tilde{t}}_1\\to t{\\tilde{\\chi}}_1^0 $$ , t ˜ 1 → W b χ ˜ 1 0 $$ {\\tilde{t}}_1\\to W\\ b{\\tilde{\\chi}}_1^0 $$ and t ˜ 1 → c χ ˜ 1 0 $$ {\\tilde{t}}_1\\to c{\\tilde{\\chi}}_1^0 $$ . We first examine the interplay of these decay modes with c ˜ 1 → c χ ˜ 1 0 $$ {\\tilde{c}}_1\\to c{\\tilde{\\chi}}_1^0 $$ in a model-independent fashion, revealing that a large parameter space region with stop mass values m t ˜ 1 $$ {m_{\\tilde{\\mathrm{t}}}}_{{}_1} $$ up to 530 GeV is excluded for any t ˜ 1 → c χ ˜ 1 0 $$ {\\tilde{t}}_1\\to c{\\tilde{\\chi}}_1^0 $$ branching ratio by LHC Run I data. The impact of c ˜ 1 → c χ ˜ 1 0 $$ {\\tilde{c}}_1\\to c{\\tilde{\\chi}}_1^0 $$ decays is further illustrated for scenarios with stop-scharm mixing in the right-handed sector, where it has previously been observed that the stop mass limits can be significantly weakened for large mixing. Our analysis shows that once the c ˜ 1 → c χ ˜ 1 0 $$ {\\tilde{c}}_1\\to c{\\tilde{\\chi}}_1^0 $$ bounds are taken into account, non-zero stop-scharm mixing can lead to an increase in the allowed parameter space by at most 35%, with large areas excluded for arbitrary mixing.", + "_created_at": "2018-05-02T11:49:42.041Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:26.497Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 43099, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2018-10-15", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Scotogenic dark matter and single-zero textures of the neutrino mass matrix", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "The scotogenic model can simultaneously account for the presence of dark matter and the origin of neutrino masses. We assume that the flavor neutrino mass matrix has one zero element and Yukawa matrix elements are real in the scotogenic model. It turns out that only one pattern of the flavor neutrino mass matrix in the one-zero-texture scheme within the scotogenic model is viable with the observed neutrino oscillation data, the relic abundance of dark matter, and the upper limit of the branching ratio of the μeγ process.", + "_created_at": "2018-10-15T15:30:15.762Z", + "_updated_at": "2024-03-02T15:40:24.391Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 43100, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2018-10-15", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Same-sign top pair plus W production in flavor changing vector and scalar models", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We investigate the prospect of the LHC for discovering new physics effects via new strategies in the same-sign top pair and same-sign top pair associated with a W boson signatures. Significant enhancement in production of same-sign top quarks (plus a W boson) is a joint property of several models beyond the standard model. We concentrate on the leptonic (electron and muon) decay of the top quarks and study the exclusion reach of the LHC data for a simplified model approach where top quark flavor changing could occur through a Z or a neutral scalar ϕ exchange. Less background contributions and clean signature are the advantages of the leptonic decay mode of the top quarks in the same-sign production processes. A combination is performed on both same-sign top pair and same-sign top pair plus a W boson production modes which enables us to reach a large fraction of the model parameter space. Assuming the couplings of new physics of the order of 102, the mass of a flavor changing Z or a neutral scalar above 1 TeV could be excluded. We propose a momentum dependent charge asymmetry and angular observables in the same-sign top process which provide the possibility of separation of new physics signal from the SM backgrounds as well as discrimination of the flavor changing tuX from tcX, where X=Z, ϕ.", + "_created_at": "2018-10-15T15:30:29.138Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:31.390Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 43101, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2018-10-15", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "All Tree Level Scattering Amplitudes in Chern-Simons Theories with Fundamental Matter", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We show that Britto-Cachazo-Feng-Witten (BCFW) recursion relations can be used to compute all tree level scattering amplitudes in terms of 22 scattering amplitude in U(N) N=2 Chern-Simons (CS) theory coupled to matter in the fundamental representation. As a by-product, we also obtain a recursion relation for the CS theory coupled to regular fermions, even though in this case standard BCFW deformations do not have a good asymptotic behavior. Moreover, at large N, 22 scattering can be computed exactly to all orders in ’t Hooft coupling as was done in earlier works by some of the authors. In particular, for N=2 theory, it was shown that 22 scattering is tree level exact to all orders except in the anyonic channel [K. Inbasekar et al., J. High Energy Phys. 10 (2015) 176], where it gets renormalized by a simple function of ’t Hooft coupling. This suggests that it may be possible to compute the all loop exact result for arbitrary higher-point scattering amplitudes at large N.", + "_created_at": "2018-10-15T15:30:50.699Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:29.984Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 43102, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2018-10-15", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Sensitivity of neutrino-nucleus interaction measurements to 2p2h excitations", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We calculate the charged-current cross sections obtained at the T2K off-axis near detector for νμ-induced events without pions and any number of protons in the final state using transport theory as encoded in the gibuu model. In a comparison with recent T2K data the strength of the 2p2h multinucleon correlations is determined. Linking this to the isospin (T) of the initial nuclear state, it is found that T=0 leads to a significantly better fit of the recent cross sections obtained by T2K, thus achieving consistency of the 2p2h multinucleon correlation contributions between electron-nucleus and neutrino-nucleus reactions.", + "_created_at": "2018-10-15T15:31:02.688Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:24.163Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 43103, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2018-10-15", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Dynamic scaling behavior at thermal first-order transitions in systems with disordered boundary conditions", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We investigate the dynamic properties of systems at thermal first-order transitions (FOT), when boundary conditions favor one of the two phases. In particular, we study the dynamic scaling properties arising from a slow heating of systems with disordered boundary conditions, starting in the ordered phase and moving across the FOT. As a theoretical laboratory we consider the two-dimensional Potts model. We show that a power-law dynamic scaling emerges, associated with a mixed regime where the two phases are spatially separated. We argue that these features generally apply to systems at FOTs, when boundary conditions favor one of the two phases. In particular, they should be relevant for the experimental search of FOTs of the quark-gluon plasma in heavy-ion collisions.", + "_created_at": "2018-10-15T15:31:22.654Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:22.687Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 43104, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2018-10-15", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "K+π+νν¯ decay amplitude from lattice QCD", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "In Ref. [1] we have presented the results of an exploratory lattice QCD computation of the long-distance contribution to the K+π+νν¯ decay amplitude. In the present paper we describe the details of this calculation, which includes the implementation of a number of novel techniques. The K+π+νν¯ decay amplitude is dominated by short-distance contributions which can be computed in perturbation theory with the only required nonperturbative input being the relatively well-known form factors of semileptonic kaon decays. The long-distance contributions, which are the target of this work, are expected to be of O(5%) in the branching ratio. Our study demonstrates the feasibility of lattice QCD computations of the K+π+νν¯ decay amplitude, and in particular of the long-distance component. Though this calculation is performed on a small lattice (163×32) and at unphysical pion, kaon and charm quark masses, mπ=420 MeV, mK=563 MeV and mcMS¯(2 GeV)=863 MeV, the techniques presented in this work can readily be applied to a future realistic calculation.", + "_created_at": "2018-10-15T15:31:38.021Z", + "_updated_at": "2024-02-02T15:40:25.576Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 43105, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2018-10-15", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Generalized instantaneous modes in higher-order scalar-tensor theories", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We consider higher-order, scalar-tensor theories which appear degenerate when restricted to the unitary gauge but are not degenerate in an arbitrary gauge. We dub them U-degenerate theories. We provide a full classification of theories that are either DHOST or U-degenerate and that are quadratic in second derivatives of the scalar field and discuss its extension to cubic and higher-order theories. Working with a simple example of U-degenerate theory, we find that, for configurations in which the scalar field gradient is time-like, the apparent extra mode in such a theory can be understood as a generalized instantaneous, or “shadowy” mode, which does not propagate. Appropriate boundary conditions, required by the elliptic nature of part of the equations of motion, lead to the elimination of the apparent instability associated with this extra mode.", + "_created_at": "2018-10-15T15:32:23.345Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:24.954Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 43106, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2018-10-15", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Applying constrained simulations for low temperature lattice QCD at finite baryon chemical potential", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We study the density of states method as well as reweighting to explore the low temperature phase diagram of QCD at finite baryon chemical potential. We use four flavors of staggered quarks, a tree-level Symanzik-improved gauge action, and four stout smearing steps on lattices with Ns=4, 6, 8 and Nt=616. We compare our results to that of the phase quenched ensemble and also determine the pion and nucleon masses. In the density of states approach, we apply pion condensate or gauge action density fixing. We find that the density of states method performs similarly to reweighting. At T100 MeV, we find an indication of the onset of the quark number density at around μ/mN0.160.18 on 64 lattices at β=2.9.", + "_created_at": "2018-10-15T18:32:30.067Z", + "_updated_at": "2024-01-02T15:40:28.322Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 43107, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2018-09-22", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Supersymmetric AdS and AdS Vacua and Their Minimal Consistent Truncations From Exceptional Field Theory", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We show how to construct supersymmetric warped AdS$_{7}$ vacua of massive IIA and AdS$_{6}$ vacua of IIB supergravity, using “half-maximal structures” of exceptional field theory. We use this formalism to obtain the minimal consistent truncations around these AdS vacua.", + "_created_at": "2018-10-15T18:51:26.302Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:27.313Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 43108, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2018-09-17", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Electroweak baryogenesis via chiral gravitational waves", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We propose a new mechanism for electroweak baryogenesis based on gravitational waves generated by helical magnetic fields that are present during a first order electroweak phase transition. We generate a net lepton number through the gravitational chiral anomaly which appears due to the chiral gravitational waves produced by these magnetic fields. The observed value of baryon asymmetry can be obtained in our mechanism within parameter space of scenarios with an inverse cascade evolution for magnetic fields which can also be candidates for large-scale magnetic fields.", + "_created_at": "2018-10-15T18:52:08.792Z", + "_updated_at": "2024-01-02T15:40:26.351Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 53931, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2020-04-20", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Solitosynthesis and gravitational waves", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We study the gravitational wave phenomenology in models of solitosynthesis. In such models, a first order phase transition is precipitated by a period in which nontopological solitons with a conserved global charge (Q-balls) accumulate charge. As such, the nucleation rate of critical bubbles differs significantly from thermal phase transitions. In general we find that the peak amplitude of the gravitational wave spectrum resulting from solitosynthesis is stronger than that of a thermal phase transition, while the timescale of the onset of nonlinear plasma dynamics may be comparable to Hubble. We demonstrate this explicitly in an asymmetric dark matter model, and discuss current and future constraints in this scenario.", + "_created_at": "2020-04-20T18:37:29.089Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:30.639Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 53932, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2020-04-20", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Particle event generator: a simple-in-use system PEGASUS version 1.0", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "pegasus is a parton-level Monte-Carlo event generator designed to calculate cross sections for a wide range of hard QCD processes at high energy pp and $$p\\bar{p}$$ pp¯ collisions, which incorporates the dynamics of transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distributions in a proton. Being supplemented with off-shell production amplitudes for a number of partonic subprocesses and provided with necessary TMD gluon density functions, it produces weighted or unweighted event records which can be saved as a plain data file or a file in a commonly used Les Houches Event format. A distinctive feature of the pegasus is an intuitive and extremely user friendly interface, allowing one to easily implement various kinematical cuts into the calculations. Results can be also presented “on the fly” with built-in tool pegasus plotter. A short theoretical basis is presented and detailed program description is given.", + "_created_at": "2020-04-20T18:37:50.872Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:23.255Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 53933, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2020-07-14", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Nested algebraic Bethe ansatz for deformed orthogonal and symplectic spin chains", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We construct exact eigenvectors and eigenvalues for Uq(sp2n)- and Uq(so2n)-symmetric closed spin chains by means of a nested algebraic Bethe ansatz method. We use a fusion procedure to construct higher-dimensional Lax operators. Our approach generalises and extends the results obtained by Reshetikhin and De Vega–Karowski. We also present a generalisation of Tarasov–Varchenko trace formula for nested Bethe vectors.", + "_created_at": "2020-04-20T21:30:42.397Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:23.566Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 53934, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2020-04-20", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Bound on Lyapunov exponent in $$c=1$$ c=1 matrix model", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "Classical particle motions in an inverse harmonic potential show the exponential sensitivity to initial conditions, where the Lyapunov exponent $$\\lambda _L$$ λL is uniquely fixed by the shape of the potential. Hence, if we naively apply the bound on the Lyapunov exponent $$\\lambda _L \\le 2\\pi T/ \\hbar $$ λL2πT/ħ to this system, it predicts the existence of the bound on temperature (the lowest temperature) $$T \\ge \\hbar \\lambda _L/ 2\\pi $$ TħλL/2π and the system cannot be taken to be zero temperature when $$\\hbar \\ne 0$$ ħ0 . This seems a puzzle because particle motions in an inverse harmonic potential should be realized without introducing any temperature but this inequality does not allow it. In this article, we study this problem in N non-relativistic free fermions in an inverse harmonic potential ($$c=1$$ c=1 matrix model). We find that thermal radiation is induced when we consider the system in a semi-classical regime even though the system is not thermal at the classical level. This is analogous to the thermal radiation of black holes, which are classically non-thermal but behave as thermal baths quantum mechanically. We also show that the temperature of the radiation in our model saturates the inequality, and thus, the system saturates the bound on the Lyapunov exponent, although the system is free and integrable. Besides, this radiation is related to acoustic Hawking radiation of the fermi fluid.", + "_created_at": "2020-04-21T00:37:57.462Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:24.458Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 53935, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2020-04-20", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Photon pair production in gluon fusion: top quark effects at NLO with threshold matching", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We present a calculation of the NLO QCD corrections to the loop-induced production of a photon pair through gluon fusion, including massive top quarks at two loops, where the two-loop integrals are calculated numerically. Matching the fixed-order NLO results to a threshold expansion, we obtain accurate results around the top quark pair production threshold. We analyse how the top quark threshold corrections affect distributions of the photon pair invariant mass and comment on the possibility of determining the top quark mass from precision measurements of the diphoton invariant mass spectrum.", + "_created_at": "2020-04-21T03:30:23.832Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:26.648Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 53936, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2020-04-20", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Hidden-charm and bottom tetra- and pentaquarks with strangeness in the hadro-quarkonium and compact tetraquark models", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "In two recent papers, we used the hadro-quarkonium model to study the properties of hidden-charm and bottom tetraquarks and pentaquarks. Here, we extend the previous results and calculate the masses of heavy-quarkonium-kaon/hyperon systems. We also compute the spectrum of hidden-charm and bottom tetraquarks with strangeness in the compact tetraquark (diquark-antidiquark) model. If heavy-light exotic systems with non-null strangeness content were to be observed experimentally, it might be possible to distinguish among the large variety of available theoretical pictures for tetra- and pentaquark states and, possibly, rule out those which are not compatible with the data.", + "_created_at": "2020-04-21T03:30:34.127Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:26.911Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 53937, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2020-04-20", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Conformal two-point correlation functions from the operator product expansion", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We compute the most general embedding space two-point function in arbitrary Lorentz representations in the context of the recently introduced formalism in [1, 2]. This work provides a first explicit application of this approach and furnishes a number of checks of the formalism. We project the general embedding space two-point function to position space and find a form consistent with conformal covariance. Several concrete examples are worked out in detail. We also derive constraints on the OPE coefficient matrices appearing in the two-point function, which allow us to impose unitarity conditions on the two-point function coefficients for operators in any Lorentz representations.", + "_created_at": "2020-04-21T06:30:29.165Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:29.291Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 53938, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2020-04-20", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Hypergeometric series representations of Feynman integrals by GKZ hypergeometric systems", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We show that almost all Feynman integrals as well as their coefficients in a Laurent series in dimensional regularization can be written in terms of Horn hypergeometric functions. By applying the results of Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky (GKZ) we derive a formula for a class of hypergeometric series representations of Feynman integrals, which can be obtained by triangulations of the Newton polytope ∆ G corresponding to the Lee- Pomeransky polynomial G. Those series can be of higher dimension, but converge fast for convenient kinematics, which also allows numerical applications. Further, we discuss possible difficulties which can arise in a practical usage of this approach and give strategies to solve them.", + "_created_at": "2020-04-21T06:30:47.248Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:24.702Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 53939, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2020-04-20", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Unitary quantization of a scalar charged field and Schwinger effect", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "Quantum field theory in curved spacetimes suffers in general from an infinite ambiguity in the choice of Fock representation and associated vacuum. In cosmological backgrounds, the requirement of a unitary implementation of the field dynamics in the physical Hilbert space of the theory is a good criterion to ameliorate such ambiguity. In- deed, this criterion, together with a unitary implementation of the symmetries of the equations of motion, leads to an equivalence class of unitarily equivalent quantizations that, even though it is still formed by an infinite number of Fock representations, is unique. In this work, we apply the procedure developed for fields in cosmological settings to analyze the quantization of a scalar field in the presence of an external electromagnetic classical field in a flat background. We find a natural Fock representation that admits a unitary implementation of the quantum field dynamics. It automatically allows to define a particle number density at all times in the evolution with the correct asymptotic behavior, when the electric field vanishes. Moreover we show the unitary equivalence of all the quantizations that fulfill our criteria, so that they form a unique equivalence class. Although we perform the field quantization in a specific gauge, we also show the equivalence between the procedures taken in different gauges.", + "_created_at": "2020-04-21T06:31:21.529Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:25.947Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 53940, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2020-04-20", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Deligne categories in lattice models and quantum field theory, or making sense of O(N) symmetry with non-integer N", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "When studying quantum field theories and lattice models, it is often useful to analytically continue the number of field or spin components from an integer to a real number. In spite of this, the precise meaning of such analytic continuations has never been fully clarified, and in particular the symmetry of these theories is obscure. We clarify these issues using Deligne categories and their associated Brauer algebras, and show that these provide logically satisfactory answers to these questions. Simple objects of the Deligne category generalize the notion of an irreducible representations, avoiding the need for such mathematically nonsensical notions as vector spaces of non-integer dimension. We develop a systematic theory of categorical symmetries, applying it in both perturbative and non- perturbative contexts. A partial list of our results is: categorical symmetries are preserved under RG flows; continuous categorical symmetries come equipped with conserved currents; CFTs with categorical symmetries are necessarily non-unitary.", + "_created_at": "2020-04-21T06:31:37.247Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:28.172Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 64425, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2022-04-15", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Cluster Expansion and Resurgence in the Polyakov Model", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "In the Polyakov model, a nonperturbative mass gap is formed at leading-order semiclassics by instanton effects. By using the notions of critical points at infinity, cluster expansion, and Lefschetz thimbles, we show that a third-order effect in semiclassics gives an imaginary ambiguous contribution to the mass gap, which is supposed to be real and unambiguous. This is troublesome for the original analysis, and it is difficult to resolve this issue directly in quantum field theory (QFT). However, we find a new compactification of the Polyakov model to quantum mechanics, by using a background ’t Hooft flux. The compactification has the merit of remembering the monopole instantons of the full QFT within Born-Oppenheimer approximation, while the periodic compactification does not. In the quantum mechanical limit, we prove the resurgent cancellation of the ambiguity in three-instanton sector against ambiguity in the Borel resummation of the perturbation theory around one instanton. Assuming that this result holds in QFT, we provide a large-order asymptotics of perturbation theory around perturbative vacuum and instanton.", + "_created_at": "2022-06-27T10:50:47.820Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:27.907Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 64426, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2022-04-14", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Hyperon production in quasielastic ν¯τnucleon scattering", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "The theoretical results for the total cross sections and polarization components of the τ+ lepton produced in the charged current induced |ΔS|=1 quasielastic ν¯τN scattering leading to hyperons (Λ, Σ) have been presented assuming T invariance. The theoretical uncertainties arising due to the use of different vector, axial-vector, and pseudoscalar form factors as well as the effect of SU(3) symmetry breaking have been studied. We have also presented, for the first time, a comparison of the total cross sections for the production of e, μ, τ leptons to facilitate the implications of lepton flavor universality in the |ΔS|=1 quasielastic reactions induced by the antineutrinos of all flavors i.e., νl; l=e, μ, τ.", + "_created_at": "2022-06-27T10:50:47.898Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:26.205Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 64427, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2022-04-19", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Scanning the landscape of axion dark matter detectors: Applying gradient descent to experimental design", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "The hunt for dark matter remains one of the principal objectives of modern physics and cosmology. Searches for dark matter in the form of axions are proposed or underway across a range of experimental collaborations. As we look to the next generation of detectors, a natural question to ask is whether there are new experimental designs waiting to be discovered and how we might find them. Here we take a new approach to the experimental design procedure by using gradient descent techniques to search for optimal detector designs. We provide a proof of principle for this technique by searching 1D detectors varying the bulk properties of the detector until the optimal detector design is obtained. Remarkably, we find the detector is capable of outperforming a human designed experiment on which the search was initiated. This opens the door to further gradient descent searches of more complex 2D and 3D designs across a wider variety of materials and boundary geometries of the detector. There is also an opportunity to use more sophisticated gradient descent algorithms to complete a more exhaustive scan of the landscape of designs.", + "_created_at": "2022-06-27T10:50:48.179Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:24.634Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 64428, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2022-04-19", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Geometric phases distinguish entangled states in wormhole quantum mechanics", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We establish a relation between entanglement in simple quantum mechanical qubit systems and in wormhole physics as considered in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We show that in both cases, states with the same entanglement structure, indistinguishable by any local measurement, nevertheless are characterized by a different Berry phase. This feature is experimentally accessible in coupled qubit systems where states with different Berry phase are related by unitary transformations. In the wormhole case, these transformations are identified with a time evolution of one of the two throats.", + "_created_at": "2022-06-27T10:50:48.972Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:28.977Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 64429, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2022-04-18", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Schur indices of class S and quasimodular forms", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We investigate the unflavored Schur indices of class-S theories of modest rank, and in the case of N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory with a special unitary gauge group of somewhat more general rank, with an eye towards their modular properties. We find closed-form expressions for many of these theories in terms of quasimodular forms of level 1 or 2, with the curious feature that in general they are sums of quasimodular forms of different weights. For type-a1 theories, the index can be fixed by taking a simple Ansatz for the family of quasimodular forms appearing in the expansion of this type and demanding that the result be sufficiently regular as q0. For higher-rank cases, an equally simple construction is lacking, but we nevertheless find that these indices can be expressed in terms of mixed-weight quasimodular forms.", + "_created_at": "2022-06-27T10:50:50.460Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:27.063Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 64430, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2022-04-20", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Axial inverse magnetic catalysis", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We find that the inverse magnetic catalysis (IMC) for U(1) axial symmetry can emerge around the chiral crossover regime in the thermomagnetic QCD with 2+1 flavors at physical point. This phenomenon can be correlated with the IMC for the chiral SU(2)L×SU(2)R symmetry. We explicitly observe the axial inverse magnetic catalysis (AIMC) based on a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with 2+1 quark flavors, where introduced anomalous magnetic moments of the quarks play the essential role to drive both the chiral IMC and AIMC. Our finding is shortly testable on lattices. Possible phenomenological and cosmological implications are also briefly addressed.", + "_created_at": "2022-06-27T10:50:50.714Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:25.840Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 64431, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2022-04-25", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Hybrid model of proton structure functions", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We develop a “hybrid” model of the proton inelastic structure functions applicable in a wide region of invariant mass of produced states W and invariant momentum transfer Q including deep inelastic scattering (DIS), nucleon resonance production, as well as the region close to inelastic threshold. DIS is described in terms of the parton distributions together with higher-twist corrections from an available global QCD fit. The resonant part is addressed in terms of the Breit-Wiegner contributions from five states including the Δ(1232) resonance, the N(1440) Roper resonance, and three effective resonances describing the second and third resonance regions. The couplings of the nucleon resonances to photon are described in terms of helicity amplitudes. The nonresonant background is addressed in terms of DIS structure functions smoothly extrapolated to low-W and low-Q values with the proper behavior at the real photon limit Q2=0 as well as near the inelastic threshold. We independently treat the transverse FT and the longitudinal FL structure function and fix the model parameters from a global analysis of the world hydrogen electroproduction and photoproduction cross-section data. We demonstrate a very good performance of the model by comparing our predictions with data on differential cross sections and the structure functions F2 and R=FL/FT.", + "_created_at": "2022-06-27T10:50:51.882Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:24.808Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 64432, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2022-04-19", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Exploring strange origin of Dirac neutrino masses at hadron colliders", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "We consider the possibility that Dirac neutrino masses may be a manifestation of chiral symmetry breaking via nonperturbative QCD dynamics. The key role played by light quarks in this mechanism can naturally lead to signals that are accessible to hadron colliders. Bounds from charged meson decays imply a dominant effect from the strange quark condensate. We propose a model for Dirac neutrino mass generation with an extra Higgs doublet at the TeV scale and significant coupling to strange quarks and leptons. Current data on DD¯ mixing constrain the allowed parameter space of the model, and a 100 TeV pp collider would either discover or largely exclude it. A distinct feature of this scenario is that measurements of the charged Higgs leptonic branching ratios can distinguish between “normal” and “inverted” neutrino mass hierarchies, complementing future determinations at neutrino oscillation experiments.", + "_created_at": "2022-06-27T10:50:52.228Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:28.024Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 64433, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2022-04-19", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "b-hadron spectroscopy study based on the similarity of double bottom baryon and bottom meson", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "The dynamical similarity which exists between the λ-mode excited bbq baryons (q refers to the u, d, and s quarks) and the b¯q mesons inspires us to carry out a combined study of their spectroscopy. In this work, the masses and strong decays of these low-lying bq¯ and bbq states are studied by the same theoretical methods, and the dynamical similarity which is implied in their mass spectra and strong decays are also discussed. The recent discovered b¯q states, including the BJ(5840), BJ(5970), BsJ(6064), and BsJ(6114), are analyzed. According to our result, the BJ(5840) could be assigned as a 2S state, while the BJ(5970) could be regarded as a member of the 1D(2,3)jq=5/2 doublet. The BsJ(6064) and BsJ(6114) are probably the D-wave states. Especially, they could be explained as the members of the 1D(1,2)jq=3/2 and 1D(2,3)jq=5/2 doublets, respectively. The predicted masses and decay properties of other unknown b¯q/bbq states may provide useful clues to the future experiment.", + "_created_at": "2022-06-27T10:50:52.462Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:27.497Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 1 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.article", + "pk": 65752, + "fields": { + "reception_date": null, + "acceptance_date": null, + "publication_date": "2023-05-01", + "first_online_date": null, + "title": "Nonextensive effects on QCD chiral phase diagram and baryon-number fluctuations within Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model ", + "subtitle": "", + "abstract": "In this paper, a version of the Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model based on nonextensive statistical mechanics is presented. This new statistics summarizes all possible factors that violate the assumptions of the Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) statistics to a dimensionless nonextensivity parameter q. Thus, when q tends to 1, it returns to the BG case. Within the nonextensive PNJL model, we found that as q increases, the location of the critical end point (CEP) exhibits non-monotonic behavior. That is, for $ q<1.15 $ , CEP moves in the direction of lower temperature and larger quark chemical potential. However, for $ q<1.15 $ , CEP turns to move in the direction of lower temperature and lower quark chemical potential. In addition, we studied the moments of the net-baryon number distribution, that is, variance ( $ q<1.15 $ ), skewness (S), and kurtosis (κ). Our results are generally consistent with the latest experimental data reported, especially for $ q<1.15 $ , when q is set to $ q<1.15 $ .", + "_created_at": "2023-05-26T12:24:55.885Z", + "_updated_at": "2023-10-02T15:40:23.384Z", + "related_licenses": [ + 2 + ], + "related_materials": [] + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 1, + "fields": { + "article_id": 43103, + "file": "files/43103/10.1103/PhysRevD.98.074507.pdf", + "created": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.424Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.424Z" + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 2, + "fields": { + "article_id": 43103, + "file": "files/43103/10.1103/PhysRevD.98.074507.xml", + "created": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.426Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.426Z" + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 3, + "fields": { + "article_id": 17162, + "file": "files/17162/10.1155/2016/8543560.", + "created": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.584Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.584Z" + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 4, + "fields": { + "article_id": 17162, + "file": "files/17162/10.1155/2016/8543560.pdf", + "created": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.585Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.585Z" + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 5, + "fields": { + "article_id": 17162, + "file": "files/17162/10.1155/2016/8543560.xml", + "created": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.586Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.586Z" + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 6, + "fields": { + "article_id": 17162, + "file": "files/17162/10.1155/2016/8543560_a.pdf", + "created": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.587Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.587Z" + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 7, + "fields": { + "article_id": 640, + "file": "files/640/10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2013.12.016.xml", + "created": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.730Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.730Z" + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 8, + "fields": { + "article_id": 640, + 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+ "created": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.952Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:25:52.952Z" + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 13, + "fields": { + "article_id": 53932, + "file": "files/53932/10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-7898-6.xml", + "created": "2023-10-02T15:25:53.049Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:25:53.049Z" + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 14, + "fields": { + "article_id": 53932, + "file": "files/53932/10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-7898-6_a.pdf", + "created": "2023-10-02T15:25:53.050Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:25:53.050Z" + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 15, + "fields": { + "article_id": 65752, + "file": "files/65752/10.1088/1674-1137/acbf2a.xml", + "created": "2023-10-02T15:39:57.297Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:39:57.297Z" + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 16, + "fields": { + "article_id": 65752, + "file": "files/65752/10.1088/1674-1137/acbf2a.pdf", + "created": "2023-10-02T15:39:57.299Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:39:57.299Z" + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 17, + "fields": { + "article_id": 53933, + "file": "files/53933/10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2020.115021.xml", + "created": "2023-10-02T15:40:23.572Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:40:23.572Z" + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 18, + "fields": { + "article_id": 53933, + "file": "files/53933/10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2020.115021.pdf", + "created": "2023-10-02T15:40:23.573Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:40:23.573Z" + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 19, + "fields": { + "article_id": 53933, + "file": "files/53933/10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2020.115021_a.pdf", + "created": "2023-10-02T15:40:23.574Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:40:23.574Z" + } + }, + { + "model": "articles.articlefile", + "pk": 20, + "fields": { + "article_id": 636, + "file": "files/636/10.1016/j.physletb.2013.12.064.xml", + "created": "2023-10-02T15:40:23.731Z", + "updated": "2023-10-02T15:40:23.731Z" + } + }, + { + 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+ "organization": "", + "author_id": [ + 108, + 109, + 110, + 112 + ] + } + }, + { + "model": "misc.affiliation", + "pk": 101, + "fields": { + "country": "DE", + "value": "Institute for Theoretical Physics and Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat, Technische Universität Dresden, 01069 Dresden, Germany", + "organization": "", + "author_id": [ + 111 + ] + } + }, + { + "model": "misc.affiliation", + "pk": 102, + "fields": { + "country": "CA", + "value": "Département de Physique, de Génie Physique et d’Optique, Université Laval, 1045 avenue de la Médecine, Québec, QC, G1V 0A6, Canada", + "organization": "Université Laval", + "author_id": [ + 113, + 114 + ] + } + }, + { + "model": "misc.affiliation", + "pk": 103, + "fields": { + "country": "US", + "value": "Department of Physics, Yale University, 217 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT, 06520, USA", + "organization": "Yale University", + "author_id": [ + 115 + ] + } + }, + { + "model": "misc.affiliation", + "pk": 104, + "fields": { + 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