diff --git a/.github/workflows/chatupdate.yml b/.github/workflows/chatupdate.yaml
similarity index 96%
rename from .github/workflows/chatupdate.yml
rename to .github/workflows/chatupdate.yaml
index e740c9e..5f0cc1f 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/chatupdate.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/chatupdate.yaml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ jobs:
           python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
       - name: Send Message
-        run: python3 sendmsg.py
+        run: python3 sendrepoevent.py
           email: ${{ secrets.BOT_EMAIL }}
           password: ${{ secrets.BOT_PASSWORD }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/sendmsg.yaml b/.github/workflows/sendmsg.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5790ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/sendmsg.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+name: Post event into chat room
+  workflow_dispatch:
+    inputs:
+      message:
+        description: 'Message'
+        required: true
+      room:
+        description: 'Room'
+        required: false
+        default: '152883'
+  send_message:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - name: Checkout repository
+        uses: actions/checkout@v4
+      - name: Install required packages
+        run: |
+          python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
+          python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
+      - name: Send Message
+        run: python3 sendmsg.py
+        env:
+          email: ${{ secrets.BOT_EMAIL }}
+          password: ${{ secrets.BOT_PASSWORD }}
+          message: ${{ inputs.message }}
+          room: ${{ inputs.room }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilitybot.py b/main.py
similarity index 97%
rename from utilitybot.py
rename to main.py
index 9956826..57f8ef9 100644
--- a/utilitybot.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -1,392 +1,392 @@
-import html
-import re
-import secrets
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import os
-import time
-from urllib.request import urlopen
-from flask import Flask
-import sechat
-from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator
-from sechat.events import Events
-import firebase_admin
-from firebase_admin import credentials
-from firebase_admin import firestore
-with open('database_auth.json') as f:
-    print(f.read())
-cred = credentials.Certificate('database_auth.json')
-f_init = firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred)
-db = firestore.client()
-# import streamlit as st
-#c = Conversation()
-#h = pipeline("conversational", pad_token_id=0)
-#last_msg = ""
-app = Flask(__name__)
-def page():
-    return "<h1 style='text-align: center;'><a href='https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/1/sandbox'>Try it here</a></h1>"
-main_ = __name__ == "__main__"
-def onn(room):
-    room.on(Events.MESSAGE, roomer(room))
-def indent(text):
-    return "\n".join("    " + x for x in text.split("\n"))
-def remove_lead_space(text):
-    it = iter(text)
-    # skipcq: PTC-W0047
-    while (result := next(it)) == " ":  # skipcq: PTC-W0063
-        pass
-    return result + "".join(it)
-def remove_space(text):
-    lead_space_x = remove_lead_space(text)
-    return remove_lead_space(lead_space_x[::-1])[::-1]
-def remote(event):
-    if event.content[:10] == "remotesay ":
-        r.send(event.user_name + ": " + html.unescape(event.content[10:]))
-        g.send(g.buildReply(event.message_id, "Message sent."))
-def dataread(coll, user, key):
-    try:
-        return db.collection(coll).document(user).to_dict()[key]
-    except BaseException as e:
-        print(e)
-        return None
-def datawrite(coll, user, key, value):
-    return db.collection(coll).document(user).set({key: value}, merge=True)
-def datatoggle(coll, user, key):
-    return datawrite(coll, user, key, not dataread(coll, user, key))
-def tobool(val, truthy=["true", "1", "on", "y", "yes", "t", "i"], falsy=["false", "0", "off", "n", "no", "f", "o"], strfunc = (lambda x: str(x).lower())):
-    ch = strfunc(val)
-    print(ch)
-    if ch in truthy:
-        return True
-    elif ch in falsy:
-        return False
-    else:
-        return None
-def errortodefault(func, default=None):
-    def f(*args, **kwargs):
-        try:
-            return func(*args, **kwargs)
-        except:
-            return default
-    return f
-def roomer(r):
-    def msg(event):
-        rid = r.roomID
-        nofish = [146039]
-        if (result := re.match(
-                r"🐟 <i>(.*)'s line quivers\.<\/i>",
-                html.unescape(event.content),
-                re.UNICODE,
-        )) and event.user_id == 375672:
-            if result.group(1) == "Utility Bot" and rid not in nofish:
-                r.send("/fish again")
-            else:
-                settingr = dataread("settings", result.group(1), "fishping")
-                if settingr == None:
-                    datawrite("settings", result.group(1), "fishping", False)
-                elif settingr:
-                    r.send(
-                        f"@{result.group(1).replace(' ', '')} your fish is ready!")
-        elif event.content[:5] == "echo ":
-            if event.user_id == 540406 or event.content[5:10] != "/fish":
-                r.send(html.unescape(event.content[5:]))
-            else:
-                r.send(
-                    r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Sorry, I cannot do that."))
-        elif event.content[:8] == "echochr ":
-            r.send(html.unescape(chr(int(event.content[8:]))))
-        elif event.content[:5] == "calc ":
-            allowed = {
-                "+",
-                "-",
-                "*",
-                "/",
-                "=",
-                "!",
-                "<",
-                ">",
-                "&",
-                "|",
-                "^",
-                "~",
-                "1",
-                "2",
-                "3",
-                "4",
-                "5",
-                "6",
-                "7",
-                "8",
-                "9",
-                "0",
-                " ",
-                "(",
-                ")",
-                ".",
-                "%",
-            }
-            string = html.unescape(event.content[5:])
-            val = set(string)
-            result = []
-            if val.issubset(allowed):
-                try:
-                    r.send(
-                        r.buildReply(
-                            event.message_id,
-                            "The answer is\n" + subprocess.check_output([
-                                "timeout",
-                                "-s",
-                                "SIGKILL",
-                                "10s",
-                                "python3",
-                                "calculate.py",
-                                string,
-                            ]).decode("utf-8").replace("\n", ""),
-                        ) + ".", )
-                except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
-                    r.send(
-                        r.buildReply(
-                            event.message_id,
-                            "Sorry, the calculation took longer than 10 seconds.",
-                        ))
-            else:
-                r.send(
-                    r.buildReply(
-                        event.message_id,
-                        "Sorry, only characters in the set " +
-                        str(sorted(allowed)) +
-                        " are allowed due to security reasons.",
-                    ))
-        elif event.content[:5] == "ping ":
-            r.send("@" + re.sub(" ", "", html.unescape(event.content[5:])))
-        elif event.content[:10] == "remotesay ":
-            com = html.unescape(event.content[10:])
-            li = com.partition(",")
-            if li[1] == "":
-                li = ("147516", ",", li[0])
-            if li[0] == "147571":
-                r.send(
-                    r.buildReply(event.message_id,
-                                 "Sorry, I'm afraid I can't do that."))
-            else:
-                global g  # skipcq: PYL-W0601
-                g = bot.joinRoom(int(li[0]))
-                g.send(event.user_name + ": " + li[2])
-                g.on(Events.MESSAGE, remote)
-                r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Message sent."))
-        elif event.content == "getsource":
-            r.send(
-                r.buildReply(
-                    event.message_id,
-                    "https://github.com/PlaceReporter99/utility-bot/blob/main/utilitybot.py",
-                ))
-        elif event.content[:6] == "getcmd":
-            commands = {
-                "echo <message>":
-                "                      Sends the message given to it.",
-                "echochr <character number>":
-                "          Sends the unicode character with the codepoint of the number given to it. Must be in base 10.",
-                "calc <python expression>":
-                "            Sends the answer to the given Python expression. Uses a restricted character set due to security reasons. Times out after 10 seconds.",
-                "ping <user name>":
-                "                    Pings the person with the username that was passed to it.",
-                "remotesay <room>, <message>":
-                "         Sends a message in the specified room ID. If no room ID is given, the room defaults to Sandbox 2.",
-                "getsource":
-                "                           Sends a link to the source code.",
-                "getcmd <command>":
-                "                    Sends the command description. If no command is given, it lists the commands with their descriptions instead.",
-                "emptystring":
-                "                         Sends a picture of an empty string.",
-                "help":
-                "                                Shows some information.",
-                "op / status":
-                "                         Replies with a random message from statuses.txt. Exists to quickly check whether the bot is running.",
-                "webscrape <URL>":
-                "                     Sends the HTML content of the specified URL.",
-                "random <quantity>, <start>, <end>":
-                "   Sends the specified number of random numbers in the inclusive range (using secrets.choice). 1 argument uses the range 0 to 255, and 2 arguments uses the range 0 to <end>. Maximum argument value is 1000 for <quantity> and 9 * 10 ** 18 for all other arguments.",
-                "translate <text> | <to> | <from>":
-                "    Translates <text> from the language code in <from> (automatically detects language if none is given) to the language code in <to> (translates to English if none is given). See https://utility-bot.streamlit.app/Supported_translation_languages for supported languages and their language codes.",
-                "fishinv":
-                "                             Get's the bot's fishing inventory, with the fishing game being run by OakBot.",
-                "setting <setting>, <value>":
-                "        Changes the specified setting to the specified boolean value",
-            }
-            if len(event.content) > 6:
-                try:
-                    r.send(
-                        r.buildReply(
-                            event.message_id,
-                            "`" + (result := [
-                                x for x in commands if re.match(
-                                    event.content.partition(" ")[2], x)
-                            ][0]) + "`: " + commands[result],
-                        ))
-                except IndexError:
-                    r.send(
-                        r.buildReply(event.message_id,
-                                     "Command does not exist."))
-            else:
-                r.send(
-                    indent(
-                        f"@{event.user_name.replace(' ', '')}\nHere are the available commands for this bot and their structures:\n\n"
-                        + ("\n".join(f"{chr(8226)} {x}: {commands[x]}"
-                                     for x in commands)), ))
-        elif event.content == "emptystring":
-            r.send(
-                r.buildReply(event.message_id,
-                             "https://i.stack.imgur.com/Fh2Cq.png"))
-        elif event.content == "help":
-            r.send(
-                r.buildReply(
-                    event.message_id,
-                    'Type in "getcmd" (without the quotes) for a list of commands and their descriptions.\n\nRepo: https://github.com/PlaceReporter99/utility-bot\nWebsite: https://utility-bot.streamlit.app/',
-                ))
-        elif event.content in ("op", "status"):
-            with open("status.txt") as f, open(__file__) as g:
-                r.send(
-                    r.buildReply(
-                        event.message_id,
-                        secrets.choice(f.read().split("\n")).replace(
-                            "[prog_rand]",
-                            secrets.choice(g.read().split("\n"))),
-                    ))
-        elif event.content[:10] == "webscrape ":
-            try:
-                r.send(
-                    indent(
-                        f"@{event.user_name.replace(' ', '')}" +
-                        "\nHere is the source code of the HTML webpage:\n\n" +
-                        urlopen(event.content[10:]).read().decode("utf-8")))
-            except Exception as err:  # skipcq: PYL-W0703
-                r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, f"`{repr(err)}`"))
-        elif event.content[:7] == "random ":
-            args = [int(x) for x in event.content[7:].split(",")]
-            if len(args) == 1:
-                args.append(0)
-                args.append(255)
-            elif len(args) == 2:
-                args.insert(1, 0)
-            if args[0] > 1000 or any(x > 9 * 10**18 for x in args):
-                r.send(
-                    r.buildReply(
-                        event.message_id,
-                        "Sorry, that will probably take me too long."))
-            else:
-                numbers = [
-                    secrets.choice(range(args[1], args[2] + 1))
-                    for x in range(args[0])
-                ]
-                r.send(
-                    r.buildReply(event.message_id,
-                                 f"Here are your random numbers:\n{numbers}"))
-        elif event.content[:10] == "translate ":
-            arguments = [
-                remove_space(x)
-                for x in html.unescape(event.content[10:]).split("|")
-            ]
-            while len(arguments) < 3:
-                arguments.append("auto")
-            r.send(
-                r.buildReply(
-                    event.message_id,
-                    GoogleTranslator(**dict(
-                        zip(
-                            ["target", "source"],
-                            [
-                                a if (a := arguments[1]) != "auto" else "en",
-                                arguments[2],
-                            ],
-                        ))).translate(arguments[0]),
-                ))
-        elif event.content == "fishinv":
-            r.send("/fish inv")
-        elif event.content[:6] == "shell ":
-            if event.user_id == 540406:
-                try:
-                    output = subprocess.getoutput(event.content[6:])
-                    r.send(indent(r.buildReply(event.message_id, '\n' + output)))
-                except:
-                    r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "An error occured while executing the command."))
-            else:
-                r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "You don't have permission, sorry!"))
-        elif event.content[:8] == "setting ":
-            setting, value = map(remove_space, event.content[8:].split(","))
-            bool_settings = ["fishping"]
-            int_settings = []
-            if setting in bool_settings:
-                value = tobool(value)
-                if value == None:
-                    r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "The provided value isn't a recognised boolean."))
-                    return
-            elif setting in int_settings:
-                value = errortodefault(int)(value)
-                if value == None:
-                    r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "The provided value isn't a recognised number."))
-                    return
-            try:
-                datawrite("settings", event.user_name, setting, value)
-            except:
-                r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Setting could not be saved."))
-            else:
-                r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Setting changed!"))
-    return msg
-if main_:
-    bot = sechat.Bot()
-    bot.login(os.environ["BOT_EMAIL"], os.environ["BOT_PASSWORD"])
-    def repeat():
-        [r, baso, ubot] = map(bot.joinRoom, [1, 146039, 152883])
-        for room in [r, baso, ubot]:
-            onn(room)
-        ubot.send(f"Wake up, it's antifreeze time!")
-    repeat()
-    app.run(host='', port=5000)
-    try:
-        counter = 0
-        print("Startup Successful.")
-        while True:
-            print(f"Bot is running. Seconds since start: {counter}")
-            # st.write(f"Bot is running. Seconds since start: {counter}")
-            time.sleep(1)
-            counter += 1
-            if counter % 3600 == 0:
-                repeat()
-    finally:
-        r.send("Bot has stopped for updates.")
-        bot.leaveAllRooms()
+import html
+import re
+import secrets
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+from flask import Flask
+import sechat
+from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator
+from sechat.events import Events
+import firebase_admin
+from firebase_admin import credentials
+from firebase_admin import firestore
+with open('database_auth.json') as f:
+    print(f.read())
+cred = credentials.Certificate('database_auth.json')
+f_init = firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred)
+db = firestore.client()
+# import streamlit as st
+#c = Conversation()
+#h = pipeline("conversational", pad_token_id=0)
+#last_msg = ""
+app = Flask(__name__)
+def page():
+    return "<h1 style='text-align: center;'><a href='https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/1/sandbox'>Try it here</a></h1>"
+main_ = __name__ == "__main__"
+def onn(room):
+    room.on(Events.MESSAGE, roomer(room))
+def indent(text):
+    return "\n".join("    " + x for x in text.split("\n"))
+def remove_lead_space(text):
+    it = iter(text)
+    # skipcq: PTC-W0047
+    while (result := next(it)) == " ":  # skipcq: PTC-W0063
+        pass
+    return result + "".join(it)
+def remove_space(text):
+    lead_space_x = remove_lead_space(text)
+    return remove_lead_space(lead_space_x[::-1])[::-1]
+def remote(event):
+    if event.content[:10] == "remotesay ":
+        r.send(event.user_name + ": " + html.unescape(event.content[10:]))
+        g.send(g.buildReply(event.message_id, "Message sent."))
+def dataread(coll, user, key):
+    try:
+        return db.collection(coll).document(user).to_dict()[key]
+    except BaseException as e:
+        print(e)
+        return None
+def datawrite(coll, user, key, value):
+    return db.collection(coll).document(user).set({key: value}, merge=True)
+def datatoggle(coll, user, key):
+    return datawrite(coll, user, key, not dataread(coll, user, key))
+def tobool(val, truthy=["true", "1", "on", "y", "yes", "t", "i"], falsy=["false", "0", "off", "n", "no", "f", "o"], strfunc = (lambda x: str(x).lower())):
+    ch = strfunc(val)
+    print(ch)
+    if ch in truthy:
+        return True
+    elif ch in falsy:
+        return False
+    else:
+        return None
+def errortodefault(func, default=None):
+    def f(*args, **kwargs):
+        try:
+            return func(*args, **kwargs)
+        except:
+            return default
+    return f
+def roomer(r):
+    def msg(event):
+        rid = r.roomID
+        nofish = [146039]
+        if (result := re.match(
+                r"🐟 <i>(.*)'s line quivers\.<\/i>",
+                html.unescape(event.content),
+                re.UNICODE,
+        )) and event.user_id == 375672:
+            if result.group(1) == "Utility Bot" and rid not in nofish:
+                r.send("/fish again")
+            else:
+                settingr = dataread("settings", result.group(1), "fishping")
+                if settingr == None:
+                    datawrite("settings", result.group(1), "fishping", False)
+                elif settingr:
+                    r.send(
+                        f"@{result.group(1).replace(' ', '')} your fish is ready!")
+        elif event.content[:5] == "echo ":
+            if event.user_id == 540406 or event.content[5:10] != "/fish":
+                r.send(html.unescape(event.content[5:]))
+            else:
+                r.send(
+                    r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Sorry, I cannot do that."))
+        elif event.content[:8] == "echochr ":
+            r.send(html.unescape(chr(int(event.content[8:]))))
+        elif event.content[:5] == "calc ":
+            allowed = {
+                "+",
+                "-",
+                "*",
+                "/",
+                "=",
+                "!",
+                "<",
+                ">",
+                "&",
+                "|",
+                "^",
+                "~",
+                "1",
+                "2",
+                "3",
+                "4",
+                "5",
+                "6",
+                "7",
+                "8",
+                "9",
+                "0",
+                " ",
+                "(",
+                ")",
+                ".",
+                "%",
+            }
+            string = html.unescape(event.content[5:])
+            val = set(string)
+            result = []
+            if val.issubset(allowed):
+                try:
+                    r.send(
+                        r.buildReply(
+                            event.message_id,
+                            "The answer is\n" + subprocess.check_output([
+                                "timeout",
+                                "-s",
+                                "SIGKILL",
+                                "10s",
+                                "python3",
+                                "calculate.py",
+                                string,
+                            ]).decode("utf-8").replace("\n", ""),
+                        ) + ".", )
+                except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+                    r.send(
+                        r.buildReply(
+                            event.message_id,
+                            "Sorry, the calculation took longer than 10 seconds.",
+                        ))
+            else:
+                r.send(
+                    r.buildReply(
+                        event.message_id,
+                        "Sorry, only characters in the set " +
+                        str(sorted(allowed)) +
+                        " are allowed due to security reasons.",
+                    ))
+        elif event.content[:5] == "ping ":
+            r.send("@" + re.sub(" ", "", html.unescape(event.content[5:])))
+        elif event.content[:10] == "remotesay ":
+            com = html.unescape(event.content[10:])
+            li = com.partition(",")
+            if li[1] == "":
+                li = ("147516", ",", li[0])
+            if li[0] == "147571":
+                r.send(
+                    r.buildReply(event.message_id,
+                                 "Sorry, I'm afraid I can't do that."))
+            else:
+                global g  # skipcq: PYL-W0601
+                g = bot.joinRoom(int(li[0]))
+                g.send(event.user_name + ": " + li[2])
+                g.on(Events.MESSAGE, remote)
+                r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Message sent."))
+        elif event.content == "getsource":
+            r.send(
+                r.buildReply(
+                    event.message_id,
+                    "https://github.com/PlaceReporter99/utility-bot/blob/main/utilitybot.py",
+                ))
+        elif event.content[:6] == "getcmd":
+            commands = {
+                "echo <message>":
+                "                      Sends the message given to it.",
+                "echochr <character number>":
+                "          Sends the unicode character with the codepoint of the number given to it. Must be in base 10.",
+                "calc <python expression>":
+                "            Sends the answer to the given Python expression. Uses a restricted character set due to security reasons. Times out after 10 seconds.",
+                "ping <user name>":
+                "                    Pings the person with the username that was passed to it.",
+                "remotesay <room>, <message>":
+                "         Sends a message in the specified room ID. If no room ID is given, the room defaults to Sandbox 2.",
+                "getsource":
+                "                           Sends a link to the source code.",
+                "getcmd <command>":
+                "                    Sends the command description. If no command is given, it lists the commands with their descriptions instead.",
+                "emptystring":
+                "                         Sends a picture of an empty string.",
+                "help":
+                "                                Shows some information.",
+                "op / status":
+                "                         Replies with a random message from statuses.txt. Exists to quickly check whether the bot is running.",
+                "webscrape <URL>":
+                "                     Sends the HTML content of the specified URL.",
+                "random <quantity>, <start>, <end>":
+                "   Sends the specified number of random numbers in the inclusive range (using secrets.choice). 1 argument uses the range 0 to 255, and 2 arguments uses the range 0 to <end>. Maximum argument value is 1000 for <quantity> and 9 * 10 ** 18 for all other arguments.",
+                "translate <text> | <to> | <from>":
+                "    Translates <text> from the language code in <from> (automatically detects language if none is given) to the language code in <to> (translates to English if none is given). See https://utility-bot.streamlit.app/Supported_translation_languages for supported languages and their language codes.",
+                "fishinv":
+                "                             Get's the bot's fishing inventory, with the fishing game being run by OakBot.",
+                "setting <setting>, <value>":
+                "        Changes the specified setting to the specified boolean value",
+            }
+            if len(event.content) > 6:
+                try:
+                    r.send(
+                        r.buildReply(
+                            event.message_id,
+                            "`" + (result := [
+                                x for x in commands if re.match(
+                                    event.content.partition(" ")[2], x)
+                            ][0]) + "`: " + commands[result],
+                        ))
+                except IndexError:
+                    r.send(
+                        r.buildReply(event.message_id,
+                                     "Command does not exist."))
+            else:
+                r.send(
+                    indent(
+                        f"@{event.user_name.replace(' ', '')}\nHere are the available commands for this bot and their structures:\n\n"
+                        + ("\n".join(f"{chr(8226)} {x}: {commands[x]}"
+                                     for x in commands)), ))
+        elif event.content == "emptystring":
+            r.send(
+                r.buildReply(event.message_id,
+                             "https://i.stack.imgur.com/Fh2Cq.png"))
+        elif event.content == "help":
+            r.send(
+                r.buildReply(
+                    event.message_id,
+                    'Type in "getcmd" (without the quotes) for a list of commands and their descriptions.\n\nRepo: https://github.com/PlaceReporter99/utility-bot\nWebsite: https://utility-bot.streamlit.app/',
+                ))
+        elif event.content in ("op", "status"):
+            with open("status.txt") as f, open(__file__) as g:
+                r.send(
+                    r.buildReply(
+                        event.message_id,
+                        secrets.choice(f.read().split("\n")).replace(
+                            "[prog_rand]",
+                            secrets.choice(g.read().split("\n"))),
+                    ))
+        elif event.content[:10] == "webscrape ":
+            try:
+                r.send(
+                    indent(
+                        f"@{event.user_name.replace(' ', '')}" +
+                        "\nHere is the source code of the HTML webpage:\n\n" +
+                        urlopen(event.content[10:]).read().decode("utf-8")))
+            except Exception as err:  # skipcq: PYL-W0703
+                r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, f"`{repr(err)}`"))
+        elif event.content[:7] == "random ":
+            args = [int(x) for x in event.content[7:].split(",")]
+            if len(args) == 1:
+                args.append(0)
+                args.append(255)
+            elif len(args) == 2:
+                args.insert(1, 0)
+            if args[0] > 1000 or any(x > 9 * 10**18 for x in args):
+                r.send(
+                    r.buildReply(
+                        event.message_id,
+                        "Sorry, that will probably take me too long."))
+            else:
+                numbers = [
+                    secrets.choice(range(args[1], args[2] + 1))
+                    for x in range(args[0])
+                ]
+                r.send(
+                    r.buildReply(event.message_id,
+                                 f"Here are your random numbers:\n{numbers}"))
+        elif event.content[:10] == "translate ":
+            arguments = [
+                remove_space(x)
+                for x in html.unescape(event.content[10:]).split("|")
+            ]
+            while len(arguments) < 3:
+                arguments.append("auto")
+            r.send(
+                r.buildReply(
+                    event.message_id,
+                    GoogleTranslator(**dict(
+                        zip(
+                            ["target", "source"],
+                            [
+                                a if (a := arguments[1]) != "auto" else "en",
+                                arguments[2],
+                            ],
+                        ))).translate(arguments[0]),
+                ))
+        elif event.content == "fishinv":
+            r.send("/fish inv")
+        elif event.content[:6] == "shell ":
+            if event.user_id == 540406:
+                try:
+                    output = subprocess.getoutput(event.content[6:])
+                    r.send(indent(r.buildReply(event.message_id, '\n' + output)))
+                except:
+                    r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "An error occured while executing the command."))
+            else:
+                r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "You don't have permission, sorry!"))
+        elif event.content[:8] == "setting ":
+            setting, value = map(remove_space, event.content[8:].split(","))
+            bool_settings = ["fishping"]
+            int_settings = []
+            if setting in bool_settings:
+                value = tobool(value)
+                if value == None:
+                    r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "The provided value isn't a recognised boolean."))
+                    return
+            elif setting in int_settings:
+                value = errortodefault(int)(value)
+                if value == None:
+                    r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "The provided value isn't a recognised number."))
+                    return
+            try:
+                datawrite("settings", event.user_name, setting, value)
+            except:
+                r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Setting could not be saved."))
+            else:
+                r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Setting changed!"))
+    return msg
+if main_:
+    bot = sechat.Bot()
+    bot.login(os.environ["BOT_EMAIL"], os.environ["BOT_PASSWORD"])
+    def repeat():
+        [r, baso, ubot] = map(bot.joinRoom, [1, 146039, 152883])
+        for room in [r, baso, ubot]:
+            onn(room)
+        ubot.send(f"Wake up, it's antifreeze time!")
+    repeat()
+    app.run(host='', port=5000)
+    try:
+        counter = 0
+        print("Startup Successful.")
+        while True:
+            print(f"Bot is running. Seconds since start: {counter}")
+            # st.write(f"Bot is running. Seconds since start: {counter}")
+            time.sleep(1)
+            counter += 1
+            if counter % 3600 == 0:
+                repeat()
+    finally:
+        r.send("Bot has stopped for updates.")
+        bot.leaveAllRooms()
diff --git a/sendmsg.py b/sendmsg.py
index 3fada8e..2fb125c 100644
--- a/sendmsg.py
+++ b/sendmsg.py
@@ -1,28 +1,13 @@
-import re
-import sys
 import os
-import requests
 import sechat
 EMAIL = os.environ["email"]
 PASSWORD = os.environ["password"]
-EVENT_NAME = os.environ["event"]
-EVENT_USER = os.environ["actor"]
-PAYLOAD = os.environ["payload"]
-PASTEBIN_KEY = os.environ["pastebin"]
-CLEANED = re.sub(r"\[.*\]", "", EVENT_USER)
+MSG = os.environ["message"]
+ROOM = os.environ["room"]
 bot = sechat.Bot()
 bot.login(EMAIL, PASSWORD)
-r = bot.joinRoom(152883)
-def pastebin(text, key):
-    return requests.post("https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php", data = {'api_dev_key': key, 'api_option': 'paste', 'api_paste_code': text, 'api_paste_private': '1'}).text
-def indent(text):
-    return "\n".join("    " + x for x in text.split("\n"))
-r.send(f'Event "{EVENT_NAME}" was triggered by [{CLEANED}](https://github.com/{CLEANED}). The [payload]({pastebin(PAYLOAD, PASTEBIN_KEY)}) is linked.')
\ No newline at end of file
+r = bot.joinRoom(int(ROOM))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sendrepoevent.py b/sendrepoevent.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fada8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sendrepoevent.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import re
+import sys
+import os
+import requests
+import sechat
+EMAIL = os.environ["email"]
+PASSWORD = os.environ["password"]
+EVENT_NAME = os.environ["event"]
+EVENT_USER = os.environ["actor"]
+PAYLOAD = os.environ["payload"]
+PASTEBIN_KEY = os.environ["pastebin"]
+CLEANED = re.sub(r"\[.*\]", "", EVENT_USER)
+bot = sechat.Bot()
+bot.login(EMAIL, PASSWORD)
+r = bot.joinRoom(152883)
+def pastebin(text, key):
+    return requests.post("https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php", data = {'api_dev_key': key, 'api_option': 'paste', 'api_paste_code': text, 'api_paste_private': '1'}).text
+def indent(text):
+    return "\n".join("    " + x for x in text.split("\n"))
+r.send(f'Event "{EVENT_NAME}" was triggered by [{CLEANED}](https://github.com/{CLEANED}). The [payload]({pastebin(PAYLOAD, PASTEBIN_KEY)}) is linked.')
\ No newline at end of file