From d66b010d82c6d6da706e031667b618d8f9df1895 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: PlaceReporter99 <>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 18:58:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] use and some other file name changes and code
.../{chatupdate.yml => chatupdate.yaml} | 2 +-
.github/workflows/sendmsg.yaml | 31 + => | 784 +++++++++--------- | 23 +- | 28 +
5 files changed, 456 insertions(+), 412 deletions(-)
rename .github/workflows/{chatupdate.yml => chatupdate.yaml} (96%)
create mode 100644 .github/workflows/sendmsg.yaml
rename => (97%)
create mode 100644
diff --git a/.github/workflows/chatupdate.yml b/.github/workflows/chatupdate.yaml
similarity index 96%
rename from .github/workflows/chatupdate.yml
rename to .github/workflows/chatupdate.yaml
index e740c9e..5f0cc1f 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/chatupdate.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/chatupdate.yaml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ jobs:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- name: Send Message
- run: python3
+ run: python3
email: ${{ secrets.BOT_EMAIL }}
password: ${{ secrets.BOT_PASSWORD }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/sendmsg.yaml b/.github/workflows/sendmsg.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5790ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/sendmsg.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+name: Post event into chat room
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ inputs:
+ message:
+ description: 'Message'
+ required: true
+ room:
+ description: 'Room'
+ required: false
+ default: '152883'
+ send_message:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Install required packages
+ run: |
+ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
+ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
+ - name: Send Message
+ run: python3
+ env:
+ email: ${{ secrets.BOT_EMAIL }}
+ password: ${{ secrets.BOT_PASSWORD }}
+ message: ${{ inputs.message }}
+ room: ${{ }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
similarity index 97%
rename from
rename to
index 9956826..57f8ef9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,392 +1,392 @@
-import html
-import re
-import secrets
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import os
-import time
-from urllib.request import urlopen
-from flask import Flask
-import sechat
-from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator
-from import Events
-import firebase_admin
-from firebase_admin import credentials
-from firebase_admin import firestore
-with open('database_auth.json') as f:
- print(
-cred = credentials.Certificate('database_auth.json')
-f_init = firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred)
-db = firestore.client()
-# import streamlit as st
-#c = Conversation()
-#h = pipeline("conversational", pad_token_id=0)
-#last_msg = ""
-app = Flask(__name__)
-def page():
- return "
-main_ = __name__ == "__main__"
-def onn(room):
- room.on(Events.MESSAGE, roomer(room))
-def indent(text):
- return "\n".join(" " + x for x in text.split("\n"))
-def remove_lead_space(text):
- it = iter(text)
- # skipcq: PTC-W0047
- while (result := next(it)) == " ": # skipcq: PTC-W0063
- pass
- return result + "".join(it)
-def remove_space(text):
- lead_space_x = remove_lead_space(text)
- return remove_lead_space(lead_space_x[::-1])[::-1]
-def remote(event):
- if event.content[:10] == "remotesay ":
- r.send(event.user_name + ": " + html.unescape(event.content[10:]))
- g.send(g.buildReply(event.message_id, "Message sent."))
-def dataread(coll, user, key):
- try:
- return db.collection(coll).document(user).to_dict()[key]
- except BaseException as e:
- print(e)
- return None
-def datawrite(coll, user, key, value):
- return db.collection(coll).document(user).set({key: value}, merge=True)
-def datatoggle(coll, user, key):
- return datawrite(coll, user, key, not dataread(coll, user, key))
-def tobool(val, truthy=["true", "1", "on", "y", "yes", "t", "i"], falsy=["false", "0", "off", "n", "no", "f", "o"], strfunc = (lambda x: str(x).lower())):
- ch = strfunc(val)
- print(ch)
- if ch in truthy:
- return True
- elif ch in falsy:
- return False
- else:
- return None
-def errortodefault(func, default=None):
- def f(*args, **kwargs):
- try:
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- except:
- return default
- return f
-def roomer(r):
- def msg(event):
- rid = r.roomID
- nofish = [146039]
- if (result := re.match(
- r"🐟 (.*)'s line quivers\.<\/i>",
- html.unescape(event.content),
- )) and event.user_id == 375672:
- if == "Utility Bot" and rid not in nofish:
- r.send("/fish again")
- else:
- settingr = dataread("settings",, "fishping")
- if settingr == None:
- datawrite("settings",, "fishping", False)
- elif settingr:
- r.send(
- f"@{' ', '')} your fish is ready!")
- elif event.content[:5] == "echo ":
- if event.user_id == 540406 or event.content[5:10] != "/fish":
- r.send(html.unescape(event.content[5:]))
- else:
- r.send(
- r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Sorry, I cannot do that."))
- elif event.content[:8] == "echochr ":
- r.send(html.unescape(chr(int(event.content[8:]))))
- elif event.content[:5] == "calc ":
- allowed = {
- "+",
- "-",
- "*",
- "/",
- "=",
- "!",
- "<",
- ">",
- "&",
- "|",
- "^",
- "~",
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "0",
- " ",
- "(",
- ")",
- ".",
- "%",
- }
- string = html.unescape(event.content[5:])
- val = set(string)
- result = []
- if val.issubset(allowed):
- try:
- r.send(
- r.buildReply(
- event.message_id,
- "The answer is\n" + subprocess.check_output([
- "timeout",
- "-s",
- "10s",
- "python3",
- "",
- string,
- ]).decode("utf-8").replace("\n", ""),
- ) + ".", )
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- r.send(
- r.buildReply(
- event.message_id,
- "Sorry, the calculation took longer than 10 seconds.",
- ))
- else:
- r.send(
- r.buildReply(
- event.message_id,
- "Sorry, only characters in the set " +
- str(sorted(allowed)) +
- " are allowed due to security reasons.",
- ))
- elif event.content[:5] == "ping ":
- r.send("@" + re.sub(" ", "", html.unescape(event.content[5:])))
- elif event.content[:10] == "remotesay ":
- com = html.unescape(event.content[10:])
- li = com.partition(",")
- if li[1] == "":
- li = ("147516", ",", li[0])
- if li[0] == "147571":
- r.send(
- r.buildReply(event.message_id,
- "Sorry, I'm afraid I can't do that."))
- else:
- global g # skipcq: PYL-W0601
- g = bot.joinRoom(int(li[0]))
- g.send(event.user_name + ": " + li[2])
- g.on(Events.MESSAGE, remote)
- r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Message sent."))
- elif event.content == "getsource":
- r.send(
- r.buildReply(
- event.message_id,
- "",
- ))
- elif event.content[:6] == "getcmd":
- commands = {
- "echo ":
- " Sends the message given to it.",
- "echochr ":
- " Sends the unicode character with the codepoint of the number given to it. Must be in base 10.",
- "calc ":
- " Sends the answer to the given Python expression. Uses a restricted character set due to security reasons. Times out after 10 seconds.",
- "ping ":
- " Pings the person with the username that was passed to it.",
- "remotesay , ":
- " Sends a message in the specified room ID. If no room ID is given, the room defaults to Sandbox 2.",
- "getsource":
- " Sends a link to the source code.",
- "getcmd ":
- " Sends the command description. If no command is given, it lists the commands with their descriptions instead.",
- "emptystring":
- " Sends a picture of an empty string.",
- "help":
- " Shows some information.",
- "op / status":
- " Replies with a random message from statuses.txt. Exists to quickly check whether the bot is running.",
- "webscrape ":
- " Sends the HTML content of the specified URL.",
- "random , , ":
- " Sends the specified number of random numbers in the inclusive range (using secrets.choice). 1 argument uses the range 0 to 255, and 2 arguments uses the range 0 to . Maximum argument value is 1000 for and 9 * 10 ** 18 for all other arguments.",
- "translate | | ":
- " Translates from the language code in (automatically detects language if none is given) to the language code in (translates to English if none is given). See for supported languages and their language codes.",
- "fishinv":
- " Get's the bot's fishing inventory, with the fishing game being run by OakBot.",
- "setting , ":
- " Changes the specified setting to the specified boolean value",
- }
- if len(event.content) > 6:
- try:
- r.send(
- r.buildReply(
- event.message_id,
- "`" + (result := [
- x for x in commands if re.match(
- event.content.partition(" ")[2], x)
- ][0]) + "`: " + commands[result],
- ))
- except IndexError:
- r.send(
- r.buildReply(event.message_id,
- "Command does not exist."))
- else:
- r.send(
- indent(
- f"@{event.user_name.replace(' ', '')}\nHere are the available commands for this bot and their structures:\n\n"
- + ("\n".join(f"{chr(8226)} {x}: {commands[x]}"
- for x in commands)), ))
- elif event.content == "emptystring":
- r.send(
- r.buildReply(event.message_id,
- ""))
- elif event.content == "help":
- r.send(
- r.buildReply(
- event.message_id,
- 'Type in "getcmd" (without the quotes) for a list of commands and their descriptions.\n\nRepo:\nWebsite:',
- ))
- elif event.content in ("op", "status"):
- with open("status.txt") as f, open(__file__) as g:
- r.send(
- r.buildReply(
- event.message_id,
- secrets.choice("\n")).replace(
- "[prog_rand]",
- secrets.choice("\n"))),
- ))
- elif event.content[:10] == "webscrape ":
- try:
- r.send(
- indent(
- f"@{event.user_name.replace(' ', '')}" +
- "\nHere is the source code of the HTML webpage:\n\n" +
- urlopen(event.content[10:]).read().decode("utf-8")))
- except Exception as err: # skipcq: PYL-W0703
- r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, f"`{repr(err)}`"))
- elif event.content[:7] == "random ":
- args = [int(x) for x in event.content[7:].split(",")]
- if len(args) == 1:
- args.append(0)
- args.append(255)
- elif len(args) == 2:
- args.insert(1, 0)
- if args[0] > 1000 or any(x > 9 * 10**18 for x in args):
- r.send(
- r.buildReply(
- event.message_id,
- "Sorry, that will probably take me too long."))
- else:
- numbers = [
- secrets.choice(range(args[1], args[2] + 1))
- for x in range(args[0])
- ]
- r.send(
- r.buildReply(event.message_id,
- f"Here are your random numbers:\n{numbers}"))
- elif event.content[:10] == "translate ":
- arguments = [
- remove_space(x)
- for x in html.unescape(event.content[10:]).split("|")
- ]
- while len(arguments) < 3:
- arguments.append("auto")
- r.send(
- r.buildReply(
- event.message_id,
- GoogleTranslator(**dict(
- zip(
- ["target", "source"],
- [
- a if (a := arguments[1]) != "auto" else "en",
- arguments[2],
- ],
- ))).translate(arguments[0]),
- ))
- elif event.content == "fishinv":
- r.send("/fish inv")
- elif event.content[:6] == "shell ":
- if event.user_id == 540406:
- try:
- output = subprocess.getoutput(event.content[6:])
- r.send(indent(r.buildReply(event.message_id, '\n' + output)))
- except:
- r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "An error occured while executing the command."))
- else:
- r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "You don't have permission, sorry!"))
- elif event.content[:8] == "setting ":
- setting, value = map(remove_space, event.content[8:].split(","))
- bool_settings = ["fishping"]
- int_settings = []
- if setting in bool_settings:
- value = tobool(value)
- if value == None:
- r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "The provided value isn't a recognised boolean."))
- return
- elif setting in int_settings:
- value = errortodefault(int)(value)
- if value == None:
- r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "The provided value isn't a recognised number."))
- return
- try:
- datawrite("settings", event.user_name, setting, value)
- except:
- r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Setting could not be saved."))
- else:
- r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Setting changed!"))
- return msg
-if main_:
- bot = sechat.Bot()
- bot.login(os.environ["BOT_EMAIL"], os.environ["BOT_PASSWORD"])
- def repeat():
- [r, baso, ubot] = map(bot.joinRoom, [1, 146039, 152883])
- for room in [r, baso, ubot]:
- onn(room)
- ubot.send(f"Wake up, it's antifreeze time!")
- repeat()
-'', port=5000)
- try:
- counter = 0
- print("Startup Successful.")
- while True:
- print(f"Bot is running. Seconds since start: {counter}")
- # st.write(f"Bot is running. Seconds since start: {counter}")
- time.sleep(1)
- counter += 1
- if counter % 3600 == 0:
- repeat()
- finally:
- r.send("Bot has stopped for updates.")
- bot.leaveAllRooms()
+import html
+import re
+import secrets
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+from flask import Flask
+import sechat
+from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator
+from import Events
+import firebase_admin
+from firebase_admin import credentials
+from firebase_admin import firestore
+with open('database_auth.json') as f:
+ print(
+cred = credentials.Certificate('database_auth.json')
+f_init = firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred)
+db = firestore.client()
+# import streamlit as st
+#c = Conversation()
+#h = pipeline("conversational", pad_token_id=0)
+#last_msg = ""
+app = Flask(__name__)
+def page():
+ return ""
+main_ = __name__ == "__main__"
+def onn(room):
+ room.on(Events.MESSAGE, roomer(room))
+def indent(text):
+ return "\n".join(" " + x for x in text.split("\n"))
+def remove_lead_space(text):
+ it = iter(text)
+ # skipcq: PTC-W0047
+ while (result := next(it)) == " ": # skipcq: PTC-W0063
+ pass
+ return result + "".join(it)
+def remove_space(text):
+ lead_space_x = remove_lead_space(text)
+ return remove_lead_space(lead_space_x[::-1])[::-1]
+def remote(event):
+ if event.content[:10] == "remotesay ":
+ r.send(event.user_name + ": " + html.unescape(event.content[10:]))
+ g.send(g.buildReply(event.message_id, "Message sent."))
+def dataread(coll, user, key):
+ try:
+ return db.collection(coll).document(user).to_dict()[key]
+ except BaseException as e:
+ print(e)
+ return None
+def datawrite(coll, user, key, value):
+ return db.collection(coll).document(user).set({key: value}, merge=True)
+def datatoggle(coll, user, key):
+ return datawrite(coll, user, key, not dataread(coll, user, key))
+def tobool(val, truthy=["true", "1", "on", "y", "yes", "t", "i"], falsy=["false", "0", "off", "n", "no", "f", "o"], strfunc = (lambda x: str(x).lower())):
+ ch = strfunc(val)
+ print(ch)
+ if ch in truthy:
+ return True
+ elif ch in falsy:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return None
+def errortodefault(func, default=None):
+ def f(*args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ except:
+ return default
+ return f
+def roomer(r):
+ def msg(event):
+ rid = r.roomID
+ nofish = [146039]
+ if (result := re.match(
+ r"🐟 (.*)'s line quivers\.<\/i>",
+ html.unescape(event.content),
+ )) and event.user_id == 375672:
+ if == "Utility Bot" and rid not in nofish:
+ r.send("/fish again")
+ else:
+ settingr = dataread("settings",, "fishping")
+ if settingr == None:
+ datawrite("settings",, "fishping", False)
+ elif settingr:
+ r.send(
+ f"@{' ', '')} your fish is ready!")
+ elif event.content[:5] == "echo ":
+ if event.user_id == 540406 or event.content[5:10] != "/fish":
+ r.send(html.unescape(event.content[5:]))
+ else:
+ r.send(
+ r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Sorry, I cannot do that."))
+ elif event.content[:8] == "echochr ":
+ r.send(html.unescape(chr(int(event.content[8:]))))
+ elif event.content[:5] == "calc ":
+ allowed = {
+ "+",
+ "-",
+ "*",
+ "/",
+ "=",
+ "!",
+ "<",
+ ">",
+ "&",
+ "|",
+ "^",
+ "~",
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "0",
+ " ",
+ "(",
+ ")",
+ ".",
+ "%",
+ }
+ string = html.unescape(event.content[5:])
+ val = set(string)
+ result = []
+ if val.issubset(allowed):
+ try:
+ r.send(
+ r.buildReply(
+ event.message_id,
+ "The answer is\n" + subprocess.check_output([
+ "timeout",
+ "-s",
+ "10s",
+ "python3",
+ "",
+ string,
+ ]).decode("utf-8").replace("\n", ""),
+ ) + ".", )
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ r.send(
+ r.buildReply(
+ event.message_id,
+ "Sorry, the calculation took longer than 10 seconds.",
+ ))
+ else:
+ r.send(
+ r.buildReply(
+ event.message_id,
+ "Sorry, only characters in the set " +
+ str(sorted(allowed)) +
+ " are allowed due to security reasons.",
+ ))
+ elif event.content[:5] == "ping ":
+ r.send("@" + re.sub(" ", "", html.unescape(event.content[5:])))
+ elif event.content[:10] == "remotesay ":
+ com = html.unescape(event.content[10:])
+ li = com.partition(",")
+ if li[1] == "":
+ li = ("147516", ",", li[0])
+ if li[0] == "147571":
+ r.send(
+ r.buildReply(event.message_id,
+ "Sorry, I'm afraid I can't do that."))
+ else:
+ global g # skipcq: PYL-W0601
+ g = bot.joinRoom(int(li[0]))
+ g.send(event.user_name + ": " + li[2])
+ g.on(Events.MESSAGE, remote)
+ r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Message sent."))
+ elif event.content == "getsource":
+ r.send(
+ r.buildReply(
+ event.message_id,
+ "",
+ ))
+ elif event.content[:6] == "getcmd":
+ commands = {
+ "echo ":
+ " Sends the message given to it.",
+ "echochr ":
+ " Sends the unicode character with the codepoint of the number given to it. Must be in base 10.",
+ "calc ":
+ " Sends the answer to the given Python expression. Uses a restricted character set due to security reasons. Times out after 10 seconds.",
+ "ping ":
+ " Pings the person with the username that was passed to it.",
+ "remotesay , ":
+ " Sends a message in the specified room ID. If no room ID is given, the room defaults to Sandbox 2.",
+ "getsource":
+ " Sends a link to the source code.",
+ "getcmd ":
+ " Sends the command description. If no command is given, it lists the commands with their descriptions instead.",
+ "emptystring":
+ " Sends a picture of an empty string.",
+ "help":
+ " Shows some information.",
+ "op / status":
+ " Replies with a random message from statuses.txt. Exists to quickly check whether the bot is running.",
+ "webscrape ":
+ " Sends the HTML content of the specified URL.",
+ "random , , ":
+ " Sends the specified number of random numbers in the inclusive range (using secrets.choice). 1 argument uses the range 0 to 255, and 2 arguments uses the range 0 to . Maximum argument value is 1000 for and 9 * 10 ** 18 for all other arguments.",
+ "translate | | ":
+ " Translates from the language code in (automatically detects language if none is given) to the language code in (translates to English if none is given). See for supported languages and their language codes.",
+ "fishinv":
+ " Get's the bot's fishing inventory, with the fishing game being run by OakBot.",
+ "setting , ":
+ " Changes the specified setting to the specified boolean value",
+ }
+ if len(event.content) > 6:
+ try:
+ r.send(
+ r.buildReply(
+ event.message_id,
+ "`" + (result := [
+ x for x in commands if re.match(
+ event.content.partition(" ")[2], x)
+ ][0]) + "`: " + commands[result],
+ ))
+ except IndexError:
+ r.send(
+ r.buildReply(event.message_id,
+ "Command does not exist."))
+ else:
+ r.send(
+ indent(
+ f"@{event.user_name.replace(' ', '')}\nHere are the available commands for this bot and their structures:\n\n"
+ + ("\n".join(f"{chr(8226)} {x}: {commands[x]}"
+ for x in commands)), ))
+ elif event.content == "emptystring":
+ r.send(
+ r.buildReply(event.message_id,
+ ""))
+ elif event.content == "help":
+ r.send(
+ r.buildReply(
+ event.message_id,
+ 'Type in "getcmd" (without the quotes) for a list of commands and their descriptions.\n\nRepo:\nWebsite:',
+ ))
+ elif event.content in ("op", "status"):
+ with open("status.txt") as f, open(__file__) as g:
+ r.send(
+ r.buildReply(
+ event.message_id,
+ secrets.choice("\n")).replace(
+ "[prog_rand]",
+ secrets.choice("\n"))),
+ ))
+ elif event.content[:10] == "webscrape ":
+ try:
+ r.send(
+ indent(
+ f"@{event.user_name.replace(' ', '')}" +
+ "\nHere is the source code of the HTML webpage:\n\n" +
+ urlopen(event.content[10:]).read().decode("utf-8")))
+ except Exception as err: # skipcq: PYL-W0703
+ r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, f"`{repr(err)}`"))
+ elif event.content[:7] == "random ":
+ args = [int(x) for x in event.content[7:].split(",")]
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ args.append(0)
+ args.append(255)
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ args.insert(1, 0)
+ if args[0] > 1000 or any(x > 9 * 10**18 for x in args):
+ r.send(
+ r.buildReply(
+ event.message_id,
+ "Sorry, that will probably take me too long."))
+ else:
+ numbers = [
+ secrets.choice(range(args[1], args[2] + 1))
+ for x in range(args[0])
+ ]
+ r.send(
+ r.buildReply(event.message_id,
+ f"Here are your random numbers:\n{numbers}"))
+ elif event.content[:10] == "translate ":
+ arguments = [
+ remove_space(x)
+ for x in html.unescape(event.content[10:]).split("|")
+ ]
+ while len(arguments) < 3:
+ arguments.append("auto")
+ r.send(
+ r.buildReply(
+ event.message_id,
+ GoogleTranslator(**dict(
+ zip(
+ ["target", "source"],
+ [
+ a if (a := arguments[1]) != "auto" else "en",
+ arguments[2],
+ ],
+ ))).translate(arguments[0]),
+ ))
+ elif event.content == "fishinv":
+ r.send("/fish inv")
+ elif event.content[:6] == "shell ":
+ if event.user_id == 540406:
+ try:
+ output = subprocess.getoutput(event.content[6:])
+ r.send(indent(r.buildReply(event.message_id, '\n' + output)))
+ except:
+ r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "An error occured while executing the command."))
+ else:
+ r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "You don't have permission, sorry!"))
+ elif event.content[:8] == "setting ":
+ setting, value = map(remove_space, event.content[8:].split(","))
+ bool_settings = ["fishping"]
+ int_settings = []
+ if setting in bool_settings:
+ value = tobool(value)
+ if value == None:
+ r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "The provided value isn't a recognised boolean."))
+ return
+ elif setting in int_settings:
+ value = errortodefault(int)(value)
+ if value == None:
+ r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "The provided value isn't a recognised number."))
+ return
+ try:
+ datawrite("settings", event.user_name, setting, value)
+ except:
+ r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Setting could not be saved."))
+ else:
+ r.send(r.buildReply(event.message_id, "Setting changed!"))
+ return msg
+if main_:
+ bot = sechat.Bot()
+ bot.login(os.environ["BOT_EMAIL"], os.environ["BOT_PASSWORD"])
+ def repeat():
+ [r, baso, ubot] = map(bot.joinRoom, [1, 146039, 152883])
+ for room in [r, baso, ubot]:
+ onn(room)
+ ubot.send(f"Wake up, it's antifreeze time!")
+ repeat()
+'', port=5000)
+ try:
+ counter = 0
+ print("Startup Successful.")
+ while True:
+ print(f"Bot is running. Seconds since start: {counter}")
+ # st.write(f"Bot is running. Seconds since start: {counter}")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ counter += 1
+ if counter % 3600 == 0:
+ repeat()
+ finally:
+ r.send("Bot has stopped for updates.")
+ bot.leaveAllRooms()
diff --git a/ b/
index 3fada8e..2fb125c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,28 +1,13 @@
-import re
-import sys
import os
-import requests
import sechat
EMAIL = os.environ["email"]
PASSWORD = os.environ["password"]
-EVENT_NAME = os.environ["event"]
-EVENT_USER = os.environ["actor"]
-PAYLOAD = os.environ["payload"]
-PASTEBIN_KEY = os.environ["pastebin"]
-CLEANED = re.sub(r"\[.*\]", "", EVENT_USER)
+MSG = os.environ["message"]
+ROOM = os.environ["room"]
bot = sechat.Bot()
bot.login(EMAIL, PASSWORD)
-r = bot.joinRoom(152883)
-def pastebin(text, key):
- return"", data = {'api_dev_key': key, 'api_option': 'paste', 'api_paste_code': text, 'api_paste_private': '1'}).text
-def indent(text):
- return "\n".join(" " + x for x in text.split("\n"))
-r.send(f'Event "{EVENT_NAME}" was triggered by [{CLEANED}]({CLEANED}). The [payload]({pastebin(PAYLOAD, PASTEBIN_KEY)}) is linked.')
\ No newline at end of file
+r = bot.joinRoom(int(ROOM))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fada8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import re
+import sys
+import os
+import requests
+import sechat
+EMAIL = os.environ["email"]
+PASSWORD = os.environ["password"]
+EVENT_NAME = os.environ["event"]
+EVENT_USER = os.environ["actor"]
+PAYLOAD = os.environ["payload"]
+PASTEBIN_KEY = os.environ["pastebin"]
+CLEANED = re.sub(r"\[.*\]", "", EVENT_USER)
+bot = sechat.Bot()
+bot.login(EMAIL, PASSWORD)
+r = bot.joinRoom(152883)
+def pastebin(text, key):
+ return"", data = {'api_dev_key': key, 'api_option': 'paste', 'api_paste_code': text, 'api_paste_private': '1'}).text
+def indent(text):
+ return "\n".join(" " + x for x in text.split("\n"))
+r.send(f'Event "{EVENT_NAME}" was triggered by [{CLEANED}]({CLEANED}). The [payload]({pastebin(PAYLOAD, PASTEBIN_KEY)}) is linked.')
\ No newline at end of file