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Ines Garcia edited this page Jun 29, 2021 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the Data-Integrity-Integrations wiki!

The Pickle

People are your most important resource as a nonprofit, and managing those relationships is top priority hence how you input, organize, and access constituent data efficiently is key.

Constituents can be staff, donors, volunteers, clients, agencies, businesses, partner organisations, and any other individual or group that your nonprofit interacts with. data management npsp

The pickle is how to effectively manage accurate, relevant and cohesive constituent data. Some of these data points can include donor or grantee profiles, giving histories, surveys, project or grant reports, interviews, input from focus groups, annual reports, email data, and so on.

  • when it can comes from multiple external sources, diverse (ie when same individual sign up from different email addresses or inverse),
  • when you may have duplicates created from different 3rd party systems (donations / events registration / accounting …)
  • when you want to handle data externally such as renewal

High level Data flow

Entries / Where from areas / where to

  • Donations (JustGiving,
  • Events (Evenbrite
  • Webforms (FormAssembly, FormTitan, web-form, pardot form/handler,

Finding out Boundaries / Questions

what to look for as new source > missing to fill

Case study of a non-profit data improvement project in an inherited org

Solutions for Integration, options, considerations and best practices

What to do, when you already have records in Salesforce that are either duplicates, or not completed, not updated etc

When handling data lets say for renewals, how to ensure the revert info updates correctly in salesforce, options, considerations and best practices

Many thoughts around how to improve the product/package itself, please add existing ideas with link and new ones created from these conversations