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Data Input Formats

James Adam Wasson edited this page Mar 15, 2018 · 30 revisions

Live HTML/JQuery node lists

Input should be formatted like so:

    <li name="Item 1" searchable="search me" selected="false"><ul>
        <li name="Item 1.1" value="1.1" searchable="search me" selected="false"></li>
        <li name="Item 1.2" searchable="search me" selected="false"><ul>
            <li name="Item 1.2.1" value="1.2.1" searchable="search me" selected="false"></li>    
    <li name="Item 2" value="2" searchable="search me" selected="false"></li>  

This can be input in either pure html, or a JQuery html list

Things to keep in mind:

  1. Headers are specified by the <li> followed by <ul> tag
  2. Data is always stored in the <li> tag
  3. Data for headers
    • name: the name displayed for the user
    • searchable: the text that can also be used to match this item
    • selected: if this data item is pre-select (defaults to false)
  4. Data for items
    • value: the value to be retrieved when the user selects this item
    • name: the name displayed for the user
    • searchable: the text that can also be used to match this item
    • selected: if this data item is pre-select (defaults to false)
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