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Sprint 1 plans

James Adam Wasson edited this page Feb 26, 2018 · 12 revisions

Sprint Goal :

  • Sprint planning meet to comeup with Product Backlog & Sprint Backlog
  • Basic data inputs
  • Basic data outputs
  • Basic look and feel of few requirements
  • Make sure to maintain Modularity

Product Backlog :

ID Functional Requirement User Stories Priority
FR1 Data Input Story 1 , Story 2 1
FR4 Multiple Multi Selectors on one page Story 3 3
FR14 Data Output Story 4 2
FR3 Searching Story 5, Story 6 4
FR2 Nested Data Story 7 5
FR6 Select All Story 8 6
FR7 Uncheck Select All Story 9 7

Sprint Backlog :

Story Task Estimation Assignee
1 Task 1 - JavaScript Array input 4 Swathi
1 Task 2 - JavaScript JSON input 3 Indranil
1 Task 3 - HTML nodelist 5 James
2 Task 4 - CSV input 4 Alyssa
2 Task 5 - XML input 6 Graham
2 Task 6 - HTML text input 4 Swathi
3 Task 7 - Data cache 3 James
3 Task 8 - Data cache interface 6 James, Indranil
4 Task 9 - Javascript output interface 2 Graham
4 Task 10 - Form output interface 8 James
5 Task 11 - Fuzzy searching 6 Alyssa
6 Task 12 - Text searching 6 Graham
6 Task 13 - Searching options 3 Indranil
7 Task 14 - Nested Data display 6 James
8 Task 15 - Select all checkbox 4 Swathi
9 Task 16 - Uncheck select all box 4 Swathi

FR1 - Data input

As a web developer,
I want to be able to input standard Javascript data formats,
so that I don't have to restructure my data at runtime.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given that the multiselector accepts standard Javascript data formats
When the web developer is accepting data from the user Then ensure that the multiselector accepts JSON data, a HTML node list or Javascript Array formatted data and should not modify data structures during processing and should output standardized data.


  • Javascript Array input
    Estimation: 4 hours
  • Javascript JSON input
    Estimation: 3 hours
  • HTML nodelist
    Estimation: 5 hours

As a web developer,
I want to be able to input text data formats,
So that I don't have to restructure my text data.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given that the multiselector can accept text data formats
When the web developer is accepting data from the user
Then ensure that the multiselector accept CSV text data or XML text data or HTML text data or JSON text data and should not modify text data during processing


  • CSV input
    Estimation: 4 hours
  • XML input
    Estimation: 6 hours
  • HTML text input
    Estimation: 4 hours
    Dependency: HTML Nodelist

FR4 - Multiple multiselectors on one page

As a web developer,
I want to have multiple multiselects on one webpage,
So that the webpage is clear and understandable.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given a web page is being developed/enhanced
    When the web developer is implementing multiple multiselectors on one page
    Then ensure the data from one multiselect doesn’t appear in another multiselect
  • Given a web page is being developed/enhanced
    When the web developer is implementing multiple multiselectors on one page
    Then ensure the configurations are separate for each multiselect component
  • Given a web page is being developed/enhanced
    When the web developer is implementing multiple multiselectors on one page
    Then ensure the styles are separate for each multiselect component


  • Data cache
    Estimation: 3 hours
  • Data cache interface
    Estimation: 6 hours
    James, Indranil
    Dependencies: Data cache

FR14 -Data output

As a web developer,
I want to be able to get the users selection choices when submitted,
So that the form/webpage can transmit or use the data

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given a multiselector is used by a user on a web page
    When the selection is submitted
    Then ensure the selected data be output in standard JSON format
  • Given a multiselector is used by a user on a web page
    When the selection is submitted
    Then ensure the selected data should be submittal using HTML form


  • Javascript output interface
    Estimation: 2 hours

  • Form output interface (on form submit)
    Estimation: 8 hours

FR3 - Searching

As a web developer,
I want to be able to turn searching on/off,
So that my webpage has a cleaner look

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given a web page is being developed/enhanced
    When the web developer is building the search list functionality
    Then ensure the ability to set searching on/off at runtime is being implemented
  • Given a web page is being developed/enhanced
    When the web developer is building the search list functionality
    Then ensure fuzzy/fault tolerant searching is being implemented if supported by the browser


  • Fuzzy Searching
    Estimation: 6 hours
    Dependencies: Data Cache Interface

As a user,
I want to be able to search the multiselect item list,
So that I can find the item I am looking for more easily

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given the web page contains a search bar
    When the user inputs a search string
    Then ensure to display only those items that has an exact match in the content searched
    And other unmatched items are filtered out
  • Given the web page contains a search bar
    When the user inputs a search string
    Then ensure fuzzy search will render results even if the correspondence between the
    input string and the search list is less than 100%


  • Text Searching
    Estimation: 6 hours
    Dependencies: Data Cache Interface
  • Searching Options
    Estimation: 3 hours
    Dependencies: Fuzzy Searching, Text Searching, Data Cache Interface

FR2 - Nested Data

As a user,
I want my data to be outlined under headings,
So that I can find the specific input I'm looking for under more a general heading

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given the webpage contains nested data with expand and collapse buttons
    When the user clicks on either of these buttons
    Then ensure the user is able to expand or collapse headings to view/select items in it
  • Given the webpage contains nested data with multiple headings and items in it
    When the user clicks the expand button of any heading
    Then ensure the items list is shaded differently from the heading
  • Given the webpage contains nested data with multiple headings and items in it
    When the user clicks the expand button of any heading
    Then ensure there is an indented layout, provided enough screen space


  • Nested Data Display Estimation: 6 hours
    Dependencies: Data Cache Interface

FR6 - Select all

As a user,
I want to check the select all option,
So that all the items listed will be auto checked with just one click

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given the web page contains a select all checkbox
    When the user checks the select all option
    Then ensure all the items are auto checked
  • Given the web page contains a select all checkbox And the select all is unchecked
    When the user checks single/multiple items in the list
    Then ensure the select all checkbox remains unchecked if not all the items are checked
  • Given the web page contains a select all checkbox
    And the select all is unchecked
    When the user checks all the items in the list separately
    Then ensure the select all is auto checked


  • Select all checkbox
    Estimation: 4 hours
    Dependencies: Nested Data Display, Data Cache Interface

FR7 - Uncheck select all

As a user,
I want to uncheck the select all option,
So that all the items listed will be auto unchecked on just one click

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given the web page contains a select all checkbox
    And the select all is checked
    When the user unchecks the select all option
    Then ensure that all the items are auto unchecked
  • Given the web page contains a select all checkbox
    And the select all is checked
    When the user unchecks at least one item in the list
    Then ensure that the select all checkbox is auto unchecked


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