diff --git a/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-1819.yml b/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-1819.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f939b741dc288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-1819.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+author: "DimWhat for spriting, SigmaPredator for helping me with organizing this, and my (theselfish) poor keyboard."
+delete-after: True
+ - rscadd: "Nearly every job has a Bunny outfit. I am not joking. Check your vendors."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/antagonists/uplink/uplinkdatums.dm b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/antagonists/uplink/uplinkdatums.dm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..83713640bfaec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/antagonists/uplink/uplinkdatums.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ name = "Syndicate Bunny Kit"
+ desc = "Straight from the dens of Carota. The Tactical Rabbit Ensemble. \
+ Made for Tactical Rabbit Action, it's been adapted for use by the Syndicate, your welcome. \
+ This kit contains one armor-lined rabbit costume, white combat gloves and one single carrot shiv. (Carrot shiv may be eaten in transit.)"
+ item = /obj/item/storage/box/syndibunny
+ cost = 8
+ purchasable_from = UPLINK_NUKE_OPS
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/antagonists/uplink/uplinkitems.dm b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/antagonists/uplink/uplinkitems.dm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..6df62f74201dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/antagonists/uplink/uplinkitems.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ name = "Syndicate bunny assassin outfit"
+ desc = "A box containing a high tech specialized syndicate... bunny suit?"
+ icon_state = "syndiebox"
+ generate_items_inside(list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/syndicate = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/syndicate/syndibunny = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/syndicate = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/syndicate = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/shoes/fancy_heels/syndi = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/gloves/combat/white = 1,
+ ), src)
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/gloves/syndicate.dm b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/gloves/syndicate.dm
index 9131c2da06d17..86b6d4264ee50 100644
--- a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/gloves/syndicate.dm
+++ b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/gloves/syndicate.dm
@@ -4,3 +4,9 @@
name = "tactical maid sleeves"
desc = "'Tactical' cleaning gloves."
icon_state = "syndimaid_arms"
+ icon_state = "white"
+ greyscale_colors = "#FFFFFF"
+ icon = 'icons/obj/clothing/gloves.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'icons/mob/clothing/hands.dmi'
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/head/helmet.dm b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/head/helmet.dm
index 522681adf849e..b59a052557043 100644
--- a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/head/helmet.dm
+++ b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/head/helmet.dm
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
icon_state = "clussy_wig"
flags_inv = HIDEHAIR
-//Bunny Ears from Monkee.
name = "bunny ears headband"
@@ -120,3 +120,373 @@
greyscale_colors = null
greyscale_config = null
greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "captain's bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of dark blue bunny ears attached to a headband. Worn in lieu of the more traditional bicorn hat."
+ icon_state = "captain"
+ inhand_icon_state = "that"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/head/hats.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/head/bunnyears.dmi'
+ dog_fashion = null
+ name = "quartermaster's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Brown and gray bunny ears attached to a headband. The brown headband denotes relative importance."
+ icon_state = "qm"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "cargo bunny ears"
+ desc = "Brown and gray bunny ears attached to a headband. The gray headband denotes relative unimportance."
+ icon_state = "cargo_tech"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "shaft miner's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Muddy gray bunny ears attached to a headband. Has zero resistance against the hostile lavaland atmosphere."
+ icon_state = "explorer"
+ armor_type = /datum/armor/hooded_explorer
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "mailman's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Blue and red bunny ears attached to a headband. Shows everyone your commitment to speed and efficiency."
+ icon_state = "mail"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "bunrunner's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Black and gold with stains of space mountain. The official wear of the Carota E-Sports team."
+ icon_state = "bitrunner"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "engineering bunny ears"
+ desc = "Yellow and orange bunny ears attached to a headband. Likely to get caught in heavy machinery."
+ icon_state = "engi"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "atmospheric technician's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Yellow and blue bunny ears attached to a headband. Gives zero protection against both fires and extreme pressures."
+ icon_state = "atmos"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "chief engineer's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Green and white bunny ears attached to a headband. Just keep them away from the supermatter."
+ icon_state = "ce"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "medical bunny ears"
+ desc = "White and blue bunny ears attached to a headband. Certainly cuter than a head mirror."
+ icon_state = "doctor"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "paramedic's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Blue and white bunny ears attached to a headband. Marks you clearly as a bunny first responder, allowing you a high degree of respect and deference… yeah right."
+ icon_state = "paramedic"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "chemist's bunny ears"
+ desc = "White and orange bunny ears attached to a headband. One of the ears is already crooked."
+ icon_state = "chem"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "pathologist's bunny ears"
+ desc = "White and green bunny ears attached to a headband. This is not proper PPE gear."
+ icon_state = "virologist"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "coroner's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Black and white bunny ears attached to a headband. Please don't wear this to a funeral."
+ icon_state = "coroner"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "chief medical officer's bunny ears"
+ desc = "White and blue bunny ears attached to a headband. A headband that commands respect from the entire medical team."
+ icon_state = "cmo"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "scientist's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Purple and white bunny ears attached to a headband. Completes the look for lagomorphic studies."
+ icon_state = "science"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "roboticist's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Black and red bunny ears attached to a headband. Installed with servos to imitate the movement of real bunny ears."
+ icon_state = "roboticist"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "geneticist's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Blue and white bunny ears attached to a headband. For when you have no bunnies to splice your genes with."
+ icon_state = "genetics"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "research director's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Purple and black bunny ears attached to a headband. Large amounts of funding went into creating a piece of headgear capable of increasing the wearers height, this is what was produced."
+ icon_state = "rd"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "security bunny ears"
+ desc = "Red and black bunny ears attached to a headband. The band is made out of hardened steel."
+ icon_state = "sec"
+ clothing_flags = SNUG_FIT
+ armor_type = /datum/armor/head_helmet
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "security assistant's bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of red and grey bunny ears attatched to a headband. Snugly fit, to keep it attatched during long distance tackles."
+ icon_state = "sec_assistant"
+//TODO: Find a way to add Warden stuff that isn't hack-y.
+ name = "warden's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Red and white bunny ears attached to a headband. Keeps the hair out of the face when checking on cameras."
+ icon_state = "warden"
+ clothing_flags = SNUG_FIT
+ armor_type = /datum/armor/head_helmet
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "brig physician's bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of red and grey bunny ears attatched to a headband. Whoever's wearing these is surely a professional... right?"
+ icon_state = "brig_phys"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "detective's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Brown bunny ears attached to a headband. Big ears for listening to calls from hysteric dames."
+ icon_state = "detective"
+ armor_type = /datum/armor/fedora_det_hat
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "noir detective's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Black bunny ears attached to a white headband. Big ears for listening to calls from hysteric dames. In glorious black and white!"
+ icon_state = "detective_noir"
+ name = "prisoner's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Black and orange bunny ears attached to a headband. This outfit was long ago outlawed under the space geneva convention for being a “cruel and unusual punishment”."
+ icon_state = "prisoner"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "head of security's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Red and gold bunny ears attached to a headband. Shows your authority over all bunny officers."
+ icon_state = "hos"
+ clothing_flags = SNUG_FIT
+ armor_type = /datum/armor/hats_hos
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "head of personnel's bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of muted blue bunny ears attached to a headband. The preferred color of bunnycrats everywhere."
+ icon_state = "hop"
+ armor_type = /datum/armor/hats_hopcap
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "janitor's bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of purple bunny ears attached to a headband. Kept meticulously clean."
+ icon_state = "janitor"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "bartender's bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of classy black and white bunny ears attached to a headband. They smell faintly of alchohol."
+ icon_state = "bar"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ custom_price = PAYCHECK_CREW
+ name = "cook's bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of white and red bunny ears attached to a headband. Helps keep hair out of the food."
+ icon_state = "chef"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "botanist's bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of green and blue bunny ears attached to a headband. Good for keeping the sweat out of your eyes during long days on the farm."
+ icon_state = "botany"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "clown's bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of orange and pink bunny ears. They even squeak."
+ icon_state = "clown"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "mime's bunny ears"
+ desc = "Red and black bunny ears attached to a headband. Great for street performers sick of the standard beret."
+ icon_state = "mime"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "chaplain's bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of black and white bunny ears attached to a headband. Worn in worship of The Gardener of Carota."
+ icon_state = "chaplain"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "curator's red bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of red and beige bunny ears attached to a headband. Marks you as an expert in all things bunny related."
+ icon_state = "curator_red"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "curator's green bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of green and black bunny ears attached to a headband. Marks you as an expert in all things bunny related."
+ icon_state = "curator_green"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "curator's teal bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of teal bunny ears attached to a headband. Marks you as an expert in all things bunny related."
+ icon_state = "curator_teal"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "lawyer's black bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of black bunny ears attached to a headband. The perfect headband to wear while negotiating a settlement."
+ icon_state = "lawyer_black"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "lawyer's blue bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of blue and white bunny ears attached to a headband. The perfect headband to wear while negotiating a settlement."
+ icon_state = "lawyer_blue"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "lawyer's red bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of red and white bunny ears attached to a headband. The perfect headband to wear while negotiating a settlement."
+ icon_state = "lawyer_red"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "good lawyer's bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of beige and blue bunny ears attached to a headband. The perfect headband to wear while negotiating a settlement."
+ icon_state = "lawyer_good"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ name = "psychologist's bunny ears"
+ desc = "A pair of black bunny ears. And how do they make you feel?"
+ icon_state = "psychologist"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/neck/neck.dm b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/neck/neck.dm
index d5e8793c439a7..e0bbb6c74dcc0 100644
--- a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/neck/neck.dm
+++ b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/neck/neck.dm
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
equip_delay_other = 1 SECONDS
equip_delay_self = 0
-//Bunny Stuff from Monkee
name = "bowtie collar"
@@ -97,3 +97,456 @@
is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "captain's bowtie"
+ desc = "A blue tie that includes a collar. Looking commanding!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_captain_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_captain"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "cargo bowtie"
+ desc = "A brown tie that includes a collar. Looking unionized!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_cargo_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_cargo"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "shaft miner's bowtie"
+ desc = "A purple tie that includes a collar. Looking hardy!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_explorer_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_explorer"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "mailman's bowtie"
+ desc = "A red tie that includes a collar. Looking unstoppable!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_mail_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_mail"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "bitrunner's bowtie"
+ desc = "Bitrunners were told that wearing a novelty shirt with a printed bow tie wasn't enough for formal events."
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_bitrunner_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_bitrunner"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "engineering bowtie"
+ desc = "An orange tie that includes a collar. Looking industrious!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_engi_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_engi"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "atmospheric technician's bowtie"
+ desc = "A blue tie that includes a collar. Looking inflammable!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_atmos_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_atmos"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "chief engineer's bowtie"
+ desc = "A green tie that includes a collar. Looking managerial!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_ce_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_ce"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "medical bowtie"
+ desc = "A light blue tie that includes a collar. Looking helpful!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_doctor_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_doctor"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "paramedic's bowtie"
+ desc = "A white tie that includes a collar. Looking selfless!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_paramedic_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_paramedic"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "chemist's bowtie"
+ desc = "An orange tie that includes a collar. Looking explosive!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_chem_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_chem"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "pathologist's bowtie"
+ desc = "A green tie that includes a collar. Looking infectious!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_virologist_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_virologist"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "coroner's bowtie"
+ desc = "A black tie that includes a collar. Looking dead...Dead good!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_virologist_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_virologist"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "chief medical officer's bowtie"
+ desc = "A blue tie that includes a collar. Looking responsible!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_cmo_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_cmo"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "scientist's bowtie"
+ desc = "A purple tie that includes a collar. Looking intelligent!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_science_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_science"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "roboticist's bowtie"
+ desc = "A red tie that includes a collar. Looking transhumanist!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_roboticist_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_roboticist"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "geneticist's bowtie"
+ desc = "A blue tie that includes a collar. Looking aberrant!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_genetics_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_genetics"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "research director's bowtie"
+ desc = "A purple tie that includes a collar. Looking inventive!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_science_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_science"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "security bowtie"
+ desc = "A red tie that includes a collar. Looking tough!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_sec_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_sec"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "security assistant's bowtie"
+ desc = "A grey tie that includes a collar. Looking \"helpful\"."
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_sec_assistant_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_sec_assistant"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "brig physician's bowtie"
+ desc = "A red tie that includes a collar. Looking underappreciated!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_brig_phys_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_brig_phys"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "detective's tie collar"
+ desc = "A brown tie that includes a collar. Looking inquisitive!"
+ icon_state = "tie_collar_det_tied"
+ tie_type = "tie_collar_det"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "prisoner's bowtie"
+ desc = "A black tie that includes a collar. Looking criminal!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_prisoner_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_prisoner"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "head of personnel's bowtie"
+ desc = "A dull red tie that includes a collar. Looking bogged down."
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_hop_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_hop"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "janitor's bowtie"
+ desc = "A purple tie that includes a collar. Looking tidy!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_janitor_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_janitor"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "bartender's bowtie"
+ desc = "A black tie that includes a collar. Looking fancy!"
+ flags_1 = null
+ custom_price = PAYCHECK_CREW
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "cook's bowtie"
+ desc = "A red tie that includes a collar. Looking culinary!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_chef_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_chef"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "botanist's bowtie"
+ desc = "A blue tie that includes a collar. Looking green-thumbed!"
+ icon_state = "bowtie_collar_botany_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_collar_botany"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "clown's bowtie"
+ desc = "An outrageously large blue bowtie. Looking funny!"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/neck/neck.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/neck/neck.dmi'
+ icon_state = "bowtie_clown_tied"
+ tie_type = "bowtie_clown"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ tie_timer = 8 SECONDS //It's a BIG bowtie
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "bunny pendant"
+ desc = "A golden pendant depicting a holy rabbit."
+ icon_state = "chaplain_pendant"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/neck/neck.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/neck/neck.dmi'
+ name = "lawyer's black tie collar"
+ desc = "A black tie that includes a collar. Looking legal!"
+ icon_state = "tie_collar_lawyer_black_tied"
+ tie_type = "tie_collar_lawyer_black"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "lawyer's blue tie collar"
+ desc = "A blue tie that includes a collar. Looking defensive!"
+ icon_state = "tie_collar_lawyer_blue_tied"
+ tie_type = "tie_collar_lawyer_blue"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "lawyer's red tie collar"
+ desc = "A red tie that includes a collar. Looking prosecutive!"
+ icon_state = "tie_collar_lawyer_red_tied"
+ tie_type = "tie_collar_lawyer_red"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
+ name = "good lawyer's tie collar"
+ desc = "A black tie that includes a collar. Looking technically legal!"
+ icon_state = "tie_collar_lawyer_good_tied"
+ tie_type = "tie_collar_lawyer_good"
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ flags_1 = null
+ is_tied = TRUE
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/outfits/bunny.dm b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/outfits/bunny.dm
index b5b6e3505ae05..f93385658268e 100644
--- a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/outfits/bunny.dm
+++ b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/outfits/bunny.dm
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
name = "Syndicate Bunny Assassin"
uniform = /obj/item/clothing/under/syndicate/syndibunny
suit = /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/syndicate
- shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/high_heels
+ shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/fancy_heels/syndi
neck = /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/syndicate/tied
ears = /obj/item/radio/headset/syndicate
id = /obj/item/card/id/advanced/chameleon
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
name = "Bunny Waiter (British)"
uniform = /obj/item/clothing/under/costume/playbunny/british
suit = /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/british
- shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/high_heels
+ shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/fancy_heels/blue
head = /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/british
neck = /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/blue
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
name = "Bunny Waiter (Communist)"
uniform = /obj/item/clothing/under/costume/playbunny/communist
suit = /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/communist
- shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/high_heels
+ shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/fancy_heels/red
head = /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/communist
neck = /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/communist
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
name = "Bunny Waiter (USA)"
uniform = /obj/item/clothing/under/costume/playbunny/usa
suit = /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/usa
- shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/high_heels
+ shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/fancy_heels/red
head = /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/usa
neck = /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/blue
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
suit = /obj/item/clothing/suit/wizrobe/magician
back = /obj/item/storage/backpack/satchel/leather
head = /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears
- shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/sandal
+ shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/fancy_heels/wizard
neck = /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/magician/tied
l_hand = /obj/item/gun/magic/wand/nothing
l_pocket = /obj/item/toy/cards/deck/tarot
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
box = /obj/item/storage/box/survival
suit = /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/centcom
gloves = /obj/item/clothing/gloves/color/white
- shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/sandal
+ shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/fancy_heels/cc
head = /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/centcom
neck = /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/centcom/tied
ears = /obj/item/radio/headset/headset_cent
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/shoes/boots.dm b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/shoes/boots.dm
index 9d98933113d66..9993a419ad4c5 100644
--- a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/shoes/boots.dm
+++ b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/shoes/boots.dm
@@ -5,3 +5,186 @@
desc = "An old pair of boots used by a now-defunct mining coalition, it seems close to the ones used by Nanotrasen miners, but without the compartments for fitting small items."
icon_state = "diver"
worn_icon_state = "diver"
+ name = "nanotrasen heels"
+ desc = "Surely these aren't official. Right?"
+ greyscale_colors = "#316E4A"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "syndiheels"
+ desc = "Heel in more way than one."
+ greyscale_colors = "#18191E"
+ armor_type = /datum/armor/shoes_combat
+ lace_time = 12 SECONDS
+ hitsound = 'sound/weapons/bladeslice.ogg'
+ strip_delay = 2 SECONDS
+ force = 10
+ throwforce = 15
+ sharpness = SHARP_POINTY
+ attack_verb_continuous = list("attacks", "slices", "slashes", "cuts", "stabs")
+ attack_verb_simple = list("attack", "slice", "slash", "cut", "stab")
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "magical heels"
+ desc = "A pair of heels that seem to magically solve all the problems with walking in heels."
+ strip_delay = 2 SECONDS
+ resistance_flags = FIRE_PROOF | ACID_PROOF
+ greyscale_colors = "#291A69"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "red heels"
+ desc = "A pair of classy red heels."
+ greyscale_colors = "#921C25"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "blue heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#41579a"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "light grey heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#d0d7da"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "heeled mining boots"
+ desc = "Steel-toed mining heels for mining in hazardous environments. This was an awful idea."
+ icon_state = "explorer_heeled"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/feet/feet.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/feet/feet.dmi'
+ species_exception = null
+ name = "navy blue heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#362f68"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "heeled work boots"
+ desc = "Nanotrasen-issue Engineering lace-up work heels that seem almost especially designed to cause a workplace accident."
+ icon_state = "workboots_heeled"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/feet/feet.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/feet/feet.dmi'
+ species_exception = null
+ name = "white heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#ffffff"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "dark blue heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#364660"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "black heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#39393f"
+ flags_1 = null
+ greyscale_colors = "#7e1980"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "red heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#a52f29"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "grey heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#918f8c"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "brown heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#784f44"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "orange heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#ff8d1e"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "tactical go-go boots"
+ desc = "Highly tactical footwear designed to give you a better view of the battlefield."
+ icon_state = "hos_boots"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/feet/feet.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/feet/feet.dmi'
+ name = "light blue heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#3e6588"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "heeled galoshes"
+ desc = "A pair of yellow rubber heels, designed to prevent slipping on wet surfaces. These are even harder to walk in than normal heels."
+ icon_state ="galoshes_heeled"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/feet/feet.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/feet/feet.dmi'
+ custom_premium_price = PAYCHECK_CREW * 3
+ name = "green heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#50d967"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "honk heels"
+ desc = "A pair of high heeled clown shoes. What kind of maniac would design these?"
+ icon_state ="honk_heels"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/feet/feet.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/feet/feet.dmi'
+ name = "dark green heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#47853a"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "teal heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#5cbfaa"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "muted black heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#2f3038"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "muted blue heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#1165c5"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "beige heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#a69e9a"
+ flags_1 = null
+ name = "dark grey heels"
+ greyscale_colors = "#46464d"
+ flags_1 = null
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/suits/jacket.dm b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/suits/jacket.dm
index 126dfb3caf6f2..f06880f41f99f 100644
--- a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/suits/jacket.dm
+++ b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/suits/jacket.dm
@@ -64,12 +64,13 @@
armor_type = /datum/armor/toggle_labcoat
toggle_noun = "zipper"
-//Monke Station Bunnies
/obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat //parent type
name = "tailcoat"
desc = "A coat usually worn by bunny themed waiters and the like."
worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ worn_icon_digi = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket_digi.dmi'
icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
icon_state = "tailcoat"
greyscale_colors = "#39393f"
@@ -125,6 +126,7 @@
name = "magician's tailcoat"
desc = "A magnificent, gold-lined tailcoat that seems to radiate power."
worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ worn_icon_digi = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket_digi.dmi'
icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
icon_state = "tailcoat_wiz"
inhand_icon_state = null
@@ -172,3 +174,419 @@
greyscale_config = null
greyscale_config_worn = null
greyscale_colors = null
+ name = "captain's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A nautical coat usually worn by bunny themed captains. It’s reinforced with genetically modified armored blue rabbit fluff."
+ icon_state = "captain"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|ARMS
+ cold_protection = CHEST|GROIN|ARMS
+ dog_fashion = null
+ name = "quartermaster's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A fancy brown coat worn by bunny themed quartermasters. The gold accents show everyone who's in charge."
+ icon_state = "qm"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ name = "cargo tailcoat"
+ desc = "A simple brown coat worn by bunny themed cargo technicians. Significantly less stripy than the quartermasters."
+ icon_state = "cargo_tech"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ name = "explorer tailcoat"
+ desc = "An adapted explorer suit worn by bunny themed shaft miners. It has attachment points for goliath plates but comparatively little armor."
+ icon_state = "explorer"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ cold_protection = CHEST|GROIN|ARMS
+ min_cold_protection_temperature = FIRE_SUIT_MIN_TEMP_PROTECT
+ heat_protection = CHEST|GROIN|ARMS
+ max_heat_protection_temperature = SPACE_SUIT_MAX_TEMP_PROTECT
+ armor_type = /datum/armor/hooded_explorer
+ allowed = list(
+ /obj/item/flashlight,
+ /obj/item/gun/energy/recharge/kinetic_accelerator,
+ /obj/item/mining_scanner,
+ /obj/item/pickaxe,
+ /obj/item/resonator,
+ /obj/item/storage/bag/ore,
+ /obj/item/t_scanner/adv_mining_scanner,
+ /obj/item/tank/internals,
+ )
+ resistance_flags = FIRE_PROOF
+ clothing_traits = list(TRAIT_SNOWSTORM_IMMUNE)
+ . = ..()
+ AddComponent(/datum/component/armor_plate)
+ name = "bitrunner tailcoat"
+ desc = "A black and gold coat worn by bunny themed cargo technicians. Open your Space Colas and let's fuckin' game!"
+ icon_state = "bitrunner"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ name = "engineering tailcoat"
+ desc = "A high visibility tailcoat worn by bunny themed engineers. Great for working in low-light conditions."
+ icon_state = "engi"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ allowed = list(
+ /obj/item/fireaxe/metal_h2_axe,
+ /obj/item/flashlight,
+ /obj/item/radio,
+ /obj/item/storage/bag/construction,
+ /obj/item/tank/internals/emergency_oxygen,
+ /obj/item/tank/internals/plasmaman,
+ /obj/item/t_scanner,
+ /obj/item/gun/ballistic/rifle/boltaction/pipegun/prime,
+ )
+/obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/engineer/worn_overlays(mutable_appearance/standing, isinhands, icon_file)
+ . = ..()
+ if(!isinhands)
+ . += emissive_appearance(icon_file, "[icon_state]-emissive", src, alpha = src.alpha)
+ name = "atmospheric technician's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A heavy duty fire-tailcoat worn by bunny themed atmospheric technicians. Reinforced with asbestos weave that makes this both stylish and lung-cancer inducing."
+ icon_state = "atmos"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|ARMS
+ slowdown = 0
+ armor_type = /datum/armor/atmos_tech_tailcoat
+ flags_inv = null
+ clothing_flags = null
+ min_cold_protection_temperature = null
+ max_heat_protection_temperature = null
+ strip_delay = 30
+ equip_delay_other = 30
+ melee = 10
+ bullet = 5
+ laser = 10
+ energy = 10
+ bomb = 20
+ bio = 50
+ fire = 100
+ acid = 50
+ name = "chief engineer's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A heavy duty green and white coat worn by bunny themed chief engineers. Made of a three layered composite fabric that is both insulating and fireproof, it also has an open face rendering all this useless."
+ icon_state = "ce"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|ARMS
+ slowdown = 0
+ armor_type = /datum/armor/ce_tailcoat
+ flags_inv = null
+ clothing_flags = null
+ min_cold_protection_temperature = null
+ max_heat_protection_temperature = null
+ strip_delay = 30
+ equip_delay_other = 30
+ melee = 10
+ bullet = 5
+ laser = 10
+ energy = 10
+ bomb = 20
+ bio = 50
+ fire = 100
+ acid = 50
+ name = "medical tailcoat"
+ desc = "A sterile white and blue coat worn by bunny themed doctors. Great for keeping the blood off."
+ icon_state = "doctor"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ name = "paramedic's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A heavy duty coat worn by bunny themed paramedics. Marked with high visibility lines for emergency operations in the dark."
+ icon_state = "paramedic"
+ name = "chemist's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A sterile white and orange coat worn by bunny themed chemists. The open chest isn't the greatest when working with dangerous substances."
+ icon_state = "chem"
+ name = "pathologist's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A sterile white and green coat worn by bunny themed pathologists. The more stylish and ineffective alternative to a biosuit."
+ icon_state = "virologist"
+ name = "pathologist's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A sterile black and white coat worn by bunny themed coroners. Adorned with a skull on the back."
+ icon_state = "coroner"
+ name = "chief medical officer's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A sterile blue coat worn by bunny themed chief medical officers. The blue helps both the wearer and bloodstains stand out from other, lower ranked, and cleaner doctors."
+ icon_state = "cmo"
+ name = "scientist's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A smart white coat worn by bunny themed scientists. Decent protection against slimes."
+ icon_state = "science"
+ name = "roboticist's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A smart white coat with red pauldrons worn by bunny themed roboticists. Looks surprisingly good with oil stains on it."
+ icon_state = "roboticist"
+ name = "geneticist's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A smart white and blue coat worn by bunny themed geneticists. Nearly looks like a real doctor's lab coat."
+ icon_state = "genetics"
+ name = "research director's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A smart purple coat worn by bunny themed head researchers. Created from captured abductor technology, what looks like a coat is actually an advanced hologram emitted from the pauldrons. Feels exactly like the real thing, too."
+ icon_state = "rd"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|ARMS|GROIN
+ name = "security tailcoat"
+ desc = "A reinforced tailcoat worn by bunny themed security officers. Uses the same lightweight armor as the MK 1 vest, though obviously has lighter protection in the chest area."
+ icon_state = "sec"
+ inhand_icon_state = "armor"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|ARMS
+ cold_protection = CHEST|GROIN|ARMS
+ dog_fashion = null
+ armor_type = /datum/armor/suit_armor
+ name = "security assistant's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A reinforced tailcoat worn by bunny themed security assistants. The duller color scheme denotes a lower rank on the chain of bunny command."
+ icon_state = "sec_assistant"
+ name = "warden's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A reinforced tailcoat worn by bunny themed wardens. Stylishly holds hidden flak plates."
+ icon_state = "warden"
+ name = "brig physician's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A mostly sterile red and grey coat worn by bunny themed brig physicians. It lacks the padding of the \"standard\" security tailcoat."
+ icon_state = "brig_phys"
+ name = "detective's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A reinforced tailcoat worn by bunny themed detectives. Perfect for a hard boiled no-nonsense type of gal."
+ icon_state = "detective"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ name = "noir detective's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A reinforced tailcoat worn by noir bunny themed detectives. Perfect for a hard boiled no-nonsense type of gal."
+ icon_state = "detective_noir"
+ name = "head of security's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A reinforced tailcoat worn by bunny themed security commanders. Enhanced with a special alloy for some extra protection and style."
+ icon_state = "hos"
+ inhand_icon_state = "armor"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|ARMS
+ cold_protection = CHEST|GROIN|ARMS
+ dog_fashion = null
+ armor_type = /datum/armor/armor_hos
+ strip_delay = 80
+ name = "head of personnel's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A strict looking coat usually worn by bunny themed bureaucrats. The pauldrons are sure to make people finally take you seriously."
+ icon_state = "hop"
+ inhand_icon_state = "armor"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|ARMS
+ cold_protection = CHEST|GROIN|ARMS
+ dog_fashion = null
+ name = "janitor's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A clean looking coat usually worn by bunny themed janitors. The purple sleeves are a late 24th century style."
+ icon_state = "janitor"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ name = "cook's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A professional white coat worn by bunny themed chefs. The red accents pair nicely with the monkey blood that often stains this."
+ icon_state = "chef"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ allowed = list(
+ /obj/item/kitchen,
+ /obj/item/knife/kitchen,
+ /obj/item/storage/bag/tray,
+ )
+ name = "botanist's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A green leather coat worn by bunny themed botanists. Great for keeping the sun off your back."
+ icon_state = "botany"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ allowed = list(
+ /obj/item/cultivator,
+ /obj/item/geneshears,
+ /obj/item/graft,
+ /obj/item/hatchet,
+ /obj/item/plant_analyzer,
+ /obj/item/reagent_containers/cup/beaker,
+ /obj/item/reagent_containers/cup/bottle,
+ /obj/item/reagent_containers/spray/pestspray,
+ /obj/item/reagent_containers/spray/plantbgone,
+ /obj/item/secateurs,
+ /obj/item/seeds,
+ /obj/item/storage/bag/plants,
+ )
+ name = "clown's tailcoat"
+ desc = "An orange polkadot coat worn by bunny themed clowns. Shows everyone who the real ringmaster is."
+ icon_state = "clown"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ name = "mime's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A stripy sleeved black coat worn by bunny themed mimes. The red accents mimic the suspenders seen in more standard mime outfits."
+ icon_state = "mime"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ name = "chaplain's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A gilded black coat worn by bunny themed chaplains. Traditional vestments of the lagomorphic cults of Cairead."
+ icon_state = "chaplain"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ allowed = list(
+ /obj/item/nullrod,
+ /obj/item/reagent_containers/cup/glass/bottle/holywater,
+ /obj/item/storage/fancy/candle_box,
+ /obj/item/flashlight/flare/candle,
+ /obj/item/tank/internals/emergency_oxygen,
+ /obj/item/tank/internals/plasmaman
+ )
+ name = "curator's red tailcoat"
+ desc = "A red linen coat worn by bunny themed librarians. Keeps the dust off your shoulders during long shifts in the archives."
+ icon_state = "curator_red"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ name = "curator's green tailcoat"
+ desc = "A green linen coat worn by bunny themed librarians. Keeps the dust off your shoulders during long shifts in the archives."
+ icon_state = "curator_green"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ name = "curator's teal tailcoat"
+ desc = "A teal linen coat worn by bunny themed librarians. Keeps the dust off your shoulders during long shifts in the archives."
+ icon_state = "curator_teal"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ name = "lawyer's black tailcoat"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed lawyers. EXTREMELY professional."
+ icon_state = "lawyer_black"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ name = "lawyer's blue tailcoat"
+ desc = "A blue linen coat worn by bunny themed lawyers. May or may not contain souls of the damned in suit pockets."
+ icon_state = "lawyer_blue"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ name = "lawyer's red tailcoat"
+ desc = "A red linen coat worn by bunny themed lawyers. May or may not contain souls of the damned in suit pockets."
+ icon_state = "lawyer_red"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ name = "good lawyer's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A beige linen coat worn by bunny themed lawyers. May or may not contain souls of the damned in suit pockets."
+ icon_state = "lawyer_good"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
+ name = "psychologist's tailcoat"
+ desc = "A black linen coat worn by bunny themed psychologists. A casual open coat for making you seem approachable, maybe too casual."
+ icon_state = "psychologist"
+ greyscale_config = null
+ greyscale_config_worn = null
+ greyscale_colors = null
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/under/misc.dm b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/under/misc.dm
index 68cc483e0dc14..03d8d74a8ab4a 100644
--- a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/under/misc.dm
+++ b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/clothing/under/misc.dm
@@ -8,11 +8,14 @@
worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits.dmi'
body_parts_covered = CHEST|LEGS|GROIN
name = "bunny suit"
desc = "The staple of any bunny themed waiters and the like. It has a little cottonball tail too."
icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon_digi = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume_digi.dmi'
icon_state = "playbunny"
greyscale_colors = "#39393f#39393f#ffffff#87502e"
greyscale_config = /datum/greyscale_config/bunnysuit
@@ -31,6 +34,7 @@
desc = "The staple of any bunny themed syndicate assassins. Are those carbon nanotube stockings?"
icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon_digi = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume_digi.dmi'
icon_state = "syndibunny"
body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
@@ -94,3 +98,646 @@
greyscale_config = null
greyscale_config_worn = null
greyscale_colors = null
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed captains. Great for securing the disk."
+ name = "captain's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_captain"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "quartermaster's bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed quartermasters. Complete with gold buttons and a nametag."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_qm"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "cargo bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed cargo technicians. Nigh indistinguishable from the quartermasters bunny suit."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_cargo"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "shaft miner's bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed shaft miners. The perfect outfit for fighting demons on an ash choked hell planet."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_miner"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "mailman's bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed mailmen. A sleek mailman outfit for when you need to deliver mail as quickly and with as little wind resistance possible."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_mail"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "bunrunner suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed gamer. Has enough space for one extra soda, if you're worthy."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_bitrunner"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ name = "engineering bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed engineers. Keeps loose clothing to a minimum in a fashionable manner."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_engi"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "atmospheric technician's bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed atmospheric technicians. Perfect for any blue collar worker wanting to keep up with fashion trends."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_atmos"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "chief engineer's bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed chief engineers. The airy design helps with keeping cool when engine fires get too hot to handle."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_ce"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed doctors. The open design is great for both comfort and surgery."
+ name = "medical bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_doctor"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed paramedics. Comes with spare pockets for medical supplies fastened to the leggings."
+ name = "paramedic's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_paramedic"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed chemists. The stockings are both airy and acid resistant."
+ name = "chemist's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_chem"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed pathologists. The stockings, while cute, do nothing to combat pathogens."
+ name = "pathologist's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_viro"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed coroners. A rejected mime costume."
+ name = "coroner's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_coroner"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed chief medical officers. The more vibrant blue accents denote a higher status."
+ name = "chief medical officer's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_cmo"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed scientists. Smart bunnies, Hef."
+ name = "scientist's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_sci"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed roboticists. The open design and thin leggings help to keep cool when piloting mechs."
+ name = "roboticist's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_roboticist"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed geneticists. Doesn’t go great with an abominable green muscled physique, but then again, what does?"
+ name = "geneticist's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_genetics"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed head researchers. Advanced technology allows this suit to stimulate spontaneous bunny tail growth when worn, though it's nigh-indistinguishable from the standard cottonball and disappears as soon as the suit is removed."
+ name = "research director's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_rd"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ can_adjust = TRUE
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed security officers. The red coloring helps to hide any blood that may stain this."
+ name = "security bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_sec"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/security.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/security.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed security assistants. Can't lost respect you don't have!"
+ name = "security assistant's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_sec_assistant"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/security.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/security.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed wardens. The more formal security bunny suit for a less combat focused job."
+ name = "warden's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_warden"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/security.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/security.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed brig physicians. The rejected alternative to an already discontinued alternate uniform, now sold at a premium!"
+ name = "brig physician's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_brig_phys"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/security.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/security.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed detectives. Capable of storing precious candy corns."
+ name = "detective's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_det"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/security.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/security.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any noir bunny themed detectives. Capable of storing precious candy corns."
+ name = "noir detective's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_det_noir"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/security.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/security.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed prisoners. Great for hiding shanks and other small contrabands."
+ name = "prisoner's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_prisoner"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed security commanders. Includes kevlar weave stockings and a gilded tail."
+ name = "Head of Security's bunnysuit"
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_hos"
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/security.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/security.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "head of personnel's bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed bureaucrats. It has a spare “pocket” for holding extra pens and paper."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_hop"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "janitor's bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed janitors. The stockings are made of cotton to allow for easy laundering."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_janitor"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "bartender's bunnysuit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed bartenders. Looks even more stylish than the standard bunny suit."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_bar"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ custom_price = PAYCHECK_CREW
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "cook's bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed chefs. Shame there aren't any fishnets."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_chef"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "botanist's bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed botanists. The stockings are made of faux-denim to mimic the look of overalls."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_botany"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "clown's bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed clowns. Now this is just ridiculous."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_clown"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "mime's bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed mimes. Includes black and white stockings in order to comply with mime federation outfit regulations."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_mime"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "chaplain's bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed chaplains. The wool for the stockings came from a sacrificial lamb, making them extra holy."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_chaplain"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "curator's red bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed librarians. A professional yet comfortable suit perfect for the aspiring bunny academic."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_curator_red"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "curator's green bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed librarians. A professional yet comfortable suit perfect for the aspiring bunny academic."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_curator_green"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "curator's teal bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed librarians. A professional yet comfortable suit perfect for the aspiring bunny academic."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_curator_teal"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "lawyer's black bunny suit"
+ desc = "A black linen coat worn by bunny themed lawyers. May or may not contain souls of the damned in suit pockets."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_law_black"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "lawyer's blue bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed lawyers. EXTREMELY professional."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_law_blue"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "lawyer's red bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed lawyers. EXTREMELY professional."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_law_red"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "good lawyer's bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed lawyers. EXTREMELY professional."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_law_good"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
+ name = "psychologist's bunny suit"
+ desc = "The staple of any bunny themed psychologists. Perhaps not the best choice for making your patients feel at home."
+ icon_state = "bunnysuit_psychologist"
+ inhand_icon_state = null
+ icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ worn_icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi'
+ body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
+ alt_covers_chest = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ create_storage(storage_type = /datum/storage/pockets/tiny)
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/mining/equipment/survival_pod.dm b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/mining/equipment/survival_pod.dm
index b3ef5ad2ae983..b448b5ea595b4 100644
--- a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/mining/equipment/survival_pod.dm
+++ b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/mining/equipment/survival_pod.dm
@@ -18,6 +18,24 @@
item_path = /obj/item/survivalcapsule/sauna
cost_per_order = 7000
+ name = "Bunny Kit"
+ desc = "A mining outfit kit themed around bunnies, they do live in burrows after all..."
+ icon_state = "duffel-explorer"
+ inhand_icon_state = "duffel-explorer"
+ new /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/miner(src)
+ new /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/miner(src)
+ new /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/miner(src)
+ new /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/cargo/miner/bunnysuit(src)
+ new /obj/item/clothing/shoes/workboots/mining/heeled(src)
+ item_path = /obj/item/storage/backpack/duffelbag/mining_bunny
+ desc = "A mining outfit kit themed around bunnies, they do live in burrows after all..."
+ cost_per_order = 500
name = "medical trauma pod"
desc = "A bluespace capsule that deploys a fairly effective medical treatment pod!"
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/vending/comdrobe.dm b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/vending/comdrobe.dm
index 280cb99491162..469fe783dd63d 100644
--- a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/vending/comdrobe.dm
+++ b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/vending/comdrobe.dm
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
/obj/item/clothing/under/rank/blueshield/netra = 1,
/obj/item/clothing/gloves/netra = 1, //These are meant to go with the dress above it.
/obj/item/clothing/under/bimpcap = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/hats/caphat/bunnyears_captain = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/captain/bunnysuit = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/vest/capcarapace/tailcoat_captain = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/captain = 1,
access_lists["[ACCESS_HOS]"] += list(
@@ -20,6 +24,44 @@
/obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/hos/elofy = 1,
/obj/item/clothing/gloves/elofy = 1, //Part of a set so...
/obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots/elofy = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/hos = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/security/head_of_security/bunnysuit = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/hos_tailcoat = 1,
+ )
+ access_lists["[ACCESS_HOP]"] += list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/hop = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/hop_bunnysuit = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/hop_tailcoat = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/hop = 1,
+ )
+ access_lists["[ACCESS_CMO]"] += list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/cmo = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/medical/cmo_bunnysuit = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/toggle/labcoat/doctor_tailcoat/cmo = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/cmo = 1,
+ )
+ access_lists["[ACCESS_RD]"] += list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/rd = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/rnd/research_director/bunnysuit = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/research_director/tailcoat = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/rd = 1,
+ )
+ access_lists["[ACCESS_CE]"] += list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/ce = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/engineering/chief_engineer/bunnysuit = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/utility/fire/ce_tailcoat = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/ce = 1,
+ )
+ access_lists["[ACCESS_QM]"] += list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/quartermaster = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/cargo/quartermaster_bunnysuit = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/quartermaster = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/cargo = 1,
access_lists["[ACCESS_CENT_GENERAL]"] += list(
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/vending/multisec.dm b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/vending/multisec.dm
index 5cacd1cb10521..952e4fec317fa 100644
--- a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/vending/multisec.dm
+++ b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/vending/multisec.dm
@@ -53,11 +53,20 @@
/obj/item/clothing/under/rank/security/peacekeeper/armadyne/tactical = 6,
/obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots = 6,
/obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots/peacekeeper/armadyne = 6,
- /obj/item/clothing/head/beret/sec = 6,
+ /obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots/gogo_boots = 6,
/obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/sec/redsec = 6,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/beret/sec = 6,
/obj/item/clothing/head/beret/sec/peacekeeper/armadyne = 6,
/obj/item/clothing/head/soft/sec = 6,
/obj/item/clothing/head/beaniesec = 6,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/security = 6,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/security/security_bunnysuit = 6,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/security_tailcoat = 6,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/security = 6,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/security/assistant = 6,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/security/security_assistant_bunnysuit = 6,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/security_tailcoat/assistant = 6,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/security_assistant = 6,
/obj/item/clothing/mask/bandana/red = 6,
/obj/item/clothing/gloves/color/black = 6,
/obj/item/clothing/gloves/combat/peacekeeper/armadyne = 6,
@@ -79,6 +88,10 @@
/obj/item/clothing/suit/toggle/labcoat/skyrat/security_medic/blue = 3,
/obj/item/clothing/suit/hazardvest/security_medic/blue = 3,
/obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/sec/peacekeeper/security_medic = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/brig_phys = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/security/brig_phys_bunnysuit = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/toggle/labcoat/doctor_tailcoat/sec = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/brig_phys = 3,
/obj/item/clothing/under/rank/medical/scrubs/skyrat/red/sec = 3,
/obj/item/clothing/under/rank/security/peacekeeper/security_medic/alternate = 3,
/obj/item/clothing/under/rank/security/peacekeeper/security_medic = 3,
@@ -116,6 +129,9 @@
/obj/item/clothing/glasses/hud/ar/projector/security = 3,
/obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/sechailer/half_mask = 3,
/obj/item/clothing/under/rank/prisoner/classic = 6, //To be given to Prisoners.
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/prisoner = 6,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/security/prisoner_bunnysuit = 6,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/prisoner = 6,
/obj/item/clothing/head/hats/caphat/parade/fedcap/sec = 3,
/obj/item/clothing/suit/fedcoat/modern/sec = 3,
/obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/soviet = 3,
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/vending/wardrobe.dm b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/vending/wardrobe.dm
index 58d1ec0fac2c7..366d5dc9f5201 100644
--- a/modular_zubbers/code/modules/vending/wardrobe.dm
+++ b/modular_zubbers/code/modules/vending/wardrobe.dm
@@ -50,6 +50,15 @@
/obj/item/clothing/under/costume/playbunny/usa = 6,
/obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/usa = 6,
/obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/plasmaman = 6,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/clown = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/clown/clown_bunnysuit = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/clown = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/clown = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/shoes/clown_shoes/heeled = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/bunny_pendant = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/mime = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/mime_bunnysuit = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/mime = 3,
@@ -74,18 +83,97 @@
/obj/item/clothing/glasses/hud/health/surgerygoggles = 3,
/obj/item/clothing/gloves/latex/nitrile/longrubbergloves = 3,
/obj/item/clothing/suit/leatherapron = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/doctor = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/medical/doctor_bunnysuit = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/toggle/labcoat/doctor_tailcoat = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/doctor = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/paramedic = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/medical/paramedic_bunnysuit = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/toggle/labcoat/doctor_tailcoat/paramedic = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/paramedic = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/psychologist = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/psychologist_bunnysuit = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/psychologist = 3,
+ )
+ zubbers_products = list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/chemist = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/medical/chemist/bunnysuit = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/toggle/labcoat/doctor_tailcoat/chemist = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/chemist = 2,
+ zubbers_products = list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/pathologist = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/medical/pathologist_bunnysuit = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/toggle/labcoat/doctor_tailcoat/pathologist = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/pathologist = 2,
+ )
+ zubbers_products = list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/coroner = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/medical/coroner_bunnysuit = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/toggle/labcoat/doctor_tailcoat/coroner = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/coroner = 2,
+ )
+ zubbers_products = list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/scientist = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/rnd/scientist/bunnysuit = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/toggle/labcoat/doctor_tailcoat/science = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/scientist = 3,
zubbers_products = list(
/obj/item/clothing/glasses/welding/steampunk_goggles = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/roboticist = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/rnd/scientist/roboticist_bunnysuit = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/toggle/labcoat/doctor_tailcoat/science/robotics = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/roboticist = 2,
+ )
+ zubbers_products = list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/geneticist = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/rnd/geneticist/bunnysuit = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/toggle/labcoat/doctor_tailcoat/science/genetics = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/geneticist = 2,
+ )
+ zubbers_products = list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/detective = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/security/detective_bunnysuit = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/det_suit/tailcoat = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/detective = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/detective/noir = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/security/detective_bunnysuit/noir = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/det_suit/tailcoat/noir = 2,
zubbers_products = list(
/obj/item/clothing/head/caligram_cap_tan = 3,
/obj/item/clothing/under/jumpsuit/caligram_fatigues_tan = 3,
/obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/caligram_parka_tan = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/cargo = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/cargo/cargo_bunnysuit = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/cargo = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/cargo = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/mailman = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/cargo/mailman_bunnysuit = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/mailman = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/bitrunner = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/cargo/bitrunner/bunnysuit = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/bitrunner = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/bitrunner = 3,
@@ -93,27 +181,82 @@
/obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/brasspriest = 1,
/obj/item/clothing/neck/cross = 5,
/obj/item/clothing/head/anubite = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/chaplain = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/chaplain_bunnysuit = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/chaplain = 1,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/bunny_pendant = 6,
zubbers_products = list(
/obj/item/clothing/under/occult = 2,
/obj/item/storage/belt/fannypack/occult = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/curator_red = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/curator_green = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/curator_teal = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/curator_bunnysuit_red = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/curator_bunnysuit_green = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/curator_bunnysuit_teal = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/curator_red = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/curator_green = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/curator_teal = 2,
zubbers_products = list(
/obj/item/clothing/under/costume/dragon_maid = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/janitor = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/janitor/bunnysuit = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/janitor = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/janitor = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/shoes/galoshes/heeled = 3,
zubbers_products = list(
/obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/bartender = 2,
- /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie = 2,
- /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears = 2,
- /obj/item/clothing/under/costume/playbunny = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/bartender = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/bartender = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/bartender_bunnysuit = 2,
+ zubbers_products = list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/cook = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/cook_bunnysuit = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/cook = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/cook = 2,
+ )
+ zubbers_products = list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/botanist = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/hydroponics/bunnysuit = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/botanist = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/botanist = 2,
+ )
+ zubbers_products = list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/lawyer_black = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/lawyer_bunnysuit_black = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/lawyer_black = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/lawyer_black = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/lawyer_red = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/lawyer_bunnysuit_red = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/lawyer_red = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/lawyer_red = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/lawyer_blue = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/lawyer_bunnysuit_blue = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/lawyer_blue = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/lawyer_blue = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/lawyer_good = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/lawyer_bunnysuit_good = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/lawyer_good = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/lawyer_good = 3,
+ )
zubbers_products = list(
/obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/syndicate = 3,
@@ -128,3 +271,21 @@
/obj/item/clothing/under/costume/playbunny/magician = 3,
/obj/item/clothing/suit/wizrobe/magician = 3,
+ zubbers_products = list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/engineer = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/engineering/engineer_bunnysuit = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/tailcoat/engineer = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/engineer = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/shoes/workboots/heeled = 3,
+ )
+ zubbers_products = list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/playbunnyears/atmos_tech = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/engineering/atmos_tech_bunnysuit = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/utility/fire/atmos_tech_tailcoat = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/neck/tie/bunnytie/atmos_tech = 3,
+ /obj/item/clothing/shoes/workboots/heeled = 3,
+ )
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/feet/feet.dmi b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/feet/feet.dmi
index 01db60f5902c0..51d4ba0779fd1 100644
Binary files a/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/feet/feet.dmi and b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/feet/feet.dmi differ
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/head/bunnyears.dmi b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/head/bunnyears.dmi
index d52ce91cd1e88..ade9346a371a4 100644
Binary files a/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/head/bunnyears.dmi and b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/head/bunnyears.dmi differ
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/neck/neck.dmi b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/neck/neck.dmi
index bb83a20d48468..57b7aa1c900b1 100644
Binary files a/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/neck/neck.dmi and b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/neck/neck.dmi differ
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi
index 4211f5880c4ea..0685e29bafccc 100644
Binary files a/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi and b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi differ
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket_digi.dmi b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket_digi.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..7c885bf204148
Binary files /dev/null and b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/suits/jacket_digi.dmi differ
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi
index 9ff05373a057e..2c4c0c6f32cb8 100644
Binary files a/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi and b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume.dmi differ
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume_digi.dmi b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume_digi.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..124dad7f96fa9
Binary files /dev/null and b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/costume_digi.dmi differ
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/security.dmi b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/security.dmi
index b47c68ee2beea..cbe76f8948cb5 100644
Binary files a/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/security.dmi and b/modular_zubbers/icons/mob/clothing/under/security.dmi differ
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/feet/feet.dmi b/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/feet/feet.dmi
index 963f205bce55e..68d575e12cdeb 100644
Binary files a/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/feet/feet.dmi and b/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/feet/feet.dmi differ
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/head/hats.dmi b/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/head/hats.dmi
index 2e065e4eafbb1..74c16039dac11 100644
Binary files a/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/head/hats.dmi and b/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/head/hats.dmi differ
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/neck/neck.dmi b/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/neck/neck.dmi
index 6ef5e8800d06c..fdda576b5022f 100644
Binary files a/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/neck/neck.dmi and b/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/neck/neck.dmi differ
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi b/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi
index 9db65b2a2cc5c..e922df7a3ab1e 100644
Binary files a/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi and b/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/suits/jacket.dmi differ
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi b/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi
index 5634fbbea4652..9334e46feeae8 100644
Binary files a/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi and b/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/costume.dmi differ
diff --git a/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/security.dmi b/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/security.dmi
index 7d69e3ee9a638..360a0dc20686e 100644
Binary files a/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/security.dmi and b/modular_zubbers/icons/obj/clothing/under/security.dmi differ
diff --git a/tgstation.dme b/tgstation.dme
index 572f295c11683..ff2f8aadfc7bf 100644
--- a/tgstation.dme
+++ b/tgstation.dme
@@ -8692,6 +8692,8 @@
#include "modular_zubbers\code\modules\antagonists\malf\doomsday.dm"
#include "modular_zubbers\code\modules\antagonists\malf\remove_malf.dm"
#include "modular_zubbers\code\modules\antagonists\nightmare\nightmare_species.dm"
+#include "modular_zubbers\code\modules\antagonists\uplink\uplinkdatums.dm"
+#include "modular_zubbers\code\modules\antagonists\uplink\uplinkitems.dm"
#include "modular_zubbers\code\modules\antagonists\wizard\events_removal.dm"
#include "modular_zubbers\code\modules\antagonists\wizard\events_rework.dm"
#include "modular_zubbers\code\modules\antagonists\wizard\grand_finale_removal.dm"