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Releases: SSchulze1989/iRLeagueManager
Releases · SSchulze1989/iRLeagueManager
iRLeagueManager-v0.8.4-alpha Patch1-Hotfix2
Fixed a bug where the votes would not update when editing Review results
iRLeagueManager-v0.8.3-alpha Patch1-Hotfix1
Fixed a critical bug that made the Incidents page unuseable
iRLeagueManager-v0.8.2-alpha Patch1
Changes in this release:
- Option to filter only points calculation in results
- Added Logo and new Track images
- Fixed a critical bug that could lead to application crashes and errors
iRLeagueManager-v0.8.1-alpha Hotfix1
Hotfix for Points not showing ins Scoring settings #120
Changes in this release:
- minor bugfixes and stability improvements
- Added controls for editing user data and passwords #109
Small bugfixes
- Comment Edit window not opening
- Text not wrapping in textboxes #107
New minor Release bringing new features:
- Customizeable results filters: Create your own ProAm Championship or automatically remove People that haven't driven enough laps and much more.. #63
- Automated Results calculation: Pushing the "Calculate" button is no longer required and it has been removed #85
- Json data import: Import of the Json data format from the iRacing beta UI is now supported and should be the preferred way to import result data. CSV import should only be used if Json is not available. #64
- Moved Result selection for Reviews: The results of the Review are no longer edited on the Review edit page but on a separate one. This can be opened through a button next to the Result displayed on the incident card #66
- Some Bugfixes and visual updates.
iRLeagueManager-v0.6.4-alpha Patch4
Small improvements:
- display issued penalties in Results table when hovering over penalty points
- Add creation and edit info to incidentreviews and comments