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Build and Release

Antoine Théate edited this page Feb 27, 2023 · 4 revisions

The COMET-WEB SPA is built using docker and the result is a Docker container ready to be deployed (or pushed to Docker Hub). The Docker file is located in the COMETwebapp project folder.

The Docker command needs to be executed from the commandline in the solution folder. Please note that the docker file is a multi-stage docker file. In the first stage the application is built using the private DevExpress nuget feed. In order to access this nuget feed, it is required to EXPORT the API-KEY to an environment variable.

$ ./solutionfolder# export DEVEXPRESS_NUGET_KEY=<YOUR-API-KEY>
$ ./solutionfolder# DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --secret id=DEVEXPRESS_NUGET_KEY,env=DEVEXPRESS_NUGET_KEY -f COMETwebapp/Dockerfile -t rheagroup/comet-web-community-edition:latest -t rheagroup/comet-web-community-edition:<specific-version> .

Push to docker hub

$ ./solutionfolder# docker push rheagroup/comet-web-community-edition:latest
$ ./solutionfolder# docker push rheagroup/comet-web-community-edition:<specific-version>