This is vagrant-vagrant-scp-sync' current release process, documented so people know what is currently done to release it.
Github Actions now handles the release cycle. We are using SemVer Verision and Convential Commits to ensure that we can use our Commits in our CI/CD Workflow
To push a fix, ie a the Patch digit in Version string, prefix your commit header with "fix: Some Commit Message"
To push a feature, ie a the feature digit in Version string, prefix your commit header with "feat: Some Commit Message"
Doing so will cause GitHub Actions to perform the following
- Update the version in "lib/vagrant-vagrant-scp-sync/version.rb"
- Update the version in
- Create a Release and Corresponding tag
- Push the package to the GPR and Ruby Gems
The will be automatically maintained in a similar format to Vagrant by the Github Action Release-Please: