The server is composed of two parts: the admin panel and the api. It is built on top of Strapi, a headless content management system. The file structure is documented here.
yarn install
Create a new container for the db
docker run --name strapi-dev -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=pass -d mysql:latest
Login to the running instance
docker exec -it strapi-dev bin/bash
Login to MySQL
mysql -u root -p
Alter the connection settings
ALTER USER 'root' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'pass';
Create the database
create database strapi;
Exit out to the host terminal
(twice) -
Import the database
docker exec -i strapi-dev mysql -uroot -ppass strapi < /Path/to/file/strapi.sql
yarn develop
Built with Node, Koa, and Bookshelf, the REST API enables CRUD functionality with the application's content. Authentication is enabled via JWTs. The current database is sqlite3 running locally.
The content available via the API is modeled as follows.
Each endpoint corresponds to an entity from the ER digram, a content type in the admin panel, a folder in the ./api
directory, and a database table.
Endpoint | Note |
activities | |
blocks | |
blocks-categories | |
complexities | |
difficulties | |
learning-categories | |
models | |
topics | |
types |
Each and every endpoint can be interacted with by using the following method and path combinations.
Method | Path | Description |
GET | /{endpoint} | Get a list of entries |
GET | /{endpoint}/:id | Get a specific entry |
GET | /{endpoint}/count | Count entries |
POST | /{endpoint} | Create a new entry |
DELETE | /{endpoint}/:id | Delete an entry |
PUT | /{endpoint}/:id | Update an entry |
Read the full documentation on the api endpoints.
Built with React and served by Node, the admin panel allows for full customization of the server. Here you can create new content types and their corresponding endpoints, configure roles and permissions, and much more. The interface itself can be customized and configured as needed.
Read the full documentation on the admin panel.