- packages/sui-studio-create: Remove version when using npx (9225647)
- packages/sui-studio-create: Upgrade dependencies across packages (ecaff40)
- packages/sui-studio-create: Add missing comma in the JSON creator (72ed9ab)
- packages/sui-studio-create: Ugrade fs-extra dependency and use same in all packages (44bfd45)
- packages/sui-studio-create: Adapt sui-studio-create to use latest deps (f52dfdd)
- packages/sui-studio-create: Migrate sui-studio-create to esm (764e78e)
- packages/sui-studio-create: Use studio@10 when creating new studios (3aeedf2)
- packages/sui-studio-create: use latest fs-extra (8caf456)
- sui-studio-create: use latest version of husky (6a5fbfb)
- sui-studio-create: upgrade created package.json and simplify dependencies (110b111)
- sui-studio-create: upgrade dependencies (0449478)
- sui-studio-create: stop adding sui-deploy when creating studio (ca7e754)
- sui-studio-create: generate de test folder when create a new studio (9334317)
- sui-studio-create: modify sass lint config to style lint (f87d4c1)
- sui-studio-create: upgrade sui-studio version (22872d2)
- sui-studio-create: add eslint config by default when creating studio (896da24)
- sui-studio-create: restore sui-deploy to keep compatibility with script created (694b358)
- sui-studio-create: update to studio 6 and avoid forcing installing sui-deploy (0f60e35)
- sui-studio-create: update commands + add release & dev scripts in template (f472f3a)
- sui-studio-create: remove business options from generate command (ab88684)
- sui-studio-create: remove wrong tabs in package.json (c029da5)
- sui-studio-create: update with new deploy method (8a7aab4)
- sui-studio-create: Move package from @schibstedspain scope to @s-ui org (2469e1a)
- sui-studio-create: wrong package.json generation (5bebaff)
- sui-studio-create: improve phoenix scripts for generated pacakge.json (dfd35e6), closes /github.com/SUI-Components/sui/pull/18#discussion_r124194618
- sui-studio-create: wrong package.json generation (16b7269)
- sui-studio-create: add updated sui-studio-create behavior (ec6677f)