- Propagate server response (c9307eb)
- fix linting issues (d580498)
- fix linting issues (19c9633)
- fix ts config (b185cc8)
- update deps (d55aabc)
- use latest version of swc (3e1a7df)
- packages/sui-react-initial-props: fix lint issues (820e6a6)
- packages/sui-react-initial-props: fix lint issues (9840560)
- packages/sui-react-initial-props: redirect support (031930c)
- packages/sui-react-initial-props: update doc (cf0fe85)
- packages/sui-react-initial-props: update docs (d84466e)
- packages/sui-react-initial-props: update readme according ton new htppCookie sui-ssr feature (b77f93a)
- packages/sui-react-initial-props: Be sure we have initial props when hydrating (611a4fc)
- packages/sui-react-initial-props: Use major for types/node (81f4fda)
- packages/sui-react-initial-props: Use major version for types/node (a941830)
- packages/sui-react-initial-props: Bump version (6465a64)
- packages/sui-react-initial-props: Move types to devDependencies (3ec6e9a)
- packages/sui-react-initial-props: Fix all linter errors (2842ce9)
- packages/sui-react-initial-props: Migrate sui-react-initial-props to TypeScript (9a891cb)
- packages/sui-react-initial-props: remove component peer dependencies (a29e38f)
- sui-react-initial-props: set isLoading to true before gettingInitialProps (7e18344)
- sui-react-initial-props: update isLoading only if needed (f7e2060)
- sui-react-initial-props: add possibility to keep mounted the component (e1a0712)
- sui-react-initial-props: support react 17 as peer dependency (bf8d9d9)
- sui-react-initial-props: add req and res props to be available in getInitialProps (66fd8dd)
- sui-react-initial-props: add context and routeInfo the Page.renderLoading (0c1ad80)
- sui-react-initial-props: getInitilaProps only on mount (66b95cc)
- sui-react-initial-props: initial state for loading is true (5946e95)
- sui-react-initial-props: improve code readability (1a4fa8c)
- sui-react-initial-props: remove console.log and avoid using delete because deoptimizations (cd013a7)
- sui-react-initial-props: remove not needed sui-hoc dependency (244aa99)
- sui-react-initial-props: use new context (80b2c84)
- sui-react-initial-props: fix export syntax. (70901c4)
- sui-react-initial-props: Release library with correct babel-preset-sui installed (512594e)
- sui-react-initial-props: Move to babel-preset-sui@3 (b418090)
- sui-react-initial-props: Use local babel-preset-sui for each project (70793f6)
- sui-react-initial-props: support React Stream (a84968b)
- sui-react-initial-props: catch getInitialProps error and add it to initialProps as property (fc80084)
- sui-react-initial-props: force release after merge master with minor change (1f754ec)
- sui-react-initial-props: change behaviour of withInitialProps
- sui-react-initial-props: add displayName for server component (3cae6b3)
- sui-react-initial-props: add appConfig to context factory params (7617c7c)
- sui-react-initial-props: add server performance metrics (e1750b3)
- sui-react-initial-props: use promise and remove async function (456e48f)
- sui-react-initial-props: option getInitialProps in ssr too (f77caf2)
- sui-react-initial-props: use prop-types library (0a05b09)
- sui-react-initial-props: Move package from @schibstedspain scope to @s-ui org (8e2e082)
- sui-react-initial-props: add missing main on package.json (d5abe46)
- sui-react-initial-props: use new syntax as a HoC and add README (1754b78)