Fix tests for typescript
Add unit tests for all files
Add integration tests for main functionalities
Add amount of users in voice channel
Unite only getting 10 users
Check that only one bot is active on startup
Balance MMR (matter more on lower or higher mmr) Beta
Add players that play inhouse to @InhouseFighter
MIGRATION TO 12 AND TYPESCRIPT: Fix birthday Check trivia
Fix Ping command - doesn't seem available easily anymore - either disable entirely or fix
Show streak in leaderboard output
Inhouse Temperature check Fix shuffle Fix time options as input Fix event when hitting 10 players DM in discord SMS integration Group of users that you can tag
Load game from file
Game balance not sorted after mmr when starting game Verify
Move voting to gameobject
Move logic related to games to gameModes file (work with sending functions instead)
Move printing game information when starting and ending game to game object (balance info -> gameobject?)
Commands to MainCommand logic
INPROGRESS - Refactor commands to command folder
LastGame command to help list Check generate collection from the command files Add entry to public list from each command function which is used by the help command
Set up scheduled backup of data to S3
Verify: CHECK: STEAM_1:1:6530834> Paraflaxet = DOESNT EXIST AUTHOR Petter not counted in discord - didn't work for split/unite etc Update: Check if this is fixed pointing to a player instead When done, remove player print when game done
Store stats for game results (same table as map?)
rank overall (rank 1 highest mmr, 5 fifth highest)
Allow mmr for any game (if Admin)
STATS Stats screen revamp size - decrease Remove 5k, 4k etc if no entries are found for any player Include title of results and teams in table |----------|:-------------:|------:| Highlight best performer Problematic since ``` codeblock allows for same character sizes (tables) but no bold Star mark things - Makes it hard in codeblock mode due to size of utf8 chars Find Char with normal size Should do this without ruining table size
Fix async await
Re-add dathost integraton Move server_info.js to env variables Add more documentation on where to fetch env variables
FIX BUG: New players added foreign key constraint Fixed?
(node:6580) DeprecationWarning: Collection#find: pass a function instead
-server also gives link to press connect
getResult - Prevent being able to use during a game (fucks the game up) If game is not done (game unfinished) dont run endgame commands etc
Support not playing on the csgo server option for cs games
Not able to send DM error handling: @configureServer.filePath: cfg/kosatupp_inhouse_coordinator_match-gen.cfg (node:15012) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: DiscordAPIError: Cannot send messages to this user at item.request.gen.end (C:\Users\Petter\Documents\GitHub\inhouseBot\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\rest\RequestHandlers\Sequential.js:85:15) at then (C:\Users\Petter\Documents\GitHub\inhouseBot\node_modules\snekfetch\src\index.js:215:21) at at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7) (node:15012) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 2) (node:15012) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
Fix double mmr DB_sequelize rollback functionality
Rollback fix
Look into: Serverless MySQL on AWS instead of hosted (cost reduction?)
Season reset script (Half amount of database score) BONUS: Fetch Summary of season to summarize for users
Fix default mmr for trivia CATKNIFE: 2500 rating Groovy: 2500 rating Knas: 2500 rating PARaflaXet: 2500 rating
Save highest lowest mmr per play (edit rating table)
Player 0 -> 10 remove stats Command removed cs Leaderboard requires games > 0
Fetch Winner (check console when game ends to see who won) Syntax of message Trigger Unite Trigger fetch CFG File (Trigger score change? -> Should be done after score file)
randoma om namn om över ett visst antal chars: Morgans Stealth Assasins e för långt
P4G name only when 5
Design of team names change (Change color if possible)
Stäng av read console tills testad
emailSign.belongsTo(models.user_number, { foreignKey: 'user_number_id', onDelete: 'CASCADE' });
Winston logger
Stream newMessages aren't entered - debug
-gen file to .gitignore
" hm, har en idé för att minska lite på mängden api spam. Man lär ju egentligen bara vilja skicka meddelanden till discord mellan matcher. Typ för att starta en ny. Det finns ett kommando som heter get5_status som kan berätta om en match är loaded eller inte. Man skulle kunna skicka det typ varje minut och om ingen match är loaded och det är >3 spelare på servern så börjar den polla för att se om nån skriver i chatten. Kasnke till och med skickar en "say" när den börjar lyssna bonus är att man kan använda det så att den vet när den ska kolla databasen för att se matchresultatet den kommer fortfarande att tugga väldigt mycket lines när den väl är aktiv, men då sitter den iaf inte konstant och läser en massa useless shit "
MySQL - (Anton access) - initialized check format and initialize connection - Not saving any data
"You can also set get5_mysql_force_matchid to 1 to make get5 ignore the matchid in match configs, and instead set it based on the id assigned when the plugin inserts into get5_stats_matches" so if u want matchid 100 get5_mysql_force_matchid should be set to 0 and matchid should be set to 100. tror våran är satt till 1
Make sure to not allow updating server if discord game is ongoing on cs
Dathost: Add change map level as option ingame config
give option to choose if more than default 8 (abbey, subzero, anubis)
Test - sometimes captain not able to vote?
Add all cs maps emojis to git repo
Fix: Unhandled promise rejection if message is removed when you try to add reaction (fast interaction with mapveto)
Fix datarace when multiple people upvote - lock
Bug: revisit prints on emote adds (seems not to work fully on removing (does it remove upvote if you press downvote?))
Bug: Cant start new game because already in a game Team won should cancel game
Store only message id instead of entire messages ?
Before uniting all players, should save their current voiceChannel
Then, possible to unUniteAll to revert exploit
Should everyone be allowed to uniteall?
Feature: Set own birthday
Every year addition
Feature: See next persons birthday
Rewrite print trivia game modes to use Map of trivia game modes
Allow choosing trivia game mode through name aswell
Allow any order between subject and difficulty
Check Bug:
If you answer question -> between questions => 2 questions, since ans const is still active
NaN results fixed? Might still exist on -exit command + user that didn't start the trivia
If spam bot, it can print new questions result with last responses answer
Check to make sure it prints the newest questions repsonse at all time
Something about caps in ans
Prevent starting 2 games at once
Move so faster block to prevent more than one trivia trying to start
Report Question button, saves question for analysis
If question is uninteresting (which of the following, should be filtered) or buggy
Update Text on start trivia with this feature when implemented
If noone answered anything 5 questions (attempted) in a row, end questions
Support restarting bot and realizing game is going
Potentially -pickupGame [disc message ID] or something
Requires to pickupGame on startup of bot
Iterate through file and recreate game object from this
Remove messages, delete all on startup aswell, so bot doesn't clog unnecessarily
Move functional call to f, so only requires array of commands, f handles prefix check
Exchange read of optional commands to all be from bot.js (voiceMove have in variable for example )
Every place that have startsWith instead of includes
Move files into folders, command folder
Try embeds, otherwise below
`` Code blocks could be used for same size on chars, but cant have bold text then (Used on player names?)
Reference: TODO: Print``
Easier with commands change, take all arguments after first as one, for this one
Allow users to provide match id and upload that request to csgostats and then return URL to csgostats
Duel: Should be same as balance for 2 people in call
Queue: Solo "Queue" so anyone can accept, creates game between user that accepts and person queuing
Reference TODO: Queue
Challenge: specific person
if challenge is used: Should be able to challenge anyone in discord
If challenged: message that user where user can react to response in dm. Update in channel that match is on
Reference TODO: Challenge
Save every field as a Collection{GuildSnowflake -> field variable} to make sure bot works on many servers at once
Normal game should work on many channels at once, trivia will not atm. Game object trivia?
Change bot to be instances instead of file methods, reach everything from guildSnowflake then (same logic as player but for bot)
Reference: TODO: guildSnowFlake
Alternative map veto system (faster). Ban message and pick message, maps through emotes. Add all for picks, remove for ban. Highest sum after time => chosen
Allow super upvote - admin upvote instant results
Recheck every instace returning promises to use async/await instead
Double check places returning promises, to see if they are .then correctly
Add test method so system can test balance / matchmaking without updating db on every match (-balance test or something)
Start MMR chosen as either 2400, 2500 or 2600 depending on own skill, for better distribution in first games, better matchup
Add a second hidden rating for each user, so even though they all start at same mmr,
this rating is used to even out the teams when unsure (Only between people of same rank)
Additions for new channel support / less manual work (If automated it is easier to move bot to a different channel)
Check if channels are available on startup, create trivia text channel, etc
Custom emojis
mapVeto emotes, custom upvote/downvote (seemsgood maybe)
Voice channels for Team split (Team1, Team2)
Text channel for trivia
Restart in 30 sec when connection terminated due to no internet connection, currently: Unhandled "error" event. Client.emit (events.js:186:19)
Better handling of removing messages. require('node-cleanup'); code could be run better in f.js
Cleanupandexit can then have process.exit();
mapVeto using majority vote instead of captains
Add feature for user to remove themself from databse (should not be used as a reset) = ban from system