npm i react-native-badge-view -S
<BadgeView parentView={<View style={{width: 40, height: 40, backgroundColor: 'blue'}}/>}
<BadgeView parentView={<View style={{width: 40, height: 40, backgroundColor: 'blue'}}/>
} badgeImageSource={require('./badge-view/test.png')}/>
Prop | Type | Required | Default | Comment |
badgePosition | string | optional | right | The position of badge, one of right or left |
badgeText | string | optional | -- | The text of badge, if the text is an empty string or equal to 0, the badge will be invisible. |
badgeImageSource | {uri:string},number | optional | -- | The image source of badge.It works only the badgeText is empty. |
badgeImageWidth | number | optional | 20 | The width of badge image. It works only the badgeImageSource is not empty. |
badgeImageHeight | number | optional | 20 | The height of badge image. It works only the badgeImageSource is not empty. |
badgeTextColor | string | optional | white | The text color of badge, default is white. |
autoSize | bool | optional | true | When the prop is true, the badge size will be self-adaption to the text size. |
badgeSize | number | optional | 20 | The size of badge,default is 20. It works only when the autoSize is false. |
badgeBackgroundColor | string | optional | red | The background color of badge, default is red. |
parentView | element | required | -- | The parent view of badge, it is required. |