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Iturbide et al 2016 (submitted)
miturbide edited this page Nov 7, 2016
21 revisions
In this tutorial we are using the same presence data used in other sections of this wiki, this is distributions of Quercus robur phylogenies H11 and H5 in Europe. Regarding climatic variables, a subset of the data used in the manuscript is used (E-OBS for the baseline data and the regional climate projections from SMHI_ECHAM5). This worked example is fully reproducible, as the data is available with the mopa
# Extract raster values at grid coordinates
ac <- xyFromCell(biostackENSEMBLES$baseline$bio2, 1:ncell(biostackENSEMBLES$baseline$bio2))
ex <- extract(biostackENSEMBLES$baseline$bio2, ac)
# Convert to a Spatial object and define projection
sp_grid_world <- SpatialPoints(ac[-which(, ])
projection(sp_grid_world) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +init=epsg:4326")
del <- delimit(bounding.coords = c(-10, 35, 30, 70), grid = sp_grid_world)
bg <- del$bbs.grid
#TS method
#step1 <-OCSVMprofiling(xy = presences,
varstack = biostackENSEMBLES$baseline,
bbs.grid = bg)
ext <- bgRadio(xy = presences, bounding.coords = c(-10, 35, 30, 70),
bg.absence =$absence,
start = 0.249, by = 0.249,
unit = "decimal degrees")
pa_TS <- list()
for (i in 1:10){
pa_TS[[i]] <-PseudoAbsences(xy = presences, bg.grids = ext,
exclusion.buffer = 0.249,
prevalence = 0.5, kmeans = FALSE)
presaus.TS <- list()
for(i in 1:10){
presaus.TS[[i]] <- bindPresAbs(presences = presences, absences = pa_TS[[i]])
dirs <- paste("mydirectory/modTS/round",1:10, sep="")
sapply(1:10, function(x){dir.create(dirs[x])})
for(i in 1:10){
modmarsTS <- allModeling(data = presaus.TS[[i]], varstack = biostackENSEMBLES$baseline,
k = 10, algorithm = "mars", destdir = dirs[i],
projection = CRS("+proj=longlat +init=epsg:4326"))
modglmTS <- allModeling(data = presaus.TS[[i]], varstack = biostackENSEMBLES$baseline,
k = 10, algorithm = "glm", destdir = dirs[i],
projection = CRS("+proj=longlat +init=epsg:4326"))
auc_mars_TS <- list()
auc_glm_TS <- list()
for(i in 1:10){
auc_mars_TS[[i]] <-loadTestValues(models = modmarsTS, test = "auc",sourcedir = dirs[i])
auc_glm_TS[[i]] <-loadTestValues(models = modglmTS, test = "auc", sourcedir = dirs[i])
ind.mars.TS <- list()
ind.glm.TS <- list()
for(i in 1:10){
ind.mars.TS[[i]] <- indextent(testmat = auc_mars_TS[[i]], diagrams = TRUE)
ind.glm.TS[[i]] <- indextent(testmat = auc_glm_TS[[i]], diagrams = TRUE)
mars.models <- list()
glm.models <- list()
for(i in 1:10){
mars.models[[i]] <- loadDefinitiveModel(ind.mars.TS[[i]], slot = "allmod")
glm.models[[i]] <- loadDefinitiveModel(ind.glm.TS[[i]], slot = "allmod")
prob.mars <- list()
prob.glm <- list()
for(i in 1:10){
prob.mars[[i]] <- predictAllmod(model = mars.models[[i]], environment = biostackENSEMBLES$future_71_100_SMHI_ECHAM5)
prob.glm[[i]] <- predictAllmod(glm.models[[i]], biostackENSEMBLES$future_71_100_SMHI_ECHAM5)
} <- list("mars" = prob.mars, "glm" = prob.glm)
datarange <- list()
for (i in 1:length({
maps <- list()
data <-[[i]]
H11 <- list()
H5 <- list()
for(j in 1:10){
H11[[j]] <- data[[j]]$H11
H5[[j]] <- data[[j]]$H5
names(H11) <- paste("round", 1:10, sep="")
names(H5) <- names(H11)
H11 <- calc(stack(H11), max, na.rm=T) - calc(stack(H11), min, na.rm=T)
H5 <- calc(stack(H5), max, na.rm=T) - calc(stack(H5), min, na.rm=T)
H11@data@values[which(is.infinite(H11@data@values))] <-NA
H5@data@values[which(is.infinite(H5@data@values))] <-NA
st <- stack(H11, H5)
names(st) <- c("H11", "H5")
datarange[[i]] <- st
names(datarange) <- names(
spplot(datarange$mars, at = seq(0,1,.1), col.regions = rev(gray.colors(10, end = 1, start = 0, gamma = 1.2)), strip = T)
spplot(datarange$glm, at = seq(0,1,.1), col.regions = rev(gray.colors(10, end = 1, start = 0, gamma = 1.2)), strip = T)
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
gridboxes <- length(na.omit(datarange$mars$H11@data@values))
#phylogeny H11
mars <- cbind(1:gridboxes *100/gridboxes , sort(na.omit(datarange$mars$H11@data@values)))
glm <- cbind(1:gridboxes *100/gridboxes , sort(na.omit(datarange$glm$H11@data@values)))
plot(mars[,2], mars[,1],xlim= c(0,1), ylim = c(0,100), col = "red", typ = "l", ylab = "gridboxes (%)", xlab = "range", main = "H11")
lines(glm[,2], glm[,1], typ = "l")
segments(x0 = seq(0.2,0.8,0.2), y0 = 0, x1 = seq(0.2,0.8,0.2), y1 = 100, col = "grey", lty = 3)
segments(x0 = 0, y0 = seq(20,80,20), x1 = 1, y1 = seq(20,80,20), col = "grey", lty = 3)
mars.5 <- round(100 - mars[which(mars[,2]>0.5),][1,][1], digits = 1)
glm.5 <- round(100 - glm[which(glm[,2]>0.5),][1,][1], digits = 1)
mars.25 <- round(100 - mars[which(mars[,2]>0.25),][1,][1], digits = 1)
glm.25 <- round(100 - glm[which(glm[,2]>0.25),][1,][1], digits = 1)
segments(x0 = 0.5, y0 = 0, x1 = 0.5, y1 = 100, col = "blue")
segments(x0 = 0.25, y0 = 0, x1 = 0.25, y1 = 100, col = "green")
legend(x = 0.51, y = 45, legend = paste(c(mars.5, glm.5)," ",c(mars.25, glm.25), sep=" "),text.col = "green", lty = 1, col = c("red", "black"), border = F, box.lwd = 0, cex = .8, bty = "n")
legend(x = 0.51, y = 45, legend = c(mars.5, glm.5), text.col = "blue", lty = 1, col = c("red","black"), border = F, box.lwd = 0, cex = .8, bty = "n")
#phylogeny H5
mars <- cbind(1:gridboxes *100/gridboxes , sort(na.omit(datarange$mars$H5@data@values)))
glm <- cbind(1:gridboxes *100/gridboxes , sort(na.omit(datarange$glm$H5@data@values)))
plot(mars[,2], mars[,1], xlim= c(0,1), ylim = c(0,100), col = "red", typ = "l", ylab = "gridboxes (%)", xlab = "range", main = "H5")
lines(glm[,2], glm[,1], typ = "l")
segments(x0 = seq(0.2,0.8,0.2), y0 = 0, x1 = seq(0.2,0.8,0.2), y1 = 100, col = "grey", lty = 3)
segments(x0 = 0, y0 = seq(20,80,20), x1 = 1, y1 = seq(20,80,20), col = "grey", lty = 3)
mars.5 <- round(100 - mars[which(mars[,2]>0.5),][1,][1], digits = 1)
glm.5 <- round(100 - glm[which(glm[,2]>0.5),][1,][1], digits = 1)
mars.25 <- round(100 - mars[which(mars[,2]>0.25),][1,][1], digits = 1)
glm.25 <- round(100 - glm[which(glm[,2]>0.25),][1,][1], digits = 1)
segments(x0 = 0.5, y0 = 0, x1 = 0.5, y1 = 100, col = "blue")
segments(x0 = 0.25, y0 = 0, x1 = 0.25, y1 = 100, col = "green")
legend(x = 0.51, y = 45, legend = paste(c(mars.5, glm.5)," ",c(mars.25, glm.25), sep=" "),text.col = "green", lty = 1, col = c("red", "black"), border = F, box.lwd = 0, cex = .8, bty = "n")
legend(x = 0.51, y = 45, legend = c(mars.5, glm.5), text.col = "blue", lty = 1, col = c("red","black"), border = F, box.lwd = 0, cex = .8, bty = "n")
legend(x = 0.5, y = 95, legend = c("mars", "glm"), lty = 1, col = c("red","black"), bty = "n",
border = F, box.lwd = 0, cex = 1)
mars.H11 <- list()
glm.H11 <- list()
for(i in 1:10){
mars.H11[[i]] <- prob.mars[[i]]$H11
glm.H11[[i]] <- prob.glm[[i]]$H11
names(mars.H11) <- as.character(1:10)
names(glm.H11) <- names(mars.H11)
mars.H11 <- stack(mars.H11)
glm.H11 <- stack(glm.H11)
ov.mars.H11 <- nicheOver(stack = mars.H11, metric = "D")
ind <- which(ov.mars.H11 == min(ov.mars.H11, na.rm = T), arr.ind = T)
extremes <- stack(list(prob.mars[[ind[1]]]$H11, prob.mars[[ind[2]]]$H11))
spplot(extremes, strip = F)
ov.glm.H11 <- nicheOver(stack = glm.H11, metric = "D")
ind <- which(ov.glm.H11 == min(ov.glm.H11, na.rm = T), arr.ind = T)
extremes <- stack(list(prob.glm[[ind[1]]]$H11, prob.glm[[ind[2]]]$H11))
spplot(extremes, strip = F)