diff --git a/robottelo/cli/contentview.py b/robottelo/cli/contentview.py
index 57d69b7dd29..5dfcd87721b 100644
--- a/robottelo/cli/contentview.py
+++ b/robottelo/cli/contentview.py
@@ -209,3 +209,9 @@ def component_list(cls, options=None):
         """List components attached to the content view"""
         cls.command_sub = 'component list'
         return cls.execute(cls._construct_command(options), output_format='csv')
+    @classmethod
+    def list(cls, options=None):
+        """List information about content views"""
+        cls.command_sub = 'list'
+        return cls.execute(cls._construct_command(options), output_format='csv')
diff --git a/tests/foreman/cli/test_contentview.py b/tests/foreman/cli/test_contentview.py
index f9b6829f348..4fb072c1939 100644
--- a/tests/foreman/cli/test_contentview.py
+++ b/tests/foreman/cli/test_contentview.py
@@ -3228,6 +3228,46 @@ def test_version_info_by_lce(self, module_org, module_target_sat):
         assert content_view['version'] == '1.0'
+    @pytest.mark.tier2
+    def test_show_all_repo_ids(self, module_org, module_product, module_target_sat):
+        """Hammer content-view list shows all repo ids
+        :id: 56d716f1-85cf-47d7-a8e6-29788374d318
+        :steps:
+            1. Add a large number of repositories to a CV
+            2. Publish the CV
+            3. Run hammer content-view list
+        :expectedresults: All IDs for the repo are listed, and not truncated
+        :BZ: 2141421
+        :customerscenario: true
+        """
+        # Create 30 repositories
+        repolist = []
+        id_list = []
+        for _ in range(30):
+            repo = module_target_sat.api.Repository(
+                product=module_product,
+                checksum_type='sha256',
+                mirroring_policy='additive',
+                download_policy='immediate',
+            ).create()
+            repolist.append(repo)
+            id_list.append(str(repo.id))
+        # Sync and publish all repos
+        cv = module_target_sat.api.ContentView(
+            organization=module_org, repository=repolist
+        ).create()
+        for repo in repolist:
+            repo.sync()
+        cv.publish()
+        # Run content-view list --name cv.name
+        list_info = module_target_sat.cli.ContentView.list({'name': cv.name})
+        assert set(list_info[0]['repository-ids'].split(', ')) == set(id_list)
     def test_positive_validate_force_promote_warning(self, target_sat, function_org):
         """Test cv promote shows warning of 'force promotion' for out of sequence LCE