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Update preinstalled packages
sudo apt update
Now install python3, python3-pip & Nginx
sudo apt install python3-pip python3-dev nginx
Lets install virtual environment
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
Lets create a directory to host our flask application
mkdir myFlaskApp && cd myFlaskApp
Run the following command to create a virtual environment named env
virtualenv env
Finally activate the virtual environment
source env/bin/activate
Now install flask and gunicorn using flask
pip3 install flask gunicorn
Let us now create a sample project by entering the command below:
Paste the below code to file. Here debug = true is written. For the first time to deploy the app, then this is for testing purpose. Then make it false. This is actually for development purpose.
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hellow_world():
return "Hello WOrld!"
if __name__ == '__main__': = True, host = '')
Now run the project. If everything is ok, then go further.
Next, we will create a file that will serve as the entry point for our application. This will tell our Gunicorn server how to interact with the application.
Copy the contents below to
from app import app
if __name__ == "__main__":
We can test gunicorn's ability to serve our project by running the command below
gunicorn --bind wsgi:app
Folder structure so far:
|____ env
Lets deactivate the virtual environment now
When your server will reboot for any reason then the flask app will rerun automatically. Lets now create a systemd service using:
vim /etc/systemd/system/app.service
Now paste the contents below to this file and save it:
# specifies metadata and dependencies
Description=Gunicorn instance to serve myproject
# tells the init system to only start this after the networking target has been reached
# We will give our regular user account ownership of the process since it owns all of the relevant files
# Service specify the user and group under which our process will run.
# give group ownership to the www-data group so that Nginx can communicate easily with the Gunicorn processes.
# We'll then map out the working directory and set the PATH environmental variable so that the init system knows where our the executables for the process are located (within our virtual environment).
# We'll then specify the commanded to start the service
ExecStart=/home/sayan/myFlaskApp/env/bin/gunicorn --workers 3 --bind unix:app.sock -m 007 wsgi:app
# This will tell systemd what to link this service to if we enable it to start at boot. We want this service to start when the regular multi-user system is up and running:
[NOTE: Change the username according to you. Change the WorkingDirectory according to your project and also specify the Environment path.]
Activate this service by typing
sudo systemctl start app
sudo systemctl enable app
A file named app.sock will be automatically created. If there is no .sock file, you did a mistake. Folder structure so far
|____ env
|____ app.sock
Create a file named app inside /etc/nginx/sites-available
sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/app
Now copy the below contents to this file:
server {
listen 80;
server_name; # This is your local ip address
location / {
include proxy_params;
# tell where the files of the site
proxy_pass http://unix:/home/satan/myFlaskApp/app.sock;
Activate this configuration by executing this
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/app /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
Restart nginx and your website should work fine!
sudo systemctl restart nginx
Execute below commands
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'
sudo ufw allow http
sudo ufw allow https
After changing the project, next have to execute below commands
sudo service nginx restart
sudo service app restart
In you project, there will be static files also. To serve that files also, type these commands:
sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-availabe/app
Next have to change the file. After changing the file, the file should look like this
server {
listen 80;
location /static {
alias /home/sayan/myFlaskApp/static/;
location / {
include proxy_params;
proxy_pass http://unix:/home/sayan/myFlaskApp/app.sock;