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512 lines (432 loc) · 27.1 KB

SSBH Editor Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.



  • Fixed an issue where bone rendering would incorrectly account for bone scale and cause some bones to fill the screen.

0.10.6 - 2024-10-14


  • Fixed a regression in animation playback causing playback speeds less than 1.0 to not work.

0.10.5 - 2024-10-02


  • Added an option to convert a parent bone to bone influences in the Mesh Editor.
  • Added anisotropic rotation to the shader information in the Matl Editor.


  • Improved layout consistency for editors using a grid layout.


  • Fixed an issue where the "Remove Bone Influences" button in the Mesh Editor did not actually remove influences.
  • Fixed an issue where some materials would render with the wrong anisotropic highlight rotation.

0.10.4 - 2024-07-23


  • Added an option to remove unused entries in the Modl Editor.
  • Added Modl > Rebuild from Mesh to the Modl Editor to both add missing entries and remove unused entries.
  • Added Meshes > Hide Ink Meshes for hiding stage ink meshes.
  • Added an option to automatically hide ink meshes to application preferences.


  • Adjusted long material labels to wrap instead of clip in the Modl Editor, Matl Editor, and Material Preset Editor.
  • Adjusted mesh name text boxes in the Mesh Editor to not clip.
  • Adjusted texture parameter names in the Matl Editor to show the color channels used by the shader on hover.
  • Moved editing of model files to a separate tab in the Modl Editor.
  • Adjusted the behavior of Meshes > Show All to also show meshes instead of just models.
  • Adjusted the behavior of Meshes > Hide Expressions to not hide ink meshes.
  • Changed the Max Anisotropy selector in the Matl Editor to not include the None variant to better reflect in game data.


  • Removed the Advanced Settings toggle from the Matl Editor and Material Preset Editor. Right click textures to rename instead.
  • Removed the Advanced Settings toggle from the Mesh Editor. Advanced editing options are now always enabled.
  • Removed the Advanced Settings toggle from the Modl Editor. Advanced editing options are now always enabled.
  • Removed Modl > Add Entry from the Modl Editor. Add entries based on the current numshb instead.


  • Fixed an issue where the texture drop down in the Matl Editor did not correctly ignore case.

0.10.3 - 2024-05-15


  • Fixed an issue where bones and the floor grid did not render properly.

0.10.2 - 2024-05-13


  • Adjusted material list side panels for Matl Editor and Material Preset Editor to support scrolling.


  • Fixed an issue where emission and CustomVector3 alpha did not render in the viewport.
  • Fixed an issue where the CustomFloat16 depth offset parameter did not interact properly with the camera in the viewport.

0.10.1 - 2024-04-17


  • Added validation for duplicate material labels.
  • Added validation for invalid sampler filter modes when anisotropic filtering is enabled.
  • Added validation for mesh vertices having at most 4 assigned skin weights.


  • Fixed an issue where the application would crash immediately when a sampler used nearest filtering and enabled anisotropic filtering.
  • Fixed an issue where the floor grid would not blend properly with models when using debug shading modes.

0.10.0 - 2024-04-11


  • Added support for editing the near and far clip distance to the Camera Settings window.
  • Added Meshes > Expand All and Meshes > Collapse All menu options.
  • Added the ability to change the current frame using the arrow keys while hovering over the animation slider.
  • Added additional keyboard shortcuts while hovering over the animation slider. See the wiki for details.


  • Changed the color space of the color picker in the Matl Editor to be linear to be consistent with the linear float values used in game.
  • Adjusted animation bar to show final frame index for all loaded animations.
  • Changed the appearance of the visibility toggle icon.
  • Changed the Matl Editor and Preset Editor to use a side panel to select the entry to edit as well as manually reorder entries using drag and drop.
  • Moved material deletion to right clicking the selectable material label in the material list panel.
  • Changed the Nutexb Viewer to make selecting mipmaps easier.
  • Changed the appearance of the layer selector in the Nutexb Viewer to include face names like "X+" or "Z-".
  • Changed the Render Settings window to be resizable and support scrolling vertically.
  • Adjusted values to be editable in the List view for the Anim Editor.


  • Fixed an issue where the Modl Editor and Mesh Editor would not correctly highlight meshes in the viewport.
  • Fixed an issue where the application would crash immediately when enabling wireframe rendering.
  • Fixed an issue where RENORMAL material validation checks did not apply to the appropriate meshes.

0.9.3 - 2024-02-13


  • Fixed an issue where models would render with color banding artifacts in the viewport.

0.9.2 - 2024-01-16


  • Fixed a regression where the application would crash immediately when entering values in the material editor.

0.9.1 - 2024-01-11


  • Added an option to adjust application zoom with Ctrl +/- or Cmd +/-. Reset the zoom with Ctrl + 0 or Cmd + 0.


  • Reduced CPU and GPU usage while the application is idle.
  • Enabled text wrapping for log messages.
  • Adjusted Nutexb Viewer to show the raw image color to make sRGB vs non sRGB formats render consistently.
  • Camera animations will now be unloaded when clicking File > Clear Workspace.


  • Fixed an issue on Windows where the main window would flash white on startup.
  • Fixed an issue where some models would render as black due to incorrectly applying SH ambient lighting.

0.9.0 - 2023-10-06


  • Added an option for manually setting the UI scale in preferences to fix scaling issues on some systems.
  • Added playback support for lighting animations in the viewport.
  • Added playback support for camera animations in the viewport.
  • Added validation for mesh vertex weights with zero weight.
  • Added an option for overriding the default camera values in Camera Settings.


  • Fixed an issue where the animation file name could not be properly edited in the Modl Editor.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking Viewport > Reset Camera did not immediately update the viewport.

0.8.4 - 2023-06-13


  • Fixed an issue where emission only materials rendered with specular lighting.
  • Fixed an issue where fog rendering would darken half the scene with no lighting loaded.


  • Save as dialogs in editors default to the currently opened file's folder and file name when saving.

0.8.3 - 2023-06-02


  • Added support for stage fog rendering.


  • Fixed an issue where the same folder could be loaded multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue where UV animations would sometimes be incorrectly flipped.
  • Fixed an issue where CustomVector8 alpha did not update properly in the viewport.
  • Fixed an issue where the application would log an error if the user presets.json file was missing.
  • Fixed an issue where bone names would render on top of editor windows and menus.
  • Fixed an issue where CustomFloat19 did not render properly for models like Olimar's helmet.
  • Fixed an issue where some anim files would not read or save with correct scaling information.

0.8.2 - 2023-03-05


  • Added shader information for shadows and lighting to the Matl Editor.
  • Added a Device Info window for showing information about the GPU currently used by SSBH Editor.
  • Added default material presets with more consistent naming and additional alpha options.
    • These presets are always available and not editable.
    • Existing material presets are still editable as before from the Preset Editor.
  • Added an option to create a new material in the Preset Editor.


  • Screenshots save with transparent backgrounds when using supported formats like PNG.
  • Increased width of UI elements in Skel Editor to avoid cutting off long bone names.
  • Changed the Skel Editor modes to use tabs to be consistent with other editors.
  • Modified preset loading behavior to not create a default presets.json file if not necessary.
  • Select either Default or User tabs when applying a material preset in the Matl Editor.
  • Replaced Albedo debug mode with Unlit mode that shows texture and material coloring without lighting or vertex colors.


  • Fixed an issue where materials did not update properly in the viewport when using Matl Editor menu options.
  • Fixed an issue where the floor grid would occasionally have white artifacts at the horizon.
  • Fixed an issue where alpha sample to coverage did not render properly on the Metal API for MacOS.
  • Fixed an issue where loading scenes with lots of materials would create too many samplers for some GPU drivers.

0.8.1 - 2023-01-22


  • Fixed a regression causing crashes when loading some large mesh files.

0.8.0 - 2023-01-14


  • Added experimental swing collision shape rendering. After adding the animation folder, assign the swing.prc and toggle visibility in the Swing tab.
  • Added validation for vertex weights being normalized.
  • Added support for loading folders by dragging and dropping files or folders onto the application.
  • Added a list view tab to the Anim Editor for showing animation track values.
  • Added validation for premultiplied shaders with a Source Color of SourceAlpha.


  • Adjusted the behavior of adding folders and reloading folders to preserve toggled model and mesh visibility.
  • Adjusted the behavior of reloading folders to reapply assigned animations.
  • Added a tooltip explaining why editing of some Vector4 components is disabled when unused by the shader.
  • Adjusted the MeshEx Editor to highlight the selected mesh in the viewport on hover.


  • Fixed an issue causing the MeshEx Editor to not track changes or update properly in the viewport.
  • Fixed an issue where skeletal animations would not reset properly when removing all animation slots.
  • Fixed flickering due to Z-fighting on double sided meshes when using debug shading modes.
  • Fixed an issue where the Matl Editor would sometimes disable editing for too many Vector4 components.

0.7.2 - 2022-12-28


  • Added an option to Render Settings to toggle an infinite floor grid in the viewport.
  • Added the ability to reorder entries in the Skel Editor, Mesh Editor, and Modl Editor using drag and drop.


  • Adjusted the new release window to display the changelog for the newer releases.
  • Adjusted the files list to show dedicated icons for different file formats.


  • Fixed a crash when enabling Draw Bone Axes in Render Settings.
  • Fixed an issue where hovering over an entry in the Modl Editor would sometimes outline the wrong mesh in the viewport.

0.7.1 - 2022-12-19


  • Added an option to add missing model.numshexb or model.adjb file by right clicking a folder.
  • Added an option to quickly reset the camera under Viewport > Reset Camera.
  • Added a heuristic for determining if a shader uses premultiplied alpha to the Matl Editor and viewport rendering.


  • Improved tooltips for multiple editors and windows.
  • Adjusted applying a material preset to preserve sampler values when possible.
  • Modified the Modl Editor to outline the selected mesh in the viewport.
  • Improved rendering of spritesheet animations.


  • Fixed an issue where some compressed UV transform animations failed to parse correctly.
  • Fixed the graph not showing all UV transform fields in the Anim Editor

0.7.0 - 2022-11-24


  • Added an option to open or add recently opened folders under File > Open Recent Folder and File > Add Recent Folder to Workspace.
  • Added an option in Matl Editor to delete materials unused by model.numdlb.
  • Added a visual indication in the files list for files with unsaved changes.
  • Added an option to hide or show all meshes in the viewport under the Meshes menu.
  • Added a toggle for scaling vertex colors by their scale value like 2.0 for colorSet1.
  • Added the ShaderComplexity debug mode for viewing estimated performance costs of materials.
  • Added an option to change the preferred GPU backend from preferences or the --backend commandline flag.
  • Added an option to edit model file names to the Modl Editor.


  • Modified the Camera Settings window to use degrees instead of radians for FOV.
  • Improved tooltips for various editors.
  • Reworked the Mesh Editor to be more compact and outline the selected mesh in the viewport.
  • Reworked the Modl editor layout.
  • Adjusted tooltips to only display when the mouse is not moving.
  • Adjusted formatting of displayed keyboard shortcuts on menu buttons.
  • Improved accuracy for animation scaling.
  • Removed the incorrectly named inherit_scale field from the Anim Editor.


  • Fixed an issue where the application would perform unecessary work while the Hlpb Editor is open.
  • Fixed an issue assigning mesh objects with repeated names in the Modl Editor in advanced mode.
  • Fixed an issue where colorSet5 texture blending didn't work properly on some stages.
  • Fixed an issue where applying a material preset would not update immmediately in the viewport.
  • Fixed an issue reading some custom anim files with uniform scaling.

0.6.3 - 2022-10-09


  • Added an option to add and delete constraints to the Hlpb Editor
  • Added validation for model.numdlb entries.
  • Add basic support for rendering animations to a GIF or image sequence.


  • Improved alignment and consistenty of UI elements.
  • Show a warning icon if a nutexb thumbnail fails to load.
  • Adjusted disabled parameters in the Matl Editor to indicate on hover that the parameter is unused.
  • Improved the display of validation errors to appear next to the effected entry or field for better readability.
  • Reduced the strictness of the check for UV wrapping to avoid false positives for cases like eye textures.
  • Adjusted the texture selector to prevent assigning cube maps to 2D textures and 2D textures to cube maps.
  • Improved logging when importing XML material presets missing a MaterialLibrary node.


  • Fixed an issue where the viewport failed to update after deleting materials.
  • Fixed an issue where the current frame would be set to NaN when playing empty animations.
  • Fixed an issue where animations could be assigned to the wrong model and fail to play in the viewport.

0.6.2 - 2022-09-24


  • Added rendering support for CustomVector34.
  • Added rendering support for CustomVector47.
  • Added validation for invalid material shader labels.
  • Added support for editing depth bias to the Matl Editor.
  • Added an option to remove a loaded folder in the file list by right clicking and clicking remove.
  • Added screenshot saving support to Viewport > Save Screenshot.


  • Moved validation warning icons to the file button itself to always show thumbnails.
  • Improved default values when adding missing required parameters in the Matl Editor.
  • Improved material parameter descriptions for the Matl Editor.
  • Changed vector component descriptions in the Matl Editor to display on hover instead of requiring advanced mode.
  • Adjusted animation looping to apply individually to each animation.


  • Fixed an issue where adding missing color sets in the mesh editor would add each attribute twice.
  • Fixed an issue where bone axes failed to render in the viewport.
  • Fixed an issue where shader and mesh attribute errors didn't update in the viewport properly.
  • Fixed an issue where opening a folder didn't take into account the hide expressions setting.
  • Fixed an issue where the material selector layout would break on some numatb files.

0.6.1 - 2022-09-05


  • Added a viewport background color option to preferences.
  • Added a reset button to preferences.
  • Added validation for not using the Repeat wrap mode when UVs are outside the 0.0 to 1.0 range.
  • Added vertex skinning and mesh parenting toggles to render settings to help debug animation related issues.
  • Added an option to load an entire render folder to the Stage Lighting window with File > Load Render Folder.


  • Improved performance when adding new folders to an existing workspace.
  • Adjusted validation error messages for clarity and conciseness.
  • Changed the Matl Editor layout to always show all parameters even without advanced settings checked.
  • Removed unused SHCP information from Stage Lighting window.


  • Fixed an issue where canceling a folder dialog would clear the existing files.
  • Fixed an issue where the Lighting Window reset button didn't work properly.
  • Fixed an issue where loading lighting files would create errors about loading empty paths.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in sorting for opening folders vs reloading the workspace.
  • Fixed an issue where resaving a skeleton would incorrectly transpose the transforms.

0.6.0 - 2022-08-26


  • Added a graph viewer tab to the anim editor for graphing animated values over time
  • Added a field of view (fov) option to the Camera Settings window.
  • Added an option to match order from a numshb file in the Mesh Editor.
  • Added options to manually reorder bones or match a reference nusktb in the Skel Editor.
  • Added a window for viewing and editing vertex attributes to the Mesh Editor.
  • Added remaining fields to the Hlpb Editor.
  • Added validation errors for duplicate mesh subindices, which can lead to incorrect skin weights in game.
  • Added validation errors for numshb files for missing required attributes.
  • Added validation for model.adjb file entries.
  • Added lighting window to Menu > Stage Lighting for loading files in the viewport for lighting, luts, and cube maps.
  • Added the MeshEx Editor for editing model.numshexb files.
  • Added an option to automatically hide expressions to application preferences.
  • Added an option to generated missing model.adjb entries in the Adj Editor.
  • Added an option to display bones in a hierarchy tree in the Skel Editor.
  • Added controls to the animation bar to control playback speed and looping.


  • Changed RGBA channel toggles to use toggle buttons to be more compact than checkboxes.
  • Adjusted the layout of the Hlpb Editor to be more compact.
  • Improved UI layout and consistency.
  • Adjusted loading a model folder to automatically load model.nuanmb animations.
  • Adjusted the material selector to show an error icon next to materials with errors.


  • Fixed an issue where hiding a model folder had no effect when using debug shading.
  • Fixed an issue changing the unk type for orient constraints in the Hlpb Editor.
  • Fixed an issue where saving a numshb file would sometimes result in incorrect vertex skinning in game.
  • Fixed scaling of invalid attributes and invalid shader checkerboards for high resolution screens.
  • Fixed an issue where a bone could be parented to itself in the Skel Editor, causing errors when saving.

0.5.2 - 2022-08-08


  • Added an Anim Editor for editing track flags.


  • Improved application framerate and responsiveness. These changes mostly benefit devices with integrated graphics.
  • Disabled editing Vector4 components in the Matl Editor that are not used by the shader.
  • Improved rendering accuracy for specular and anisotropic specular.


  • Fixed the scrollbar not appearing in the Preset Editor window
  • Fixed default stage lighting values causing rim lighting to be disabled.
  • Fixed a crash when opening a new folder with the Matl Editor open.
  • Fixed a crash when resizing the window to be as small as possible.
  • Fixed a rendering issue where CustomBoolean4 failed to toggle indirect specular in the viewport.
  • Fixed an issue where some materials would incorrectly render as having specular lighting.
  • Fixed an issue where validation errors failed to update when opening folders or reloading the workspace.

0.5.1 - 2022-07-22


  • Added wireframe rendering to debug shading.
  • Added bone axes rendering for showing accumulated bone world orientations.
  • Show the effected meshes in the viewport when hovering over a material in the material selector.
  • Added additional fields to Hlpb Editor


  • Available animations are grouped by folder in decreasing order of affinity with the model folder. This allows assigning animations from any folder.
  • File > Save in editors overwrites the original file. Use File > Save As to save to a new location.
  • Improved accuracy of nuhlpb rendering for orient constraints.


  • Fixed various issues with the slider control such as clicking updating the value.
  • Fixed the #replace_cubemap texture having no thumbnail in the material editor.


  • Removed the system console on Windows.

0.5.0 - 2022-07-17


  • Added the ability to add the current material as a preset from the Matl Editor.
  • Added the Material Presets Editor to Menu > Material presets based on the Matl Editor UI.
  • Added adjb files to the files list.
  • Added the Adj Editor for editing model.adjb files.
  • Added validation errors related to adjb files and RENORMAL materials.
  • Added a light mode theme.
  • Added the ability to duplicate materials in the Matl Editor.
  • Added a camera settings menu.
  • Added an application icon.
  • Added links to the Github wiki for editor menus.
  • Added missing parameters when editing samplers in the Matl Editor.
  • Added a link to the material parameter reference to the Matl Editor.
  • Added a UV test pattern option for UV debug modes to better show texture orientations.
  • Added a preferences window for selecting light or dark mode.
  • Added the ability to import material presets exported from ssbh_data_json, Cross Mod, or MatLab.
  • Added an option to remove duplicate materials to the Matl Editor and Preset Editor.


  • Improved layout of validation error messages when hovering over a file.
  • Errors when loading or saving the presets.json file show in the application log.
  • Adjusted the layout of the material editor to be more consistent.
  • Changed the material preset selector to not be resizable to avoid text wrapping.
  • Selected meshes and models in the mesh list render an outline on hover.
  • Changed the widget for editing float values to more clearly indicate the value and be easier to use.
  • Adjusted the UI for improved layout consistency.
  • Changed the Vector4 labels in the Matl Editor to be more descriptive in normal and advanced mode.
  • Adjusted keyboard shortcuts on MacOS to use the command key instead of ctrl.
  • Always show the render pass selector in the Matl Editor.
  • Wrap coordinate values outside the 0.0 to 1.0 range for UV debug modes similar to a repeat wrap mode.
  • Animations are automatically associated with individual model folders and assignable from the Animations tab instead of the Files list.
  • Models will show up in debug shading modes or selected outlines even if no material is properly assigned.
  • Moved material presets and application settings to an application data directory. See the README for details.

0.4.1 - 2022-07-07


  • Added vertex color, nor channels, and prm channels to render settings.
  • Added the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+O for adding a folder to the workspace.
  • Added support for cube maps and 3d textures to thumbnails and the Nutexb Viewer.
  • Added the ability to edit the billboard type to the skel editor.
  • Added a validation check for invalid nutexb texture formats such as a nor texture using Bc7Srgb instead of Bc7Unorm.
  • Added the ability to hide fighter expressions with Meshes > Hide Expressions.
  • Added an option to hide the UI panels.


  • Changed the meshes list to better show that meshes are hidden when the parent folder is hidden.
  • Adjusted the file list to show a warning icon for files with validation errors instead of only in the editors.
  • Modified the behavior of open folder to open folders without model files and not skip animation or texture folders.
  • Reduced GPU usage while the application is minimized.


  • Fixed a rare crash when opening Nutexb files with invalid dimensions.
  • Fixed inaccurate UVs when rendering models with sprite sheet params.
  • Fixed an issue where all materials had alpha testing disabled in the viewport and matl editor.
  • Fixed rendered colors for the texture "/common/shader/sfxpbs/default_diffuse2".
  • Fixed an issue where some emissive materials would incorrectly render as having specular shading.
  • Fixed a crash when minimizing the window.

0.4.0 - 2022-06-28


  • Added skeleton and bone name rendering to render settings.
  • Added basic, normals, bitangents, and albedo debug shading modes.
  • Added a nutexb viewer for viewing textures.


  • Changed the material shader label to always be editable.
  • Simplified the process for renaming materials.


  • Fixed scaling of red and yellow checkerboard rendering.
  • Fixed col texture blending causing incorrect albedo color on some models.
  • Fixed inaccurate blending of alpha for transparent materials.
  • Fixed an issue where files that failed to open displayed as missing.

0.3.0 - 2022-06-24


  • Added an option to reload files in the current workspace.
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for open folder and reload workspace.
  • Added the ability to hide entire folders in the mesh panel.
  • Added an indication for which values are modified by an animation in the animation panel.
  • Added error descriptions for missing mesh attributes to the material editor.
  • Added support for saving files in the mesh editor.
  • Added color channel toggles to render settings.
  • Added a help menu to link to resources on GitHub.
  • Added an application log menu to show program and file errors.


  • Adjusted UI elements and spacing and improved the editor UI.
  • Adjusted panning and zooming speed to scale correctly with the current zoom level.
  • Modified CustomVector0 in the provided presets to always allow texture alpha.
  • Changed the application font for better readability and language support.
  • Adjusted folder names to no longer show suffixes like "c00.0".


  • Fixed the current frame text box resizing during animation playback.
  • Fixed display of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters in text.
  • Fixed a potential crash when opening and animating models with bone cycles.
  • Fixed a potential crash when animating models with invalid nuhlpb entries.
  • Fixed an issue where rendering nuhlpb constraints would lead to incorrect bone orientations.
  • Fixed an issue where stage ink meshes would incorrectly show a yellow checkerboard error.
  • Fixed consistency of the viewport background color.
  • Improved rendering of glass materials for better rendering accuracy.

0.2.1 - 2022-06-10


  • Fixed check for new updates.

0.2.0 - 2022-06-10


  • Material presets can be applied from the matl editor. Add and edit presets in the presets.json file.
  • Added the ability to delete and rename materials in the matl editor.
  • Added application logging for warnings and errors.


  • Increased font contrast for improved readability.
  • UI adjustments for improved usability.


  • Fixed menus not closing properly when clicking a menu item.
  • Fixed a potential crash if a file has errors on saving.
  • Fixed "Add Folder to Workspace..." not updating the viewport models.

0.1.0 - 2022-06-05

First public release!