Frequently Asked Questions
How should I use the in-place interface?
The in-place interface allows evaluating vector-valued integrands without allocating an output array. This can be beneficial for reducing allocations when integrating many functions simultaneously or to make use of existing in-place code. However, note that not all algorithms use in-place operations under the hood, i.e. HCubatureJL
, and may still allocate.
You can construct an IntegralFunction(f, prototype)
, where f
is of the form f(y, u, p)
where prototype
is of the desired type and shape of y
For small array outputs of a known size, consider using StaticArrays.jl for the return value of your integrand.
How should I use the batch interface?
The batch interface allows evaluating one (or more) integrals simultaneously at different points, which maximizes the parallelism for a given algorithm.
You can construct an out-of-place BatchIntegralFunction(bf)
where bf
is of the form bf(u, p) = stack(x -> f(x, p), eachslice(u; dims=ndims(u)))
, where f
is the (unbatched) integrand. For interoperability with as many algorithms as possible, it is important that your out-of-place batch integrand accept an empty array of quadrature points and still return an output with a size and type consistent with the non-empty case.
You can construct an in-place BatchIntegralFunction(bf, prototype)
, where bf
is of the form bf(y, u, p) = foreach((y,x) -> f(y,x,p), eachslice(y, dims=ndims(y)), eachslice(x, dims=ndims(x)))
Note that not all algorithms use in-place batched operations under the hood, i.e. QuadGKJL
What should I do if my solution is not converged?
Certain algorithms, such as QuadratureRule
used a fixed number of points to calculate an integral and cannot provide an error estimate. In this case, you have to increase the number of points and check the convergence yourself, which will depend on the accuracy of the rule you choose.
For badly-behaved integrands, such as (nearly) singular and highly oscillatory functions, most algorithms will fail to converge and either throw an error or silently return the incorrect result. In some cases Integrals.jl can provide an error code when things go wrong, but otherwise you can always check if the error estimate for the integral is less than the requested tolerance, e.g. sol.resid < max(abstol, reltol*norm(sol.u))
. Sometimes using a larger tolerance or higher precision arithmetic may help.
How can I integrate arbitrarily-spaced data?
How can I integrate on arbitrary geometries?
You can't, since Integrals.jl currently supports integration on hypercubes because that is what lower-level packages implement.
I don't see algorithm X or quadrature scheme Y ?
Fixed quadrature rules from other packages can be used with QuadratureRule
. Otherwise, feel free to open an issue or pull request.
My integrand works with algorithm X but fails on algorithm Y
While bugs are not out of the question, certain algorithms, especially those implemented in C, are not compatible with arbitrary Julia types and have to return specific numeric types or arrays thereof. In some cases, such as ArblibJL
, it is also expected that the integrand work with a custom quadrature point type. Moreover, some algorithms, such as VEGAS
, only support scalar integrands. For more details see the solver page.
Can I take derivatives with respect to the limits of integration?
Currently this is not implemented.