diff --git a/.github/workflows/Downstream.yml b/.github/workflows/Downstream.yml index 639a6e0623..309b86159b 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/Downstream.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/Downstream.yml @@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ jobs: # This is necessary since the tests are likely to fail otherwise, given that all # the libs haven't been registered yet. - name: "Develop the libraries since they haven't been registered yet" + shell: julia --project=. {0} run: | import Pkg Pkg.Registry.update() # Install packages present in subdirectories dev_pks = Pkg.PackageSpec[] - Pkg.develop(map(path -> Pkg.PackageSpec.(;path="$(@__DIR__)/lib/$(path)"), readdir("./lib"))); + Pkg.develop(map(path -> Pkg.PackageSpec.(;path="/lib/$(path)"), readdir("./lib"))); Pkg.instantiate() - shell: julia --color=yes --code-coverage=user --depwarn=yes --project=. {0} - name: Clone Downstream uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: