Interface Functions
Index provider interface
Mandatory methods
— Functionis_variable(indp, sym)
Check whether the given sym
is a variable in indp
— Functionvariable_index(indp, sym, [i])
Return the index of the given variable sym
in indp
, or nothing
otherwise. If constant_structure
is false
, this accepts the current time index as an additional parameter i
— Functionvariable_symbols(indp, [i])
Return a vector of the symbolic variables being solved for in the index provider indp
. If constant_structure(sys) == false
this accepts an additional parameter indicating the current time index. The returned vector should not be mutated.
For types that implement Base.getindex
with symbolic indices using this interface, the shorthand valp[solvedvariables]
can be used as shorthand for valp[variable_symbols(sys)]
. See: solvedvariables
— Functionis_parameter(indp, sym)
Check whether the given sym
is a parameter in indp
— Functionparameter_index(indp, sym)
Return the index of the given parameter sym
in indp
, or nothing
— Functionparameter_symbols(indp)
Return a vector of the symbolic parameters of the given index provider indp
. The returned vector should not be mutated.
— Functionis_independent_variable(indp, sym)
Check whether the given sym
is an independent variable in indp
. The returned vector should not be mutated.
— Functionindependent_variable_symbols(indp)
Return a vector of the symbolic independent variables of the given index provider indp
— Functionis_observed(indp, sym)
Check whether the given sym
is an observed value in indp
— Functiondefault_values(indp)
Return a dictionary mapping symbols in the index provider to their default value, if any. This includes parameter symbols. The dictionary must be mutable.
— Functionis_time_dependent(indp)
Check if indp
has time as (one of) its independent variables.
— Functionconstant_structure(indp)
Check if indp
has a constant structure. Constant structure index providers do not change the number of variables or parameters over time.
— Functionall_variable_symbols(indp)
Return a vector of variable symbols in the system, including observed quantities.
For types that implement Base.getindex
with symbolic indices using this interface, The shorthand sys[allvariables]
can be used as shorthand for valp[all_variable_symbols(indp)]
See: allvariables
— Functionall_symbols(indp)
Return an array of all symbols in the index provider. This includes parameters and independent variables.
— Constantconst solvedvariables = SolvedVariables()
This singleton is used as a shortcut to allow indexing of all solution variables (excluding observed quantities). It has a symbolic_type
of ScalarSymbolic
. See: variable_symbols
— Constantconst allvariables = AllVariables()
This singleton is used as a shortcut to allow indexing of all solution variables (including observed quantities). It has a symbolic_type
of ScalarSymbolic
. See all_variable_symbols
Optional Methods
— Functionsymbolic_container(indp)
Using indp
, return an object that implements the index provider interface. In case indp
itself implements the interface, indp
can be returned as-is. All index provider interface methods fall back to calling the same method on symbolic_container(indp)
, so this may be used for trivial implementations of the interface that forward all calls to another object.
Note that this method is optional. Thus the correct method to check for a fallback is:
hasmethod(symbolic_container, Tuple{typeof(indp)}) && symbolic_container(indp) != indp
Observed equation handling
— Functionobserved(indp, sym, [states])
Return the observed function of the given sym
in indp
. The returned function should have the signature (u, p) -> [values...]
where u
and p
is the current state and parameter object, respectively. If istimedependent(indp) == true
, the function should accept the current time t
as its third parameter. If constant_structure(indp) == false
, observed
accepts a third parameter, which can either be a vector of symbols indicating the order of states or a time index, which identifies the order of states. This function does not need to be defined if is_observed
always returns false
. Thus, it is mandatory to always check is_observed
before using this function.
If !is_markovian(indp)
, the returned function must have the signature (u, h, p, t) -> [values...]
where h
is the history function, which can be called to obtain past values of the state. The exact signature and semantics of h
depend on how it is used inside the returned function. h
is obtained from a value provider using get_history_function
See also: is_time_dependent
, is_markovian
, constant_structure
— Functionparameter_observed(indp, sym)
Return the observed function of sym
in indp
. This functions similarly to observed
except that u
is not an argument of the returned function. For time- dependent systems, the returned function must have the signature (p, t) -> [values...]
. For time-independent systems, the returned function must have the signature (p) -> [values...]
By default, this function returns nothing
, indicating that the index provider does not support generating parameter observed functions.
Historical index providers
— Functionis_markovian(indp)
Check if an index provider represents a Markovian system. Markovian systems do not require knowledge of past states to simulate. This function is only applicable to index providers for which is_time_dependent(indp)
returns true
Non-Markovian index providers return observed
functions with a different signature. All value providers associated with a non-markovian index provider must implement get_history_function
Returns true
by default.
Parameter timeseries
If the index provider contains parameters that change during the course of the simulation at discrete time points, it must implement the following methods to ensure correct functioning of getsym
and getp
for value providers that save the parameter timeseries. Note that there can be multiple parameter timeseries, in case different parameters may change at different times.
— Functionis_timeseries_parameter(indp, sym)
Check whether the given sym
is a timeseries parameter in indp
— Functiontimeseries_parameter_index(indp, sym)
Return the index of timeseries parameter sym
in indp
. Must return this index as a ParameterTimeseriesIndex
object. Return nothing
if sym
is not a timeseries parameter in indp
. Defaults to returning nothing
. Respects the symbolic_container
fallback for indp
if present.
— Typestruct ParameterTimeseriesIndex
+function ParameterTimeseriesIndex(timeseries_idx, parameter_idx)
A struct storing the index of the timeseries of a timeseries parameter in a parameter timeseries object. timeseries_idx
refers to an index that identifies the timeseries that the parameter belongs to. parameter_idx
refers to the index of the parameter's timeseries in that timeseries object. Note that parameter_idx
may be different from the object returned by parameter_index
for a given parameter. The two fields in this struct are timeseries_idx
and parameter_idx
— Functionget_all_timeseries_indexes(indp, sym)
Return a Set
of all unique timeseries indexes of variables in symbolic variable sym
. sym
may be a symbolic variable or expression, an array of symbolics, an index, or an array of indices. Continuous variables correspond to the ContinuousTimeseries
timeseries index. Non-timeseries parameters do not have a timeseries index. Timeseries parameters have the same timeseries index as that returned by timeseries_parameter_index
. Note that the independent variable corresponds to the ContinuousTimeseries
timeseries index.
Any ambiguities should be resolved in favor of variables. For example, if 1
could refer to the variable at index 1
or parameter at index 1
, it should be interpreted as the variable.
By default, this function returns Set([ContinuousTimeseries()])
— Typestruct ContinuousTimeseries end
A singleton struct corresponding to the timeseries index of the continuous timeseries.
Value provider interface
State indexing
— Typestruct Timeseries <: IsTimeseriesTrait end
Trait indicating a type contains timeseries data. This affects the behaviour of functions such as state_values
and current_time
See also: NotTimeseries
, is_timeseries
— Typestruct NotTimeseries <: IsTimeseriesTrait end
Trait indicating a type does not contain timeseries data. This affects the behaviour of functions such as state_values
and current_time
. Note that if a type is NotTimeseries
this only implies that it does not store timeseries data. It may still be time-dependent. For example, an ODEProblem
only stores the initial state of a system, so it is NotTimeseries
, but still time-dependent. This is the default trait variant for all types.
See also: Timeseries
, is_timeseries
— Functionis_timeseries(x) = is_timeseries(typeof(x))
Get the timeseries trait of a type. Defaults to NotTimeseries
for all types. A type for which is_timeseries(T) == Timeseries()
may also have a parameter timeseries. This is determined by the is_parameter_timeseries
See also: Timeseries
, NotTimeseries
, is_parameter_timeseries
— Functionstate_values(valp)
+state_values(valp, i)
Return an indexable collection containing the values of all states in the value provider p
. If is_timeseries(valp)
is Timeseries
, return a vector of arrays, each of which contain the state values at the corresponding timestep. In this case, the two-argument version of the function can also be implemented to efficiently return the state values at timestep i
. By default, the two-argument method calls state_values(valp)[i]
. If i
consists of multiple indices (for example, Colon
, AbstractArray{Int}
, AbstractArray{Bool}
) specialized methods may be defined for efficiency. By default, state_values(valp, ::Colon) = state_values(valp)
to avoid copying the timeseries.
If this function is called with an AbstractArray
, it will return the same array.
See: is_timeseries
— Functionset_state!(valp, val, idx)
Set the state at index idx
to val
for value provider valp
. This defaults to modifying state_values(valp)
. If any additional bookkeeping needs to be performed or the default implementation does not work for a particular type, this method needs to be defined to enable the proper functioning of setsym
See: state_values
— Functioncurrent_time(valp)
+current_time(valp, i)
Return the current time in the value provider valp
. If is_timeseries(valp)
is Timeseries
, return the vector of timesteps at which the state value is saved. In this case, the two-argument version of the function can also be implemented to efficiently return the time at timestep i
. By default, the two- argument method calls current_time(p)[i]
. It is assumed that the timeseries is sorted in increasing order.
If i
consists of multiple indices (for example, Colon
, AbstractArray{Int}
, AbstractArray{Bool}
) specialized methods may be defined for efficiency. By default, current_time(valp, ::Colon) = current_time(valp)
to avoid copying the timeseries.
By default, the single-argument version acts as the identity function if valp isa AbstractVector
See: is_timeseries
— Functiongetsym(indp, sym)
Return a function that takes a value provider and returns the value of the symbolic variable sym
. If sym
is not an observed quantity, the returned function can also directly be called with an array of values representing the state vector. sym
can be an index into the state vector, a symbolic variable, a symbolic expression involving symbolic variables in the index provider indp
, a parameter symbol, the independent variable symbol, or an array/tuple of the aforementioned. If the returned function is called with a timeseries object, it can also be given a second argument representing the index at which to return the value of sym
At minimum, this requires that the value provider implement state_values
. To support symbolic expressions, the value provider must implement observed
, parameter_values
and current_time
This function typically does not need to be implemented, and has a default implementation relying on the above functions.
If the value provider is a parameter timeseries object, the same rules apply as getp
. The difference here is that sym
may also contain non-parameter symbols, and the values are always returned corresponding to the state timeseries.
Given a BatchedInterface
composed from n
index providers (and corresponding symbols), return a function which takes n
corresponding value providers and returns an array of the values of the symbols in the union. The returned function can also be passed an AbstractArray
of the appropriate eltype
and size as its first argument, in which case the operation will populate the array in-place with the values of the symbols in the union.
Note that all of the value providers passed to the function returned by getsym
must satisfy is_timeseries(prob) === NotTimeseries()
The value of the i
th symbol in the union (obtained through variable_symbols(bi)[i]
) is obtained from the problem corresponding to the associated index provider (i.e. the value provider at index associated_systems(bi)[i]
See also: variable_symbols
, associated_systems
, is_timeseries
, NotTimeseries
— Functionsetsym(sys, sym)
Return a function that takes a value provider and a value, and sets the the state sym
to that value. Note that sym
can be an index, a symbolic variable, or an array/tuple of the aforementioned.
Requires that the value provider implement state_values
and the returned collection be a mutable reference to the state vector in the value provider. Alternatively, if this is not possible or additional actions need to be performed when updating state, set_state!
can be defined. This function does not work on types for which is_timeseries
is Timeseries
Given a BatchedInterface
composed from n
index providers (and corresponding symbols), return a function which takes n
corresponding problems and an array of the values, and updates each of the problems with the values of the corresponding symbols.
Note that all of the value providers passed to the function returned by setsym
must satisfy is_timeseries(prob) === NotTimeseries()
Note that if any subset of the n
index providers share common symbols (among those passed to BatchedInterface
) then all of the corresponding value providers in the subset will be updated with the values of the common symbols.
See also: is_timeseries
, NotTimeseries
Historical value providers
— Functionget_history_function(valp)
Return the history function for a value provider. This is required for all value providers associated with an index provider indp
for which !is_markovian(indp)
See also: is_markovian
Parameter indexing
— Functionparameter_values(valp)
+parameter_values(valp, i)
Return an indexable collection containing the value of each parameter in valp
. The two- argument version of this function returns the parameter value at index i
. The two-argument version of this function will default to returning parameter_values(valp)[i]
If this function is called with an AbstractArray
or Tuple
, it will return the same array/tuple.
— Functionset_parameter!(valp, val, idx)
Set the parameter at index idx
to val
for value provider valp
. This defaults to modifying parameter_values(valp)
. If any additional bookkeeping needs to be performed or the default implementation does not work for a particular type, this method needs to be defined to enable the proper functioning of setp
See: parameter_values
— Functionfinalize_parameters_hook!(valp, sym)
This is a callback run one for each call to the function returned by setp
which can be used to update internal data structures when parameters are modified. This is in contrast to set_parameter!
which is run once for each parameter that is updated.
— Functiongetp(indp, sym)
Return a function that takes an value provider, and returns the value of the parameter sym
. The value provider has to at least store the values of parameters in the corresponding index provider. Note that sym
can be an index, symbolic variable, or an array/tuple of the aforementioned.
If sym
is an array/tuple of parameters, then the returned function can also be used as an in-place getter function. The first argument is the buffer (must be an AbstractArray
) to which the parameter values should be written, and the second argument is the value provider.
Requires that the value provider implement parameter_values
. This function may not always need to be implemented, and has a default implementation for collections that implement getindex
If the returned function is used on a timeseries object which saves parameter timeseries, it can be used to index said timeseries. The timeseries object must implement is_parameter_timeseries
and get_parameter_timeseries_collection
. Additionally, the parameter object must implement with_updated_parameter_timeseries_values
If sym
is a timeseries parameter, the function will return the timeseries of the parameter if the value provider is a parameter timeseries object. An additional argument can be provided to the function indicating the specific indexes in the timeseries at which to access the values. If sym
is an array of parameters, the following cases apply:
- All parameters are non-timeseries parameters: The function returns the value of each parameter.
- All parameters are timeseries parameters: All the parameters must belong to the same timeseries (otherwise
will error). The function returns the timeseries of all parameter values, and can be accessed at specific indices in the timeseries. - A mix of timeseries and non-timeseries parameters: The function can only be used on non-timeseries objects and will return the value of each parameter at in the object.
— Functionsetp(indp, sym)
Return a function that takes a value provider and a value, and sets the parameter sym
to that value. Note that sym
can be an index, a symbolic variable, or an array/tuple of the aforementioned.
Requires that the value provider implement parameter_values
and the returned collection be a mutable reference to the parameter object. In case parameter_values
cannot return such a mutable reference, or additional actions need to be performed when updating parameters, set_parameter!
must be implemented.
— Functionsetp_oop(indp, sym)
Return a function which takes a value provider valp
and a value val
, and returns parameter_values(valp)
with the parameters at sym
set to val
. This allows changing the types of values stored, and leverages remake_buffer
. Note that sym
can be an index, a symbolic variable, or an array/tuple of the aforementioned.
Requires that the value provider implement parameter_values
and remake_buffer
— Typestruct ParameterIndexingProxy
This struct wraps any struct implementing the value provider and index provider interfaces. It allows getindex
and setindex!
operations to get/set parameter values. Requires that the wrapped type support getp
and setp
for getting and setting parameter values respectively.
Parameter timeseries
If a solution object saves a timeseries of parameter values that are updated during the simulation (such as by callbacks), it must implement the following methods to ensure correct functioning of getsym
and getp
Parameter timeseries support requires that the value provider store the different timeseries in a ParameterTimeseriesCollection
— Functionis_parameter_timeseries(x) = is_parameter_timeseries(typeof(x))
Get the parameter timeseries trait of a type. Defaults to NotTimeseries
for all types. A type for which is_parameter_timeseries(T) == Timeseries()
must also have is_timeseries(T) == Timeseries()
See also: Timeseries
, NotTimeseries
, is_timeseries
— Functionget_parameter_timeseries_collection(valp)
Return the ParameterTimeseriesCollection
contained in timeseries value provider valp
. Valid only for value providers where is_parameter_timeseries
returns Timeseries
— Typestruct ParameterTimeseriesCollection{T}
+function ParameterTimeseriesCollection(collection)
A utility struct that helps in storing multiple parameter timeseries. It expects a collection of timseries objects (is_timeseries
returns Timeseries
) for each. Each of the timeseries objects should implement state_values
and current_time
. Effectively, the "states" of each contained timeseries object are the parameter values it stores the timeseries of.
The collection is expected to implement Base.eachindex
, Base.iterate
and Base.getindex
. The indexes of the collection should agree with the timeseries indexes returned by calling timeseries_parameter_index
on the corresponding index provider.
This type forwards eachindex
, iterate
and length
to the contained collection
. It implements Base.parent
to allow access to the contained collection
, and has the following getindex
getindex(ptc::ParameterTimeseriesCollection, idx) = ptc.collection[idx]
.getindex(::ParameterTimeseriesCollection, idx::ParameterTimeseriesIndex)
returns the timeseries of the parameter referred to byidx
.getindex(::ParameterTimeseriesCollection, idx::ParameterTimeseriesIndex, subidx)
returns the value of the parameter referred to byidx
at the time indexsubidx
.- Apart from these cases, if multiple indexes are provided the first is treated as a timeseries index, the second the time index in the timeseries, and the (optional) third the index of the parameter in an element of the timeseries.
The three-argument version of parameter_values
is implemented for this type. The single-argument version of parameter_values
returns the cached parameter object. This type does not implement any traits.
— Functionwith_updated_parameter_timeseries_values(indp, params, args::Pair...)
Return an indexable collection containing the value of all parameters in params
, with parameters belonging to specific timeseries updated to different values. Each element in args...
contains the timeseries index as the first value, and the saved parameter values in that partition. Not all parameter timeseries have to be updated using this method. If an in-place update can be performed, it should be done and the modified params
returned. This method falls back on the basis of symbolic_container(indp)
Note that here params
is the parameter object.
Batched Queries and Updates
— Typestruct BatchedInterface{S <: AbstractVector, I}
+function BatchedInterface(indp_syms::Tuple...)
A struct which stores information for batched calls to getsym
or setsym
. Given Tuple
s, where the first element of each tuple is an index provider and the second an array of symbolic variables (either states or parameters) in the index provider, BatchedInterface
will compute the union of all symbols and associate each symbol with the first index provider with which it occurs.
For example, given two index providers s1 = SymbolCache([:x, :y, :z])
and s2 = SymbolCache([:y, :z, :w])
, BatchedInterface((s1, [:x, :y]), (s2, [:y, :z]))
will associate :x
and :y
with s1
and :z
with s2
. The information that s1
had associated symbols :x
and :y
and s2
had associated symbols :y
and :z
will also be retained internally.
implements variable_symbols
, is_variable
, variable_index
to query the order of symbols in the union.
See getsym
and setsym
for further details.
See also: associated_systems
— Functionassociated_systems(bi::BatchedInterface)
Return an array of integers of the same length as variable_symbols(bi)
where each value is the index of the index provider associated with the corresponding symbol in variable_symbols(bi)
— Functionsetsym_oop(bi::BatchedInterface)
Given a BatchedInterface
composed from n
index providers (and corresponding symbols), return a function which takes n
corresponding value providers and an array of values, and returns an n
-tuple where each element is a 2-tuple consisting of the updated state values and parameter values of the corresponding value provider. Requires that the value provider implement state_values
, parameter_values
. The updates are performed out-of-place using remake_buffer
Note that all of the value providers passed to the returned function must satisfy is_timeseries(prob) === NotTimeseries()
Note that if any subset of the n
index providers share common symbols (among those passed to BatchedInterface
) then all of the corresponding value providers in the subset will be updated with the values of the common symbols.
See also: is_timeseries
, NotTimeseries
Container objects
— Functionremake_buffer(indp, oldbuffer, idxs, vals)
Return a copy of the buffer oldbuffer
with at (optionally symbolic) indexes idxs
replaced by corresponding values from vals
. Both idxs
and vals
must be iterables of the same length. idxs
may contain symbolic variables whose index in the buffer is determined using indp
. The types of values in vals
may not match the types of values stored at the corresponding indexes in the buffer, in which case the type of the buffer should be promoted accordingly. In general, this method should attempt to preserve the types of values stored in vals
as much as possible. Types can be promoted for type-stability, to maintain performance. The returned buffer should be of the same type (ignoring type-parameters) as oldbuffer
This method is already implemented for oldbuffer::AbstractArray
and oldbuffer::Tuple
, and supports static arrays as well.
The deprecated version of this method which takes a Dict
mapping symbols to values instead of idxs
and vals
will dispatch to the new method. In addition if no remake_buffer
method exists with the new signature, it will call remake_buffer(sys, oldbuffer, Dict(idxs .=> vals))
Note that the new method signature allows idxs
to be indexes, instead of requiring that they be symbolic variables. Thus, any type which implements the new method must also support indexes in idxs
Symbolic Trait
— Typestruct ScalarSymbolic <: SymbolicTypeTrait end
Trait indicating a type is a scalar symbolic variable.
See also: ArraySymbolic
, NotSymbolic
, symbolic_type
— Typestruct ArraySymbolic <: SymbolicTypeTrait end
Trait indicating type is a symbolic array. Calling collect
on a symbolic array must return an AbstractArray
containing ScalarSymbolic
variables for each element in the array, in the same shape as the represented array. For example, if a
is a symbolic array representing a 2x2 matrix, collect(a)
must return a 2x2 array of scalar symbolic variables.
See also: ScalarSymbolic
, NotSymbolic
, symbolic_type
— Typestruct NotSymbolic <: SymbolicTypeTrait end
Trait indicating a type is not symbolic.
See also: ScalarSymbolic
, ArraySymbolic
, symbolic_type
— Functionsymbolic_type(x) = symbolic_type(typeof(x))
Get the symbolic type trait of a type. Default to NotSymbolic
for all types except Symbol
and Expr
, both of which are ScalarSymbolic
See also: ScalarSymbolic
, ArraySymbolic
, NotSymbolic
— Functionhasname(x)
Check whether the given symbolic variable (for which symbolic_type(x) != NotSymbolic()
) has a valid name as per getname
. Defaults to true
for x::Symbol
— Functiongetname(x)::Symbol
Get the name of a symbolic variable as a Symbol
. Acts as the identity function for x::Symbol
— Functionsymbolic_evaluate(expr, syms::Dict; kwargs...)
Return the value of symbolic expression expr
where the values of variables involved are obtained from the dictionary syms
. The keys of syms
are symbolic variables (not expressions of variables). The values of syms
can be values or symbolic expressions.
The returned value should either be a value or an expression involving symbolic variables not present as keys in syms
The function can take additional keyword arguments to control implementation-specific behavior.
This is already implemented for symbolic_evaluate(expr::Union{Symbol, Expr}, syms::Dict)
— Typestruct SymbolCache
+function SymbolCache(vars, [params, [indepvars]]; defaults = Dict(), timeseries_parameters = nothing)
A struct implementing the index provider interface for a collection of variables, parameters, and independent variables. vars
and params
can be specified as arrays (in which case the index of a symbol is its index in the array) or AbstractDict
s mapping symbols to indices. It is considered time dependent if it contains at least one independent variable.
It returns true
for is_observed(::SymbolCache, sym)
if sym isa Union{Expr, Array{Expr}, Tuple{Vararg{Expr}}
. Functions can be generated using observed
for Expr
s involving variables in the SymbolCache
if it has at most one independent variable.
is an AbstractDict
mapping variables and/or parameters to their default initial values. The default initial values can also be other variables/ parameters or expressions of them. timeseries_parameters
is an AbstractDict
the timeseries parameters in params
to their ParameterTimeseriesIndex
The independent variable may be specified as a single symbolic variable instead of an array containing a single variable if the system has only one independent variable.
— Typestruct ProblemState
+function ProblemState(; u = nothing, p = nothing, t = nothing)
A value provider struct which can be used as an argument to the function returned by getsym
or setsym
. It stores the state vector, parameter object and current time, and forwards calls to state_values
, parameter_values
, current_time
, set_state!
, set_parameter!
to the contained objects.