dds data put updated: If files uploaded successfully, but there are issues with saving the info to the database, the system performs a final bulk attempt.
In order to avoid unauthorized users accessing the DDS (and thereby your user-privilages and data) via your account, we recommend that you manually end your session after having run the operations with dds-cli. To end the session, run:
To place your uploaded data in a specific (new or existing) directory, use the --destination option. In the example command below we are uploading one file (<file>) and one directory (<directory>) with contents of its own.
Use the --source option to specify which file or directory you want to download within the project. If you want to download multiple individual files or directories, specify the --source option multiple times.
ddsdataget--source"<1st file or directory>"--source"<2nd file or directory>"[...etc]--project"<Project ID>"
The Data Delivery System (DDS, is a tool built for the simple and secure delivery
of data from SciLifeLab platforms to their users. The system uses Safespring’s object storage service as the delivery
medium, thereby keeping the data within the Swedish borders. The DDS has built-in encryption and key management,
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@
as possible, but we have decided that having a working CLI and its corresponding API is highest on the priority list.
How do I get an account? You will need an invite from an existing user. Who the existing user is depends on what you’re intending to use the DDS for.
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Your account will be either a Unit Admin, Unit Personnel or a Researcher account. These are called the different roles which define the commands and actions you are allowed to perform in the DDS, including some administrative permissions. For more information about the roles, please check out the technical overview.
Although the command line tool is installed as dds-cli, the main command is run as dds. The command dds has some options and possible customisations. A detailed list of these can be found here or by running dds--help.
In order to use the dds-cli functionality, you first need to authenticate yourself. Authentication is handled by the ddsauth command, which creates and manages authenticated sessions. These sessions are valid for 7 days.
The ddsuser command allows you to manage your own and, if you have administrative permissions, other user accounts. This includes inviting new users. Your invitation privileges depends on your account role.
How do I know which role my account has?
You can get information about your account by running ddsuserinfo (after authenticating)
Which account roles can I invite?
The technical overview has a detailed description of which actions each account role can perform.
From PyPI. Independent on operating system (OS), we recommend this option. Note that this does not apply to Uppmax.
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The following sections describe the installation process on MacOS / Linux and Windows, and how to load dds-cli on Uppmax.
Note that the sections describing installation from PyPI are focused on the install command, and do not provide a guide on how to verify the package integrity with checksums. Instructions on how to do this can be found at the bottom of this page.
The dds-cli package is a global module on Uppmax; No installation required. However, there are a few steps you need to perform prior to using it. These steps differ between Rackham and Bianca.
When there is a new version of dds-cli, Uppmax upgrades the version automatically the following day.
Verify the package integrity prior to installing it¶
Verify the package integrity prior to installing it¶
This installation guide is for those that want to verify that the dds-cli package published on PyPI is identical to the one you install locally, thereby catching potential (albeit unlikely) corruptions in the package prior to running the installation. Note that the hashes used to verify this are generated by PyPI itself, not by the Data Centre.
Your Data Delivery System (DDS) password will be used to protect your data from any
unauthorized parties. Choosing a secure password is therefore essential since the
password’s complexity will determine how easy it is to guess the password and thereby
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Some common password management services are Bitwarden,
LastPass, 1Password.
Using a password manager means that you need to keep track of a single password:
the password you set for the password manager.
All your other passwords are stored within the password manager,
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The DDS does not store the passwords in plain text; We cannot see what your password is or change it for you.
If you have forgotten your password, you will need to reset it. Resetting the password will remove your access from all delivery projects within the system. If you’re interested in the details behind this, please read the information box in section 2.6.CreatingaProject in the Technical Overview
The data is not deleted when you loose access to the data. The data is encrypted with a combination of encryption keys, and you will have lost access to use those keys. However, your access can be renewed:
After installing the CLI, you need to complete the following steps before you can start using it:
Set the CLI to point to the test instance by running the following command in the terminal / command prompt / PowerShell (depending on your OS, see below)