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Make Release

Philippe Marschall edited this page Jul 14, 2015 · 4 revisions

Release Early. Release Often

  1. Update the version number of Grease/Seaside in the code
  • GRPlatform >> #version
  • GRPlatform >> #seasideVersion
  1. Load all the latest code from and (distribution ready images are available from the [ build-server].
  2. Run the unit tests and make sure they all pass.
  3. Click through the functional test suite using the all server adaptors and all different encodings.
  4. Upate the Metacello config
  • see !ConfigurationOfSeaside3 >> #!DevelopmentProcess
  • see !ConfigurationOfGrease >> #!DevelopmentProcess
  1. Load Package-Dependencies and GraphViz from Generate the graph WADevelopment graphFunctionalDependencies: true tests: true and make sure the dependencies are valid.
  2. Prepare a list of [ resolved issues].
  3. Upload image/changes in a ZIP and one-click distribution to website
  • locally under /srv/
  • update links
  1. Announce the release in the mailing-list and on twitter.
  2. Update Past Releases.
  3. Update and fix this list.
  4. Repeat forever.
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