Objectives: Qualitative, inspiring statement
Key Results: 3-5 quantifiable, measurable results for an objective
Alpha release of Squad Chess (7/10)
- Real matches playable online
- Submittable and shareable components and formats
- Curation of components and formats
Make the stream good! (6/10)
- Good setup
- 12 streams
- 2 streams with guests
- 3 interactions w/ new viewers
Finish Squad Chess Alpha release
- 2 game developers get interested
- 10 community contributions to squad chess
- all KRs from Q1 alpha release
Alpha release of Squad SDK
Continue the streaming work
- 12 more streams
- tweet about streams
- 2 more demos w/ guests
Another game built on squad is consistently worked on
Better squad dev tools
Squad chess beta release targeting wider crypto audience
Squad game jam
Progress on whitepaper
Build a small, devoted community
- Beta release of Automatic Chess
- Alpha release of Squad Games
- 10 core contributions on github from not Jesse or Ezra
- 10 definition contributors
- 10 regulars on streams/discord
Explore funding options
- Describe 3 realistic funding methods
- Whitepaper brings in support, Continuous funding/ICO
- Kickstarter/Patreon
- Gitcoin
- 10 inquiries towards those funding methods
Publish a whitepaper
- 5 people from the community read it and understand Squad from it
- 3 people post about it on social media because they like the paper, not because they like us
- 1 well-known community figure mentions it
- 1 supporter/investor reaches out with serious interest
Governance DAO
- track and reward contributions
- place for fees to go
- control terms of service