- Ensure publishing dependencies are installed: twine
- Export helper enviroment variable:
export VERSION=<version>
- Update last update date in the man page
- Update the CHANGELOG
- Remove "N/New driver, ..." notes from the table of supported devices (and merge lines if appropriate)
- Update version in pip install liquidctl==version examples
- Regenerate the udev rules:
(cd extra/linux && python generate-uaccess-udev-rules.py > 71-liquidctl.rules)
- Commit:
git commit -m "release: prepare for v$VERSION"
- Run unit and doc tests:
python -m pytest
Then install locally and:
- Run my personal setup scripts:
liquidcfg && liquiddyncfg
- Test yoda:
extra/yoda --match kraken control pump with '(20,50),(50,100)' on coretemp.package_id_0 and fan with '(20,25),(34,100)' on _internal.liquid --verbose
- Test krakenduty:
extra/krakenduty-poc train && extra/krakenduty-poc status
- Test liquiddump:
extra/liquiddump | jq -c .
- Push HEAD:
git push origin HEAD
- Check all CI statuses (pytest, flake8 linting, and
list --verbose
- Tag HEAD with changelog and PGP signature:
git tag -as "v$VERSION"
- Build the source distribution and wheel (stash any changes to this file beforehand):
python -m build
- Check that all necessary files are in the
sdist - Check the contents of the
wheel - Sign both sdist and wheel:
gpg --detach-sign -a "dist/liquidctl-$VERSION.tar.gz"
gpg --detach-sign -a "dist/liquidctl-$VERSION-py3-none-any.whl"
- Push vVERSION tag:
git push origin "v$VERSION"
- Upload sdist and wheel to PyPI:
twine upload dist/liquidctl-$VERSION{.tar.gz,-py3-none-any.whl}{,.asc}
- Generate SHA256 checksums for the release files:
sha256sum dist/liquidctl-$VERSION{.tar.gz,-py3-none-any.whl} | tee "dist/liquidctl-$VERSION.sha256sums"
- Upgrade the vVERSION tag on GitHub to a release (with sdist, wheel, and corresponding GPG signatures)
- Update the HEAD changelog with the SHA256 checksums
- Merge the release branch into the main branch (if appropriate)
- Update the HEAD release-checklist with this checklist
- Update ArchLinux