Web application has the following pages:
- home page
- login page
- registration page
- logout page
- profile page
- edit profile page
- change password page
- report a swarm page
- about page
- Open Tickets page
- Resolved Tickets page
- Unresolved Tickets page
- Navigation bar with links for going between pages
- beekeeper login and sign-up
- multiple report swarms call to actions
- statistics about the company
- about the company links
- beekeeper information
- footer
Navigation bar with links for going between pages
beekeeper login and sign-up
progress bar
report a swarm form
Navigation bar with links for going between pages
beekeeper login and sign-up
about the company information
- Navigation bar with links for going between pages for staff
- table with list of open tickets with detailed information and links to tickets
- filter to filter tickets by assignee or reported by first name
- if table is blank "There are no tickets to show" is shown
- modal for instructions on how to use the search bar
- footer
- Navigation bar with links for going between pages for staff
- table with list of open tickets with detailed information and links to tickets
- filter to filter tickets by assignee or reported by first name
- if table is blank "There are no tickets to show" is shown
- modal for instructions on how to use the search bar
- footer
- Navigation bar with links for going between pages for staff
- table with list of open tickets with detailed information and links to tickets
- filter to filter tickets by assignee or reported by first name
- if table is blank "There are no tickets to show" is shown
- modal for instructions on how to use the search bar
- footer
Navigation bar with links for going between pages for staff
form is disabled by default and ticket boxes are needed to enable
feedback is given to the staff member once the ticket has been updated
admins have access to delete ppi (Personal and private information)
admins have access to delete a ticket