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GitHub R package version R-CMD-check test-coverage

An implementation of chartjs for R.

Still in it’s infancy .. still working out the API and function logic

So far including

  • chart types - bar (+stack, +horizontal), scatter (+line), doughnut/pie
  • axis scales - numeric, category, time …
  • shape/colour/size scales
  • theme control
  • add plugins
  • basic shiny
  • tools tips
  • still much todo … more shiny

plot gallery


# install.packages("devtools")


See vignette(package = 'chartjs4r') ‘live’ and deeper examples … only screenshots are presented for the GitHub README ..

Inputs can be a list of options as initialized in chartjs javascript, or a data.frame. The latter of which this package essentially builds the former.

A list of chartjs options

#> $type
#> [1] "bar"
#> $data
#> $data$labels
#> [1] 1 2 3 4
#> $data$datasets
#> $data$datasets[[1]]
#> $data$datasets[[1]]$label
#> [1] "dataset 1"
#> $data$datasets[[1]]$data
#> [1] 1 4 3 2
#> $options
#> $options$maintainAspectRatio
#> [1] FALSE
#> $options$resizeDelay
#> [1] 250
cjs_list_input_example() %>% 


cjs_example_data('bar') %>%
  chartjs(type = 'bar', x = letters, y = numbers) %>% 
  cjs_scale_cartesian(id = 'y', title.text = 'count',
                      ticks = cjs_ticks(callback = ticks_integer_callback(step = 1))) %>% 
  cjs_scale_category(id = 'x', labels =[1:5],
                     grid = cjs_grid(display = FALSE)) %>% 
  cjs_theme(title.text = 'A Chart.js plot', legend.position = 'none')

If you have a groups column

# includes a group column
cjs_example_data('bar', grouped = TRUE) %>%
  chartjs(type = 'bar', x = letters, y = numbers, group = group)

Or chain things

cjs_example_data('bar') %>%
  chartjs() %>% 
  cjs_add_bars(x = letters, y = numbers, label = 'from source data') %>% 
  cjs_add_bars(x = LETTERS[1:5], y = 5:1, label = 'from vectors') %>% 
  cjs_add_bars(x = x1, y = y1, label = 'from given data', 
               data = data.frame(x1 = LETTERS[1:5], y1 = rpois(5,5))) %>% 
   cjs_scale_color(backgroundColors = c('#181E20', '#045C94','#FFBB1C'))

Scatter plots

cjs_example_data('scatter') %>%
  chartjs(type = 'scatter', x = x_numbers, y = y_numbers) %>% 
  # fix documentation of these
  cjs_scale_cartesian(id = 'y', title.text = 'Numbers on Y',
                      min = -0.2, max = 1.2) %>% 
  cjs_scale_cartesian(id = 'x', title.text = 'Numbers on X',
                      min = -0.2, max = 1.2)

cjs_example_data('scatter') %>%
  chartjs() %>% 
  cjs_add_points(x = x_numbers, y = y_numbers, label = 'a') %>% 
  cjs_add_points(x = runif(12), y = runif(12), label = 'b') %>% 
  cjs_add_points(x = x1, y = y1, label = 'c', data = data.frame(x1 = runif(12), y1 = runif(12))) %>% 
  cjs_scale_color(backgroundColors = c(a = '#181E20', b = '#045C94', c = '#FFBB1C'), match_background_and_border = T)

Doughnut and pie charts

cjs_example_data('doughnut_pie') %>%
  chartjs() %>% 
  cjs_add_doughnut_pie(type = 'doughnut', x = letters, y = numbers)

cjs_example_data('doughnut_pie') %>%
  chartjs() %>% 
  cjs_add_doughnut_pie(type = 'pie', x = letters, y = numbers)

Tool tips

Using text literals in cjs_tooltip()

chartjs() %>%
  cjs_add_bars(x = letters, y = numbers, label = 'Data 1', data = cjs_example_data('bar')) %>% 
  cjs_add_bars(x = letters, y = numbers, label = 'Data 2', data = cjs_example_data('bar')) %>% 
  cjs_tooltip(label = 'x value: ${x}, y value: ${y}', 
              title = 'Dataset: ${label}', 
              footer = 'same for all')

What are shown on the in the tool tip using cjs_interaction_mode()

cjs_example_data('bar', grouped = TRUE, shuffle = TRUE) %>% 
  chartjs(type = 'bar', x = letters, y = numbers, group = group) %>% 
  cjs_interaction_mode('index') %>% 
  cjs_tooltip(title = 'All data in ${x}')