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105 lines (70 loc) · 2.13 KB

How to develop in local

The following guide will show you how to spin up this repo and develop locally.

Nextjs frontend

cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev

This will open a nextjs app at localhost:3000

Supabase local containers

Make sure you have already installed Supabase Cli, if not

brew install supabase/tap/supabase

for windows, refer this link

supabase init
supabase start

You can use the supabase stop command at any time to stop all services (without resetting your local database). Use supabase stop --no-backup to stop all services and reset your local database.

DB Migration

alembic will pick up all the new changes from sqlmodel. To push migration to the local Supabase docker container

cd backend
poetry shell

If this is the first time, run the to load the initial data


For ongoing alembic update, use

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "the scope for the migration"
alembic upgrade head

FastAPI backend

Make sure you have poetry installed before you start, if not

brew install poetry

Start a new poetry environment (python 3.10)

poetry use env 3.10

Activate the environment

poetry shell

Start the unicorn server

uvicorn main:app --reload

Type generate

Grab the openapi.json file from the backend Swagger UI. Then replace in frontend/lib/api/openapi.json.
Run npm run types:generate, it will generate a type file called v1.d.ts in the same folder.
TO DO: automate this in a MAKE file.

Linting check

Linting check is done via pre-commit hook. In file '.pre-commit-config.yaml', it has all the configuration for the check. For the first time running in local, in the root directory you need to (use poetry shell to activate python env first)

pre-commit install

Then the check will run while the code is being committed. Optionally, you can also run this hook for all files mannually.

pre-commit run --all-files