Farmer has to reach out to his Wholesaler/Retailer in differnet market areas to sell his produce/product, this unnecessary procedure delicates the process of material handling and also increases overhead on the producer, thus increasing the cost price of his product, since his target area is very miniscule and due to growing competition, the producer can't sell his produce and sometimes has to sell it cheap due to the short demands. This has resulted in most of the farmers havent been able to get the MSP of their produce.
This Market area will help the farmers to sell his produce to the customers directly and thus reducing the effort farmer has to make to reach to his customers, with this application, farmer can keep track of his selling power and how much time and money he can save by directly selling to the customer. Accordingly he can maintain his/her supply and demands thus also reducing the wastage.
User has the capability to create his account and starts selling, it will provide farmer a wider audience to cater to.