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File metadata and controls

74 lines (51 loc) · 3.43 KB


An evolving overview of the ContentMine architecture, used for openVirus. This architecture has evolved over many years but the CProject, and pipeline are now fairly stable. NOTE: this is OpenNotebook so we record it as it happens. We'll make it prettier later! Maybe in dotty.



The flow is L2R. documents in the source are read/crawled, processed, cleaned, annotated, searched and collected for analysis


(SI = "Supplemental/Supporting Info/Data").

These are the collections of documents we ingest. They are VERY varied in format, but reasonably coherent in abstract structure. Several are not routinely indexed by commercial academic search engines.

NOTE: some of these we may consume and index and remain pointing at online source. Others we may import the whole raw dump and process.


These are often undervalued as sources of knowledge. In fact much research is done by graduate students and recorded in greater detail than the "final publication", which often never happens. So we expect quite a lot of new stuff. And theses are peer-reviewed by examiners! Typical sources:

  • CORE. UK and other theses. Requires a login, so lower priority.
  • HAL. French repository. Easy to crawl and search.
  • British Library / EThOS. Andy Jackson working on this - top priority.

Format: Usually PDF (unstructured) or DOCX (semi-structured) Supplemental Info: Occasionally


Very exciting. Prime targets

  • arXiv (needs dump as crawlers discouraged). PDF (possibly TeX or Word)
  • biorxiv, medrXiv : crawlable. HTML and PDF, +SI. (expect XML soon).
  • COS-type preprints, chemRxiv. Lower priority. No scraper yet.

Open publishers

Royal Society has made all its pubs openly visible. We've agreed to scrape them. No scraper yet (needs headless).

Latin America and non-EN journals

Working with Redalyc to index Mexican OpenAccess literature. Need scraper.


WE alreday use this - getpapers uses its API. No specific work required. HTML, PDF and (I think) Suppdata


Nearly 4 million abstracts. Ready to do unsupervised indexing with SOLR. Later can use Facets.


Most of the flow is determined by a query which extracts a subset of one or more sources. (There may cases when the whole of a corpus in processed to create a further index (e.g. chemical)). There are these options:

API provided by corpus

EPMC provides a RESTful API which getpapers queries. The API (I think) returns all the hits as metadata and then getpapers retrieves the fulltext in separate subsequent calls. However it also uses a cursor at some stage and this may be to assemble the metadata. The API can also be accesed through curl.

API provided by SOLR locally

Clyde has started to develop this on (I think) the DOAJ metadata.


The hits are stored in a CProject. Initially this may be as little as a

  • a list of metadata,
  • it expands to CTrees, which gather `fulltext's which
  • are transformed to HTML
  • and futher processing and searching creates large directories.

summary data

A CProject also gathers


full.dataTables is a "spreadsheet" of hits (vertical) against bibliography, and facets (horizontal)


Directory tree of per-document cooccurrences.


Each hit is contained in a CTree, usually with fulltext (XML, PDF, HTML) all of which is transformed as far as possible to XHTML ("scholarly.html")