Since it is not necessarily desirable to install all the databases on the local host where this package is tested a Vagrant configuration for a fully configured virtual host is provided. To run the tests using this virtual host follow these steps.
Download and install:
- Virtual Box (if you do not have VMWare or Virtual Box installed)
- Vagrant
On Windows hosts: Install the Win-NFSD plugin from the command line in your project folder to enable NFS support for Windows hosts which is much faster than the default Virtual Box file system drivers:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd
The VM is configured using the Puppet Server Management tool. It relies on puppet modules which should be installed as git sub-modules, therefore, run:
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
On Windows hosts: Note that npm
doesn't play will with *nix VMs running on a Windows host because
symlinks do not work properly. Therefore, you should run npm install
now from the Windows terminal and
not the virtual host.
Start up your VM with the following command which will download the VM image, boot it up and configure the environment (install all dbs) the first time:
$ vagrant up
Now SSH into the VM to run the tests:
$ vagrant ssh
(Note: If ssh.exe is not found on Windows add C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin
to your path)
$ cd /vagrant
$ npm install
(If not done earlier)
You are now in the mounted project folder within the VM and can run tests as usual:
$ npm test
Once you're finished, be sure to shut down the VM from the host terminal:
vagrant halt
- Shuts the VM down, ready to start up again withvagrant up
.vagrant destroy
- Completely removes the VM from the system.
Puppet v3 is required for provisioning with the latest Puppet modules form Puppet-Forge. A shell provider is used during Vagrant provisioning to:
- Install wget if it's not installed already, and
- Update Puppet using
The Puppet Manifest will install:
- willdurand/nodejs and
- To run the tests as usual - thomasvandoren/mongodb
- puppetlabs/mysql
- puppetlabs/postgresql
- thomasvandoren/redis
Required dependencies:
- puppetlabs/stdlib - Required by
- puppetlabs/wget - Required by
- puppetlabs/apt - Used to setup a recent version of MongoDB
- puppetlabs/concat - Required by
- puppetlabs/gcc - Required by