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Signoz Component and Token Library Documentation


The Signoz SCSS Token Library is a collection of reusable design tokens that help maintain consistency in styling across your project. This documentation provides guidance on how to use the library and how to update it by adding or modifying tokens.


Installation Before using the SCSS Token Library, ensure that you have the following dependencies installed:

yarn add scss

Importing the Library

To use the scss token in the project install the @signozhq/ui-core package in the project.

yarn add @signozhq/ui-core

Configure webpack to use the token globally.

  • Create main.scss inside src/scss/main.scss and add the following code.
    @forward '@signozhq/ui-core/packages/token/build/tokens/variables';
  • Navigate to webpack.config.js inside the project
  • Configure scss
        test: /\.s[ac]ss$/i,
        use: [
            // Creates `style` nodes from JS strings
            // Translates CSS into CommonJS
            // Compiles Sass to CSS
                loader: sassLoader,
                options: {
                    additionalData: `@use "${resolve(
                    )}" as *;`,

Using Tokens

Once the library is imported, and configure globally you can use the tokens in your SCSS stylesheets:

.element {
  background-color: $color-primary;
  font-size: $font-size-lg;

Folder structure

├── lerna.json
├── nx.json
├── package.json
├── packages
│   └── token
│       ├──
│       ├── build
│       │   └── tokens
│       │       └── variables.scss
│       ├── build.js
│       ├── config.json
│       ├── package.json
│       └── tokens
│           ├── color
│           │   ├── base.json
│           │   └── font.json
│           ├── size
│           │   ├── border.json
│           │   ├── font.json
│           │   ├── size.json
│           │   └── typography.json
│           └── weight
│               └── font.json
└── yarn.lock

Updating tokens

Navigate to packages/tokens/tokens folder. You can find the .json file specific to what you want to changes.

As of now we have color, size and weight tokens.

For example: Want to update color base tokens, navigate and open color/base.json, add the base object.

  "color": {
    "base": {
      "gray": {
        "light": {
          "value": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.45)"
      "navyblue": {
        "light": {
          "value": "rgba(22, 104, 220, 1)"

Note: For updating size token just specify the number, it will convert to rem value at the time of creating the token.

Once the tokens are updates, run the following command to build and create a tokens

npm run build

Publishing the library

Update the version in package.json

Run the command to publish the update library

npm publish